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WINter 2016 NeWSLetter
aN uPliFtiNg tIMe for SerVe
PAGe 5
Nazareth Village raises the roof
PAGe 12
steP FOrWarD for JeSuS trAIL 2017
Go to our website to DONate NOW www.nazarethtrust.org
PAGe 14
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WINter 2016 It IS WIth GreAt PLeASure thAt I WeLCoMe you to the WINter eDItIoN of our NeWSLetter.
ChairmaN’s FOreWOrD euGeNe PeterSoN, ProbAbLy beSt kNoWN for hIS bIbLICAL PArAPhrASe ‘the MeSSAGe’, ALSo Wrote A book oN ChrIStIAN DISCIPLeShIP WIth the INSIGhtfuL tItLe ‘A LoNG obeDIeNCe IN the SAMe DIreCtIoN’. SoMethING of thAt PrINCIPLe IS refLeCteD IN the fACt thAt thIS PASt yeAr, 2016, hAS MArkeD the 175th ANNIVerSAry of the INAuGurAtIoN of the orGANISAtIoN thAt quICkLy beCAMe kNoWN AS the eDINburGh MeDICAL MISSIoNAry SoCIety.
The Society’s commitment to express the Christian message through the provision of care for the sick included the training of potential medical missionaries one of whom, Dr Kaloost Vartan, started the Nazareth hospital, responsibility for the support of which was then accepted by EMMS in 1866. Just as our personal discipleship involves a journey of change and maturation the same is true of organisations. In the more recent past EMMS, having become involved in a range of ministries over time, reorganised as two separate charities, The Nazareth Trust and our sister organisation, EMMS International.
For its own part the Trust has gone on, since its creation, to extend its ministry to include not just the hospital and School of Nursing but also the SERVE volunteer programme; outreach clinics to Palestinian communities in the West Bank; and the oversight of the Nazareth Village, information on all of which are contained in this newsletter. But in all of that the ‘long obedience’ is still in the ‘same direction’ in that our guiding principle remains the desire to faithfully express, model and enact the gospel, and to do so in ways that are relevant and sensitive to the needs and circumstances of those we seek to serve. At the time of writing, the Trust Board and Executive team are in a season of looking ahead to the next three years in order to discern how best to strengthen and develop our present patterns of service, and to reflect on whether there are any other ministries to which God is calling us for the future. In all of this we are constantly aware of the challenges, and also the real opportunities, inherent in the complex political, cultural and religious environment in which we function and of our consequent and very particular dependence on God’s wisdom and direction as we plan ahead. As an appreciated supporter of this work we would ask for your prayers over these next few months as we seek a clarity and unity of mind.
As we plan ahead we will however be doing so without someone who has played a very significant role in the development of our clinical services, and the profile of the Nazareth hospital, over the past decade, Dr Bishara, the hospital Medical Director and Head of Hospital. Please prayerfully remember Dr Bishara and his wife as they enter a new stage in life. At the time of going to print we have just announced Dr Bisharas successor, Dr Fahad Hakim, who comes to us from Ramban hospital, Haifa. We are thankful for Gods hand in supporting us through this transition.
morgan Jamieson, Chairman of the Nazareth trust
“remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 02 heALING IN the NAMe of JeSuS SINCe 1861
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03 aN eVer
ChaNgiNg WOrlD IN My LASt NeWSLetter, I tALkeD About the beNefItS of LookING bACk, of reMINDING ourSeLVeS of the LorD’S GuIDANCe AND fAIthfuLNeSS IN the PASt. but thIS yeAr hAS beeN ALL About ChANGe, *AS the WeLL-kNoWN SAyING IN the buSINeSS WorLD GoeS: ‘the oNLy CertAINty IS ChANGe’.
As I look back on the year 2016, so much has happened which we would never have envisaged at the beginning. The US had the most controversial Presidential campaign in its history, the UK is in the midst of Brexit, and Northern Ireland qualified for the Football World Cup Tournament for the first time in over 60 years! In Dr Henry Cloud’s excellent book, Necessary Endings, we are asked to remember that the Lord has given us seasons of nature, as a reminder that all things have an ending. As a farmer would prepare the ground in winter to enable sowing in spring, to ensure growth in the summer to be able to harvest in the autumn - so are we to recognise that seasons in life, as in organisations, will come to an end. We should not be surprised when this happens, and we are to plan in this season for the next one. 2016 will go on record as a year of change for The Nazareth Trust, an ending, and a beginning. The most notable change will be the departure of Dr Bishara Bisharat, after nearly 10 years as the Medical Director of the hospital. Dr Bishara has overseen many improvements and developments including the Catheterisation Lab, the recent refurbishment of the neonatal ward, and operating theatres. As you will have just read from Morgan we look forward, with anticipation, to welcoming Dr Fahad Hakim in the New Year as he takes up the position of Medical Director.
