THE NAZARETH TRUST hEALING IN thE NAmE of JESUS SINCE 1861 - at tHe Heart Of CHristianitY
Heart unit off to A life-saving start PAGE 08-09
Dreams from thE West Bank PAGE 13
WINtEr 2014
PAGE 06-07
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It IS WIth GrEAt PLEASUrE thAt I WELComE yoU to thE ChrIStmAS EDItIoN of oUr NEWSLEttEr.
a welcome from our new cHairman
at tHis particularly precious time of year, wHen we remember tHe birtH of Jesus, we also Have tHe opportunity to reflect on wHy He was born - tHat we migHt Have life, anD Have it more abunDantly. and we remember our dear ones, whether they may be with us or not - and in all, we find comfort that our saviour continues to be ever-present in our walk with Him. those who took part in the Jesus trail this year spoke of how tangible that feeling of closeness became as they walked the land in galilee, visiting the same places He had and seeing the same landscape and vistas that He would have seen. While some of you may not be able to take that physical journey of the Jesus trail yourselves, you can still read and see in the pages here, that our walk together with Him continues. so it is with great pleasure that i welcome you to this Christmas edition – which also provides the ideal opportunity to introduce you to, and welcome, our new Chair of the Board, Morgan Jamieson. Having received universally positive feedback on the look and feel of the newsletter, we will keep our new design into the foreseeable future – Please see page 19 for news about our new name and do let us know what you think, but please do so in good time for our easter edition! so at this Christmas time we celebrate our lord’s birth and the things our love for Him help us to achieve – from 90 years of training thousands of nurses at our school of nursing to opening our brand new Catheterisation unit, which has already saved scores of lives. it was a joy to participate in the september celebrations and be able to meet so many of those involved with our school over the
years and to connect with the current generation of students. also, to be able to share the remarkable story of success of our new Catheterisation unit, was a true testament to the lord’s provision as well as a credit to all who have been involved. You will find further news about our work in the West Bank, including the moving story of Besan, a young girl we hope to bring to nazareth for lifechanging treatment. We were also able to provide direct and indirect support for those who suffered in the terrible conflict between israel and gaza earlier this year. Our Jesus trail sponsored walk in november 2015 will raise funds for our serve nazareth programme. serve has a considerable positive impact on all those who get involved, as well as those we serve through the Programme. On page 16 you will find nates’ testimony of his time with serve this year and a warming insight into his experience with us. nazareth village continues to break all previous records in the number of people visiting from across the world – with one inevitable outcome, that in experiencing 1st Century nazareth, more and more people are hearing about the life, times and teachings of Jesus. read more on page 13. if there is a theme running through the newsletter it is that we are stronger when we are together - whether that be the nazarene schoolchildren who
WINtEr 2014
started our fundraising efforts for the Catheterisation lab by asking 1,000 people in the poorest neighbourhood to donate 10 shekels – to the volunteers who tirelessly staff the hospital gift shop, quietly raising money yearon-year – or our friends in the United states who continue to support all we do in nazareth. in all of these, the message is clear – we cannot do what we do without you standing together with us. Our Christmas prayer is that we will be able to continue to make a real difference to the lives of all those in need, expressing His love in the best way we can, empowered and enabled by the generosity of our supporters everywhere. a warm and peaceful Christmas season to each of you and to all those you hold dear. i will leave the last word to scripture...
Joseph main, Chief Executive officer of the Nazareth trust therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. rather, in humility value others above yourselves... philippians 2:1-3
against tHe backDrop of tHe eternal purposes of goD, we live tHrougH tHe cHanging times anD seasons of life. SINCE oUr LASt NEWSLEttEr AShLEIGh DUNN hAS StEPPED DoWN from hEr roLE AS ChAIr AND my fIrSt tASk IS SImPLy to ExPrESS thE trUSt’S thANkS AND APPrECIAtIoN for ALL thAt ShE INItIAtED AND AChIEvED DUrING hEr tImE IN offICE.
at a personal level i am acutely aware of the importance and significance of the work of the nazareth trust, and of the challenges it faces. i am also mindful that in taking on this role i do so in cooperation with many committed and experienced coworkers, at all levels of the organisation – and that we share a collective reliance on the god who is our protector and provider. We increasingly live in a world of networks and links. this newsletter bears testimony to the extent to which the work in nazareth sits at the heart of a wide and diverse range of interconnected activities.
contents SAvING LIvES IN tImES of CoNfLICt
Patients injured in the gaza conflict were treated at our hospital, while on the West Bank we hope to make a young girl’s dreams come true.
