Nazareth Trust Spring 2016 Newsletter

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USA roAd trip success


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richard, who has opportunity to introduce himself more fully in the following item, was appointed on the basis of three simple realities, a committed personal faith in christ, a heart for God’s work in the land of israel and a substantial body of managerial and leadership experience, principally in the christian and social concern charitable sectors. richard took up his post last November and after traveling between the uK and israel during his initial few months in post will, along with his wife margareta, be transferring full-time to the Nazareth area this spring.

Having met when richard was working in the anglican school in Jerusalem, and having had further time in Jerusalem when richard was working with the Garden tomb association, they both have experience of living in israel. this will however still be a period of significant change for them and their family and i would invite your prayers for all the practicalities involved in relocating and establishing a new home and new relationships; for their children who will remain in the uK pursuing their respective work and studies; and for richard as he consolidates himself in the responsibilities and relationships of his role. in this time of change and adjustment please also pray for all those working in Nazareth and the uK office as they begin to work alongside richard in seeking to discern and progress the work and ministry of the trust. this edition of the Newsletter also carries the obituaries of four individuals who in different ways, during a period of over 60 years, have served God through their respective involvements in the work in Nazareth. our former matron, leny van Kralingen, along with marcia Hughey, both offered many years of service as nurses. ruth picksley has been a loyal long-term supporter of the charity and the recent sad death of mary has left staff at the Nazareth Village mourning the loss of a much loved and valued colleague and friend.

each of these life stories is a quiet reminder that in the midst of all of our many activities and decisions the key building block of the work of God’s Kingdom is the simple reality of faithful discipleship sustained over time and to that end their remembrance is another, and equally important, source of encouragement.

morgan Jamieson, Chairman of The Nazareth Trust

may our lord Jesus christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. 2 thessalonians 2:16,17 02 HEALING IN THE NAME oF JESuS SINCE 1861


new Ceo ConSiderS the pASt And lookS to the fUtUre IT IS SuCH AN INCrEDIbLE HoNour AND PrIvILEGE For ME To bE TAkING oN THE roLE oF CEo oF THE NAzArETH TruST.

as part of my preparations prior to moving out to Nazareth, i have been taking the time to do some reading into how the trust came about, how its roots can be traced back over 175 years from the formation of emms, which led to the formation of the hospital in 1861, and how the services of the trust have developed to include the Village, the school of Nursing and serVe, and in particular the christian commitment, faith, vision and personal sacrifice of so many staff and volunteers over the years…so much history.

us in the past, the need to remember, and to give thanks. But in paul’s letter to the philippians, we are urged to forget what lies behind, to strain forward to what lies ahead, press on toward the goal, for the prize of the upward call of God in christ Jesus. the root meaning of the goal is to ‘look into the distance’.


who would have envisaged over 150 years ago that the obedience of a young doctor, Dr Vartan, responding to the lord’s calling to meet a need in Nazareth to set up what, at that time, was the only medical facility between Jerusalem and Beirut - in an area where life expectancy was around 20 years old - would result in the excellent hospital we see today. During the ensuing years, we can trace the key milestones in the trust’s history: the purchase of the land, the building of the hospital, the foundation of the school of Nursing, the vision of the Nazareth Village and the beginnings of serVe Nazareth. Yet, during those years we can also read of times of trials, of difficulties and seemingly insurmountable challenges, of personal loss, and of financial need. the trust today is testimony as to how each trial has been overcome. i find it important to look back, to remember how we arrived and where we are today. in Deuteronomy 8, we read of the guidance given to the people of israel by the lord guidance applicable to us as believers today, including those of us in the leadership of the trust. it is guidance to remember how the lord has led the trust in the past, provided for it, and enabled each challenge to be overcome. so for us to look forward, we do need to draw courage from the lord’s dealings with

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indeed in my role as ceo of the Nazareth trust, i need to look into the distance, to try and foresee the challenges facing the organisation, and the opportunities that lie ahead.





Beyond the specific services offered by our different ministries we are, in 2016, aware perhaps as never before of the strategic opportunity and challenge of the trust’s geographical location. the region is in turmoil, and conflict is never far away.



















our mission is not only to serve the local community through our individual services, but also to be a very real christian presence in this part of the world, supporting and encouraging local believers and communities, as well as seeking to extend our reach further afield to where there is need. so our heart’s desire for the trust can be summarised in one simple prayer, ‘Dear lord, show us what you want the trust to achieve in the coming years, and give us the strength and courage to step out in faith, as our ancestors did’.

cover image: children from the west Bank enjoy the knitted teddies they were given as part of our outreach work.

