RESALATUNA APPEAL FOR children’s unit takes off PaGe 20
sPrinG 2015 newsletter
MUSEUM TO celebrate the history of the BiBle PaGe 15
THE NAZARETH TRUST healinG in the naMe OF JesUs since 1861 - at the heart of Christianity
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PaGe 16
sPrinG 2015 it is with Great PleasUre that i welcOMe yOU tO the sPrinG editiOn OF OUr newsletter.
AS I SIT DOWN TO WRITE THIS, MY FINAL INTRODUCTION TO OUR NEWSLETTER, I FIND MYSELF REFLECTING WITH A SENSE OF GENUINE THANKSGIVING ON THE LAST 7 1/2 YEARS OF MY WORK IN SERVICE OF NAZARETH. in my reflection, i also have a sense of deep humbleness to have been part of the long story of the nazareth hospital; to have participated in this generation's work and service, and to have been a witness of the lord's provision and care in his own home town. it is with deep gratitude that i reflect on the contribution of all those who have walked with the hospital these last few years. i am grateful to our clinical, support and administrative staff who care and serve on a daily basis, and i am grateful also for the work of our management and leadership teams - all who have worked tirelessly and under considerable pressure to steer and develop the scope and quality of our hospital services. it is true to say that some parts of the journey were not at all easy, and yet, if we stop for a moment and look back at where we are today and how far we have come, we can see the positive and farreaching impact of all we have done together in recent years. it has also been a great privilege to work with and serve our school of nursing. this work, so unique in place, in aspiration and in achievement is a jewel in the crown of our work in nazareth. it is the gateway through which the young people of nazareth have walked through for 90 years in order to be
prepared for a life of compassionate and professional service. it has been my great pleasure to work alongside the staff and leadership of the school, and, although the school's future is not yet fixed and resolved, i am nonetheless confident that we will find the way to continue this important and precious part of our mission. Please continue to pray for the school, as it diligently seeks the best way to secure its future. and for serVe, my thanksgiving is offered wholeheartedly to Christine farah, who, some five years ago, agreed to work to establish a new way by which people could volunteer with us in nazareth. now, we have a well-respected service which has provided a beautiful and deeply meaningful expression of our faith both in the place of nazareth and by way of its international scope and reach. it is with wonder that we have seen the lord use serVe to quite literally change the lives of those who have participated. for our small team based in the united kingdom, i am grateful to each of you, for your working with such passion and commitment to support all we are trying to do in nazareth. it has been my joy to stand alongside you in all we have achieved there.
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for our Board members, past and present. i am grateful to them also. for inviting me to participate on this journey which has so profoundly impacted upon me personally, spiritually and professionally; and for continuing to give your time, prayer, expertise and concern to nazareth while expecting nothing in return. and there is so much more to do! to extend and deepen our work in the West Bank, to take on the precious and powerful ministry of the nazareth Village. to walk with new and significant partners, such as Cure international and the Museum of the Bible in continue to be his place, his work, in his home town - the light on the hill... so, to each of you, including you, our supporters, who have walked together with us and with me along this small part of the journey in nazareth which has already spanned so many decades and travelled so far, thank you. i will continue to treasure the place and people of nazareth and will pray continuously for the blessing, prospering and progress of all that will be done in the future. With every blessing to each of you;
Joseph Main, chief executive Officer of the nazareth trust
CHAIRMAN’S FOREWORD AN EVER-CHANGING NARRATIVE One OF the very helPFUl realities OF the bible is that it is nOt a static bOOk OF reliGiOUs teachinG bUt is instead eMbedded in the narrative OF PeOPle On the MOve, Over tiMe and FrOM Place tO Place abrahaM, the children OF israel, JesUs hiMselF whO had ‘nOwhere tO lay his head’, and PaUl whO, in his MissiOnary travels, encOUntered a GOd whO at tiMes blOcked his Path then sent hiM in new and UnexPected directiOns. the history of the work in nazareth is itself a story of God’s leading and directing different people in varying circumstances over a century and a half of ministry and service. this edition of the newsletter marks another milestone in that journey with news of the departure of our Ceo, Joseph Main, who is moving on to take up a position with a Christian charity in the uk after nearly eight years of service in the nazareth trust. something of the legacy of these years of service is documented elsewhere in the newsletter but for my own part i would simply wish to record the gratitude of the trust, and very particularly those whom it seeks to serve, for all that has been offered as sacrificial service and all that has been achieved to the glory of God.
Please pray for Joseph and his family as they engage new opportunities, experiences and challenges. Pray also for the stability and continuity of all the work in nazareth during a period of inevitable change and that the trust may readily be led to identify the person of God’s choosing who will offer servant leadership for the next stage of our journey. someone else on the move at this time is our new spiritual Director, frank kantor, for whom this is a season of relocation and reorientation, along with his wife Valerie, to the environment and culture of nazareth. this is a new appointment designed to consolidate the Christian basis and aims that underpin all we seek to do within and through our various endeavours. Please uphold frank in your prayers that he may readily establish himself in life and ministry. in the midst of these changes there is also the constancy of the ongoing work in nazareth, some of it captured in these pages, and the ultimate constancy of the God in whose hands all our life and work securely rests.
CONTENTS GOd’s Path leads tO FOrMatiOn OF Prayer GrOUP 04 MakinG a real diFFerence in the west bank 05 we FOUnd a cUre!
sPreadinG the wOrd abOUt qUality and saFety excellence 07 everyOne’s a winner…
Ministry is a teaM eFFOrt
trUst welcOMes new sPiritUal directOr
thank yOU JOsePh
wOven intO villaGe liFe
a new chaPter in the histOry OF the bOOk
a view FrOM a nazareth hill 16 in MeMOry OF rev dr JOhn wilkinsOn
Packed hOUse FOr JOsePh’s hOPe FOr Peace seMinar 18 wOOlly wOnders brinG dOUble bOOst FOr the trUst 19
Morgan Jamieson,
£2M aPPeal tO helP sick children
thank yOU FrOM al ahli
Prayer POints
dOnatiOn FOrMs
chair of the nazareth trust
“now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1
(front cover image) serVe volunteer Dorothy Pearson spends time with a young patient on the paediatric ward
WWW.NAZARETHTRUST.ORG - at the heart OF christianity
students at the school of nursing listen attentively during a lesson
so he travelled thousands of miles to italy to train at a monastery – only to find the answer on the doorstep at his family home in nazareth. samir said: “it was always my dream to serve people and i gained two valuable years’ experience in italy when i was preparing to become a monk. But i knew it wasn’t right.
and he’s doing both already, having started a worship group that, as well as attracting fellow Christians, is also popular with a few of the nursing students of different faiths.