Outreach clinics in the West Bank; a network of volunteers from around the world; engagement with israeli public health initiatives; collaborations with other charities; a legacy of trained nurses, many still working throughout israel and beyond; expanded specialist services to the regional population; and a much-valued international body of friends who faithfully sustain the work with prayer and practical support.
all of this finds common cause in a shared desire to have the privilege of being part of the answer to the prayer that His kingdom would come and His will be done.
mozI AND DEEk hELP tELL thE Story of JESUS
finally, coming as it does at the end of the year, can i just take the opportunity of this newsletter, on behalf of the trust, to wish all those who engage with us in this ministry a happy and blessed Christmas.
morgan Jamieson, Chair of the Nazareth trust
the Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. psalm 116:5
mINDING thE ShoP for morE thAN thrEE DECADES! 07 LIfESAvING mEDICAL UNIt – PoWErED by PrAyEr 08-09 the nazareth trust – at the beating heart of medical care in israel! CELEbrAtIoN mArkS LANDmArk for SChooL of NUrSING 10 90 years of nursing, thousands of people trained and hundreds of lives saved…
thE roLE of AN “AmbASSADor” for thE NAzArEth trUSt. 14 thE NAzArEth ProJECt INC. NEWS
DoNAtIoN formS
19 - At thE hEArt of ChrIStIANIty
our work in tHe west bank beDouin area can best be illustrateD by telling tHe story of a young girl we met wHile we were proviDing HealtH services to tHat community.
wHen He arriveD in nazaretH JosepH was acutely aware of tHe Dire situation in gaza – so tHe quietness of tHe town of nazaretH anD tHe surrounDing lanD struck a cHorD witH Him.
EIGht-yEAr-oLD bESAN, LIvES WIth hEr fAmILy IN A tENt, IN AN ArEA CALLED “AL mALEh” IN ArEA C of thE WESt bANk. thE tENt IS PArt of A CommUNIty of 13 vILLAGES – It hAS ALrEADy bEEN DEmoLIShED thrEE tImES - AND thE fAmILy ExPECt thAt It WILL bE DEmoLIShED AGAIN A foUrth tImE. the villagers living in this network of tents are from the northern valley of the West Bank, where their homes were destroyed in 1967, and since that time they have had to choose either to live in tents or leave. the original population consisted of 5,000 families who were displaced, now only 450 families remain.
hE fELt thAt EvEryoNE WAS WAItING for PEACE…
Joseph met the gazan patients and their families, and welcomed the two women and a young boy to the hospital. He explains: “the first lady i met was pregnant and had suffered lung damage. Her father was upset and concerned that some form of chemical munition had caused the damage. “But it was explained that her injuries were more likely to have been as a result of blast (de) compression or shock wave. she was one of the casualties who had been sheltering in a Un school, which was shelled. “thankfully an ultrasound indicated that the baby was fine.”
Joseph continues: “the young boy was a handsome 16 year old, with significant burns to the entire lower half of his body. “He had been with us for almost a week and was able to smile and joke with me while we were at his bedside. His father was relaxed and confident about his recovery. “the second young lady was in the vicinity of a tank round and suffered some orthopaedic trauma. Her husband and two very young children (conceived after ivf) were killed, but she was, at the time unaware of this - at the earnest request of her mother who had accompanied her to nazareth. “the young woman was talking of rebuilding her home with her husband and creating a play area for her children when peace comes.
a patient conference tried to convince the young lady’s mother that she should be informed of her terrible loss while in the care of our Hospital. this would allow for quality and compassionate psychiatric and counselling support while she was with us, as such care would be almost impossible to source in gaza, if at all.
• Here Dr Bisharat, Director of Clinical services talks to the Joseph about the patient’s progress and condition. (l to r: the patient’s father, Dr. Bisharat, Joseph Main, CeO, abdulla, Welfare association, rula Boules libbes, external relations Co-ordinator.
Where they live, there is no electricity, running water or infrastructure to support the communities, and building is forbidden. there are no schools in the area, so the small number of children who choose to pursue their education can only get to school by crossing a checkpoint, where they may or may not be allowed to cross. area C is fully under the control of israel, though the citizens are Palestinians of Bedouin descent. no medical service is provided in the area by israel or the Palestinian authority and the only provision at the present time are peripatetic services including those, provided by our staff of the nazareth Hospital.
Besan has been disabled from birth due to a problem with her legs and she is unable to walk. she has never before been seen by a doctor in her own community setting. four months ago, as part of the work of the nazareth Hospital in the area, one of our doctors saw her for the first time. Besan is one of 12 children in the family. Her father is a goat-herd, in a place where both the summer and winter months are harsh and their life in their tent is constantly uncertain... Yet Besan is a girl of strong character and she decided that despite her disability and the difficulties she experiences she would go to school and study. she also dreams of walking. Often our dreams may not be allowed or may not be possible, but Besan has allowed herself to dream like this. in a place without electricity, water, or any form of technology, she watches her siblings play, looks at the sky and holds on to her dreams. One day, as Besan was going to school in her wheelchair there was no room on the bus to take it with her.
• Besan still managers to find something to smile about.
Helping a young girl’s Dreams come true…
saving lives in times of conflict
for three patients transported from the chaos of gaza the Hospital provided a sanctuary where they were able to be treated for the injuries they had sustained during the fighting.
leaving it next to her tent for when she got home, she returned to find the same chair that she needs for her already limited mobility, broken into pieces. Her village then had to join together to buy her a new chair to replace it. seeing her determination, the staff of the Hospital that work in this area believe with her… *our opportunity now is to bring her to Nazareth, so that she can undergo testing and treatment to help her realise her dream, as we follow the example of ‘Jesus who went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people’ matthew 2:23 (niv) Besan is only one story among many we have seen over the last 12 months, and we are able to help a high percentage of the children we see just through the health checks and providing a supply of Medi-Boxes to each family. by rula boules libbes
If you’d like to help children like besan by making a Donation towards a medi-box please go to the donation form on page 19. - At thE hEArt of ChrIStIANIty
• emergency room team one of the teams whose patients took part in the survey.
minDing tHe sHop for more tHan tHree DecaDes! for our patients, tHe little luxuries mean a lot – anD a group of our kinDHearteD volunteers Have been making sure tHey’re wellsupplieD for tHe last 34 years.
patient survey gives great feeDback
staff at tHe nazaretH Hospital were celebrating after a ministry of HealtH patient satisfaction survey sHoweD its performance was well above tHe average. ANALyStS ExAmINED SUrvEyS tAkEN ACroSS 24 hoSPItALS IN ISrAEL WIth thE obJECtIvE of ChECkING hoW SAtISfIED PAtIENtS WErE WIth thE StAff, thE fACILItIES AND thE CArE rECEIvED.