A bUSy yeAr in nAzAreth it iS now AlmoSt A yeAr SinCe i begAn my role AS SpiritUAl direCtor of the nAzAreth trUSt, with the broAd brief of working with the boArd of trUSteeS And exeCUtive teAm to Strengthen the SpiritUAl miniStry And ChriStiAn witneSS of the different entitieS of the trUSt. IT HAS bEEN boTH AN ExCITING AND CHALLENGING yEAr For My wIFE vALErIE AND I. wE HAvE buILT rELATIoNSHIPS wITH PEoPLE IN NAzArETH, STruGGLED wITH HEbrEw LANGuAGE CLASSES (vALErIE), AND SouGHT To DEvELoP AND ESTAbLISH THE roLE oF THE SPIrITuAL DIrECTor wITHIN THE buSy LIFE oF THE NAzArETH HoSPITAL, SCHooL oF NurSING, NAzArETH vILLAGE, SErvE NAzArETH AND CHAPLAINCy ProGrAMMES. we are grateful to all of you who have been praying for us over the last 12 months. we’re looking forward to the year ahead in faith and trust that God will continue to lead and guide us as we strengthen this ministry of encouragement, prayer and engagement in the daily life of the Nazareth trust. since the last newsletter there have been a number of events which have helped to achieve this, for which i am grateful, including: •

Being trained as a guide at the Nazareth Village during peak tourist season in october – one of the more enjoyable aspects of my work.

Helping to facilitate the exchange visit by Dr curt thompson, a psychiatrist from Falls church, Virginia and founder of ‘Being

Known which helps people explore the connection between interpersonal neurobiology and christian spirituality. His lectures and seminars were well received by staff and students. He led an autumn study day on the topic of “the mind and christian spiritual Formation,” which was inspiring and informative. •

participation in the christmas programmes of the school of Nursing and Nazareth Hospital.

collaboration with the heads of the pastoral care teams of the French and italian Hospitals to plan our involvement in the world Day of the sick events.

compilation of lent reflections on the cost of Discipleship for the christian staff of the Nazareth trust.


there are also numerous on-going projects related to the spiritual ministry of the Nazareth trust which i continue to engage in. these include the audi-Bible project, contributing to the spiritual component of the Nazareth Hospital/cure international partnership agreement, and participating in the compassion committee and people.

i remain grateful to god for bringing valerie and i to nazareth, and look forward to continuing the journey of faith we have embarked on in the year ahead! “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14: 27

05 Sowing the SeedS of hope with oUr neighboUrS reCently the ChAplAinCy teAm took pArt in the world dAy of the SiCk SympoSiUm in JerUSAlem on ‘the SACredneSS of life And end of life CAre’. STAFF FroM THE FrENCH AND ITALIAN HoSPITALS TrAvELLED wITH uS oN THE buS To JEruSALEM. PASTor SuHEIL bATHISH wAS ASkED To LEAD THE PrAyErS oN THE JourNEy AND To CoMMENT oN DIFFErENT bIbLICAL SCENES IN THE JorDAN vALLEy.

this provided a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and led to a greater sense of unity between the pastoral care committees of the three Nazareth hospitals. the teams recently got together to discuss an idea for a joint study day and are looking forward to collaborating on more events throughout the year.

we are also planning a prayer breakfast with the ministers of Nazareth and the Galilee region in may. the aim is to share the vision of the chaplaincy and pastoral care of the trust to inspire them to partner with us in this ministry of love and compassion for the sick and vulnerable people in our care. over the christmas season the chaplaincy team organised successful carol singing events in the three hospitals in Nazareth. all were thoroughly enjoyed by the patients especially the children in the english and French paediatric wards who were given gifts by santa! a carol singing event was also held with the carmelite sisters in their convent close to the Hospital and a ‘carols-by-candlelight’ service for Hospital staff was held in the chapel on christmas weekend, led by the volunteer members of the chaplaincy team.

pastor suheil and Nada share the joys of the audi Bible

the rev suheil Bathish

the team led by pastor suheil has also been busy handing out the audiBibles kindly donated to the hospital by Davar partners and the arab israeli Bible society (in partnership with the chaplaincy ministry of the Nazareth Hospital). these have been a real blessing and a dialysis patient from egypt was delighted to hear the accent of an egyptian narrator when he received one from pastor suheil recently.

please continue to pray for this important ministry of presence and pastoral care at the nazareth hospital! “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” peter 4: 8

An event to pUt oUr heArt And SoUl into… oN SuNDAy, MAy 22ND A TEAM FroM THE NAzArETH TruST wILL oNCE AGAIN bE ExHIbITING AT THE CHurCH oF SCoTLAND'S HEArT & SouL HELD IN EDINburGH'S PrINCES STrEET GArDENS FroM 1PM To 6PM. THIS wILL bE THE SECoND TIME wE’vE TAkEN PArT IN THE EvENT. if you intend being in edinburgh on that afternoon do look out for us, or why not volunteer for an hour or two as we seek to share our story with the hundreds of expected visitors? if you are able to help us out in edinburgh please email

les and Barbara with rafiq who welcomed them into his home in cana.