“i decided it was my duty to care for people and, becoming a nurse, will allow me to serve more directly than if i was a monk letting me fulfil both of my dreams.
samir said: “a few of the younger members of the group are from different religious backgrounds, but they find peace and serenity in worshipping and socialising together.
“i believe it is God’s calling for me to become a nurse and serve people in sickness and in health.”
“this brings me happiness that is bigger than i am, and a ‘stillness’ that i cannot explain. “My calling is to become a missionary nurse, not just an ordinary nurse. i think this is how i can become a well-rounded human as well as a Christian.” at first, samir thought God wanted him to be of service by becoming a monk.
samir took his inspiration to follow an educational route during his time in italy, where he met many people who had had greater access to education. he was fascinated by their way of thinking, their knowledge and analytical skill. having returned from italy with a refreshed outlook on life, samir applied to, and was accepted by, a number of nursing schools, but chose the nazareth school of nursing, as he was interested in his spiritual development too.
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samir with members of his worship group
samir has also been impressed by the way staff at the school of nursing care for and help their students. “Course co-ordinators gather those who may be underachieving to help them overcome issues they may be having, while course directors discuss with students the best ways to study and prepare for difficult exam periods. “it is a great place to train because of all the love and support you find there.” samir is sure he’s made the right decision to train at the school of nursing. “in nazareth, just a few steps away from home, i feel people need me. they encourage me and praise the lord with me. “for me, this is a great indicator that i am heading in the right direction,” he said.
05 MAKING A REAL DIFFERENCE IN THE WEST BANK A MAN WHO LOST HIS LEG AFTER STEPPING ON A LANDMINE HAS SEEN A MIRACULOUS CHANGE TO HIS LIFE, THANKS TO THE WORK OF OUR HOSPITAL’S MOBILE CLINIC. aFter years OF isOlatiOn and iMMObility – khader daraGhMi is able tO Get UP and abOUt aFter beinG Fitted with a PrOsthetic leG, Paid FOr by the staFF OF the charity.
Ceo, Joseph Main, said: “the fact that khader can now walk again is a perfect example of our faith and ministry in action making a real difference in the remote areas. “not every story may be as dramatic as this, but even treatment that may be considered minor or every day in another context, can be miraculous in these extremely difficult circumstances.”
khader is from a Bedouin community in Zone C of the West Bank. hospital staff met him through one of the mobile clinic trips.
the nazareth trust also intends to provide Medi-boxes for the remote west bank communities, which contain basic, but essential, medical supplies. A Medi-box costs just £50, but means whole communities can access supplies they would not otherwise have. to donate please go to the donation form on page 23.
his circumstances were dire, with little access to medical provision. he lives as part of a tented community with poor sanitation and no infrastructure to make his life any easier. the mobile clinic staff met khader, 54, and, after listening to his story, wanted to do something to help. since he was injured, khader has had absolutely no access to help to become mobile again - and has been unable to live a normal life or take part in activities others take for granted. the team contacted a specialist in prosthetics, got the necessary permission for khader to travel to nazareth, and arranged transport to take him for treatment.
after years of immobility khader Daraghmi gets used to his new found freedom
With specialist consultation and a new prosthetic leg, khader’s life has been transformed. from being a prisoner in his home, khader is now able to walk as normal, using his new leg to enable him to move around naturally and easily. WWW.NAZARETHTRUST.ORG - at the heart OF christianity
Dale Brantner, Dr Bishara Bisharat, head of hospital, and Ceo Joseph Main sign the Mou
dale brantner is the charisMatic ceO OF cUre internatiOnal, a christian OrGanisatiOn that Owns hOsPitals sPecialisinG in Paediatric OrthOPaedic sUrGery.
OUR MISSION: our Ceo Joseph Main was introduced to Dale by Dr scott harrison, founder of Cure international – and their meeting of minds led to the beginnings of a wonderful friendship.
the partnership will mainly focus on children from the West Bank but has made a commitment that no child, whatever their background, religion or culture will ever be refused help.
for a number of years the two Ceos had discussed how the two organisations could work more closely together. and last year, as our hospital began its mobile medical clinic in the West Bank and we made plans to renovate its paediatric ward, the seeds of an idea began to formulate.
as two Christian Medical organisations, our shared faith is the foundation of our partnership. it is our belief by working together our ministry will be strengthened.
after three intensive days of strategic planning, a firm plan was established - including a mission statement and shared values. Working in partnership like this was new ground for us and for Cure. together we wrote a Memorandum of understanding (Mou), with Dr suzy srouji, head of Paramedical services leading for the nazareth hospital. it was formally signed on January 16. So what does this mean? for us it means we’ll have more scope to help children with orthopaedic surgical needs, while our renovations will mean we can offer more beds - while continuing our life-long work of offering general paediatric services.
We agree that healing changes everything. it brings to an end physical pain and can lead to restoration of dignity and inclusion. together we will care for the spiritual health and not just the physical health of the children we serve. Cure has also committed to help us identify potential donors and funding agencies so we can meet our £2million appeal target. it is still early days, and the formal partnership agreement is still to be defined. Whatever happens next, it is certain we have found a true, likeminded organisation in Cure and we will keep you informed as the partnership grows.
