D5297_NAZARETH TRUST NEWSLETTER SUMMER S7_Layout 1 03/07/2017 11:14 Page 1
THE NAZARETH TRUST HealinG in THe naMe oF Jesus sinCe 1861
RESALATUNA our Mission and MessaGe
suMMer 2017 newsleTTer
Re-enactment pointS to new beGinninGs
PaGe 11
Sign up to cycle the Jordan Valley
PaGe 05
Go to our website to donate now www.nazarethtrust.org
PaGe 14
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suMMer 2017 iT is wiTH GreaT Pleasure THaT i welCoMe you To THe suMMer ediTion oF our newsleTTer.
chaiRman’S foRewoRd THis issue oF THe newsleTTer TesTiFies To THe FaCT THaT THe TrusT is in a season oF CHanGe wiTH new FaCes and new oPPorTuniTies. in nazareTH, dr HakiM is now in PosT as MediCal direCTor and is brinGinG THe beneFiTs oF His exPerienCe and leadersHiP To THe Many CHallenGes oF THe role.
Waseem Dibbini, after several years of much-valued service as our Chief Finance Officer, has taken on added responsibilities as Deputy CEO, thereby strengthening our management team. In Edinburgh, Dan Reynolds has recently joined us as Director of Business Development, Communications and PR and is beginning to engage the need to enhance the Trust’s profile and activities in the UK and beyond. We are very grateful to God for these appointments and would invite your prayers for each as they take on new responsibilities. In the midst of the new, there are older issues which still persist. As many of you know, there are three hospitals in Nazareth, with the other two being operated by separate Orders within the Roman Catholic community. Although there are areas of cooperation, the hospitals have largely developed independently in terms of the services they provide.
This leads to overlaps and gaps in service provision. It also creates lost opportunities for specialisation and can cause the inefficient use of what are often limited resources. Our primary motive is to meet the needs of the population we seek to serve in Christ’s name and there are strong arguments for the three hospitals working in a more collaborative manner to create a clinically effective, comprehensive and efficient pattern of healthcare. Past attempts at working together have, at times, stumbled but the issue remains and becomes ever more significant given the opportunities and challenges of delivering modern health services. Creating a ‘joined-up’ service requires vision, wisdom, mutual trust and at times an acceptance of vulnerability. Please pray for the Trust, our staff, and those in leadership in the other hospitals, that together we can discern and agree a way forward that will truly honour God and best meet the current and future needs of those we seek to serve.
morgan Jamieson, Chairman of The nazareth Trust
and whatever you do… do it all in the name of the lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. colossians 3:17 02 HealinG in THe naMe oF Jesus sinCe 1861
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03 bRinging the bible to life
iT was suCH a PriVileGe To HaVe Taken ParT in THe Jesus Trail 2017. i Joined THe GrouP walkinG FroM MounT arbel To MaGdala, and our Guide aMer, wHo works aT THe VillaGe, ProVed To be an exCellenT sourCe oF knowledGe abouT THe HisTory, THe GeoGraPHy, and THe bibliCal ConTexT oF THe Trail. Some may argue that I chose the easiest day, a downhill walk. You are absolutely right, and I loved it! And for the participants, what better way to spend a week? Imagine walking through Galilee, in spring time, when the hills are covered in a carpet of beautiful flowers, whilst raising vital funds for the Trust. Every day, staff from the hospital met the walkers with great lunches, showcasing the best of homemade Arabic food and hospitality. If you have not yet walked the Jesus Trail with us, consider joining us in March 2018. You will thoroughly enjoy the experience. And for the slightly more energetic of you, have you considered the Bike Ride which will take place in October this year? A bike ride can transform the way you see the countries of Jordan and Israel. Rather than rushing through in a tourist bus, a bike ride gives you the time to notice the small details, the way the road bends, how the sun glints off the water, the scent of the olive groves. This year, we will be starting from Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage site, situated between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea. After exploring Petra, we will cycle up Mount Nebo, then to the Dead Sea, northwards alongside the Jordan river, and then cycling through the Galilee to finish in Nazareth. The Bike Ride will also be a journey through the Old and New Testaments. Learn about Petra, called Sela, in the land of the Edomites from numerous mentions in the books of Obadiah, 2 Kings 14:7, or Isaiah 16:1. When you visit Petra, Jeremiah 49: 16-18 will come alive.
