Teuri and her wish of modelling Written by: Claas Heck
Teuri is a little bumblebee living together with a bee family in a bee hive. She has two siblings which are around her age. Teuri used to play with them a lot in her childhood but now she is so big that she only hurts them and she can`t play with them anymore. Her secret is that she eats all of the honey the bees produce and she can`t tell anybody about her bad habits because she will get kicked out of her family. Her biggest interest is modelling but apparently she would never be able to participate in the contests in summertime. That makes her sad and often she ends up in an emotional eating. But the honey made her even fatter than the rest of the bees. One day after the prize giving she went to the place she hid her honey at and ate one hole cup of her favourite honey but she got caught by the serious bee Sara . Teuri said please Sara don’t tell my parents but Sara was adamant and went straight to the parents of Teuri. Alfons and Barbara were freaking out completely as they heard what she had done. They thanked Sara and asked her to leave the room for the following conversation.
Alfons started the conversation. He had a real bad look on his face that Teuri remembered from her childhood as she hit her sibling one time. Alfons said: ”See Teuri have you ever wondered why you are so different from the other bees? Teuri replied: Yeah I`m so much fatter than the other bees that’s why I`ll never be able to participate in the model contests. Alfons went on and said :”Look Teuri me and Barbara wanted to tell you way before but now we have to tell you because eating the produced honey is a serious crime…
Teuri you are adopted.” Teuri couldn’t believe it. The bees she believed to be the most important in her life were not even related to her and just picked her up on some flower in some neighbourhood garden. All of a sudden it all made sense to her she always thought her siblings were treated better than her and she couldn’t see similarities to them. One thing really bothered her though and she had to find out: ”Why am so much fatter than the other bees guys? Both of her “ bee parents” replied:” You are not a bee that’s why… you are a BUMBLEBEE. Those words hit Teuri like a punch in the face. Not only was she not related to what she thought were her parents. But she wasn’t even a bee. It all came crashing down around her ears and suddenly she didn’t want to see anybody around her ever again, not her fake parents not her fake siblings and not even her best friends. She asked the bees what the fine would be for eating all their honey. And Barbara said: ”You will have to leave the bee hive Teuri. But we will ask for more time to pack your stuff and say goodbye so maybe we have one week of time until you leave.” Unintentionally Teuri got really angry and shouted: ”I don’t need more time I’m done with you guys!” She broke out in tears grabbed her most important belongings and flew right to the next exit and out of the bee hive. She flew as long as her wings would carry her and as the day turned night she laid down on a nice warm flower and fell asleep instantly. Teuri dreamed of the modelling contests and saw herself winning it in her dream and being famous in the whole area around the flower gardens.
The next day she was lying in her nice daisy when a real loud buzzing noise suddenly woke her up. She opened her eyes slowly and couldn’t believe her eyes as she saw… Other BUMBLEBEES! and not just one they were all around her! She tried talking to one but it flew by so fast. “They must be in a big hurry” Teuri said to herself. She was really curious so she packed her property and flew the same way as the other bumblebees.
She followed them for a long time and just as she ran out of stamina and wanted to give up she got into a clearing and what she saw was just stunning. “What is this?”Teuri said to herself.
But she knew exactly what it was because it looked just like in her dream. It was a bumblebee model contest! It was the most beautiful flower field she has ever seen and the stage was just huge. At least a thousand bumblebees arrived from all different parts of the flower gardens. They were so many things around her that she wanted to have a look at so she just made her way through the flower field. There were bumblebees working on their tan, improving their smile in front of their reflection of a puddle and yet others were doing beauty sleeps. She was right in the thick of her biggest wish to be in a model contest. And all the models were fat! Probably fatter than Teuri herself.
She looked around and kept walking along the path there were less bumblebees after a while and she got up some stairs. She had a beautiful view from up here all over the flower fields. And the bumblebees started clapping and yelling. “Wait a minute! What is happening right now?” Teuri asked herself. But before she could fully realize what happened she got pushed on a runway. As she turned around she couldn’t believe her eyes! She got pushed by a group of modelling bumblebees! she could tell because they looked just like the models in her magazine Teuri tried explaining her situation and said: ”Hey I don’t belong here I got here accidentally.” Her voice sounded more hysterical than she wanted it to. The bee in the front knew those situations by experience and said: “ Just be confident you look beautiful there is no time for doubting your looks. Show those people what you got!” Teuri realized that there was no way out anymore. She stepped on the center of the stage where the other bumblebees went. And tried to copy the others. First round seemed to be posing and smiling round so she just put on her best smile and tried copying the way the others moved. Just from the clapping and yelling from the viewers she knew she was doing good and she was confident for the next round. After the posing and smiling round there was a short break. Teuri went backstage with the others and peeked around the room. She saw the most beautiful cup of honey that she had ever seen and just drank all at once. The other bees were terrified by her sudden confidence, They saw her drink the after party honey and were terrified by her confidence. While the competition was still going. Teuri noticed that it probably wasn’t the best idea as she had honey all over her face now. She went to the bathroom and cleaned her face. As she came back out the break was over and they had to go onto the stage again for the second round. They lined up in a row and Teuri went all the way to the end of the row, what she didn’t know was that this was the spot where she had to go first. The announcer made the callout for the next round: Let’s start with the skill performance! Teuri leaned back ready to look what the others had to offer but nobody moved! She was first and had no idea what to do!
She flashed threw her mind thinking about what she could do as she slowly went onto the middle of the stage: “What could I do? She saw a microphone and thought singing? Better not. Teuri had to find something different. She thought about other stuff and dancing came to her mind. But she couldn’t dance at all. She thought about what she was good at in bee school and suddenly she knew what she had to do! Gymnastics! she was always good at gymnastics! But what kind of move could she remember? A handstand and a somersault. She arrived in the middle
Everybody was keen on seeing her performance now. So she put her hands up made a role forwards and a handstand afterwards.
The applause was just stunning, the viewers had never seen something like this in a model contest before. Teuri happily walked back in the row. The other models were so distracted by this bumblebee just drinking honey in the middle of a show and performing perfect handstands and roles that they all choked on their own performances. The singing bumblebee had a voice crack, the dancing one tripped and so on…. The contest was over and the announcer asked the viewers who their winner was. They shouted the bee in the back the bee in the back! So he asked Teuri what her name was and Teuri said:” My name is teuri” he replied :” So teuri you are the winner of the bumblebee model contest 2015! The party afterwards was amazing and all the bumblebees congratulated her. Teuri was happier than ever before and thought why would I want to be a bee when I could be a bumblebee!