Dr suzy sruji Mou team leader with roger spoelman Cure trustee
DONATE NOW: see page 20 for full details on the Paediatric ward appeal. want to know more about cUre then go to 06 healinG in the naMe OF JesUs since 1861
we restore underserved israeli and Palestinian children with orthopaedic surgical needs. “heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘the kingdom of God has come near you.” Luke 10 we value/we are: Pro child: we have a heart for underserved children regardless of their geography/nationality/ gender or religion. restoring the broken: we seek to heal the broken bodies, spirits and relationships of our patients, their families and their communities. Modelling innovation: Following the leadership example of Jesus of nazareth this partnership will demonstrate a unique example for reconciliation and development in the region. exercising trust: as brothers and sisters in christ we choose unity assuming the goodness of both parties intentions.
as a speaker of international renown Jason has advised governments in the uk, Denmark, sweden, norway, the republic of ireland, Jordan, Canada, Brazil and south africa. he says that wherever he travels he meets committed healthcare professionals who are keen to do all they can to improve standards - and he expects the same to be the case in nazareth. he became involved with the nazareth trust through his friendship with Chairman of our trustees, Morgan Jamieson. the pair met through a mutual friend, the Pastor at the Church Morgan attends, and who used to be Pastor at Jason’s Church. so he is aware of the hospital and the quality of treatment and nursing training provided – but is looking forward to seeing for himself. “i’ll be talking about the reliable delivery of routine care and i’m sure it’s an area of discussion that will resonate with doctors and nurses in nazareth.
WINNING THE FIGHT AGAINST FLU tO liMit the sPread and eFFect OF the inFlUenza virUs On lOcal cOMMUnities the Ministry OF health in israel rUns an active PrOGraMMe OF iMMUnisatiOn. each hOsPital in the cOUntry is tasked with iMMUnisinG their staFF. this year the Director of the Ministry of health made a special visit to our hospital to congratulate it on achieving first place among all the israeli hospitals for the programme!
Jason leitch – who is looking forward to visiting nazareth
JasOn, whO is natiOnal clinical directOr, healthcare qUality, FOr the scOttish GOvernMent was lOOkinG FOrward tO the visit, and tO MeetinG the dOctOrs, nUrses and staFF at the hOsPital.
head of hospital, Dr Bishara Bisharat, said: "We are honoured to be leading this push as it helps us to prevent the spread to patients. flu can create a huge risk especially to the chronically sick, the elderly and new-born.
“It is about developing medicine across the world, everywhere we have motivated professionals working in challenging circumstances whatever those challenges may be,” he said. a full report of the conference and time with us will be carried in our next newsletter.
“you must serve the lord your God. if you do so i will bless you with food and water and i will protect you from illness.” Exodus 23:25
“We aspire to be a role model and so we also encourage vaccination of the general public. statistics show that vaccination reduces the number of people over 50 who have to be hospitalised because of flu by up to 77 per cent, and cuts the number of elderly flu deaths in half. “Plus there is a knock-on effect - for every person who is vaccinated the group of people around them is more protected because they can’t catch the illness from them. so having such a successful vaccination programme has a massive effect in reducing illness and infection. “Preventing the progression of influenza means we and our families get through the winter with less illness and in better health. so we are thrilled to have been number one in the table.”
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EVERYONE’S A WINNER… STAFF WHO EMBODY THE VALUES OF THE HOSPITAL THROUGH THE WAY THEY DO THEIR JOBS AND THEIR DAILY COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE IN SERVICE HAVE BEEN HONOURED AT THE ANNUAL EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION EVENT. the awards, bUilt arOUnd the hOsPital’s valUes, are JUdGed by cO-wOrkers and recOGnise thOse whO cOnsistently disPlay lOve and cOMPassiOn, hUMan diGnity, PrOFessiOnalisM and excellent service at all tiMes.
every employee is given a nomination form, which is submitted to a recognition committee made up of employees from all areas within the hospital, and decisions are made without management or executive team involvement. there are some outstanding examples of exceptional service, and of going above and beyond what is expected. here are the stories of this year’s winners.
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MARLEN HAKIM head OF the PharMacy dePartMent Marlen was nominated for her professionalism, excellence and passion in preparing the hospital for Joint Commission international (JCi) accreditation next year, working outside her normal shift to make sure written procedures were completed. her active campaigning for crossdepartmental teamwork has helped to ensure quality and safety is paramount across all departments. Marlen has led her team with passion and commitment, making her a role-model to all at the hospital. her crucial work towards the accreditation goes on. Marlen said: “this win doesn't belong only to me but to the whole Pharmacy staff, because we work as a team: t – together, e – everybody, a – achieves, M – More.”
DR YOUSEF NEJIM directOr OF Paediatrics and neOnatal intensive care Unit Dr yousef, a specialist in Paediatrics and neonatology, was nominated for his continuing work in the West Bank. We have featured stories in the last two newsletters on the mobile clinics so you will already have some understanding of the amazing work he has undertaken and committed himself to. Dr yousef has led his team to help the children and people of tobas by showing love and compassion by way of access to medical care that is not normally available to them. he said: “i received the award with a mixed feeling of joy and responsibility, which took me back in memory to my first day of work in the hospital 23 years ago.”
NIBAL HABIBALLAH internal Medicine nUrse
nibal was nominated for her diligence, dedication and perseverance in delivering excellent service as a nurse within the internal Medicine department. her colleagues said: “her dedication is tangible - she believes in and lives the hospital mission and values, never asking anything of others and always going the extra mile.” a good friend always listens, and this is nibal’s key strength in supporting her colleagues and patients. a true advocate of the hospital work, nibal leads the way in showing how to provide excellent service to all. nibal said: “Winning makes you feel people appreciate what you do after all these years of working in the hospital. the feelings of appreciation and joy were even greater than getting the award.”
nehaia has worked at our hospital since 1989 and was nominated for her compassion, professionalism and her kindness when supporting a blind father in his efforts to be a part of the birth of his child. a wonderful relationship developed between the family and nehaia, who sent her a letter of thanks in beautiful formal arabic that started: “every word of thanks stands still in front of your kindness and beautiful heart”. nehaia said: “it's a great feeling to witness the appreciation of the employees and managers. it's an honour for the whole labour department and staff, because we are all like that. “this award makes you more responsible and determined to keep on with your beliefs of love, giving, providing full service, and respecting others. i ask God that we keep doing good deeds and professional work. order to raise the standards of our department and hospital.”
Dr Victor assaf receives the outstanding staff award on behalf of the surgical and orthopaedic staff
there was also recognition in the form of an outstanding staff award, which went to the orthopaedics and surgical departments for exceptional service to the care of the patients transferred from Gaza during the conflict in august last year.