A few refleCtionS on Serving in nAzAreth hUSbAnd And wife teAm leS And bArbArA CArnew thoroUghly enJoyed their Six week AdventUre with Serve nAzAreth. here they tAlk AboUt their experienCeS And how AS ServerS they were Able to expreSS the goSpel And the love of god in prACtiCAl wAyS. “wE rECEIvED A woNDErFuL wELCoME FroM CHrISTINE AND JANE wHo PuT uS AT EASE AND MADE uS FEEL AT HoME AND IMMEDIATELy PArT oF THE TEAM.” “an introduction to the hospital and its development made us realise that we had become part of a special ministry - begun with sacrifice and dedication by pioneers with a vision to bring much needed medical care to the people of Nazareth, in the name of Jesus. “one of our main contributions came out of the experience of teaching english in china – doctors, nurses, administrators, laboratory technicians, all keen to practise their english just by chatting, signed up to have one-on-one english conversations. “it was a wonderful way to gain some insight into the thoughts and attitudes of people - as they shared their stories we learned a little about real daily life in Nazareth today. “one of the highlights of our time was to be invited to the home of a nurse who wanted us to meet his sons to encourage them in their english.

we were overwhelmed by the wonderful welcome and generous arabic hospitality we received as we became part of their family for an overnight stay. “our ‘fame’ as native english speakers spread to cana about 6 miles from Nazareth, where we were invited to give extra private english classes in a primary school. so in the town where Jesus turned water into wine we attempted to turn arabic into english! we had some fun encouraging four classes of enthusiastic young people in their english learning through song and games. “another area of ministry was a twice weekly visit to the maternity and renal units at the Nazareth Hospital where massaging patients’ feet and hands gave us the opportunity to get to know them and most were open to having prayer and a few accepted a gift of christian literature. “we also had the rare opportunity to dress as first century villagers and help with the seasonal harvest of picking olives during our time at the Nazareth Village. “Here we imagined the young Jesus running and playing on the rough hillside terraces and helping with the various harvests and then as an adult perhaps making some of the farm implements, tools and machinery.


“these thoughts brought home the fact that Jesus, the son of God, was so very human. He came into our world, not high and mighty as a King in a palace but as an ordinary man dwelling amongst us, humbly sharing our humanity in all its aspects - joys, sorrows, hard work and leisure. “as a follower of Jesus it is easy to see israel - from overseas - through romantic spectacles and to imagine everything is beautiful about the land. However our experience of volunteering with serVe Nazareth gave us a fresh perspective on the land and its people. “For me being part of the team at serVe Nazareth was a privilege as they follow Jesus of Nazareth’s desire to express love in word and deed to all – we learned it can be more challenging to do so amongst those who are closest to you geographically but further away culturally and spiritually. “it was a privilege and a pleasure for both of us to be part of a dedicated and embracing fellowship of believers who let the light of Jesus shine brightly through their witness in the midst of a complex and uncertain land.” To find out more about SErvE go to www.nazareth or to donate towards our work go to page 19.

07 new StUdentS bring new inSightS onCe AgAin oUr SChool of nUrSing iS bUrSting At the SeAmS with new StUdentS exCited At the proSpeCt of embArking on A new ventUre. wAJDI DAAbouS IS oNE oF 112 STuDENTS wHo bEGAN THEIr STuDIES wITH uS IN THE AuTuMN. HErE wE wANT To SHArE HIS STory. after studying medicine in syria for three years wajdi’s parents insisted he return to his home in the Golan Heights because of the turmoil. He decided to embark on a career in nursing and applied to our school – keeping in regular touch with the Director of the school of Nursing, Dr amal Khazin - to check where he was on the waiting list. He started his nursing studies in october 2015 but it wasn’t until December that Dr amal discovered that he was travelling to Nazareth from the Golan Heights and back every day! that’s a round trip of more than 260 km - taking him between two and three hours each way. Dr amal asked why wajdi had not approached her about accommodation in Nazareth and he told her he had been too shy to ask.

Fortunately Dr amal is from the same culture as wajdi and understood that for young men from this culture to be shy, is to demonstrate good character, whereas in other cultures shyness could be seen as a sign of weakness. she was able to come to his aid and wajdi is now settled into accommodation at the French hospital, which is close to the Nazareth Hospital and the school of Nursing. Now he has settled in wajdi is making good progress in his studies and passing of his exams. wajdi’s dedication is an inspiration to everyone at the school of Nursing and is just one example of the determination that is needed to pursue and achieve a career in nursing. we thank God that students like wajdi are studying in our school and we keep praying and have faith that the school will see blessings for all of its students.