Once you reach the top of Mount Nebo, you will undoubtedly read Deuteronomy 34:1 and wonder if you are standing on the exact spot Moses did, as well as wondering how a 120 year old man managed to get to the top of the mountain in the first place. Float in the Dead Sea and reflect on Ezekiel 47:7-10. Imagine the anticipation and excitement the children of Israel faced as they stood before the River Jordan the evening before they crossed over to the Promised Land.
end your bike ride in the hometown of Jesus, stand in the synagogue at our nazareth Village, and read luke 4:17-21.
Ceo: brinGinG THe bible To liFe
sPiriTual direCTor beinG a PeoPle oF HoPe
new direCTor reTurns To His HoMeTown
sayinG G’day To a new CulTure
exCiTinG FuTures aHead For nursinG GraduaTes
seeds oF HoPe
leaVinG PainFul MeMories beHind
wiTH God THere are always new beGinninGs
easTer re-enaCTMenT TouCHed THe HearTs oF VisiTors
FriendsHiPs and sHared FaiTH
Prayer requesTs
CyCle THe Jordan Valley
donaTion rePly sliP
Front cover: serVe volunteers at the nazareth Village
It is from this passage in the Gospel of Luke that we at the Nazareth Trust draw inspiration for our work, and through the Bike Ride, or the Jesus Trail, your participation and sponsorship can further our work. Please help to transform the hospital dialysis department and provide essential support for our SERVE volunteer programme. So, if you want to get fit, and perhaps understand another meaning of Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me”, whilst exploring the Bible, I would encourage join us in Nazareth as we cycle the Jordan together this October.
Richard mayhew, Ceo of The nazareth Trust
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being a people of hope aS i look back on anotheR holy week in nazaReth, theRe waS much taking place in the woRld aRound uS to cauSe alaRm and deSpaiR. TraGiC iMaGes oF woMen and CHildren killed in a CHeMiCal aTTaCk in syria, rePorTs oF oVer 16 Million PeoPle FaCinG deVasTaTinG Food sHorTaGes Caused by drouGHT and ConFliCT in easT aFriCa and news oF wide-sPread PerseCuTion, eVen killinG oF CHrisTian broTHers and sisTers, in THe Middle easT and beyond.
These reports and many others from around the world provide the ingredients for anger and profound pessimism about our human condition. One thing they do not inspire is hope.
She wrote: “In my folly, before this time I often wondered why, by the great foreseeing wisdom of God, the onset of sin was not prevented: for then, I thought, all should have been well. “This impulse of thought was much to be avoided, but nevertheless I mourned and sorrowed because of it, without reason and discretion. “But Jesus, who in this vision informed me of all that is needed by me, answered with these words and said: ‘It was necessary that there should be sin; but all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well. “These words were said most tenderly, showing no manner of blame to me, nor to any who shall be saved.”
In this, she recognises the compassion she had prayed for. She is impressed with her need to be joyful in all circumstances, however adverse, and for no particular reason, except this: that all things will ultimately be put right by Christ. These words are similar to those written by Paul to those called to be saints in Rome whom he entreats the God of hope to fill with joy and peace in believing, so that in the Holy Spirit they may abound in hope. Our God is the God of hope who brought back Jesus from the dead, and it is my prayer that as we once again meditate on the suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord, that we too will be filled with joy and peace in believing.
Yet it is in the midst of these evil and tragic events that we are called to be a people of hope, based on the events of Holy Week and Easter. Unlike optimism, biblical hope is not based on a positive outlook or disposition, but looks squarely at the sinfulness and despair of our world, and despite this believes in the light of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. To quote Julian of Norwich: “all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well”. The 14th century English saint received these consoling words from Jesus in response to a question that had long vexed her after a near death experience when she had a number of revelations from Christ. 04 HealinG in THe naMe oF Jesus sinCe 1861
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13
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new diRectoR RetuRnS to hiS hometown intRoducing ouR new medical diRectoR – dR fahed hakim
we ConGraTulaTe doCTor HakiM on His new role aT THe nazareTH HosPiTal. Here we ask a Few quesTions abouT His new PosiTion, His THouGHTs and aMbiTions For THe HosPiTal. how do you feel about joining the mission of the nazareth trust? I sensed a calling to join the work here and for me I feel a sense of destiny about using my passion for clinical excellence and teaching here. This is a place where I can serve with all my heart, my soul and my mind, reflecting my commitment to putting everything into my work. I am a proud Nazarene who was brought up with the principles of giving to others. When the opportunity to join The Nazareth Trust came up, I decided to leave what was a senior position at the Rambam hospital in Haifa.