In other parts of the Trust’s operations, we have been particularly encouraged by continuing growth and support. The Nazareth Village has seen a 22% rise in the number of visitors this year, despite a reported decrease of 5% in tourism in Israel generally. The two visits from the LIFT teams from Northern Ireland have begun to transform the Doctors’ House, enabling us to provide improved accommodation to SERVE volunteers and visitors. The School of Nursing is on course to finally achieve academy status in partnership with a college in Afula, which will enable us to offer BA programmes to our students. Looking forward, 2017 sees the beginning of a new strategic planning cycle, where we re-affirm our vision and mission, and map out our overall direction for the next three years. There is much to achieve, and we must seek the Lord for His continuing guidance and provision in each step of the way. We have detailed plans for a new Visitors Centre at the Nazareth Village, a new mortuary at the Hospital, in addition to a refurbished Children’s Ward and an expanded Dialysis Unit.
CONteNts Ceo: AN eVer ChANGING WorLD
SPIrItuAL DIreCtor uPDAte rePort
SerVe NAzAreth: I DID Not WANt to CoMe bACk
SeeDS of hoPe
IN MeMory of our DeAr frIeNDS
WIth GreAt thANkS to LIft! 12 PrAyer requeStS
WALk the JeSuS trAIL
But our mission is not about bricks and mortar. Jesus stood up in a synagogue in Nazareth to proclaim his own mission - to preach good news to the poor, to proclaim deliverance to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind and to release the oppressed. As a Christian organisation working in Nazareth, our mission is the same. We do this by providing: healthcare, through our general hospital in Nazareth, medical outreach clinics in the surrounding communities and the Westbank and at the School of Nursing, international volunteer and short-term mission programmes; and Christian pilgrimage, through the Nazareth Village.
richard mayhew, Ceo of the Nazareth trust WWW.Nazarethtrust.Org
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sPiritual DireCtOr uPDate rePOrt i haVe NOW CONCluDeD 18 mONths iN POst as sPiritual DireCtOr OF the Nazareth trust WhiCh has beeN aN immeNse PriVilege FOr me aND my WiFe Valerie DesPite the NumerOus ChalleNges We haVe FaCeD alONg the Way! the roLeS AND reSPoNSIbILItIeS of My PoSItIoN hAVe eVoLVeD AND beCoMe CLeArer oVer thIS PerIoD AND CAN be SuMMArISeD AS DeVeLoPING AND StreNGtheNING the ChrIStIAN WItNeSS of the NAzAreth truSt AMoNGSt our StAff, throuGh our VArIouS MINIStrIeS AND IN our eNGAGeMeNt WIth the LoCAL CoMMuNIty AND PArtNer orGANISAtIoNS.
develop this important aspect of our life and witness as the Nazareth Trust.
It is also pleasing to note that Christian identity and ministry are two of the central foundations that have emerged out of the recent strategic planning process for the Nazareth Trust led by our new CEO, Richard Mayhew. Accordingly, these have been integrated into the strategic aims and standards of the organisation as a key focus of how we will hold ourselves to account over the next three year period of the strategic plan. This focus presents exciting opportunities in the challenging context of Nazareth and the wider Galilee region and I look forward to working with Richard and the rest of the Executive Team in the coming months to strengthen and
Audio-Book Recording – organisation of the recording of the Arabic script for the audio-book which provides a brief overview of the inspiring story of the pioneer medical missionaries of EMMS Nazareth Hospital and story of Jesus of Nazareth which are to be added to the recording of the entire Bible in Arabic for distribution to staff and selected patients in the Nazareth Hospital over the Christmas period.
By way of a brief update, the following activities have been undertaken since the last newsletter: Joint Study Day – coordinated the planning, organising and conducting of a joint study day with Christian staff from the St Vincent de Paul (French) and Holy Family (Italian) hospitals at the Mountain of Beatitudes Guesthouse in July. This study day was well received by staff from our three hospitals and provided a great opportunity for fellowship, worship and inspired biblical teaching on the theme of God’s Mercy.
Farah Summer Camp - participated in the planning and organising of the annual summer camp for children of staff of the different entities of the Nazareth Trust which was held in the School of nursing from 1-5 August 2016.
Partnership Development – continued to explore the potential for partnerships and grants from international Christian agencies and foundations through engagement, the writing of concept papers, and nurturing of relationships. Nazareth Village/Hospital – offered support to staff over the summer by leading English tours and spiritual support to staff in the hospital as requested. Ethical framework – developed the terms of reference and planning for task team to develop the ethical framework and code of conduct for the Nazareth Hospital. Strategic planning process – participated in the process of developing the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan for the Nazareth Trust which is due to be endorsed by the Board of Trustees at their November Board meeting. Core Fundraising Team - participated in the development of key information and messaging for income generation for specific programmes of the Nazareth Trust.
Walk in the footsteps of Jesus by joining our Jesus trail walk in april 2017
your on-going prayers for the Christian witness and ministry of the Nazareth trust reflected in this report are greatly appreciated as we are reminded on a daily basis in the hometown of Jesus that, “unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it.” Psalm 127:1a 04 heALING IN the NAMe of JeSuS SINCe 1861
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05 serVe Nazareth
i DiD NOt WaNt tO COme baCk the summer OF 2016 saW syDNey mCCONNell returN tO Nazareth aND JOiN the serVe Nazareth PrOgramme FOr the seCOND summer iN a rOW. SuMMer 2015 WAS DIffICuLt AND fuLL of ChALLeNGeS uNLIke ANy other ChALLeNGe She hAD eVer fACeD. ASkeD If She thouGht She WouLD eVer Go bACk to NAzAreth, WIthout heSItAtING SyDNey rePLIeD, “AbSoLuteLy Not, thIS IS Not the PLACe for Me.”