Our hospital received excellent marks in all areas. from the standard of care given, to the quality of our nurses and doctors as well as overall experience. this results in the hospital coming out ahead of the national average.
We are committed to improving the in quality and safety and these results have given us a considerable boost to work even more diligently in these areas.” staff were delighted to find out that their hard work and dedication was appreciated by those they had treated in the hospital.
the quality of nursing was given a satisfaction rating of more than 90 per cent and treatment in the er came out a full 16 per cent higher than the national average.
randa elias, Director of Quality and safety said: “Working at the nazareth Hospital is very fulfilling employment in its own right but finding out that our patients think we do a good job makes it even more rewarding.”
Joseph Main, CeO said “these results are a significant endorsement of the work and dedication of all our staff caring for and healing the sick and wounded.
thE LADIES Who rUN thE hoSPItAL GIft ShoP StArtED thEIr GooD WorkS IN 1981, by voLUNtEErING to bUy mAtErIAL to SEW bEDShEEtS AND PILLoWCASES.
When the admission wing was opened, they raised money from a Christmas bazaar and started the gift shop in 1996. since then the volunteers – now numbering around 20 - have opened their shop every morning, selling hand-knitted items and things patients need such as pyjamas, underwear and toileties. three of the original group of ladies still volunteer, and many have been firm friends since school. now pensioners, they say they have the time and a calling to help the community through the hospital, and most of them also help other charities in nazareth.
fundraising very seriously – at one tea party event where bad weather stopped people attending, they bought back all the cookies and cakes they had baked and donated in the first place… thankfully this year their Christmas market was a huge success. We give our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of them for their hard work, the money they raise for our cause and the comfort they help bring to our patients and their visitors. “the king will reply, “truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”. matthew 25:4
the ladies say their work is very fulfilling, and their favourite patients are the children on the ward next to the shop, who pop round for toys and stories when they get bored. the ladies raise about 15,00020,000 nis (approx £5,000) every year and take their
• Christmas market volunteers rose, Badera, violette, nadera, ina'am, afaf at the Christmas bazaar this year.
• Mary and suad taking a break.
patient satisfaction survey results 100%
natiOnal average
87% 75%
77% 71%
90% 78%
90% 81%
83% 76%
86% 76% 70%
Overall Patient exPerienCe
HOsPitalisatiOn DePartMent
Care given BY DePartMent
Care given BY er
nUrsing staff
tHe nazaretH HOsPital %
COnDitiOns anD sUrrOUnDings
DisCHarge PrOCess
COnfiDentialitY anD COMMUniCatiOn
reCOMMenDatiOn inDex
natiOnal average % - At thE hEArt of ChrIStIANIty
tHe lifesaving meDical unit powereD by prayer many woulD agree tHat prayer ‘availetH mucH’ yet few of us expecteD tHe Journey to open our new carDiac catHeterisation unit woulD also bring us a reneweD anD strengtHeneD bonD witH our local community.
• Dr Mohammed amri Head of the Cardiology Department and the new toshiba Cath equipment.
I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. psalm 17:6 (niv)
Hussam salman, Director of Capital Development, confirms building the unit was not always easy, with obstacles such as the recent conflict stopping building material being available. Yet the construction team worked tirelessly to meet the final deadline because they saw the unit as an important community project. Dr Mohammed amri, Director of the Cardiology Department said: “Our first patient told us he was hesitant to have the operation in nazareth but was persuaded by our new modern equipment and skilled staff.
• Yael german Minster of Health speaking at the Cath lab opening and 90th son celebration.
It hAS SEEN oUr hoSPItAL StAff ACCLAImED by thE ISrAELI mINIStry of hEALth, thE PALEStINIAN WELfArE ASSoCIAtIoN AND thE brItISh AmbASSADor to ISrAEL. Here is the story of how our Cardiac Catheterisation Unit became a reality. Our Heart to Heart campaign was all about engaging with the nazareth community and including them in our mission ‘Healing in the name of Jesus’.
• the hospital executive team: left to right: afif Darawsheh, acting Head nurse; Waseem Dibbini, Chief financial Officer; Dr Bishara Bisharat, Head of Hospital and Director of Clinical services; randa elias, Head of Quality and safety; tzipi tzikvashvily, Head of Human resources; Dr Basil fahoum, Deputy Head of the Hospital; Hussam salman, Head of Capital Development.
samar samawi, assistant to the Head of the Hospital, who coordinated the community campaign, said: “a community fundraising programme of this size had never been done before.”