you talk about building a team which delivers a distinctly christian and professionally excellent set of services. tell us a little about your wider interests and how these are enhancing the work at the hospital. I'm still carrying out research at the Technicon, the Israeli Institute of Technology. My main field of research is into the effect of sleep disorders and sleep disruption on the human metabolism. There is evidence of a link to the development of cancer and obesity, both of which are of real concern, not just here in Nazareth, but across the world. I also have a strong interest in exploring disease behaviours in conditions such as Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis and also the effects of smoking. This kind of clinical work, supported by academic research activity, will enhance our ability to deliver the highest standards of patient care. I’m a firm believer that we should be constantly striving to support each other so that our teams work to an excellent standard.
who inspires you in your work as you serve the people of nazareth and the teams you lead? Nelson Mandela once said that: "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." A commitment to learning and development is vitally important if our work is to be world-class. I have lots of role models; doctors and scientists and so forth. But when I look at the life of someone like Mother Teresa, I appreciate the way that she went about her work so much. Motivated by her faith, she put her whole life into serving people, and especially the most needy all over the world. Her message was one of universal love and care. That’s what we are building here in Nazareth too. Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers as we go forward in serving our community.
what was it like to be given the chance to serve in your hometown of nazareth? It was a good decision to come back to my hometown. The Hospital has a legacy going back 156 years and I am keen to drive forward our mission to develop services that are academically and internationally recognised to the highest level. I thank God for this opportunity and seek his guidance as we journey together as a team here. I should also say a big thank you to my family, and especially to my wife Rania, for their support through the years. I couldn’t do what I do each day without their amazing support.
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Saying g’day to a new cultuRe auStRalian nathan VoS ShaReS hiS thoughtS on hiS time aS a SeRVeR in the nazaReth hoSpital “and let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” hebrews 10:24-25
i Had THe PriVileGe oF underTakinG a MediCal eleCTiVe aT THe nazareTH HosPiTal THrouGH THe serVe ProGraMMe PredoMinanTly in er wiTH soMeTiMe in THe surGiCal and MediCal wards.
As I was to learn, family ties are a big part of the identity and culture of Arabic people. Family names and reputations mean a lot. For me, this was a humbling thing to witness first hand.
My elective to Israel was my first visit to the Middle East. I didn’t know what to expect; socially, politically, economically and of course medically. While the first three were starkly different I was surprised to find how similar the hospital and medical systems were to Tasmania.
This was life changing for me personally as a Christian and being able to experience a different medical system and have the opportunity to work overseas.
In terms of staff, hierarchy, resources and setup I could have been back home in Australia. A noticeable difference I found to the credit of the Arabic people, was the support of family for patients. Every patient was accompanied by one or more family members or friends who stayed with them the entire time.
06 HealinG in THe naMe oF Jesus sinCe 1861
Israel was amazing. I had an incredible two and a half months and a great experience of the healthcare system. I learnt a lot and experienced a lot and have memories that will stay with me forever.
The most important aspect was certainly the people, particularly in Nazareth. I made lots of friends, who were so welcoming, even though we were coming from totally different backgrounds, culturally, religiously, societally. It was just incredible to go as a complete stranger and feel absolutely at home.
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eXciting futuReS ahead foR nuRSing gRaduateS
amal khazin, diRectoR of ouR School of nuRSing, celebRateS the gRaduation of the 2017 nuRSing StudentS. as i PrePared For our 2017 GraduaTion CereMony, i reFleCTed on THe Many, Many liVes our sCHool TouCHes and on THe siGniFiCanT iMPaCT we HaVe on our younG adulTs.
Rewind just three years and the story of another female student was very different. I was saddened to learn her nursing career had stalled due to a lack of posts available in the north of Israel. For her career to continue she would need to travel but her husband, conforming to tradition, would not allow her to be away from home or for the family to move from Nazareth.
My staff and I not only prepare them for a truly worthwhile career in nursing but we help strengthen and build their characters to deal with life’s challenges.