After returning to the States, Sydney was invited to return to Nazareth, but was never able to decline the offer by email. Every time the email was drafted Sydney could not hit the send button and as the weeks went by, God reaffirmed time after time after time that Sydney needed to come back. Sydney left all the arrangements and fundraising in Gods hands and Sydney affirms that“ God and His faithfulness countered my lack of effort.” The summer of 2016 flew by for Sydney as friendships that were planted last summer, shot up out of the ground into all kinds of beautiful flowers this summer. The relationships formed spread across the generations and organisations from parental figures, to crazy uncle figures, to best friends, to church family and to the dear young children that Sydney felt so protective over, and she later commented on, “These people. Wow, these amazing people, are so near and dear to my heart. They are more than friends, but family.”
Reflecting on her two months with SERVE Nazareth, Sydney says, “Every day brought new blessings, new opportunities, and new experiences. Since returning home, I have found myself being bolder than ever. Talking with strangers, especially those who do not look or dress like me. For instance, I have come to find that the language barrier is a great icebreaker. People everywhere are willing to teach, and I am SO willing to learn. From there the conversation is as open as I let it. What an incredible position to be in. “God is so faithful. He should not have given me a second chance here. Honestly, I did not even want it. He just as easily could have given this opportunity to someone else. Perhaps, they would have even been better, but He didn’t. He gave it to me. “I do not know when I will get to go back to Nazareth, the place that for me was my home and the people my family. I am so thankful for the second chance to see this land the way I should have the first time”.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” galatians 6:9
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seeDs OF hOPe the ChaPlaiNCy team has CONtiNueD tO sOW seeDs OF hOPe iN the liVes OF PatieNts iN the Dialysis, PsyChiatriC, OrthOPaeDiC aND meDiCal WarDs OF the Nazareth hOsPital OVer the summer mONths. ALthouGh A NuMber of our reGuLAr INterNAtIoNAL VoLuNteerS Were AWAy oN hoLIDAy oVer the SuMMer, We hAVe beeN GrAtefuL for the SerVe PArtICIPANtS Who CoMPLeMeNteD our teAM of fAIthfuL LoCAL VoLuNteerS oVer the PASt feW MoNthS.
Hope is something that can be in short supply for people when they are ill in hospital or require long term dialysis, but the ministry of presence offered by the chaplaincy team is often used by God to sow the seeds of hope in the lives of patients at this critical time. We make ourselves available to any one who is open to receiving a visit from a Christian chaplain and provide a ministry of prayerful listening, counsel and spiritual care in response to the needs of each person.
other two Nazareth hospitals at the Mt of Beatitudes Guesthouse and the Farah Summer Camp for children of hospital staff which took place in the School of Nursing in August.
The pastoral care committee of the hospital has also been active over the summer months and helped to organise the joint study day with the
We pray that these children will continue to grow in their understanding of Jesus in the coming months!
Both of these events went well and we give thanks to God for the strengthening of the bonds of fellowship between the Christian staff of the three Nazareth Hospitals and for the 70 children, leaders and counsellors who attended our summer camp.
06 heALING IN the NAMe of JeSuS SINCe 1861
The Nazareth Hospital also had a pastoral visit from Archbishop George Bacouni from the Melkite Church, based in Haifa, which was a great blessing to the management, staff and patients of the hospital. Please continue to pray for the ministry of the chaplaincy team and the pastoral care committee, as we seek to provide spiritual care to staff and patients in the hospital and how we might extend this to other areas of our work such as the students in the School of Nursing and staff in the Nazareth Village.
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teaChiNg liFe skills alONg With NursiNg the sChOOl OF NursiNg is NOW iN its 93rD year OF OFFeriNg suPPOrt aND eDuCatiON tO thOse seekiNg a NursiNg Career. the SuPPort offereD, hoWeVer, GoeS WAy beyoND WhAt IS offereD IN the CLASSrooMS AND LeCture hALLS AS MereLy A trANSfer of kNoWLeDGe AND INforMAtIoN but ALSo IMPACtS the heArtS AND MINDS of thoSe Who PASS throuGh our SChooL.
A former student recently visited the School to pop in and see Dr Amal Khazin, the School Director. This student Rami (not his original name) was a very difficult student. He would argue in classrooms on technical issues and often ask the same question over and over again. It often got to the point whereby the teachers would ask him to leave the classroom rather than disrupt the class in question.
Rami lacked self-confidence and compensated for the fact by trying to be a people pleaser and so his studies suffered which resulted in him unable to finish his BA on time but he wanted to continue. The experienced faculty members agreed that he could continue as long as he committed himself to study, keeping the agreed timetable, and any help to others did not jeopardise his own studies. Timetables were kept and we saw a change taking place in Rami. He started to grow in confidence, he felt secure, and he slowly started to appreciate his own abilities and began to realise that his friends loved him just the way he was. Today, Rami works in one of the largest hospitals in the Tel Aviv District of Israel, in a very busy surgical department, and has continued with his professional development so much so that he is soon expected to be promoted to Team Leader.
