Urban Living Designs Interior Designers in Bangalore
ce Design Trends to Follow This Year
June 7, 2018 admin Leave a comment Designing an o ce in a structured way will help to keep the o ce environment and employees motivated and inspired. Nowadays, the thought and the work that go into designing an o ce is as extensive as designing the home. Because Most, of the time we spend time in o ce on any given working day maybe even more time than they do at home. If we compare workplaces today to those of around a decade ago, there’s now a lot more
thought being put into the way we work, and how design or re-structural changes to the o ce environment can boost productivity for a more e cient. In this article we are explaining some of the o ce design trends you need to follow this year:
1. Collaborative workspace design:
Teamwork is a major key to success in any company, and encouraging more of it is only a good thing. More and more o ces are working on introducing collaborative spaces where colleagues can gather, put their minds together and share ideas. To really get the most out of these areas, ensure there’s plenty of tools around to help these meetings become as productive as possible – including interactive white boards, tablets/laptops, projector screens and comfy seating. Designing meeting areas keeping all these things in the mind is one of the rending o ce design ideas.
2. Authentic design:
The sudden surge in demand for authentic design right now is the ability of a designer to portray the commitment of the organization to its core values. Our job would be to create the physical environment that echoes not only what the leadership stands for or its employees but also the clientele they cater to. There’s no standard way of going about this, the key way forward would be to listen in carefully to what is asked of from the client. By gaining an understanding of the history, mission and objectives we can go ahead and create a design centered on these elements.
3. Technology integration:
Technology is the driving force which changes the way people and business operate. With a technologically enabled o ce setup, your employees can work smarter and also faster, both of which are quality bene cial for your business. The key for you to use technology is to help your employees address potential issues that are related to collaboration, communication, project management and also other critical business areas. When, you thinking to integrate technology into your o ce design, you have to make sure that you will include all the things that are required for the employees such as screens for presentation, video conferencing and many more in the proper place will maters a lot.
4. Inspiring walls:
One more pop artsy trend you need to follow in this year is that of bold wall art where it tells a story or makes a sort of connect with an individual. Some of the spaces can be embellished with the cool gra ti and pop art styled walls. It surely brings a contemporary and also gives a diverse look for your design concept and also permeates a space with a character.
5. Dynamic design: Nowadays exible working space is a trend we expect to continue to gain the prominence in 2018. The limitations of relying solely on open plan o ces where they frequently been exposed and been providing a multitude of working environments which is increasingly being seen as the answer to the problem. Modular furniture is improving, o ering lightweight and stylish options when building actual walls isn’t an option.
6. Biophilic designs:
Bringing the outdoors, indoors. Biophilia is a hugely popular design trend at the moment, and focuses on incorporating elements of the natural environment into buildings, in an attempt to improve health and wellbeing. With the use of natural materials, textiles, patterns and colours, as well as an improvement in natural & arti cial lighting, acoustic comfort, and many more elements it is thought that biophilic designs in the o ce can increase productivity by 8%, well-being by 13% and an increase in creativity and as a result. You may think with regard to beauty designed workplace can motivate your employees to no end. Take some time to re ect on the kind of culture, values, talent and also processes that will de nes your organization and also incorporate these factors into overall look of your o ce. We being the best o ce interior designers in Bangalore keeps all these points in mind and execute your o ce design in a well customized way by concentrating on your industry standards. So design your o ce interior in a well-organized way, increase your employee’s productivity and stay happy. Share this:
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Posted in: Interior design, o ce interiors Filed under: creative o ce design ideas, o ce design ideas, O ce Design Trends, o ce design trends 2018, O ce Design Trends to Follow This Year, o ce interior design, o ce interior design indeas, o ce interior designers in bangalore
� Reasons Why You Need To Decorate Interior with Plants
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