I am heartened that there is some change, even if it is small one, in Arab women becoming more empowered and unrestricted by cultural traditions.
Imagine my joy at watching one of our female students accepting her certificate, knowing she had obtained a highly sought after nursing position in one of the largest hospitals in the south of Israel. Not only was she embarking on a new career, her husband had agreed to move their whole family to allow her to make the most of this opportunity.
I allow myself, for one brief moment, to feel pride at watching all 59 of the 2017 graduate students accepting their diplomas, knowing there is growing family support that will allow them to make a difference in this world.
“be strong and courageous. do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
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SeedS of hope nazaReth tRuSt pRayeR bReakfaStS THe nazareTH TrusT HosTed Two Prayer breakFasTs durinG lenT. THey were well aTTended and aPPreCiaTed by leaders oF loCal CHurCHes and CHrisTian MinisTries in and around nazareTH.
The first prayer breakfast was timed to coincide with a visit of the Board of Trustees. This event provided a good opportunity for Trustees to meet and share fellowship with Christian leaders from a broad cross-section of churches and Christian ministries in Nazareth over breakfast, and to worship and pray together. It also provided a good opportunity to introduce The Nazareth Trust, with Richard Mayhew sharing the vision, mission and Christian values of the Trust. Opportunities for mutual support and partnership in Christian ministry in Nazareth and beyond were also discussed.
We were honoured to have Bishop Marcuzzo, the Latin Patriarchal Vicar of Nazareth, attend this ecumenical prayer breakfast and he provided a brief reflection from Pope Francis’ Lent message. He expressed the importance of Christians from various traditions praying together, and the need to open our hearts and minds to those who are perceived as different from us – especially those who are weak and vulnerable. Bishop Marcuzzo commended the work done by the Nazareth hospitals in caring for the sick and invited everyone to share in this prayer. Dr Morgan Jamieson, Chair of The Nazareth Trust, then gave a brief devotional based on the encounter with our risen Lord by the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Morgan encouraged everyone to remain open to God’s bigger picture for our lives and ministries. This was followed by a time of prayer for the needs of the world and the Christian institutions of Nazareth. At the second event The Nazareth Trust hosted the leaders of the Evangelical Synod of Israel for their monthly prayer breakfast at the Nazareth Village. Following good fellowship over a delicious breakfast in the beautiful first century setting of the Village, and a lively time of praise and worship, Richard Mayhew welcomed those present and provided a brief overview of the work of the Trust.
He expressed a desire to strengthen the partnership between The Nazareth Trust, local churches and Christian ministries by developing opportunities for volunteering with the chaplaincy team in the Hospital and Nazareth Village. Maha Sayegh, Head of the Nazareth Village also extended a welcome to the pastors and leaders of the Evangelical Synod. She talked about her involvement with the Village since its humble beginnings in 2001, to the popular, well-established tourist destination it has now become. The Village welcomed a record 70,000 visitors last year. She invited local churches to consider using Nazareth Village for outreach, discipleship training and special events in the Church calendar. Both events were a great success building relationships between The Nazareth Trust and the local Christian community. Special thanks to the staff of the School of Nursing and the Nazareth Village for hosting the breakfasts and to our chaplain, Pastor Suheil Bathish, for his support. He urged pastors to watch over the flock that God has entrusted to their care and protection.
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” galatians 3:28
Quoting from pope francis’ lenten message the bishop said:
“Each life that we encounter is a gift deserving acceptance, respect and love. The word of God helps us to open our eyes to welcome and love life, especially when it is weak and vulnerable.” 08 HealinG in THe naMe oF Jesus sinCe 1861
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leaVing painful memoRieS behind Study day – friday, 24th march An inspiring study day was held for staff and volunteers of the Nazareth Trust. The theme was healing and forgiveness at the foot of the cross. This theme was chosen as part of the Lent reflections on the Journey to Wholeness, the focus for the devotions in the lead-up to Easter. The study day focussed on the healing of painful memories and wounded identities, as we examined God’s original purpose for human relationships. We looked in depth at how God took the initiative to heal and restore these broken relationships by entering our humanity in the person of Jesus Christ. During the final session of this study day, people were invited to nail the pieces of paper on which they had recorded these memories to a large wooden cross at the front of the chapel. This was to demonstrate that Jesus carried not only our sins, but also our pain and sorrow on the cross.
chaplaincy team THe MeMbers oF THe CHaPlainCy TeaM ConTinue THeir VisiTs To PaTienTs in THe dialysis, PsyCHiaTry and MediCal wards, oFFerinG Prayer and suPPorT. We are looking to expand the number of volunteer chaplains at the Nazareth Hospital to grow the work of the Chaplaincy Team. And to build a team which represents the full range of Christian traditions in Nazareth.