SALEEM NWESSIR hOsPital archivist
saleem, an archivist in the hospital, was nominated for his commitment to helping others. Without being asked, he saw the emergency room needed someone of his willingness to help so he volunteered himself. the news quickly spread and, if any of the offices now need someone to help, the first person they call is saleem. he can be seen daily talking to families of the patients if they need to know where to go or where to find things. his nomination said, “you are great saleem. We appreciate the giving spirit that makes you who you are.” he said: “i am so glad that i was nominated and voted as employee of the year. it's great to feel appreciated and loved by the staff.”
WWW.NAZARETHTRUST.ORG - at the heart OF christianity
Chaplain suheil Bathish is thankful to do God’s work everyday
the plans for this year include the continuation of the daily visits in the hospital, where the team, motivated by faith, demonstrate that God cares for all by their acts of kindness. this can be as simple as making a cup of tea in the dialysis ward or sitting with patients in the psychiatric ward. We have hosted a visit from linda fugel and also celebrated international Women’s Day by way of a dedicated service in the chapel. During linda’s visit, she led a study day on practical ways to minister within a multi-faith environment to support our team. the team’s work extends beyond the hospital and, this year, stacy and rose have begun to lead praise and fellowship meetings every Wednesday evening in order to provide pastoral guidance and support to female students from the school of nursing.
Our most recent meeting included a devotional on the account of the woman at the well, as told in John 4. it is sUch a bUsy and excitinG tiMe FOr the teaM that they have eMPlOyed their First ever adMinistrative assistant. sO we are deliGhted tO welcOMe haneen Obied, whOse wOrk as a chaPlaincy vOlUnteer, since 2010, has blOssOMed intO her new rOle.
the team has also started planning for the easter season, which includes the orthodox calendar. there’s a programme for the whole of easter week, with plenty of activities for everyone to participate in.
“team members get together once a month, taking it in turn to host the meeting at their homes, to provide encouragement and a strengthening of the relationships between our team members. “it is wonderful to see everyone working together to achieve all that we achieve in God’s name. “on page 04, you will see the wonderful story of samir, a student at our school of nursing, and how he has arranged prayer and praise meetings for his fellow students every tuesday morning, in addition to the Wednesday evening meetings hosted by our team. samir has seen some of his friends from other faiths join in the sessions as well as his Christian friends. it warms my heart to see such ministry grow within our nursing students.” “Please continue to remember us in your prayers as our work here goes from strength to strength, in Jesus name, as we seek to quench the thirst of those who are thirsty”, said suheil. “Jesus answered, ‘everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water i give them will never thirst. indeed, the water i give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life’.” John 4:13-14
Chaplain, suheil Bathish, is thankful every day that God helps him fulfil his ministry – and would love even more people to join the team. “the Chaplaincy team has ten members from local churches, and are regularly joined by serVe nazareth volunteers. Volunteer nada helps a patient on dialysis to relax by giving her a foot massage
to DONATE to the chaplaincy service go to 10 healinG in the naMe OF JesUs since 1861
TRUST WELCOMES NEW SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR THE NAZARETH TRUST WELCOMES FRANK KANTOR TO THE FAMILY IN THE NEWLY CREATED POST OF SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR. the rOle will entail beinG an internal cOnsUltant and leader OF sPiritUal aFFairs tO OUr execUtive ManaGeMent teaM and bOard OF trUstees. Frank is alsO beinG tasked with the resPOnsibility FOr the exPansiOn and develOPMent OF OUr existinG external netwOrk and christian witness. frank comes to us from the free Churches Group, where he was General secretary, and had responsibility for the strategic oversight and management of the health care chaplaincy, prison chaplaincy and education programmes.
Working at the heart of where Christianity began couldn’t be a more exciting prospect for frank. it is the type of work that is in his blood – his father and his grandfather were missionaries. originally from south africa, frank has also played a role in mission work, having helped develop the ‘arise and Build’ mission strategy for the Diocese of natal, anglican Church of southern africa. he and his wife, Valerie, had prayed for an opportunity to serve in the holy land and are happy to uproot and move to nazareth from england, where they have lived for the past eight years. frank admits that they meet the challenge with “equal measures of excitement and trepidation”. “there is excitement about working with the executive Management team, trustees, staff and other stakeholders, to review the rich spiritual legacy and heritage of the trust. “Growing the Christian, values-led culture within the organisation, in the town where Jesus’ own spiritual formation took place, is also very exciting.
“the trepidation is about the challenges of settling in the religiously and culturally diverse setting of nazareth - within the politically charged context of israel and the wider Middle east. i can’t wait!” frank hopes the move will help him achieve greater wisdom and insight into the life, teachings and transforming power of Jesus. “i hope to interpret this in ways that will enable those associated with the trust to understand what it means to be a healed and a healing community, in nazareth and beyond,” he said. Valerie said: “i am excited for frank because all of his past experience seems to dovetail into this job and hope that his role helps facilitate peace, healing and reconciliation.” frank is thrilled to take up his new role just before the deeply spiritual time of easter.
“May our meditation on the suffering and the glory of our Risen Lord once more inspire, challenge and constrain us this Easter!” he said.
WWW.NAZARETHTRUST.ORG - at the heart OF christianity
THANK YOU JOSEPH wOrds are always diFFicUlt tO Find when sayinG GOOdbye, esPecially tO sOMeOne whO has shOwn sUch cOMMitMent, dedicatiOn and PassiOn FOr the wOrk OF the nazareth trUst.
12 healinG in the naMe OF JesUs since 1861
Joseph will always be a part of our work through the legacy he has left us to build on. By way of a thank you for everything he has done - all the support, time and love - he has given - there is a selection of pictures that reect his time with us.