07 He lives on the Hospital Campus near Tel Aviv with another former Nazareth student and today, seems very confident. Rami returned to Nazareth at the beginning of this Academic year to share his experiences with the newly enrolled first year students and it is expected this will be a regular feature of the induction programme for our new students. Students such as Rami would struggle in many universities in Israel, but we looked at his secondary school record, spoke to his family (which is not common practice in Israel), assigned him a good counsellor, and most importantly we were very patient with him. The school recently heard that Rami’s father who has a good job at a local bank, is very pleased by the way the School of Nursing faculty supported and related to his son.
if you would like to sponsor one of our school of Nursing students through our bursary fund contact us at info@nazarethtrust.org
He would talk in a loud voice and move like a child with great hyperactivity and brought attention to himself not realising the other students were making fun of him. He meant well for he wanted to help the rest of his classmates in any way he could and the other students would often take up so much of his time that he had little time left for himself. He even commented to Dr Amal that, he would even make sacrifices in order to help his fellow students.
“When I saw, I reflected upon it; I looked, and received instruction.” Proverbs 24:32 WWW.Nazarethtrust.Org
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iN memOry
OF James mClareN & mette mcritChie foLLoWING SerVICe IN the WorLD WAr II JAMeS MCLAreN rItChIe eNroLLeD At NeW CoLLeGe, eDINburGh. He planned to serve as a missionary in China but Mao Tse Tung closed China to missionary endeavour, so instead James became chaplain in the Church of Scotland’s Hospital in Sheikh Othman, near Aden. This role suited James perfectly due to his Hebrew and Aramaic language skills along with his humanity and practicality. He travelled to Aden in 1950. Whilst in Aden, James met Mette Kristensen, who had trained at the Elsie Ingles Maternity Hospital in Edinburgh having received a call to service through her involvement in the YWCA. Their romance blossomed into marriage in 1951 and the couple had four children.
ibrahim simaaN known for her gift of welcoming hospitality. After Arabia the family travelled to Kenya and after 17 years on the mission field they returned back home to Scotland where James served as minister in Auchendoir and Kildrummy in Aberdeenshire, McDonald Road in Edinburgh and Coalsnaughton in Kincardineshire. The years of pastoral experience at home and abroad benefitted the work in Nazareth as James and Mette spent three happy years in the Nazareth Hospital EMMS with James serving as chaplain. Their time in Nazareth is well remembered particularly by the expatriate community and their lives of service were an encouragement to everyone.
Although Mette’s midwifery and nursing career was cut short through motherhood, she became well-
James and Mette moved back to Scotland and into the Braeside Nursing Home in Edinburgh where they lived together until James passed away in August followed in October by Mette just two months after her beloved James.
laura aDeNey
School, in two rooms in the basement of the Hospital.
LAurA ArrIVeD IN NAzAreth At the SAMe tIMe AS eLVA LoCkLIN froM CANADA AND MArCIA huGhey froM the uNIteD StAteS of AMerICA. theIr ArrIVAL CAuSeD quIte A StIr for they Were the fIrSt StAff to CoMe to Work WIth uS froM the 'NeW WorLD'. The three were in for quite a culture shock, however Runa Mackay recalls they buckled down, accepted our funny British ways much to the benefit of patients. The Matron and Doctors had been teaching a 'Nursing Course' for a good number of years, but Laura set up our first dedicated Nursing
Laura was a much loved and inspiring teacher. She enabled her student nurses to sit the Government Practical examinations in English to qualify as Practical Nurses in Israel enabling them to work in our Hospital and elsewhere in Israel. Laura met and married the Rev Ronald Adeney who was a CMJ missionary in Jerusalem.They went to live in Jaffa / TelAviv and later on Mount Carmel in Haifa for some years and Laura remained a friend to many offering a haven of loving hospitality in their home. She was a wonderful cook. Laura’s recipe for Chicken Orange featured in The Nazareth Trust Cook Book More Than a Menu.
08 heALING IN the NAMe of JeSuS SINCe 1861
It IS WIth SADNeSS We rePort the NeWS of PAStor IbrAhIM’S DeAth oN the JuNe 24, 2016 After A LoNG StruGGLe WIth ILLheALth. the NAzAreth bAPtISt ChurCh WAS fILLeD to CAPACIty WIth LotS of PeoPLe IN AN oVerfLoW hALL AND IN the Street. He will be sadly missed by the staff of the Nazareth Hospital where he served as Chaplain for 13 years from 1993 to 2006, when he retired. During his term as Chaplain, Pastor Ibrahim served in a loving and compassionate way. After his retirement he continued to be involved with the hospital not least as a member of the Helsinki Committee, responsible for ethical medical research. He also had an excellent grasp of English and translated the book of Shafik Farah on the life of Dr Hans Bernath, entitled What Shall I Do With My Life? into Arabic (as well as many other articles). Pastor Ibrahim was a renowned Biblical scholar in the Galilee region and beyond. He was also a prominent member of the Baptist Convention. He also worked with disabled people in Lebanon during the Lebanese war and helped many amputees to get prosthetic limbs by organising for them to be brought from Lebanon to Ram Bam Hospital in Haifa. Pastor Suheil Bathish, Chaplain of the Nazareth Hospital EMMS, said: “On a personal level, Pastor Ibrahim was a spiritual father and mentor to me and encouraged me to pursue my theological studies and chaplaincy training. “He was a true servant of Christ and I will miss his wisdom and counsel. We extend our sincere condolences to his wife and children at this sad time.“
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Let us focus in on threshing and winnowing. Threshing is the process by which grain is broken apart into kernels, chaff, husks etc. Winnowing is the process by which the grain is separated from the other elements.