“the state-of-the-art unit is already considered one of the best in the country. also, our team has been joined by Dr akram afu elfoul, a specialist in cardiac catheter disease and one of the brightest experts nationally - so our first patient was in very safe hands. the patient, a 42-year-old local man from nazareth told a national newspaper: “i was amazed by the modern and professional medical staff services, and i am delighted to be the first catheterisation patient for the Hospital. thanks to them, i am now fit and healthy.
“Over a period of almost two years children and adults, poor and rich, cheerfully and generously gave and became our partners as they committed all their heart to serving those with heart disease.” More than £1m was raised for the Heart to Heart Campaign, with the money coming from the nazareth community, former patients, the Welfare association, the israeli government and also international donors.
• Joseph Main CeO speaking at the opening ceremony.
Dr Bishara Bisharat, Head of the Hospital said: “initially, the unit was just a dream, and there were so many reasons why it would not come true. “But all the prayers, love and support we gained from the local community and beyond motivated us to move forward in faith, and work to make this happen. “the unit was opened in september, during a ceremony at the Hospital attended by an audience of donors, community leaders, clergymen and government officials. “since then, we have seen more than 50 successful catheterisation procedures, meaning we are saving lives and improving the quality of life of many with cardiac problems.
“this is vitally important, as the rate of heart disease among the arab population in israel is higher than in the West. it has been proven that when the patient obtains timely treatment, catheterisation reduces mortality from heart attacks. “i would like to thank all the staff involved in the process of building, fundraising and running the Unit. also, i thank god for His blessing to the place and the wisdom and strength given to all to make this dream come true for the benefit of the local community.”
“We are committed to serve according to identified need in the community, following the steps of founders of the hospital - a legacy of 153 years.”
• fund raising discussion with the Welfare assocition and major donor Mr Hatem zoabi. - At thE hEArt of ChrIStIANIty
celebration marks lanDmark for scHool of nursing
• school of nursing staff and students celebrate.
tHe year of 2014 Has been an exciting anD yet somewHat uncertain one for tHe scHool of nursing. It WAS A yEAr thAt mArkED thE 90th ANNIvErSAry of thE SChooL’S oPENING, thE CELEbrAtIoNS WErE ENJoyED by ALL AND A hUGE SUCCESS IN rAISING AWArENESS of thE SChooL.
• amal khazin Director of the school of nursing with friends and alumni.
israeli Minister of Health, Yael german, said: “the 90 years that the school of nursing has existed is something that cannot be ignored. “it is a testament to the staff who have worked there in the past, those there at present and the nurses being educated. the Deputy Head of Higher Council of education, faizal azaizeh, said: “the school has always done a fantastic job in educating and producing top quality nursing staff, and continues to do so.” the graduation ceremony in september of this year illustrated the successes of the students. an astonishing 114 out of 116 students graduated, with the vast majority picking up the very highest grades. the ceremony also attracted the Mayor of nazareth, ali salam, who said to the graduates: “i have never seen such a large number of graduates in a higher educational institution.
“You have all done brilliantly to come this far, and i wish you all the best of luck in your future roles as qualified nurses.” the nursing students for the 2014-15 year are proud to have started their education in a school with such a well-recognised reputation for preparing nurses to succeed. student applications in 2014 was at a record level, with many young people applying. However, due to the school of nursing, to a certain extent, being in a place of uncertainty on if their existing nursing course can extend to Ba level, only 90 students joined us in september to start their nursing education. this is a lower number than usual but does mean a very high calibre of student. But if our nursing course becomes Ba level accredited, that will ensure the sustainability of a programme that has been incredibly successful “We consider all this success to be a miracle when you realise that other institutes are fully accredited and have a huge budget for facilities and advertising,” said Dr amal khazin the school of nursing Director. “We thank god, the members of staff and, of course, the students for the success we have had over the last year.”
11 Jesus leaDs tHe way for walkers our committeD group of Hikers tackleD tHe 55 mile walk to raise casH for tHe scHool of nursing. for oUr tWo frIENDS from LoNDoN, thE qUIEt rUrALIty of thE JESUS trAIL WAS A toNIC INDEED!
ken and Bunty Mclennan are former missionaries with ClC bookshops and have supported the nazareth trust over many years. Here, ken tells his story of participating in the most recent Jesus trail sponsored Walk: the recreation of life in Jesus’ day allowed us to visit the nazareth village, close to the nazareth Hospital making the first day of the trail a fascinating experience as we walked in ‘first century mode’. early the following morning our team, led by shaun of the nazareth trust and our guide Hani, strode out of the Hospital gates in the bright morning sun.
Would you like to experience the sights and sounds of Jesus. Why not join us when we walk the Jesus trail from November 16th to 22nd, 2015. contact shaun
every day additional walkers joined the team, students at the school of nursing, faculty members of the school or members of staff from the hospital. all were delightful and they were a great asset to the group. We made great progress and were soon surrounded by the peaceful agricultural fields in the zippori national Park, in sight of the low lying hills which have remained virtually unchanged since Jesus walked the exact same trail. for us, to picture him in the company of his band of disciples walking on ahead of them, was not a difficult task and was very moving for everyone. Cana, the town where Jesus performed the first miracle of his public ministry, was our destination for the first day. the following days included visits to the tomb of Jethro - Moses’ father-in-law, the Mount of Beatitudes, the traditional site of Jesus’ sermon and Capernaum the town at the centre of Jesus’ ministry on the shores of the sea of galilee. We also had the moving experience of sailing on that very sea…
the views were often stunning, for example, from the Horns of Hattin and Mt arbel with their sweeping views of the arbel valley and the sea of galilee sparkling in the bright summer sun. even if getting down to sea level from atop arbel was an interesting challenge in itself! Our accommodation along the trail was excellent - from a beautiful hotel, with a swimming pool in kibbutz lavi, to the rustic cabins at Moshav arbel. food provided for the team was always delightful, whether it be a first class hotel or a forest glade.