“The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” philippians 4:9

rAiSing the roof to rAiSe fUndS THE TruST wAS DELIGHTED To LEArN THAT FoLLowING our NIGHT wITH CAMbrENSIS CHoIr IN CArDIFF LAST yEAr MEMbErS HAD DECIDED To DoNATE To uS HALF oF THE rETIrING oFFErING FroM THEIr ANNuAL ‘ProMISE oF CHrISTMAS’ EvENT, HELD AT THE CITy’S ST. DAvID’S HALL. the event comprised two perfomances on the day with the afternoon performance including the youth choir. many of the choristers return year after year to sing at this annual event, which along with the annual Glory of easter concert is part of cambrensis annual programme. some join the choir on their own whilst others do so as a group from their church. rehearsals started in october in both Bridgend and in cardiff with the two groups coming together for final rehearsals before the event.

i ajd tw en ud st s ou ab Da

we had a stand with literature available at each event so we would like to thank cambrensis for the opportunity to share our story and to the kind generosity of those who gave to the retiring offering.

all of our Jesus trailers gathered at the arbel cliff overlooking the sea of Galilee

CelebrAting JeSUS iS A fAmily AffAir AnniverSArieS Are typiCAlly CelebrAted with giftS or privAte getAwAyS... buT Dr boNNIE zEHr AND HuSbAND, JErry HESS ArE uSED To DoING THINGS DIFFErENTLy. To MArk THE 20TH ANNIvErSAry oF THEIr MEETING IN ISrAEL THEy rETurNED — ALoNG wITH JErry’S MoTHEr, EuNICE, AND HIS Four SISTErS, TwILA SAuDEr, JuLIA NoLT, CAroL MArTIN AND kATHLEEN SHuMA. this was not a vacation to an exotic spa but to complete the Jesus trail following the path that Jesus took when travelling from Nazareth to the sea of Galilee. Bonnie and Jerry met on the 1995 sponsored bike ride when they were raising funds for the Nazareth Hospital through the Nazareth project inc., which promotes a christian ministry of healing, peace and reconciliation in the Holy land. this year’s hike was to raise funds for the serVe programme.

this should have been their third trip to israel, but the 2005 sponsored bike ride was switched from israel to egypt because conditions in israel that year were not considered safe. Jerry was due to take part in the 1994 ride with his mother but fate intervened and he went elsewhere. His mum told him how worthwhile the ride was – so he went in 1995, and the rest, as they say, is history. Bonnie, a paediatrician in pennsylvania, and Jerry are avid bikers, having biked through a number of american states. Four years ago they hiked the Grand canyon with eunice as a way of celebrating her 80th birthday. Bonnie said: “we thought, ‘if mother can do the Grand canyon, she can do the Jesus trail with us.” the group of seven flew out of New York to join participants from Northern ireland, scotland, england and fellow americans from mississippi.


the walk was far from easy, beginning at Nazareth, which is the highest elevation, and passing through Zippori National park, cana, ilaniya, Kibbutz lavi, arbel National park, mount of Beatitudes and capernaum. the highlight for the group was the ability to swim and sail across the sea of Galilee. carol says she became very emotional during the boat ride on the sea. “i just thought ‘i’m here where Jesus was - on the sea of Galilee’. i felt his presence and the tears just flowed and flowed.” David smith of mississippi, who along with his wife, autumn, joined them on the hike, apologised for his silence at the sea saying he was too emotional to speak.

the group will never read bible stories in the same way again, as the land of the bible came alive to the group through walking in Jesus’ footsteps.

A viSit from pApAl repreSentAtiveS mArked the world dAy of the SiCk in nAzAreth thiS yeAr. THE DAy wAS INITIATED by PoPE JoHN PAuL II AND HAS bEEN obSErvED SINCE 1993 To ENCourAGE PEoPLE To PrAy For THoSE wHo SuFFEr FroM ILLNESS AND For THEIr CArEGIvErS. the pope had been diagnosed with parkinson’s Disease in 1991 and it is thought that his own illness was impetus for his designation of the day. the world Day of the sick is observed on February 11 each year (which is also the catholic Feast Day of our lady of lourdes). every third year a location is chosen and this year the pope chose Nazareth as global focus of this celebration, noting that it was the place where “the word became flesh and made His dwelling among us” and where Jesus began His salvific ministry.

the celebration included events in other centres in the Holy land, including Jerusalem and Bethlehem, and representatives from the three Nazareth Hospitals attended a special symposium on the sacredness of life and end of life care. the symposium offered a good mix of theological, medical and practical input on respect for the dignity of the human being based on his/her inherent worth as a person created in the image of God. this was the right of every person from the time of their conception until the time of their death, and was particularly relevant to the most

papal Delegation meets the executive team

world dAy of the SiCk mArked in nAzAreth


“by the sweat of your face you will eat bread, Till you return to the ground, because from it you were taken; For you are dust, And to dust you shall return.” genesis 3:19

vulnerable members of society – the unborn, infants, people with disabilities, and the elderly and infirm. the celebration of the world Day of the sick in Nazareth included visits by the pontifical envoy, led by archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, president of the pontifical council for Health workers, to the three Nazareth Hospitals and other christian health institutions in Nazareth to meet and encourage staff and pray for the sick. a delegation visited the Hospital’s dialysis ward to pray with patients and held a brief reception with the executive management team to whom they expressed their blessings and best wishes. a special Healing mass for the sick was held at the Basilica of the annunciation and all sick people were invited to attend. the Basilica church was filled to capacity and as nearly everyone present wanted to receive a blessing or anointing with oil for prayer by the archbishops representing the pope, this Healing service lasted almost three hours!