threshiNg aND WiNNOWiNg iN bibliCal times IN toDAy’S reALIty of fASt fooD reStAurANtS AND SuPerMArketS, We ofteN forGet Where our fooD CoMeS froM AND hoW It MAkeS It oNto our tAbLeS. thIS IS eSPeCIALLy true of SeeMINGLy SIMPLe StAPLeS, SuCh AS breAD. Wheat and barley, sometimes as parched grain or in the form of loaves or cakes, were the cornerstones of the average person’s diet in Biblical times when a lot of time and energy were used to get bread on the table: plowing, seeding, waiting and praying (for the right amount of rain, at the right time!), harvesting, threshing, winnowing, storing, milling, and baking.
In a pinch, we can simply rub the heads of grain between both hands, and blow away the chaff with our breath. This is the method that was being used by Jesus’ disciples when they were hungry and on a journey with Jesus through a field on the Sabbath (Luke 6:1 // Matt. 12:1). The most efficient and large-scale operation requires a threshing floor a large, flat, hard, circular area - a threshing sledge and oxen, mules or donkeys. There are different designs for the sledge but a common design in Biblical Israel was a wood rectangle with stones or flint chips or iron spikes inserted into the bottom to speed up the threshing process. Finally, we take a winnowing fork and throw the threshed wheat mixture into the air: the wind blows away the lighter parts with heavier parts falling to be collected for storage and use.
This process is symbolically used by the prophets of the Bible to illustrate and unpack Spiritual truths and deliver prophetic messages.
Threshing is a violent process— where the grain is beaten, cut, and crushed—and so it is often used in scripture to represent destruction and judgement. We, as God’s people, also experience difficult times, but we have the good hope of knowing that this is a necessary preparatory step— leading to our being gathered into “God’s barn”.
raisiNg the rOOF FOr Nazareth Village
We are very thankful to the LORD for bringing a few groups of volunteers to us just in time to help us with this immense task.
the NAzAreth VILLAGe INVeSteD A Lot of tIMe AND effort to be AS AutheNtIC AS PoSSIbLe – uSING the CorreCt MAterIALS, StyLeS AND teChNIqueS to buILD the roof uSING PreDoMINANtLy eArth AND LIMeStoNe, SuPPorteD by reeDS AND WooD beAMS.
Our staff worked hard, directing and teaching them how to build roofs as they were made two thousand years ago - reeds had to be harvested, dried, and peeled, before they could be used in construction. Old roofs have to be demolished and the debris removed. Some beams were rotten and had to be replaced.
As you can imagine, building a roof out of these materials is a LOT of work, but can you imagine having to replace such a roof?! Well that's what we had to do this summer! Many of our roofs had reached the end of their ten year lives and needed major repair or total replacement.
09 memOrial FOr mary ALMoSt SIx MoNthS After the NAzAreth VILLAGe fAMILy LoSt MAry zIDAN to CANCer We hoNoureD her LIfe WIth A MeMorIAL eVeNt. For seven years Mary was the mainstay of the kitchen and was loved by staff and visitors alike, for her hospitality and genuine loving service. Richard Mayhew, the CEO of Nazareth Trust, opened the time of reflection with a summary of Mary's hard work and loving character. Staff who had worked closely with Mary and knew her well shared memories of their time of service with her – her energy, her humbleness, her warm and friendly smile… Nazareth Village invited friends and family members to the memorial where we also sang a couple of her favorite worship songs. It was a wonderful opportunity to encourage her family and show them that she is remembered with much affection and thankfulness. It was also a good opportunity for our staff to get closure. As we sang "It is well with my soul" a specially-made, engraved olivewood plaque, was hung on the exterior of the kitchen wall – dedicating it as "Mary's Kitchen". Her brother, Amer, who also works at the Village, said: “We, as a family, felt the love and appreciation of the staff toward a fellow co-worker. It was so touching for her son and two daughters to see the kitchen named after her. Thank you Nazareth Village."
The groups which helped were: • Young Life group • Sand Spring group (lead by the Graham family) • Danish group • The Race Ministry group • Eastern Mennonite University student group WWW.Nazarethtrust.Org
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a FOND FareWell tO Dr bishara DeCember 2016 Will see the trust say a FareWell tO Dr bishara bisharat as he retires FrOm his rOles as bOth heaD OF hOsPital aND meDiCal DireCtOr. to LeAD A PrIVAte hoSPItAL IN ISrAeL WhICh IS oWNeD by A ChrIStIAN, foreIGN ChArIty brINGS ADDItIoNAL ChALLeNGeS to the roLe thAt MANy other MeDICAL DIreCtorS IN ISrAeL Do Not fACe.