On the evening we returned to Nazareth we attended the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the School of Nursing which was a privilege for everyone who attended. Before we left for home a visit to the hospital and its new Heart Catherisation Ward, reminded us that the hospital in nazareth is a demonstration of excellence in medical care – and an enormous credit to god’s kingdom.
During the trail we regularly stopped to visit historic buildings and archaeological sites. - At thE hEArt of ChrIStIANIty
13 inspiring worDs at workers’ retreat
tHis years workers retreat was a success witH tHe largest attenDance in seven years meaning tHat a coacH as well as private cares were neeDeD for transport. More than 70 people , made the trip to nuns st Monseur in Jerusalem where this year’s retreat was held. guest speaker Joseph Main, CeO, used speaking sessions and group work to address the important question: “How to be living as a Christian at the nazareth Hospital eMMs” with the worship at the retreat being led by rani saba and his wife, rasha. the weekend saw Joseph encouraging all those attending by reinforcing the need of the servant heart of ministry, using the example of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples.
mozi anD Deek Help tell tHe story of Jesus
smiles at summer camp tHis year’s cHilDren’s summer camp saw a fantastic turn out of almost 70 cHilDren on tHe first Day, all smiling from ear to ear anD brimming witH excitement. WIth hELP of thE ChILDrEN’S EvANGELICAL fELLoWShIP (CEf) oUr vISItorS WErE GAthErED IN thE AUDItorIUm, WhErE thE DAy kICkED off WIth thE SPIrItUAL hoUr INCLUDING A bIbLE Story, bIbLE vErSE tEAChING, SoNGS AND GAmES.
Joseph also, reminded each person that they had a story to tell – their testimony – and , that in telling their story, no one can disagree because it isa personal story between them and god.
the children enjoyed lunch in the campus and got to try their hand at arts and crafts, sports and drama.
sunday saw everyone share a memorable communion service, led by Mike Monokian who was visiting from america with his lovely wife Clairie.
there wasn’t one child without a smile on his or her face for the whole afternoon. You could feel the happiness and excitement filling the air.
the final activity of the retreat took the group to a visit of the Old City of Jerusalem.
During the camp the children also had a fantastic opportunity to visit the nazareth village.
those who attended expressed their thanks to Joseph, rani and rashi, Mike Claire as well as the rev suhiel Bathish and the Pastoral Care Committee, for such a blessed weekend. 12 hEALING IN thE NAmE of JESUS SINCE 1861
“therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing’ 1 thessalonians 5:11(niv)
the children were taken on a guided tour around the village, including visits to the old houses, the synagogue and the carpenters’ house. at the end of the four-day camp the children got to sample a taste of the traditional meal of nazareth - Pita with lebneh and thyme. giving the children this experience wouldn’t have been possible without the help of the volunteers from serve and the hospitals sports and social team. We give all the praise and thanksgiving to the lord for the success of this camp.
eacH year tHousanDs of scHoolcHilDren tour tHe nazaretH village – 80 per cent of tHe young visitors are muslim.
the star of this short film is Mozi, a time travelling donkey who tells the story of Jesus through animations and real footage. for the Muslim school children it is often the first time they have heard of Mozi - nazareth’s most famous citizen. the film is a huge hit with the children as they laugh with delight at the donkey’s antics. Having watched the film the visitors then get to experience the same childhood activities they have just seen - from riding donkeys, feeding sheep to weaving wool and playing games. another popular character is Deek the cockerel – who genuinely believes he is part of the sheep family. Deek, which translates as ‘rooster’ in arabic, does everything that a sheep would do!
He sleeps with the sheep, headbutts the ram and ewes to fight over food and leads the herd to and from the pen every morning and evening. flouncing at the head of the line keeping the sheep in check as the shepherd instructs from behind. in the week that daylight saving time came into affect – Deek did not acknowledge the extra hour. Whilst the sheep stayed with their shepherd, Deek stomped back to the pen to sulk by himself, crowing uselessly for an hour before the shepherd returned with his sheep. How often are we like the rooster, thinking that we know better than our shepherd?
“Jesus said, ‘I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me’ John 10:14 (niv) - At thE hEArt of ChrIStIANIty
tHe nazaretH proJect inc. news
• Peter turnpenny with fellow trustee, Joanna storrar Chair of the external relations Committee.