The cross was carried out of the chapel and the papers burned as a symbol of leaving these painful memories with the Lord. We celebrated our restored and healed identities as children of God. This study day provided a safe space for people to reflect and respond to the need for healing of memories and identities in the complex context of Nazareth and wider Israeli-Palestinian issues. Looking back at the study day, we feel that it was a great start to spreading the message of healing and forgiveness. We are committed to forming strong relationships based on trust and integrity. We want to see this be a daily reality among the staff and wider community in Nazareth and the Galilee region. This theme will continue to be the focus for the remainder of this year and a Week of Healing has been planned later in the year.
We had a successful open day for volunteers from local churches to meet management and staff from the Nazareth Hospital and Village in May. This served as an introduction to The Nazareth Trust for those interested in serving as volunteer chaplains or helping Nazareth Village.
diStRibution of giftS to the eldeRly in nazaReth MeMbers oF THe PasToral Care and CHaPlainCy TeaMs HaVe disTribuTed nearly 80 GiFTs oF FleeCe blankeTs and skin loTion To THe elderly residenTs oF sT FranCis’ HoMe in nazareTH and THe GeriaTriC ward oF THe FrenCH HosPiTal. THese GiFTs were PurCHased wiTH donaTions FroM sTaFF and wider suPPorTers lasT year.
The management and residents of the two institutions were most grateful for these gifts which will hopefully serve them well over the colder winter months in Nazareth. Food parcels were also purchased and distributed to needy families and we would like to once again express our thanks to all the staff who contributed to this charitable cause. The staff were also given a box of audio-bibles in Arabic and a demonstration on how to operate them so elderly residents can listen to the Word of God whenever they would like to. thank you to everyone who made this possible.
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THe GeneraTions siT ToGeTHer around THe Table and reCounT How God Freed THe israeliTes FroM slaVery in eGyPT wiTH MiraCulous siGns and wonders.
Today, Jewish believers in Jesus alongside Christians often modify their Passover observance. Jesus became our Passover lamb on the cross at Calvary, freeing us from slavery to sin and death.
with god theRe aRe alwayS new beginningS
Hyssop is the plant mentioned in Exodus, used by the Israelites in Egypt to smear the blood of the lamb on their doorposts and lintels, so that the LORD would "pass over" their homes, when he came to strike all the firstborns in the land of Egypt.
the biblical feStiVal of paSSoVeR iS celebRated in the SpRing. it iS a JewiSh holiday that familieS celebRate.
The visitors to Nazareth Village can find the plant growing freely along the winding trail through our terraces and in the herb garden in front of our dining area.
Hyssop has been closely associated by many with the Za'atar plant here in the Middle East.
Once our guests have been introduced to it, they can taste it as an oil-based dip that we serve with our Biblical meals, and enjoy it at home as a souvenir from our gift shop.
As we enter the heat of Summer and as I look back on Spring, there is a beautiful parallel between the new life that bursts forth during springtime and the Resurrection of Jesus that occurred on that very special spring day 2,000 years ago. Our Nazareth Village farm was also bursting with new life and the ground soon became covered with green plants, new thistles, and multicoloured flowers. The white and pale pink almond blooms had come and gone, the new leaves were out, and the fuzzy green almond pods started growing on our trees. The pomegranate trees were budding with their fire red-orange leaves and we had new lambs in our sheep pen. The olive trees showed their new pale green leaves and little stems that carry the tiny buds opened and flowered. New beginnings are mostly associated with Easter but, with God, they can happen anytime.
"Purge me with Hyssop, and i shall be clean." psalm 51:7
10 HealinG in THe naMe oF Jesus sinCe 1861
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eaSteR Re-enactment touched the heaRtS of ViSitoRS nazaReth Village waS pRiVileged to haVe about 1,400 people Join a Special eaSteR pRogRamme. we uSed ouR uniQue Setting to Recount many of the maJoR eVentS in JeSuS' final week and hiS paSSion. we were blessed To HaVe THe HelP oF 30 sTudenTs FroM easTer MennoniTe uniVersiTy. THey dressed uP, TakinG an aCTiVe role in our re-enaCTMenT. THe loCal worsHiP band "alrabu rayaTy" also insPired us wiTH THeir beauTiFul MusiC.