Bank Clinics are all testimony to the leadership and foresight of our soon to be retired Medical Director.
Yet the way in which Dr Bishara has led the Hospital, whilst keeping the Nazarene Community as the heart of his work, is clear for all to see in the achievements of the last ten years.
Dr Bishara is also a passionate, national leader in the preventative medicine field, focusing on the health of individuals and communities. His main goal has always been to protect, promote and maintain health and well-being through health education to prevent disease and disability.
The Cardiac Catheterisation unit, the Operating Theatres, the University Status, the Neo-Natal unit, the West
These advancements have been made despite the lack of substantial capital development or fundraising opportunities, no government or parent body to bail the Hospital out and in a small hospital with small wards.
hOsPital sPOrts Day the hoSPItAL heLD ItS 2ND SPortS DAy IN AuGuSt WheN A GreAt DAy WAS hAD by ALL!
The sports centre, equipment and food were all donated by local businesses and people. A group of local youngsters helped throughout the day along with Abdallah Zaher who organised the sports activities.
the WiNNiNg teams Were: 1. emergency room, Obstetrics and gynecological team; 2. Dialysis Ward team; 3. X-ray and archive Department team 10 heALING IN the NAMe of JeSuS SINCe 1861
Credit and recognition is due to Dr Bishara for his leadership over the last 10 years and everyone extends their thanks and gratitude for the achievements made which will serve as a foundation for the achievements of the future. A full tribute, to Dr Bishara will be given in the next edition but for now it is business as usual going forward and on into a New Year as we search for a successor to follow in Dr Bishara’s footsteps. Your prayers would be appreciated for the day to day management of the Hospital and the handover process. “for I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LorD. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
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sayiNg gOODbye aND WelCOme tO OlD FrieNDs aND NeW ShAuN NeWtoN our heAD of reSourCe DeVeLoPMeNt, IS LeAVING uS At the eND of the yeAr. ShAuN IS WeLL kNoWN to ALL of uS AND WILL be A GreAt LoSS to the orGANISAtIoN.
Shaun joined us just before the 150th Anniversary celebrations of the Hospital in 2012. He has been a constant presence at numerous Christian Resource Exhibitions, Heart and Soul and the Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention for the last four years which has resulted in: •
Three LIFT teams to support with the renovation of the Doctors House.
Multiple Jesus Trailers for his three very successful Jesus Trail sponsored walks which has raised almost £60K.
Numerous SERVE participants
The first ever Nazareth Trust Bike ride this year which to date has raised £32K
His key success have been raising £100k for the Gaza appeal, co-ordinating the Audi Bible project and raising over £45K for the SoN Bursary. With all of this amazing work going on behind the scenes, Shaun will still ultimately be remembered as the 'Teddy Bear' man thanks to his very successful Knitted Teddy Bear Campaign. All of us at the Trust wish Shaun every success with his plans to grow his local ministry and community work. We are so grateful he will remain a loyal volunteer to support with event organisation and speaking engagements. We have also said goodbye to Sue Westhead, a long term member of the UK office team retired in October.
Sue had been with the Trust for nearly eight years and played a huge part in the organisation of the UK office when it first moved to Durham. Sue made the decision to retire so she could spend more time with her family who live in Australia. We wish Sue every blessing and will always be grateful for her commitment and loyalty to the work of the Nazareth Trust.
NeW meDiCal DireCtOr at the Nazareth hOsPital foLLoWING Dr bIShArA bIShArAt'S ANNouNCeMeNt of hIS DePArture At the eND of the yeAr AND theN AN exteNSIVe SeArCh by the boArD of the NAzAreth truSt I AM DeLIGhteD to ANNouNCe thAt Dr fAheD hAkIM hAS beeN APPoINteD to be our Next MeDICAL DIreCtor.
Some of our friends and supporters will already know Dr Fahed personally, as he is from Nazareth and he is a hugely respected and qualified physician, currently working at the Rambam Hospital. We are absolutely honoured that Dr Fahed will be joining us, bringing not only his extensive knowledge, expertise and research in the field of medicine, but also a passion to see our hospital continue to build on the outstanding legacy of Dr Bishara Bisharat, and provide the best
possible quality of health care for the people and communities of Nazareth in the coming years. I am sure that you will want to extend our congratulations and to pray for Dr Fahed and his family as he prepares for this transition to our Hospital in the New Year.