papal delegation visiting the Dialysis ward

please pray for this collaboration to grow and develop into a meaningful partnership in promoting loving, compassionate and professional healthcare to the people of nazareth as part of our Christian life and witness in the town where Jesus grew-up!

bUilding A better fUtUre for the villAge SEvErAL buILDING ProJECTS NEAr THE SouTH-wESTErN borDEr oF NAzArETH vILLAGE HAvE bEGuN – CHALLENGING uS IN SEvErAL ArEAS. maintaining an authentic first-century atmosphere throughout the tour; minimising modern intrusion from outside such as new houses and buildings and keeping noise distraction outside of the Village to help visitors focus on their first-century experience. we decided to combat the problems we needed to build a wall as a barrier. the wall needed to be efficient, strong, quickly built and authentic. the funding for this project was made possible through the generosity of the miracle of Nazareth international Foundation (mNiF). to address the matter of authenticity, we decided the wall needed to look like the walls of the Village houses. tiles were carefully moulded and colour matched to the walls in the Village.

CelebrAting A firSt CentUry ChriStmAS in the light of SeverAl UnfortUnAte eventS in the CoUntry we deCided to hAve A progrAmme to give people hope At ChriStmAS – And it proved to be JUSt one of the mAny bleSSingS in 2015. wE wANTED PEoPLE To STAy AT THE vILLAGE, TALk, SING CAroLS ToGETHEr, AND EAT ToGETHEr. THE AIM wAS To oFFEr A NoSTALGIC CHrISTMAS ExPErIENCE For THE wHoLE FAMILy AND MoST IMPorTANTLy - oNE THAT HAS JESuS AT ITS CENTrE.

Families walked from one station to another; children could ride donkeys, create christmas crafts and watch our film "Growing up with Jesus”.

these tiles were fixed to a three metre steel frame to help to hide the modern buildings beyond our perimeter. the plan also included an indentation designed into the wall to form a cave as a part of the sheepfold. the material chosen for the tiles was carefully chosen to provide acoustic benefits by diffusing outside noises. we were also able to purchase wireless headsets that make it easier for our visitors to hear the guided tour - missing nothing of the experience.

the King's Kids also performed interpretive dances to christmas songs and a storyteller engaged listeners as he told the story of the Nativity. a ‘roman soldier’ announced the carol singing time, as well as the arrival of Joseph and mary at the sheep's pen where people could have their picture taken with them.


people enjoyed a unique variety of foods in a warm and cosy setting. to take the experience one step closer to the first century, people exchanged their money for the “widow's mite,” which was used in order to participate in certain activities. over the two nights there were more than 800 visitors, mostly locals as well as tourists. the feedback was very positive – ‘You made us feel the real meaning of christmas’ was the most frequent comment.

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” hebrews 10: 24-25

11 the Story of the Almond tree the Story of the Almond tree iS one often told in the region of nAzAreth – it iS A poignAnt reminder of the vAlUe And ConStAnCy of hope. “THE oLIvE SEASoN IS ovEr, THE TrEES HAvE SHED THEIr LEAvES AND THE SMELL oF SMokE MIxED wITH THE FoG FILLS THE AIr. IT'S wINTEr THE PuDDLES oF rAIN wATEr rEFLECT THE GrEy CLouDS AND AS THE DAy CLoSES THE FAMILy LAyS To SLEEP To THE SouND oF THE LEAky rooF DrIPPING.

“the first ray of light ushers in a new day and the fog leaves the ground to reveal the desolate state the land is in.

“a pilgrim once told me i am special, which couldn't be farther from the truth, at least the way i saw it. He told me God said that He is like an almond tree. “and who am i that the almighty might say that He is like me? i am fragile, helpless in heat of the summer and naked in the cold of the winter. “the pilgrim explained to me God's promise to Jeremiah 1:11-12 and that the lord is 'shaked' in Hebrew.

He said 'shaked' means almond, but also awake and watching. God is watching over His word to perform it. “that is why i have hope. when the summer is hot and man is helpless in the face of the famine, God orders the clouds to cry tears of mercy to fill the valleys and wells. and when my leaves fall to the ground i am assured that i need to let go of past glory to receive new one. although i have to wither winter shaking in the cold, i have hope. “therefore, o man, do not fret at the news of war. look not at the smokefilled fog, the cloudy sky, or listen to the lies of the wind sung through the cracks in your door. and when you sleep at night listening to the drops from the leaky roof, remember that you have a roof over your head. and when the fog disappears in the morning, look across the valley, you'll see my white blossoms and hear my small still voice say 'have hope.'”