WWW.NAZARETHTRUST.ORG - at the heart OF christianity
WOVEN INTO VILLAGE LIFE EVON SIMAAN’S HARD WORK AND COMMITMENT ARE WOVEN INTO THE VERY EXISTENCE OF THE NAZARETH VILLAGE – SHE HAS BEEN PIVOTAL IN ITS GROWTH, EXPANSION AND SUCCESS. in 2000 evOn leFt her JOb in a textile Plant, where she wOrked as a shiFt ManaGer sUPervisinG 370 PeOPle, tO MOve tO nazareth tO care FOr her elderly Parents.
she was looking for work near their home, which overlooks the nazareth Village. evon’s father suggested they pray together – and then told her: “then the first telephone call you receive - that will be Jesus…” his words proved to have a prophetic ring of truth, as that call came from the nazareth Village offering evon a job as a weaver. she spent her first three months at nazareth Village sewing the first century costumes, following close instructions from the archaeological team to ensure authenticity. she helped to plant the pomegranate, cypress and almond trees that we see at the Village today. and, never afraid of hard work, helped to dig the cistern and carried buckets of sand for the floors and roofs of the houses. she taught herself to weave on the loom and spindle, following the ancient principles, becoming “hannah the Weaver” - 15 years later she remains a favourite character for the thousands of visitors to the Village each month.
here evon as “hannah” weaves a shawl from wool from the village sheep. each colour is made from a herb or plant growing at the village farm. Green is from a mixture of lavender and fig leaves; the lightest brown from onion; the reddest brown from henna and the greenish brown is from pomegranate skins.
evon has always worked extremely hard
as well as working at the Village, evon continued to care for her parents. her father died after a long illness in 2004. shortly afterwards her mother’s health also failed and she needed kidney dialysis three times a week at the nazareth hospital. evon lovingly cared for her mother until she died last year. this year, at the age of 66, evon will semi-retire – reducing her working week from six days to four. sharon swarr said: “We honour her for her service to the lord, her parents and to the Village. “We pray she will be able to enjoy her senior years and the extra time she has with new hobbies and friends. and, we thank Jesus for sending her to us through that very first phone call!”
NAZARETH VILLAGE JOINS THE NAZARETH TRUST Many will be aware that the nazareth Village operates within the grounds of the nazareth trust. We are delighted to announce, after many years of discussion and planning the Village will officially be under the leadership and care of the nazareth trust.
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a special thanks needs to be paid to the nazareth Village trustees and staff who have worked so diligently to make this happen. a full report will be provided in the next newsletter on the official celebration that will be held to mark this event.
AN INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM, CELEBRATING THE ROLE OF THE BIBLE ON CIVILISATION, IS TO OPEN IN THE USA. the aiM is tO FOcUs On the iMPact the bible has had On Mankind - and its inFlUence On PeOPle OF all races and reliGiOns FrOM acrOss the GlObe.
a computer generated image of what the impressive replica of the nazareth Village looks like
Words of wisdom and spirituality, timeless stories interwoven with parables and life-lessons from the Bible, are embedded in daily life for millions of people – whether they are aware of it or not.
When asked if the Museum's goal was to bring people to Christianity, Cary explained: “We hope that people would consider what the book has to say ... if it's compelling, then that's a decision they can make on their own.”
one of the objectives of the Museum is to show the significance of the Bible on all people, regardless of culture and belief.
Joseph Main, Chief executive of the nazareth trust, said: “We are honoured to have been asked to be a partner of the Museum of the Bible. this is an extraordinary and world impacting development, which will change the way we see the Bible, as well as our understanding of its impact yesterday, today and tomorrow.
history tells us that science, the arts and humanities are all impacted by Biblical principles.
and the nazareth trust is delighted to have been invited to have a permanent display, including a full-scale replica of the nazareth Village, and a dedicated display to demonstrate the impact of the Bible today through our work in the hospital, school of nursing and serVe nazareth. the 430,000 sq ft, $250 million museum project is being built in Washington DC close to the White house, and is due to open in 2017.
the Museum will use its links with such organisations as the Vatican library and the Jerusalem Bible lands Museum to maintain displays that will include archaeological and historic treasures, including the Dead sea scrolls, ancient torah scrolls, early new testament texts, rare biblical manuscripts and firstedition Bibles. Cary summers, the Museum’s Chief operating officer, said: “this is a Museum dedicated to one book, the Bible, which is the most widely sold, most debated and most banned book in history. “it’s the one that has attracted the most controversy of any book in history and it’s also the book that has impacted the world more than any single piece of literature that’s ever been written.”
“as the work develops we’ll keep everyone up-to-date with this very exciting development and ask you to join us in prayer for the success of the Museum and that it would impact all who enter its doors”
Visitors to the Museum will be able to see three full floors of exhibits, highlighting: the impact of the Bible, the history of the Bible, and the Bible's narrative. The fifth floor of the Museum will have space for travelling exhibits and for other groups affiliated with the Museum.
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Christine farah of serVe
sO what is it really like when yOU are here?
We believe this invaluable experience gives participants the chance to scale the heights, meet and overcome challenges, and grow in knowledge, faith and understanding as they serve God.
“as our serVers go to work, engaging with the local community and making new friends, the trail can get tricky! as with the descent of the arbel cliff, serVers recognise that things are done differently, responses vary, and that culture shock can be an obstacle for us to negotiate and appreciate.
helping find the footholds is part of the experience
they arrive in nazareth at a high point, in every sense, as we’re based at the top of the steep nazarene hill. our participants are filled with excitement and anticipation as they take in their surroundings. “the hill is one of the highlights for everyone who visits”, says Christine farah, of serVe nazareth. it is also the perfect metaphor for the serVe experience.
“for serVers, the end of the journey is when it is time to return home. it may have been challenging, the culture shock an unexpected obstacle, but reaching the destination is always a celebration!” said Christine. serVers take in the magnificent view from Mount arbel
Christine explained: “for all of our serVers, their time here is a journey, in many ways similar to one of our regular hiking excursions, the arbel cliff, which also forms part of the Jesus trail. “We begin our hike at the top of the mountain, where we stop to take in the scenery. We are always compelled to stop to capture the beauty of the moment.
“as we descend Mount arbel to complete our journey we find handholds and footholds just where we need them - cultural interactions need those handholds too. “We find those in the support of community, fellowship, prayer and a desire to see the lord work in us. We may express ourselves in different languages and gestures, but we worship the same lord.
We believe serVinG God in nazareth is an adventure, which will strengthen you, not only through the hills, stairs and cliffs you’ll climb, but also through his work in you. you will be physically and spiritually fitter, have an appreciation of other cultures, and be better equipped to serve others. you will also gain an insight into yourself and your relationship with God and that’s something special that lasts a lifetime!