We reflected on Jesus' last week on earth - through first century eyes - led by one of his apostles. We participated in Palm Sunday, experienced the Last Supper, were present at his trial before Pilate, saw his suffering on the Via Dolorosa and his Crucifixion, and rejoiced at his Resurrection.
One of our guests had this to say: “The programme showed me in a vivid and clear way the events of Easter. Personally, it was very touching for me to see what Jesus went through because of me: to see how he died on the cross to save me from my sins.
“The acting was very realistic… a very big thank you to the Nazareth Village staff who helped us understand the Easter story in a way that affected our minds and hearts.”
Moreover, the children took part in activities especially designed for them and everyone enjoyed delicious food. Since engaging the local community is one of our goals, we rejoice that members of several churches were able to join us.
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fRiendShipS and ShaRed faith our annual Jesus Trail, Took PlaCe in aPril wiTH walkers FroM aCross THe Globe, inCludinG Friends FroM Holland and THe uk, aCCoMPanied by nazareTH VillaGe Tour Guide, aMer niCola. The Jesus Trail is a spiritual journey in every sense, and this year helped raise money for the hospital’s Paediatric unit. It was a week full of adventures, following the path Jesus had walked from Nazareth to Capernaum, visiting
miriam, tell us a little about yourself. I come from a Muslim background and I have worked for many years at the Nazareth Hospital. Following my nursing and midwifery training. I continued to work here while at the same time pursuing further professional and academic education and training. I have worked hard to promote evidence-based midwifery
hannan, tell us a little about your work in the hospital and how you came to join the Jesus trail team? My daily practice in Palliative care is to create the most positive journey for people carrying difficult burdens. We relieve their suffering, not just physically but also emotionally, and offer them comfort and support. I take into consideration the spiritual needs of the patients who look for meaning in the midst of a very difficult time. Taking a spiritual approach improves quality of life,
Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle, and connecting with Him through the beautiful views from Mount Arbel and quiet reflection at the Sea of Galilee. Miriam Shilbli, Senior Midwife, and Hanan Marjieh, Palliative Care
Coordinator, took time out of their busy schedules to tell us what the Jesus Trail meant to them. Miriam and Hanan spoke to Enas Geraisy our Communications, PR and Events Officer in Nazareth.
practice in order to promote the best health outcomes for mothers and babies.
symbolises an opportunity to help me and other staff members to share our vision for the future.
what made you decide to help with the Jesus trail organisation?
how do you think the Jesus trail reflects your work in the hospital?
To raise awareness of the spiritual values of the Hospital and to help the Hospital truly reflect how Jesus of Nazareth served faithfully and unconditionally. At this time of global disruption and uncertainty, the Jesus trail
As I think about all the babies I see coming into the world, I think that, far beyond raising funds for our work, the Jesus Trail is an invitation to deeper thinking and renewed vision of the meaning of our lives in Nazareth and in all Galilean communities.
allows people to experience spiritual growth and a peaceful life ending.
what will you take away from the Jesus trail?
Dr Fahed Hakim chose me as a Jesus Trail team member. I felt so excited to get involved in such an event for the first time in my life and I really wanted to make the most of it.
My life was enriched by getting to know people from abroad. I got a lot out of the cross-cultural experience, showing hospitality and appreciation of their contribution was a true privilege. I have made new friends and a bond has been formed that will never be broken.
what impact has the Jesus trail had on you? The Jesus Trail reminded me of Jesus’ life in our country: his teaching and healing of the people suffering here. Jesus walked this very land carrying a message of love, forgiveness, and peace.