If you would like to visit Nazareth village in person why not take part in our Cycle the Galilee event in November. Contact

“is all hope gone? an answer seems to be lost in the echoes of an axe collecting wood for the fire. the grass is too young to know, and a song in the trees is merely a memory. and the voice of the exhausted olive tree says, "ask the almond tree.” “Have hope”, said a small still voice, had it been louder it would have been a whisper. such weak, yet sure, voice could only come from the ill-looking almond tree. “i might not be as strong as the olive tree," said the almond tree, "nor as tall as the cypress, but i know a lot about hope.”

villAge SAyS goodbye to mAry on January 21st of this year we bade farewell to a dear family member. mary Zidan (pictured left) went to be with the lord and we believe she now rests in His arms free from illness and pain.

mary was a sweet, kind-hearted mother, sister, co-worker and cook to all of us. Her smile and warmth went before her and she always sparkled with the love of Jesus to all who visited her kitchen at the Village.

we were honoured to serve the lord with such a marvelous friend.

employeeS of the yeAr AwArdS dr zAhi yoUSef – emergenCy room

dr zahi said: “i’m very glad and honoured to be awarded for my work. i think that this is a great and fair hospital where you get what you deserve and i thank everyone, especially the er staff, for their support and hard work throughout the year and, of course, the hospital’s administration team.”

nAJlA hAmAti – riSk mAnAgement

(QUAlity And SAfety direCtorAte)

Najla is fondly known as Nana in the hospital. Nana is a dedicated and loyal worker who has great commitment to her work on reducing medical risk within the Hospital. in addition, Nana makes a tremendous contribution to the Hospital’s spiritual committee. she organises the employees’ annual children’s camp and the spiritual retreat.


tAmer brAnSi –

operAting room Aid nUrSe when tamar’s coworkers were asked about him they said: “tamar is a professional person, humble, diligent, does his work from the heart and never complains.

Dr Zahi was recognised for being the heart of the er department - always kind, patient and caring. He doesn’t only deal with the patients’ medical problems but also takes time to talk with them and their families to provide emotional support. His dedication to the er department knows no bounds, including time. He is often seen still working long after his shift has finished, just to help wherever and whomever he can.

thiS yeAr’S hoSpitAl employeeS of the yeAr Ceremony hAS tAken plACe in the hoSpitAl’S AUditoriUm – giving the hoSpitAl teAm the opportUnity to look bACk on the eventS of 2015 And CelebrAte the greAt work done by everyone.

tArek hAkroUSh – diAlySiS teChniCiAn

tarek does a great job in taking care of the dialysis patients. His respect for everyone sets a great example for the rest of the employees. tarek never gives up and on hearing that one of the dialysis patients was refusing to continue treatment, drove immediately to the patient’s home to talk to him. where the patient’s family and other medical staff had failed to persuade the patient to continue dialysis,

Nana spends many hours of her own time to support staff and activates and leads by example in living the values and vision of the Hospital. Nana said: “it felt like a cookie was added to my morning coffee, very rich and sweet and certainly energising. when that feeling passed, i could not help but think of those great leaders whom i have had the privilege to work with during the last 30 years. those who, as i go about my job, i see daily in the legacy of their important work; those who have gone, but have made an important mark on this great institution. managers, secretaries, nurses and doctors. simple, humble,


“the surgeons and anaesthesiologists say he is like having an extra set of arms and hands - he sees things that need doing before they even need to be done.

“his great attitude and personality contribute to making a wonderful atmosphere in the or - and everything goes smoothly when tamar is there.”

tarek, through his kindness and compassion, succeeded. thankfully the patient’s dialysis sessions are back in place and tarek ensures he is present every time to help him through. tarek said: “this award has been a magnificent end to a great year. i moved to a new house, and then received a rose from God, my first son “Zizo” and now i’ve been selected as employee of the Year!

“i would like to give thanks to many people; my parents and my wife woroud, the great dialysis staff, dr zaher Armaly, maha zaher and the hospital’s administration.”

sincere in Jesus, like perfect vessels that have lovingly forged my path at this dear institution by encouragement, teaching and support.

i wish i could manage, if only partially, to bring to life this legacy to the future nazareth family and feel challenged to be the link between the past and the future.” “whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. you are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3: 23-24

13 USA roAd trip proveS SUCCeSSfUl heAd of the nAzAreth hoSpitAl dr biShArA biShArAt And SAmAr SAmAwi mAde A SUCCeSSfUl trip to the USA in oCtober to rAiSe AwAreneSS of the hoSpitAl’S miSSion. Dr bISHArAT AND SAMAr wErE HoSTED by AbrAHAM’S CHILDrEN, A 20-yEAr MISSIoN oF THE FIrST PrESbyTErIAN CHurCH IN wHEAToN AND THE HoSPITAL SISTErS MISSIoN ouTrEACH (HSMo) – AN orGANISATIoN wHICH rECyCLES MEDICAL EquIPMENT.