For details just send an enquiry to 16 healinG in the naMe OF JesUs since 1861
2 nOveMber 1918 - 17 JanUary 2015 ALTHOUGH JACK NEVER SERVED IN NAZARETH, HE HAD A LIFELONG ASSOCIATION WITH THE EDINBURGH MEDICAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY (EMMS) FROM HIS TIME AS AN EMMS SPONSORED MEDICAL STUDENT TO SERVING AS A DIRECTOR OF EMMS UNTIL THE LATE 1990’S. FOllOwinG GradUatiOn in 1941, Jack then enrOlled On a divinity cOUrse, which was interrUPted dUe tO his beinG cOMMissiOned as a Medical OFFicer in the rOyal arMy Medical cOrPs, where he served with the 8th arMy in nOrth aFrica and italy.
following the 2nd World War, it was whilst he was on a trip to iona for prospective mission candidates that he met Jean ewan, who was preparing to go to kenya to teach, and who subsequently went there six months ahead of him. in september 1946, Jack was posted to tumutumu hospital, in central kenya, where Jean was also working. a year later, Jean moved to kikuyu to start the first girls’ secondary school for kenyans, and Jack was moved to kikuyu hospital a few months later. they married in 1949. Jack was relief doctor to the church hospitals of tumutumu, kikuyu, and Chogoria, and rotated between them to cover the leave of their Medical superintendents. for thirteen years, Jack and Jean moved house every single year, during which time their family grew to include Patricia, alison and ewan.
after almost 30 years in kenya, 1975 saw Jack and Jean return to edinburgh, where Jack worked as a Community Medicine specialist with the lothian health Board from 1975-88. he took a particular interest in the health needs of the homeless, linking back to his experiences as a medical student working in the deprivation of the eMMs Cowgate Dispensary and in 1977 he was involved with Dr Derek Doyle in the setting up of st Columba’s hospice in edinburgh. he also became a medical adviser to the Church of scotland Board of World Mission and continued to serve the Church through his membership of relevant advisory bodies. Jack loved facts which he both studied and read widely. this helped him become a meticulous writer, enjoying the background research he undertook.
It was whilst serving as a Director of EMMS that Jack combined all these skills, as well as drawing on his own experience, to write “The Coogate Doctors”, which was written to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of EMMS. Jack’s faith was deep and real and carried him through life. he was a shy man and did not find small talk easy, although he had a wry sense of humour. When Jean’s health deteriorated, he nursed her until she died in 2008, with support from family and carers. they were married for 59 years. fifteen months ago, Jack went into Marian house Care home, and was cared for there until his death. his first great-grandchild was born two weeks before he died.
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Joseph addresses the regional Christian resource exhibition
PACKED HOUSE FOR JOSEPH’S HOPE FOR PEACE SEMINAR OUr ceO, JOsePh Main, sPOke tO a Packed hOUse, standinG rOOM Only, at the reGiOnal christian resOUrce exhibitiOn held in exeter in FebrUary when he led a seMinar On the sUbJect OF, ‘is there any hOPe FOr Peace in the Middle east?’ Joseph spoke passionately on how the trust had demonstrated peace and reconciliation throughout its long history in nazareth by offering healing in the name of Jesus at the hospital. the presentation, which included explanations on the Christian arab community, within the state of israel, stimulated much debate, with many people seeking out the nazareth trust stand to ask further questions.
the event also gave the opportunity to explain our wider remit via the school of nursing, serVe and nazareth Village, which many people are unaware of.
18 healinG in the naMe OF JesUs since 1861
if you would like FREE tickets for cre Midlands at birmingham nec on October 7 and 8, please contact
TRUST ON THE RADIO radiO Presenter, JenniFer nevill, OF United christian brOadcasters in ireland, recently interviewed trUstee, nOrMan bennett, FOr her weekly MaGazine PrOGraMMe, ‘Middle east rePOrt’. norman, who lives in northern ireland, explained what it means to be a Christian organisation working in the Middle east, and to talk about the work and history of the trust. If you would like to hear the interview, or if you know of another radio station that would be interested, please contact
WOOLLY WONDERS BRING DOUBLE BOOST FOR THE TRUST keen knitters PrOvided a dOUble bOOst FOr the trUst recently with their wOOlly talents. first, ryton Methodist Church, in the north east of england, held a knitted Bible exhibition with 33 Biblical scenes from Creation to resurrection – complete with woollen figures – and collected donations for the trust from visitors who came to see it. the Church was inspired to raise funds on our behalf after reading about us in a three-page feature in the Journal, newcastle, which saw the trust and Joseph on the front page. shaun newton, head of resources, attended the Church’s songs of Praise event to speak about the work of the trust.
teddies keep young patients smiling
We will update you in the next newsletter on how much was raised. Meanwhile, another north east supporter asked if the trust could use some knitted teddy bears – and started needles clicking all over the uk and beyond. the pattern, available at, is simple and robust, and all the teddies knitted will either be used to bring a smile to children having treatment at our hospital or be sold in our hospital shop in order to raise extra funds. If you would like to arrange for a speaker to visit your Church or group; or if you are interested in knitting a teddy for our Hospital, please get in touch with
trUst MeMbers will be dOnninG First centUry rePlica clOthes tO take Part in heart and sOUl 2015, a hUGe celebratOry event OrGanised by the chUrch OF scOtland, in edinbUrGh, On sUnday, May 17 FrOM 1 - 6PM. it’s a great opportunity to spread the word about the trust’s work, as last year more than 6,000 visitors made their way through Princess street Gardens during the event. We’d love to be able to tell as many people as possible about our work, so if you can help on the day, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact
BANGOR aUGUst will see the trUst rePresented at the banGOr wOrldwide MissiOnary cOnventiOn Once aGain. last year the trust spoke as part of the Bank holiday Monday seminar in northern ireland, on short-term mission opportunities, and we’re looking forward to reacquainting ourselves with all those who attended.
knitted Bible scenes raised funds on our behalf
the convention helped raise interest in serVe nazareth and the Jesus trail sponsored walks, and we hope that will be the case again this year when shaun represents us at the event.