This year, so far, we have raised a total £11,000 for the Paediatric Surgical department and our SeRVe programme.
you too could experience this amazing journey. why not consider joining us with friends, family or members of your own church. To find out know more about the Jesus Trail, week commencing March 12th 2018, please contact us via info@nazarethtrust.org 12 HealinG in THe naMe oF Jesus sinCe 1861
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13 thankS giVing we GiVe THanks To THe lord For His ConTinued ProVision and ProTeCTion oVer THe PasT MonTH and For THe FollowinG answers To Prayer: n Securing suitable office space in Edinburgh for the UK operations of TNT and for the provision of funding to set-up the new directorate of Business Development, Communications and PR.
pRayeR pointS kindly ConTinue To Pray For THe FollowinG MaTTers relaTed To our liFe and wiTness as THe nazareTH TrusT: n More people to sign-up to participate in the SERVE Nazareth programme in the autumn months. n The planning and preparation for the Farah Summer Camp for children of staff members which will once more take place at the School of Nursing during the first week of August.
n The selection process for incharge nurses for the Emergency and Operating Rooms and for the on-going opportunities to further trust with internal and external stakeholders.
n For wisdom and grace for Richard, Waseem and Dr Fahed as they continue to explore the opportunities for greater cooperation between the three Nazareth hospitals. n Safety for staff and visitors over the hot summer months and for strength and accomplishments for all the different projects we plan during the low season. Also for God to open the right doors for us to share about the funds needed for the new Visitors’ Centre.
n Provision of external funding, gifts in kind and voluntary labour to cover the cost of the refurbishment of the chapel which is progressing well. n Continued increase in the number of visitors to the Nazareth Village over last year’s figures and the positive impact that this ministry is having on local and international visitors. n The new groups and opportunities for service that SERVE Nazareth is experiencing this year and for the increase in the number of servers in the month ahead.
n The pass rate of 100 per cent by students in the School of Nursing who graduated last month and for the dedicated leadership and tuition provided by the staff and director amidst the on-going uncertainty related to the academisation process.
week 2
week 1
foRtnightly pRayeR cycle Sunday
Pray for the patients in the Hospital. May God grant them swift healing and freedom from pain. Pray also that the Hospital may be a witness to them of the love and compassion of Christ.
Pray for the staff of the Hospital, at all levels, as they deal directly or indirectly with patients. May they be provided with strength, patience and love in all the tasks they undertake.
Pray for the people of Nazareth. May God’s peace rule in their lives as they live and work in the town of Jesus’ childhood. Pray for unity amongst the Christians of Nazareth.
Pray for the Hospital Chaplains. May their work bring people to a new and deeper knowledge of Jesus. May they bring His peace to those in need and His comfort to those in pain.
Pray for those in the Hospital who do not know Jesus as their Saviour. May the love of God be revealed to them through the work and service of The Nazareth Trust.
Pray for the Hospital Chapel services held on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Ask God to bless them so that He may be glorified and that all who attend will be taught and encouraged.
Pray for the future of the work of The Nazareth Trust and all we try to do. Pray for wise decisions, adequate finances and a steadfast commitment to showing God’s love in action.
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and of the entire Holy Land. May God open the eyes of all the peoples of the Land that it is only through His love and forgiveness that healing and safety can come.
Pray for the many and varied volunteers who come to serve on the campus. May they be blessed richly as well as bringing blessing to us and the people of Nazareth through their service.
Give thanks for those who support the work of The Nazareth Trust. Ask God to show them His path as He calls them so they may come closer to Him to show others His grace and love.
Give thanks for the School of Nursing and its ministry. May both staff and students be able to achieve the very best, and learn of God through their study of caring and service to those in need of care or who are suffering.
Give thanks for those who guide the work of the Trust - the Board and Executive Team. Ask God to give them the wisdom and drive to achieve great things in His name as they serve Him with humility.
Give thanks for the wonderful ministry of the Nazareth Village. Ask God to bless all the staff and volunteers and to bring increasing numbers of visitors to understand Him more deeply through the parables that Jesus told.
Ask God to open the eyes of His people throughout the world to the plight of Christians in the Land. As more people learn of the work of The Nazareth Trust, may our work and message bless Christians wherever they are.