the groups have now donated $80,000 worth of medical equipment to the Nazareth trust – and it is now en-route to the Hospital. speaking to the groups Dr Bisharat said: “we appreciate the opportunity to come to america to tell the story of our hospital, and how we minister to people of all faiths in the Nazareth region and in the occupied territories. “in some of these areas, we are the only medical support, so acquiring this much needed equipment helps so many people. “this gift of equipment will allow us to also convert capital resources to scholarships for our nursing programme, which is the only one in israel that offers such instruction to christians and muslims.”

susan Drinan, co-founder of abraham’s children, said: “this partnership with the Nazareth Hospital is a great way to extend our mission of striving for peace and justice in the Holy land. “Not only will this equipment provide care for patients in Nazareth but also the reallocation of resources will provide student scholarships for the respected nursing programme at the Nazareth Hospital, the only one of its kind for the arab community.” since its founding in 2002, Hsmo has improved health care quality and saved lives in 87 developing countries around the world and has saved and redistributed nine million pounds of surplus medical equipment that would otherwise have been thrown away. Georgia winson president and executive director of Hsmo, said: “this partnership is a wonderful expression of christian love and faith.

“without the support of hospitals and clinics providing the equipment, the hSmo systems in place to recover it, and the sponsorship and awareness provided by organisations like Abraham’s Children, none of this equipment would find its way to unmet medical needs worldwide”.

kneSSet memberS viSit a team from israel’s Knesset along with some community leaders visited the Hospital to hear about the services and challenges. they encouraged us to cooperate with the other hospitals in Nazareth, our management team was happy to confirm its willingness to do whatever was needed for the sake of the health of the population.

work plAn dAy 2016 – “everybody deServeS CompASSion” the Hospital ‘Forum 60’, made up of staff from all levels and departments within the Hospital, along with members of the executive team, has participated in a planning day. the work plan day, named “everybody Deserves compassion”, addressed several topics, including financial sustainability, hospital development, people (patients, families and staff) and social accountability. at the end of the day each team presented its suggested work plan. Dr Bishara Bisharat said: “it was wonderful seeing everyone working together and coming up with ideas that we can take forward. it is very important that the staff have a voice in our plans for the future.”

offering A wArmer welCome to Children eACh yeAr the nAzAreth trUSt rUnS one mAin AppeAl – thiS yeAr we hope to rAiSe £2 million to UpgrAde oUr rAther dAted pAediAtriC wArd. wITH SICk AND TrAuMATISED CHILDrEN ArrIvING EvEry DAy wE’D LovE To bE AbLE To MAkE THEIr STAy MorE CoMForTAbLE AND THE SurrouNDINGS MorE PLEASANT AND CHILDFrIENDLy.

Despite the excellent care - in both medical and pastoral terms - given by Dr Youssif Nijem and his team, being in hospital can be a frightening experience for a child and the ward, in the oldest part of the Hospital, could do with some tlc of its own. the paediatric ward is the only surgical and orthopaedic unit for youngsters in the whole of the surrounding area of Nazareth and is open seven days a week. Demand for the paediatric service is growing all the time and the Hospital wants to be able to expand the ward and improve facilities so that it never has to turn a child away. at present the inpatient ward has 18 beds, and as well as outpatient consultations the department also provides emergency support and health education. Dr Youssif and his team also run outreach clinics in the west Bank and children referred for surgery are an added call on the resources.

“while our young patients are with us we want them to be as comfortable as possible – that’s pretty hard to achieve at the moment with our outdated accommodation, beds and facilities. “our patients receive excellent care but the ward has been in need of repairs and updating for some time and we have now reached the point where it is urgent. so the appeal is to raise £2 million to extend and renovate the current facilities, provide space for extra beds and purchase state-of-the-art equipment,” said Dr Youssif. the trust also wants to add a play room, a study room and a family welfare area for family members who often stay with their sick children 24 hours a day. we hoped to open the new facilities next year and people can help by making a one-off donation or setting up a regular standing order. please see our donation slip on page 19.

“He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, ‘whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.” mark 9: 36 – 37 14 HEALING IN THE NAME oF JESuS SINCE 1861

15 knitterS prove to be reAl pUrlS samar samawi, Director of public relations speaking at the First presbyterian church of wheaton

THE rESPoNSE To our APPEAL For kNITTErS LAuNCHED IN FEbruAry LAST yEAr SAw wAS ovErwHELMING wITH SCorES oF SuPPorTErS rISING To THE CHALLENGE AND kNITTING TEDDy bEArS uSING A PATTErN SuPPLIED by TEDDIES For TrAGEDIES (uk). we’ve been inundated with teddy bears - as well as many, many hats, scarves, blankets, mittens, cardigans, jumpers and other woolly items to help our cause.