WWW.NAZARETHTRUST.ORG - at the heart OF christianity
so that’s why the nazareth trust has launched a £2m appeal to upgrade and extend the unit and its facilities in 2015. the Paediatric Ward is open 24/7 and already provides crucial services to hundreds of children a month. But it is the only surgical and orthopaedic unit for youngsters in the whole of the surrounding area of nazareth - and now it is getting busier all the time as children referred by the West Bank Clinic arrive for surgery. “Worryingly, we’re facing a critical situation where demand will soon outstrip the supply of services we are able to offer.
young patients will benefit from improved facilities at the Paediatric unit
“this appeal is vital as we never want to be in the position of being unable to help a child who is suffering or whose life could be improved”, said norman Bennett, trustee finance officer.
so the Paediatric appeal aims to raise £2 million, not only to extend and renovate the current facilities, but also to provide space for extra beds and buy state-of-the-art equipment.
the children’s ward has 18 beds, providing care for children and young people, and the outpatient service gives general and specialised consultations as well as emergency support and health education.
the trust also wants to add a play room, a study room, and a family welfare area for family members who often stay with their sick children 24 hours a day.
Dr Bishara Bisharat, head of hospital, said: “the ward provides excellent care, but we want to do more. the time has come to see major changes in the ward - it’s in the oldest part of the building and its condition affects the young people who come for treatment. “We aim to make sure children are in hospital for as short a time as possible, but we also want to make that time as pleasant and positive as we can by supporting their educational and family needs, alongside improving their health.”
20 healinG in the naMe OF JesUs since 1861
hussam salman, Director of Capital Development, said: “the new facility is expected to open in 2017 and we’re inviting everyone to help us provide the highestquality treatment for our young patients. “so we are pleading for everyone who can help to please put your heart and soul into this new appeal. “With the ever-generous help of our supporters, we can make sure children benefit from an enhanced ward, with the most modern equipment, and the wonderful care our skilled team provides.”
THANK YOU FROM AL AHLI WHEN CONFLICT TORE THROUGH GAZA LAST YEAR WE ONCE AGAIN TURNED TO YOU, OUR SUPPORTERS, TO HELP THOSE MOST IN NEED, AND THROUGH YOUR GENEROSITY WE RAISED AN IMPRESSIVE £71,500 – FOR WHICH WE’D LIKE TO SAY A HUGE THANK YOU. as a resUlt we were able tO helP the al ahli anGlican hOsPital, a sMall christian hOsPital siMilar tO OUr Own, by PrOvidinG MedicatiOn, sUPPlies and eqUiPMent needed tO save lives. it has also helped start a fund to pay for essential repairs to the hospital building – and made a difference that will never be forgotten. five thousand people with war related injuries and health problems entered the doors of al ahli and you, as our supporters, helped to provide the essential medicines, equipment, food, and bedding needed for the doctors and staff to continue in such difficult circumstances. Dr Bishara Bisharat, head of hospital, leads a delegation to the al ahli hospital to meet Dr Mayer ayyad, its medical director and team
“we loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you have become so dear to us.” 1 Thessalosnians 2:8
recently Dr Bishara Bisharat, head of hospital, visited the al ahli hospital where he received a very warm welcome. Dr Maher ayyad, the Medical Director at al ahli, said: “the staff were overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity received and this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship.” in total, the al ahli needed to raise £312,000 and our contribution of £71,500 was a significant amount towards reaching that goal. the hospital building itself was extensively damaged and whatever funds were received in the latter months of 2014, are being put towards any necessary structural repairs.
LIST OF SUPPORTING ORGANISATIONS we wOUld like tO thank the FOllOwinG OrGanisatiOns tOGether with the Many individUals and anOnyMOUs sUPPOrters whO alsO cOntribUted tO this aPPeal: the souter trust the J W laing trust Medical Missionary news andrew anderson trust the fulmer Charitable trust the stagecoach Group Charitable trust the Good news evangelical Mission Victor Blank Charitable trust the st lazarus Charitable trust alphinton Parish Church the seedfield trust hamilton rd Presbyterian Church Mission Committee
the al ahli has received much support from other uk and international organisations but what has set us aside from all others, is that we are the only hospital within israel to have offered a hand of friendship and to provide practical and not only financial support.
Buccleuch & Greyfriars free Church of scotland
speaking to those who gave so caringly to our appeal, Dr Bishara said: “We simply cannot thank you enough for your kindness and generosity in helping another member of our family in its time of need.”
If you would like to donate or become a regular contributor to our new appeals please see page 23 to complete our donation form – we’d love to hear from you.
englefield Charity the Bible heritage trust sir James Miller edinburgh trust
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n Please join the trustees, executive team and the staff of the nazareth trust in praying for God’s wisdom and direction in the appointment of the next Ceo. n Pray for the executive team in this transition period until a new Ceo is appointed. n Pray for our executives in nazareth as they seek to develop working relationships with the Government following israel’s General election, which took place on March 17th.
n Give thanks to God that we are able to be a Christian organisation in israel and the opportunities that brings, as we heal, serve and teach without distinction. n Pray for the hospital as it seeks to renovate and extend the Paediatric ward, for the children who will receive a knitted teddy and the impact that such kindness will show.
n as we continue to give thanks for the first 90 years of the school of nursing we pray for God’s guidance in finding a way for our students to gain their Ba in nursing. so please pray for dr. amal khazin, the Director and her staff as they discuss and negotiate with the Government and fellow academic institutions.
n as interest grows in a house in nazareth dating from the 1st Century that could have been the home of Jesus, please continue to pray for all involved with the work and ministry of the nazareth village as they recreate life as it would have been in the time of Jesus.
n Pray for Christine and Jane as they lead serve nazareth into the busy summer programme, as well as the plans they make for the serve reunion and Jesus trail sponsored walk in november 2015. n Give thanks for the work of the Chaplaincy team, who volunteer their time so freely, under the leadership of the rev suheil bathish.
n Pray for the work of the chaplaincy team, especially, amongst the student nurses, so that their faith in Jesus may grow and develop and that they, in turn, may minister to the place God will call them to work. n Pray for the regular events of Wednesday morning service, the thursday morning prayer meeting and the sunday evening service.
n Pray for head office as they seek to make the work of the nazareth trust have an impact on individuals, churches and other groups both within the uk and overseas.
week 2
week 1
Pray for the patients in the hospital. May God grant them swift healing and freedom from pain. Pray also that the hospital may be a witness to them of the love and compassion of Christ.