in Christ's service, richard mayhew, CeO, Nazareth trust. WWW.Nazarethtrust.Org
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With great thaNks tO liFt! oCtober SAW the NAzAreth truSt AND the DoCtorS’ houSe ProJeCt reCeIVe A thIrD LIft teAM! LIft CoMe froM NortherN IreLAND AND StAND for “LAbour IN fAIth AND truSt”. The team, this time of 15 people, came to serve in two places in Nazareth, four of them at CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) and 11 with us. The Trust project is a continuing one of renovation of the Doctors’ house. Historically this building housed missionary doctors who came to run the hospital's medical services. Now, although not housing missionary doctors, the building provides a home for their spiritual successors, the SERVE Nazareth participants who support and encourage local ministries. The project this time was a very broad one, with a lots of jobs from repaving a pathway, to replacing window screens, to rearranging the drainage and creating a new water supply to the upper floor. In between these things there was painting and pointing enough for everyone, plus
“According to the grace of God which was given to me, like a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building on it. but each man must be careful how he builds on it.” Corinthians 3:10
bike riDe
MouNt CArMeL WAS the MeetING PoINt oN the MorNING of SuNDAy 6th NoVeMber for our 2016 CyCLe the GALILee PArtICIPANtS AND ASAf, oNe of our GuIDeS for the Week. After visiting this well known Biblical site and a day touring Acre we headed to Kibbutz Gesher Ha Ziv where we met Uri our other guide and the cyclists were all fitted out with their bikes and some even went for a quick spin to get themselves familiarised with their bike for the week. The evening routine of dinner, briefing and a short worship service was soon established. The following five days saw the cyclists loop the Western Galilee before following the border road and
the dramatic removal of a giant tree stump! The Trust team, from Maze Presbysterian and Portadown Elim Church, was led by Robert Cleland, who organised and led the team. From farmers, to plumbers, to teachers and more, their varied skills were all put to good use, making huge improvements to the appearance and function of the building. It is hard to express the appreciation we have for these teams, as they work so hard, so willingly and so professionally. However, each team member is also a source of blessing through their character and friendship. Their time here in Nazareth may be short, but they each have a lasting impact on those around them. thaNk yOu liFt!
visiting Bar’am before heading down the Naftali mountains into the Jordan Valley. The journey through the Jordan Valley had to be halted due to military manouvres taking place but the familiar sights of Capernaum and the Sea of Galilee were visited. Following the disappointment of the previous day Thursday saw the cyclists head south beyond the Sea of Galilee following the Jordan River to Beit Shan where the Jordan valley meets the Jezreel valley. As usual the final day saw the cyclists end the Bike Ride with a long climb up into Nazareth before descending into the Hospital campus where they were welcomed by the Hospital staff and management. A short thanksgiving service was held in the Hospital Chapel before Hussam Salman, our Capital & Development Director led a short tour of the Paediatric Ward explaining the proposed plans and what the new
12 heALING IN the NAMe of JeSuS SINCe 1861
ward will look like so allowing the Bike Riders to visualize the impact their sponsorship will make. Thanks go to the Cyclists, the Support Team and encouragers for their week of commitment and also to the many supporters who sponsored and prayed for the event. Fundraising currently stands at £40k. Our next bike ride is planned for the 22nd - 28th October 2017. if you are interested in participating contact us at info@nazarethtrust.org Dates and information will be available early in the New year.
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thaNks giViNg
n A most enriching study day with Christian staff from the three Nazareth Hospitals at the Mount of Beatitudes in July where we reflected on the Biblical theme of mercy.
n Please continue to pray for the children and friends of staff at the Nazareth Hospital who attended a successful summer camp to grow in their understanding of the way of Jesus which was taught to them throughout the week.
Prayer requests n For God’s blessing on Dr Bishara, his wife Ghada and their family as he steps down from his position as Head of the Nazareth Hospital after nine years of committed service to The Nazareth Trust. n For the uniting of the different entities of the Trust – the Nazareth Hospital, the School of Nursing, the Nazareth Village and SERVE Nazareth programme – in pursuit of our common vision, mission and Christian identity. n For the Board of Trustees and Richard Mayhew as they continue to provide leadership to the Nazareth Trust during this time of transition.
n For the strengthening of relationships across and within each directorate, department and place of work, and for a commitment to the common good (as opposed to personal ambition and self-promotion).
n For strength and blessing for our staff as they continue to serve patients, students, volunteers and visitors with love, compassion and grace, and for their families. n For the finances of the Trust as we seek to be wise stewards of the resources that God has entrusted to us.
n New contacts made by SERVE Nazareth for ministry tours in Nazareth next year and for all those who have joyfully served the people of Nazareth over the hot summer months. n Please continue to pray for the smooth merging of the Emek Israel College and the Nazareth School of Nursing over the coming months.
n The staff and volunteers of the Nazareth Village who continue to provide a gracious and inspiring encounter for visitors seeking an authentic experience of first century village and farm life in Nazareth at the time of Jesus. n For an increase in the number of births at the Nazareth Hospital over the summer months.
Week 2
Week 1
FOrtNightly Prayer CyCle suNDay
Pray for the patients in the Hospital. May God grant them swift healing and freedom from pain. Pray also that the Hospital may be a witness to them of the love and compassion of Christ.
Pray for the staff of the Hospital, at all levels, as they deal directly or indirectly with patients. May they be provided with strength, patience and love in all the tasks they undertake.
Pray for the people of Nazareth. May God’s peace rule in their lives as they live and work in the town of Jesus’ childhood. Pray for unity amongst the Christians of Nazareth.
Pray for the Hospital Chaplains. May their work bring people to a new and deeper knowledge of Jesus. May they bring His peace to those in need and His comfort to those in pain.
Pray for those in the Hospital who do not know Jesus as their Saviour. May the love of God be revealed to them through the work and service of The Nazareth Trust.