JASoN ALLGIrE hAS bEEN WorkING hArD for tWo AND A hALf yEArS to SUPPort thE hoSPItAL AND SChooL of NUrSING. Our state-side friends raise lots of money to help the nazareth trust projects . Here we look at their contributions to the school of nursing and the new catheterisation Unit.
tHe role of an “ambassaDor” for tHe nazaretH trust. ratHer tHan retire from tHe boarD of trustees at tHe 2013 agm, peter turnpenny was askeD to stay on for a final tHree year term, witH tHe aDDitional role of ambassaDor for tHe nazaretH trust. from 1972-74 PEtEr WAS AN EmmS StUDENt At ‘thE mISh’ IN EDINbUrGh. hE fIrSt vISItED thE hoSPItAL vEry brIEfLy WhEN hE SPENt A moNth At thE thEN bAPtISt hoSPItAL IN GAzA IN 1975, AND thEN ComPLEtED hIS ELECtIvE AS A mEDICAL StUDENt IN NAzArEth IN thE AUtUmN of 1976.
this was not to be. Peter, alison and their two daughters left for nazareth in april 1983 for Peter’s new job as a paediatrician and anaesthetist. they returned home in 1990 – with four daughters!
thinking that this was the end of the road as far as nazareth was concerned, Peter and his wife, alison, prepared themselves for working somewhere else in the world.
“even now i have a strong feeling of being at home when i am there, even though the hospital has changed and developed hugely in 20 years.
“the role of a nation’s ambassador is to represent its government and its interests, demonstrating unswerving loyalty to that government, and to inform and advise on the local situation.
His current career in clinical genetics was inspired by dealing with rare birth malformations and genetic diseases among the Arab population of Galilee. Peter said: “i joined the trustees in 2004 having felt that nazareth had imprinted the Dna of my medical career from start to finish.
“But as an ambassador it is also their duty to care for the emigrant citizens of the nation they represent, so are accountable to both a higher authority and citizens who may need help. “it’s not just about ‘doing’, it’s also about ‘being’, and i will seek to fulfil the role and duties of the nazareth trust’s ambassador as time and occasion requires,” said Peter.
“If you are interested in arranging one of our trustees or team from the head office to come and speak at an event please contact "shaun newton at 14 hEALING IN thE NAmE of JESUS SINCE 1861
Jason had read so many stories and seen so many pictures of the staff and students, the buildings, equipment, the city and the hillsides, he felt as though he almost knew everything and everyone. But in september 2014 it all became very real, when Jason and his wife spent two weeks in nazareth hiking along the Jesus trail to raise scholarship funds for student nurses.
Help to funD tHe carDiac unit after succeeding in a rigorous and intense application process with the UsaiD, american schools and Hospitals abroad (asHa), the nazareth Project (nPi), was thrilled to be awarded $500,000. this grant will go towards the purchase of echocardiogram (eCg) equipment, twelve cardiac monitors with two control systems, and a cardiology picture archiving and communications system. Dr robert Martin, long-time nPi board member and previously a
• Jason and his wife Janae will forever be part of the history of the hospital and in turn, it is part of their lives.
Jason says his experiences in nazareth and the people he met have completely changed the way he does his work. He was only there briefly and was a serve volunteer for just one day, visiting the chaplaincy department volunteers and working on “the land” at nazareth village, but Jason can now talk about the programme personally. He says he was hugely moved by walking through the halls of the
Hospital and the school of nursing, meeting the people, seeing the nazareth of the past and present and imagining the shape it might take in the years to come. Making personal connections with people like Jason and Janae is incredibly powerful. the hospital needs more and more help from individuals, who learn all about the on-going work in nazareth and spread the word.
chairman, reflected on this fantastic accomplishment of the first catheterisation procedures.
the few lucky people to see just how much the hospital has developed over the years.
“i have been looking forward to the day when the new cardiac catheterisation facility would be ready for use,” he said.
On behalf of all the patients and their families who will be helped by the new cardiac catheterisation services, nPi would like to thank all of those involved both before and during the application process and the successful administration of the grant funds that made it all possible.
“i feel almost as excited as the day 43 years ago when i received the first heart monitor at the nazareth Hospital and put it into use! “it gives me great satisfaction to see these improvements at the hospital under the capable leadership of the current administration and staff.” Having served at the hospital as an intern from 1971 to 1978, and then as Hospital Director from 1988 to 1995 Dr Martin is one of
in particular, we offer thanks to the fuller family who gave a thoughtful and very special leaving gift to the unit in loving memory of their parents, Dr and Mrs Morris and elizabeth fuller – formally spokane, Washington, and nazareth trust volunteers. - At thE hEArt of ChrIStIANIty
2015 appeals
nate’s Diary reveals an amazing summer of ministry anD opportunity
thE NAzArEth trUSt WILL bE rUNNING A NUmbEr of APPEALS IN 2015 – hErE’S A roUND-UP.
serve reunion former servers are being asked to come along to the serve reunion, set to take place over the weekend of 14 and 15 november, 2015. We’re hoping as many as possible can attend, to share how their time with serve prepared them for future ministry and their stories of what they have gone on to do after their time in nazareth. throughout the reunion, group activities will be organised including the serve reunion sunday evening Chapel service.
this year’s summer appeal raised more than £62,000, and all the funds were used to support the victims of the conflict treated at the al ahli Hospital in gaza City.
“it was a long day in the sun, but it was fun to work with the people there and be a help to them.”
for nate’s second placement he moved to the hospital’s physiotherapy department.
nate then had the opportunity to travel round the galilee region visiting sites of biblical accounts such as Cana and the hill where Jesus gave the sermon on the Mount and fed the five thousand.