Pray for the staff of the hospital, at all levels. as they deal directly or indirectly with patients. May they be provided with strength, patience and love in all the tasks they undertake.
Pray for the people of nazareth. May God’s peace rule in their lives as they live and work in the town of Jesus’ childhood. Pray for unity amongst the Christians of nazareth.
Pray for the hospital Chaplains. May their work bring people to a new and deeper knowledge of Jesus. May they bring his peace to those in need and his comfort to those in pain.
Pray for those in the hospital who do not know Jesus as their saviour. May the love of God be revealed to them through the work and service of the nazareth trust.
Pray for the hospital Chapel services held on Wednesdays, thursdays and sundays. ask God to bless them so that he may be glorified and that all who attend will be taught and encouraged.
Pray for the future of the work of the nazareth trust and all we try to do. Pray for wise decisions, adequate finances and a steadfast commitment to showing God’s love in action.
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and of the entire holy land. May God open the eyes of all the peoples of the land that it is only through his love and forgiveness that healing and safety can come.
Pray for the many and varied volunteers who come to serve on the campus. May they be blessed richly as well as bringing blessing to us and the people of nazareth through their service.
Give thanks for those who support the work of the nazareth trust. ask God to show them his path as he calls them so they may come closer to him to show others his grace and love.
Give thanks for the school of nursing and its ministry. May both staff and students be able to achieve the very best, and learn of God through their study of caring and service to those in need of care or who are suffering.
Give thanks for those who guide the work of the trust - the Board and executive team. ask God to give them the wisdom and drive to achieve great things in his name as they serve him with humility.
Give thanks for the wonderful ministry of the nazareth Village. ask God to bless all the staff and volunteers and to bring increasing numbers of visitors to understand him more deeply through the parables that Jesus told.
ask God to open the eyes of his people throughout the world to the plight of Christians in the land. as more people learn of the work of the nazareth trust, may our work and message bless Christians wherever they are.
Visit the Prayer Wall at 22 healinG in the naMe OF JesUs since 1861
A BIG MONTH FOR SERVE nOveMber is a biG MOnth FOr OUr serve PrOGraMMe with twO UniqUe OPPOrtUnities FOr PeOPle tO JOin Us by takinG Part in this challenGinG adventUre. We will hold our first reunion, marking five years of the programme, and welcome back former serVers to the familiar nazareth hills. then it will be our Jesus trail fundraising sponsored walk when participants can literally walk in the footsteps of Jesus from nazareth to Capernaum. the 55 mile walk takes place from november 16th to 22nd.
Both events can be combined with a time of serving here with us, either before or afterwards – which would maximise the time and experience of being in nazareth. For details send an inquiry to
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
BOXING CLEVER TO FIGHT INFECTION as our work in the West Bank grows it is more important than ever that people have access to basic medical supplies. Just £50 will pay for a Medi-box, which contains a remarkable amount of practical equipment. the supplies help those who have no access to medical care to keep deadly infections at bay by treating cuts, minor burns etc. to help us buy a Medi-box just complete the donation form below.
MAKE A ONE-OFF DONATION: I would like to give a donation of £....................... for...................................................................... n Gift aiD: Please treat as Gift aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made today, in the past and in the future. i confirm i have paid or will pay an amount of income tax and/or Capital Gains tax for each tax year (6 april to 5 april) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community amateur sports Clubs (CasCs) that i donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. i understand that other taxes such as Vat and Council tax do not qualify. i understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that i gave up to 5 april 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that i have given on or after 6 april 2008.
signed: ..................................................................................................... Date: .......................... ............................................................... name (Block Capitals):................................................................................................................................................................................ address: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................. Post Code: .................................................................................. telephone: ....................................................................... email: ................................................................................................................. Return address: the nazareth trust, laurel Gables, claude street, hetton-le-hole, tyne & wear, dh5 0aU.
MAKE A REGULAR DONATION WITH A STANDING ORDER: My Bank’s name:.......................................................................................................................................................................................... My Bank’s Postal address: ......................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................. Post Code: ..................................................................................
Please pay by banker’s standing order, cancelling any previous instructions regarding this payee: Pay to: the nazareth trust account number: 00111367 bank of scotland sort code: 80-02-28 amount: (figures) £ ............................. amount: (Words) ..................................................................................................................... Date of 1st Payment: ........................................................................... Pay due day/date every month: .............................................
frequency: n Weekly n Monthly n annually n until further notice n or Date of last Payment: ...................................... name of My account: .................................................................................................................................................................................. account number: .............................................................. sort Code:............................................................................. ........................ i hereby authorise you to set up this standing order payment on my account. signed: .................................................................................................... Date: ........................................................................................... name (Block Capitals):................................................................................................................................................................................ address: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................. Post Code: .................................................................................. telephone: ....................................................................... email: ................................................................................................................. Return address: the nazareth trust, laurel Gables, claude street, hetton-le-hole, tyne & wear, dh5 0aU. WWW.NAZARETHTRUST.ORG - at the heart OF christianity
healing in the name of Jesus since 1861 THE NAZARETH TRUST (HEAD OFFICE) laurel Gables, Claude street, hetton le hole, tyne & Wear, Dh5 0au england telephone: + 44 (0)191 5 20 80 30 Fax: + 44 (0)191 5 20 80 30 email:
THE NAZARETH TRUST (ISRAEL) nazareth hospital eMMs P. o. Box 11, nazareth 16100, israel telephone: +972-(0)4-602-8888 Fax: +972-(0)4-657-5912 (administration office) email: the nazareth trust is the operating name of eMMs nazareth eMMs nazareth is a company limited by by guarantee registered in scotland – Company no sC 225661 eMMs nazareth isa charity registered in scotland : Charity nu: sC 032510 registered as a foreign owned company and not-for-profit institution in israel – no 560019945