Pray for the Hospital Chapel services held on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Ask God to bless them so that He may be glorified and that all who attend will be taught and encouraged.
Pray for the future of the work of The Nazareth Trust and all we try to do. Pray for wise decisions, adequate finances and a steadfast commitment to showing God’s love in action.
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and of the entire Holy Land. May God open the eyes of all the peoples of the Land that it is only through His love and forgiveness that healing and safety can come.
Pray for the many and varied volunteers who come to serve on the campus. May they be blessed richly as well as bringing blessing to us and the people of Nazareth through their service.
Give thanks for those who support the work of The Nazareth Trust. Ask God to show them His path as He calls them so they may come closer to Him to show others His grace and love.
Give thanks for the School of Nursing and its ministry. May both staff and students be able to achieve the very best, and learn of God through their study of caring and service to those in need of care or who are suffering.
Give thanks for those who guide the work of the Trust - the Board and Executive Team. Ask God to give them the wisdom and drive to achieve great things in His name as they serve Him with humility.
Give thanks for the wonderful ministry of the Nazareth Village. Ask God to bless all the staff and volunteers and to bring increasing numbers of visitors to understand Him more deeply through the parables that Jesus told.
Ask God to open the eyes of His people throughout the world to the plight of Christians in the Land. As more people learn of the work of The Nazareth Trust, may our work and message bless Christians wherever they are.
Visit the Prayer Wall at www.nazarethtrust.org/faith WWW.Nazarethtrust.Org
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the Nazareth trust iNVites yOu tO
Walk the Jesus trail
AND SuPPort the Work of the truSt
sunday april 2nd to saturday april 8th 2017
the WALk CoNNeCtS IMPortANt PLACeS froM the LIfe of JeSuS WIth other reLIGIouS AND hIStorICAL PLACeS of INtereSt IN the AreA. The pace of the Jesus Trail, set over 5 days, allows time each day for worship and spiritual reflection relevant to the biblical setting see overleaf for the itinerary.
Sponsorship will go towards the Nazareth Trust in order to continue serving the people of Nazareth and the Galilee as it has done for more than 150 years.
So for the experience of a lifetime sign up today, or find out more:
email: info@nazarethtrust.org or tel: 0191 520 8030 or www.nazarethtrust.org/diary/2017Jesustrail
the Nazareth trust invites you to
JOiN the Nazareth trust FOr Our 2017 CyCliNg sPeCtaCular October 21st to 28th 2017
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15 make a ONe-OFF DONatiON: i would like to give a donation of £ ................................................................................................ for ......................................................................................................................................................... Signed:............................................................................................................................. Date: ................................................................. Name (Block Capitals): ............................................................................................................................................................................. Address: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Post Code: ........................................................................... Telephone: ................................................................................................. Email: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
GIft AID oNe-off DoNAtIoN or GIft AID StANDING orDer: Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made today, in the past and in the future. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I have given on or after 6 April 2008.
return address: the Nazareth trust, eLCAP, the brickgarth, easington Lane, tyne & Wear, Dh5 0Le.
make a regular DONatiON
With a staNDiNg OrDer:
My Bank’s Name:.......................................................................................................................................................................................... My Bank’s Postal Address: ......................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Post Code: .................................................. Please pay by banker’s standing order, cancelling any previous instructions regarding this payee: Pay to: the Nazareth trust Account Number: 00111367 bank of Scotland Sort Code: 80-02-28
Amount: (Figures) £ ............................. Amount: (Words).................................................... Date of 1st Payment: .......................... Pay due day/date every month: ................................................................................................................................................................
Frequency: n Weekly n Monthly n Annually n Until Further Notice n or Date of Last Payment: ...................................... Name of My Account: .................................................................................................................................................................................. Account Number: .............................................................. Sort Code:...................................................................................................... I hereby authorise you to set up this standing order payment on my account. Signed: ...................................................................................................................... Date:......................................................................... Name (Block Capitals): ................................................................................................................................................................................ Address: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ .........................................................................................................................................................Post Code: ............................................ Telephone: ................................................................................................................Email:......................................................................... *Please tick the Gift Aid box overleaf to ensure the charity can reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that you give.
return address: the Nazareth trust, eLCAP, the brickgarth, easington Lane, tyne & Wear, Dh5 0Le.
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Healing in the name of Jesus since 1861 the Nazareth trust (uk heaD OFFiCe) ELCAP, The Brickgarth, Easington Lane, Tyne & Wear, DH5 0LE, England telephone: + 44 (0)191 5 20 80 30 fax: + 44 (0)191 5 20 80 30 email: info@nazarethtrust.org
the Nazareth trust (israel) Nazareth Hospital EMMS P. O. Box 11, Nazareth 16100, Israel telephone: +972-(0)4-602-8888 fax: +972-(0)4-657-5912 (administration office) email: Christine@nazarethtrust.org
www.nazarethtrust.org The Nazareth Trust is the operating name of EMMS Nazareth EMMS Nazareth is a company limited by by guarantee registered in Scotland – Company no SC 225661 EMMS Nazareth isa charity registered in Scotland : Charity Nu: SC 032510 Registered as a foreign owned company and not-for-profit institution in Israel – No 560019945