He said: “this has been truly awesome. i was able to confirm my desire to make this my work place because i love everything that is happening in this department.”
nate spent the remainder of his trip on placement on the Medical Ward of the hospital as an assistant nurse, and with the Child evangelism fellowship programme in nazareth, which organises youth camps.
now he’s back in the Us, nate says he will greatly miss the people of nazareth who had such an important effect on him throughout his time there.
“this is an interesting place to be working as i plan to work in the medical field in the future, so it’s a great opportunity to gain experience in a semi similar setting,” he said. “it’s interesting to hear what the patients are going through. Many of them asked me to pray for them even though they know that i am Christian, where they are usually Muslim.”
“i’d jump at the opportunity to return in a heartbeat,” he said.
“For me, each day is a reminder of God’s goodness to me, and I thank Him for all those who have given their support in my time in Nazareth.”
meDi-box – emergency response on tHe move imagine living in a place where you did not have access to running water so couldn’t bathe or brush your teeth - a place where there is no nHs or 24-hour healthcare available? this is the situation in which we operate in the West Bank as experience by Besan and her family (featured on page 5). We know that the first line of defence for an injured child is basic first aid and personal hygiene – which will all be contained within our Medi-Box. the Medi-Box will contain a remarkable amount of practical equipment for treating cuts, minor burns and infections, and provides anyone with the opportunity to treat a small wound and protect a child, or adult from deadly infection. in 2014, we had sad stories of children who died because of bee or scorpion stings, and even a child who died after breaking his arm in a fall – all due to lack of access to medical supplies. You can help provide hope and encouragement in helping families who need it most.
a better peDiatric warD following on from our ‘Heart to Heart’ campaign we are now committing to investing a significant amount of resources into our paediatric services. Our plans will see our current paediatric ward not only refurbished but extended to provide state-ofthe art facilities.
Our thanks go to the international red Cross for being an conduit to the al ahli Hospital, and to everyone who donated.
• nate with children of nazareth friends.
nate said: “My job in the village was a builder. i dressed up in first century clothing and helped build structures as well as working with wood and tearing old buildings down.
west bank/ gaza appeal upDate
• nate volunte ring at the na zareth village .
oNE rECENt NAzArEth trUSt vISItor from thE US, NAtE robErtS, kEPt A DEtAILED DIAry of hIS trIP – AND SAyS hE ENJoyED AN AmAzING SUmmEr of mINIStry AND oPPortUNIty.
nate, a serve volunteer, started his journey with a tour of the hospital, and spent most of his first week working at the nazareth village - a recreation of a first century village in israel.
a Medi-Box is perfect as an alternative gift for that occasion or anniversary.
a £2m programme will be launched in 2015. Watch this space for more details or contribute now by using the reply slip on page19.
give a motivational gift to friends and family that could save a life. the initial cost for the provision of a Medi-Box and the maintaining of stock levels for a whole year is only £50. Please use the reply slip to partner with us in on the Medi-Box appeal if you would like to help Besan and other children and families like her please support in any way you can.
prayer Donation meDi-box £50 per box: no. item description 1. Micropore tapes 2. sterile gauze 3. gauze forburns 4. analgesic 5. Pain relief for burns 6. Burn cream 7. antiseptic solution 8. sterile gauze for wound dressing 9. latex gloves 10. antiseptic wipes 11. Cold packs 12. Plasters 13. Cotton wool 14. eye dressing 15. Wet wipes 16. Bandages 17. eye wash 18. thermometer 19. Blood pressure monitor
HeaD office prayer time Head Office meets to pray every thursday morning, so it would be appreciated if telephone calls could be made after 10:30am. We’d also welcome any prayer requests!
tHe nazaretH trust app launcH We are extremely happy that the nazareth trust news and app for iPhones, iPads and android phones has been released in the Uk. giving has never been easier - now donors can “give on the go” from the palm of their hand. the easy-to-use free app requires no registration, and also gives people a quick and easy way to keep up-to-date with news and updates from the website including events, photos and the prayer wall. - At thE hEArt of ChrIStIANIty
انتلاسر n give thanks for the commitment of the hospital to serve all those in need, regardless of their circumstances, and pray that the lord will make His love known through the staff as they serve and care. give our leadership the wisdom and courage to make the right decisions. n Pray for the staff in the Hospital and the school of nursing to help them to know Jesus better. n give thanks for those who have served the School of Nursing through its first 90 years, and for the opportunities which lie ahead. Pray for Dr. amal khazin, the Director and her staff.
n Pray for all involved with the work and ministry of the Nazareth village. Pray that the village will be a powerful testimony both within nazareth and to visitors from across the world of the teachings and life of Jesus. n Pray for the SErvE Programme - for Christine and Jane as they plan and deliver the programme including the serve reunion and Jesus trail sponsored Walk in november 2015. n Pray for the volunteers who visit the campus from all over the world, some for just a few weeks, others for six months or longer.