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the nazareth trust invites you to
cycle the JoRdan Valley 2017 Sunday, october 22nd to Saturday 28th, 2017
we’d loVe you To Join us To CyCle THe Jordan Valley in oCTober THis year To raise ViTal Funds For THe nazareTH TrusT. The route takes in some of the most exhilarating sites in the Holy Land including Petra, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. You will follow in the footsteps of Moses and swim in the Dead Sea, discover the dramatic landscapes of Mount Nebo and Gideon’s Spring, and experience the sights and sounds of local farming communities in the Jordan Valley.
the bike Ride iS fRom JoRdan to nazaReth fRom Sunday, octobeR 22nd to SatuRday, octobeR 28th.
fundRaiSing will help us in Two ways. we urGenTly need To exPand THe dialysis uniT aT THe nazareTH HosPiTal To HelP us suPPorT THe GrowinG nuMber oF PaTienTs wiTH CHroniC kidney ProbleMs enablinG us To HelP More PeoPle in need oF THis liFe saVinG TreaTMenT.
money RaiSed will also exPand our CaPaCiTy To welCoMe More VolunTeers THrouGH serVe, our sHorT TerM Missions ProGraMMe - wHiCH is ViTal To THe onGoinG work oF THe TrusT.
Participants must raise £3,000 ($3,900) in sponsorship to support the work of the Trust in Nazareth. Sponsorship includes bike hire, accommodation food and internal transport. We can also help to arrange flights to and from Israel.
Places are limited so challenge yourself, enjoy the experience of a lifetime and help change the lives of the people in Nazareth by signing up today.
day 1: Sunday 22nd october – welcome and briefing day 2: monday 23rd october – explore the wonders of petra day 3: tuesday 24th october – leave petra and discover the edom mountains day 4: wednesday 25th october – climb mount nebo then to the dead Sea day 5: thursday 26th october – leave the dead Sea for gideon’s Spring day 6: friday 27th october – final climb to nazareth day 7: Saturday 28th october – relax and enjoy the sites of nazareth
email: info@nazarethtrust.org for further details or to register. 14 HealinG in THe naMe oF Jesus sinCe 1861
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15 make a one-off donation: i would like to give a donation of £ ................................................................................................ for ......................................................................................................................................................... Signed:............................................................................................................................. Date: ................................................................. Name (Block Capitals): ............................................................................................................................................................................. Address: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Post code: ............................................................................ Telephone: ................................................................................................. Email: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
GiFT aid one-oFF donaTion or GiFT aid sTandinG order: Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made today, in the past and in the future. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I have given on or after 6 April 2008.
Return address: The nazareth Trust, elCaP, The brickgarth, easington lane, Tyne & wear, dH5 0le.
make a RegulaR donation
with a Standing oRdeR:
My Bank’s Name:.......................................................................................................................................................................................... My Bank’s Postal Address: ......................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Post code: ................................................... please pay by banker’s standing order, cancelling any previous instructions regarding this payee: Pay to: The nazareth Trust account number: 00111367 bank of scotland sort Code: 80-02-28
Amount: (Figures) £ ............................. Amount: (Words).................................................... Date of 1st Payment: .......................... Pay due day/date every month: ................................................................................................................................................................
Frequency: n Weekly n Monthly n Annually n Until Further Notice n or Date of Last Payment: ...................................... Name of My Account: .................................................................................................................................................................................. Account Number: .............................................................. Sort code:....................................................................................................... I hereby authorise you to set up this standing order payment on my account. Signed: ...................................................................................................................... Date:......................................................................... Name (Block Capitals): ................................................................................................................................................................................ Address: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ .........................................................................................................................................................Post code: ............................................ Telephone: ................................................................................................................Email:......................................................................... *Please tick the Gift aid box above to ensure the charity can reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that you give.
Return address: The nazareth Trust, elCaP, The brickgarth, easington lane, Tyne & wear, dH5 0le.
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Healing in the name of Jesus since 1861 the nazaReth tRuSt (uk head office) ELCAP, The Brickgarth, Easington Lane, Tyne & Wear, DH5 0LE, England Telephone: + 44 (0)191 5 20 80 30 Fax: + 44 (0)191 5 20 80 30 email: info@nazarethtrust.org
the nazaReth tRuSt (iSRael) Nazareth Hospital EMMS P. O. Box 11, Nazareth 16100, Israel Telephone: +972-(0)4-602-8888 Fax: +972-(0)4-657-5912 email: info@nazarethtrust.org
www.nazarethtrust.org The Nazareth Trust is the operating name of EMMS Nazareth EMMS Nazareth is a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland – Company No. SC225661 EMMS Nazareth is a charity registered in Scotland : Charity No. SC032510 Registered as a foreign owned company and not-for-profit institution in Israel – No. 560019945