PAGE 08-09
Go to our website to
n give thanks for the work of the Chaplaincy team. Pray for Chaplain suheil, and that more volunteers will feel called to work alongside him.
the literal arabic translation is “this is our message telling you of our mission and vision for the future”
n Pray for the Christians of the Land of all traditions and backgrounds. ask that the lord will build them up in their faith, that the light of His love may shine brightly where He lived, laughed, died and rose again.
make a one-off Donation:
n Pray for the trustees as they work to guide the nazareth trust through challenging times, so that they may know the leading of god.
let us know what you think… email shaun at or write to him at Head office: the Nazareth trust, Laurel Gables, Claude Street, hetton-le-hole, tyne & Wear, Dh5 0AU.
i would like to give a donation of £....................... for...................................................................... n gift aiD: Please treat as gift aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made today, in the past and in the future. i confirm i have paid or will pay an amount of income tax and/or Capital gains tax for each tax year (6 april to 5 april) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community amateur sports Clubs (CasCs) that i donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. i understand that other taxes such as vat and Council tax do not qualify. i understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that i gave up to 5 april 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that i have given on or after 6 april 2008.
signed: ..................................................................................................... Date: .......................... ............................................................... name (Block Capitals):................................................................................................................................................................................ address: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................. Post Code: .................................................................................. telephone: ....................................................................... email: ................................................................................................................. return address: the Nazareth trust, Laurel Gables, Claude Street, hetton-le-hole, tyne & Wear, Dh5 0AU.
make a regular Donation witH a stanDing orDer: My Bank’s name:..........................................................................................................................................................................................
fortnigHtly prayer cycle
Week 1
we’ve cHosen tHe new name for our new-look newsletter!
prayer points
December 2014
My Bank’s Postal address: .........................................................................................................................................................................
Pray for the patients in the Hospital. May god grant them swift healing and freedom from pain. Pray also that the Hospital may be a witness to them of the love and compassion of Christ.
Pray for the staff of the Hospital, at all levels. as they deal directly or indirectly with patients, may they be provided with strength, patience and love in all the tasks they undertake.
Pray for the people of nazareth. May god’s peace rule in their lives as they live and work in the town of Jesus’ childhood. Pray for unity amongst the Christians of nazareth.
Pray for the Hospital Chaplains. May their work bring people to a new and deeper knowledge of Jesus. May they bring His peace to those in need and His comfort to those in pain.
Pray for those in the Hopital who do not know Jesus as their saviour. May the love of god be revealed to them through the work and service of the nazareth trust.
Pray for the Hospital Chapel services held on Wednesdays, thursdays and sundays. ask god to bless them so that He may be glorified and that all who attend will be taught and encouraged.
Pray for the future of the work of the nazareth trust and all we try to do. Pray for wise decisions, adequate finances and a steadfast commitment to showing god’s love in action.
.................................................................................................................. Post Code: ..................................................................................
please pay by banker’s standing order, cancelling any previous instructions regarding this payee: Pay to: the Nazareth trust Account Number: 00111367 bank of Scotland Sort Code: 80-02-28 amount: (figures) £ ............................. amount: (Words) ..................................................................................................................... Date of 1st Payment: ........................................................................... Pay due day/date every month: .............................................
frequency: n Weekly n Monthly n annually n Until further notice n or Date of last Payment: ......................................
Week 2
name of My account: .................................................................................................................................................................................. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and of the entire Holy land. May god open the eyes of all the peoples of the land that it is only through His love and forgiveness that healing and safety can come.
Pray for the many and varied volunteers who come to serve on the campus. May they be blessed richly as well as bringing blessing to us and the people of nazareth through their service.
give thanks for those who support the work of the nazareth trust. ask god to show them His path as He calls them so they may come closer to Him to show others His grace and love.
visit the prayer wall at 18 hEALING IN thE NAmE of JESUS SINCE 1861
give thanks for the school of nursing and its ministry. May both staff and students be able to achieve the very best, and learn of god through their study of caring and service to those in need of care or who are suffering.
give thanks for those who guide the work of the trust - the Board and excutive team. ask god to give them the wisdom and drive to achieve great things in His name as they serve Him with humility.
give thanks for the wonderful ministry of the nazareth village. ask god to bless all the staff and volunteers and to bring increasing numbers of visitors to understand Him more deeply through the parables that Jesus told.
ask god to open the eyes of His people throughout the world to the plight of Christians in the land. as more people learn of the work of the nazareth trust, may our work and message bless Christians wherever they are.
account number: .............................................................. sort Code:............................................................................. ........................ i hereby authorise you to set up this standing order payment on my account. signed: .................................................................................................... Date: ........................................................................................... name (Block Capitals):................................................................................................................................................................................ address: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................. Post Code: .................................................................................. telephone: ....................................................................... email: ................................................................................................................. return address: the Nazareth trust, Laurel Gables, Claude Street, hetton-le-hole, tyne & Wear, Dh5 0AU. - At thE hEArt of ChrIStIANIty
Healing in the name of Jesus since 1861 1861 شفاء باسم يسوع منذ 1861 ריפוי בשם ישוע מאז tHe nazaretH trust (HeaD office) laurel gables, Claude street, Hetton le Hole, tyne & Wear, DH5 0aU england telephone: + 44 (0)191 5 20 80 30 fax: + 44 (0)191 5 20 80 30 Email:
tHe nazaretH trust (israel) nazareth Hospital eMMs P. O. Box 11, nazareth 16100, israel telephone: +972-(0)4-602-8888 fax: +972-(0)4-657-5912 (administration office) Email: the nazareth trust is the operating name of eMMs nazareth eMMs nazareth is a company limited by by guarantee registered in scotland – Company no sC 225661 eMMs nazareth isa charity registered in scotland : Charity nu: sC 032510 registered as a foreign owned company and not-for-profit institution in israel – no 560019945