SpeAking Up for the trUSt

the lASt few monthS hAve been bUSy oneS for oUr teAm of SpeAkerS And repreSentAtiveS.


there have been speaking engagements at local rotary clubs and probus clubs, sunday and midweek church appointments and churches together meetings. the events have taken place across edinburgh, Glasgow and Dumbarton as well as the North east of england. exposure to the work of the trust also came through malcolm Billings’ lecture given at the British museum in January.

malcolm spoke about the origins of the Hospital, and how pK Vartan established the Hospital and its development over the years. it was encouraging to see a good number of supporters and former members of staff and trustees show their support for the lecture.

now malcolm is hoping to repeat the lecture in Jerusalem and Australia before the end of the year!

the items have been used in a variety of ways – from being given to the children in our paediatric and maternity wards and to youngsters in the west Bank. to being sold at the annual christmas Bazaar to raise much needed funds for the Hospital. so a huge thank you to all those who have and continue to knit and supply knitwear and clothing for those in need.

To find out more about knitting items for The Nazareth Trust contact or to make a contribution see the donation form on page 19.

“Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” James 5:14-16

Join oUr exhilArAting ChAllenge

CyCle the gAlilee in 2016 And rAiSe fUndS to help oUr work in JeSUS’ hometown EACH PArTICIPANT wILL bE ASkED To rAISE A MINIMuM oF £2,000 / $3.000 / ₪11,000 IN SPoNSorSHIP To HELP uS TrANSForM THE NAzArETH HoSPITAL’S PAEDIATrIC wArD.

itinerAry: day 1: Sunday 6th november welcome and briefing day 2: monday 7th november mount Carmel to nahariya day 3: tuesday 8th november – nahariya to kiryat Shmona day 4: wednesday 9th november – kiryat Shmona to the Sea of galilee day 5: thursday 10th november – Sea of galilee, Jordan river, mount gilboa day 6: friday 11th november – final climb to nazareth

the nAzAreth trUSt iNVites You to

CyCle the gAlilee 2016 6th to 12th november 2016

Join the nAzAreth trUSt for An exhilArAting And ChAllenging bike ride ACroSS northern iSrAel in november 2016. rIDE THrouGH ANCIENT vALLEyS, uP AND DowN MouNTAIN SLoPES AND ALoNG THE DIrT TrACkS oF ISrAEL’S FArMING CoMMuNITIES.

day 7: free day to discover nazareth before departing for home

So whAt will we do with the SponSorShip? the paediatric ward is in urgent need of expansion and refurbishment to improve standards of care, and to adequately serve a growing population. we aim to: • transform our wards, waiting rooms and outpatient areas to create bright, cheery child-friendly spaces. • provide toys, play equipment and activity areas where children can play and be active, or study and finish their homework.

explore the land of the bible, sail across the Sea of galilee and then cycle into nazareth - in celebration - as you cross the finish line at the nazareth hospital emmS. You will discover dramatic landscapes stretching from the mediterranean to the sea of Galilee, including the foothills of Galilee, the Naphtali mountains and the Hula Valley. Visit the ancient ruins of capernaum, the Jordan river Baptismal site and have a full day free to experience Nazareth.

• provide more family-friendly facilities so parents can stay with their children. For the experience of a lifetime, sign up today, or find out more at:

or email:


You will have loads of fun and an opportunity to make new friends as you take in the sights and sounds of Northern israel. For the experience of a lifetime, sign up today, or find out more at: or email:

The Nazareth Trust works to provide healthcare, education and Christian service through the Nazareth Hospital EMMS, the School of Nursing, Nazareth village and SErvE Nazareth. our work is based on the principles and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

the nazareth trust is currently running a £2m appeal to raise money to upgrade the paediatric Unit at the nazareth hospital emmS. the hospital also conducts vital outreach work in the west bank through mobile clinics for those unable to travel to the hospital.


in memory

of oUr deAr friendS


after this appointment, leny went to stay for a year at ‘the mish’ on mayfield terrace, edinburgh, in order to study hospital management. leny provided strong leadership, wise counsel and possessed integrity, all of which was underpinned by her deep christian faith. she was a faithful, trustworthy friend who was full of character, fun, life and laughter, though she was not afraid to speak her mind! she was loved by nurses and doctors and possessed an astute knowledge of arabic and arab culture. she possessed many gifts, one of which being music, loving nothing more than to play guitar and sing, with her fine soprano voice. leny had a real love for walking and the outdoors and discovering israel was one of her great passions. she also loved entertaining and cooked pancakes, Dutch style, many times in her apartment for her friends. she is survived by her husband, tsjalling.

rUth piCkSley 23/08/1925 – 13/09/2015 wHILST NEvEr workING IN THE HoSPITAL ruTH wAS A GrEAT SuPPorTEr oF THE work. ruth was first introduced to the work of the Nazareth Hospital emms when she participated in an emms tour of the Holy land in 1989. the tour that year was led by John tester, and ruth records in her diary, that on arriving at the Hospital she was met by peter turnpenny, his wife and their baby, pippa. the sight of arab mothers sitting by cots to comfort their children and the visit to intensive care made such an impression that she later recorded it as “one of the greatest experiences of my life, if not the greatest. John tester had lived here for twenty years, so who better to be our tour guide?”

mArCiA JoyCe hUghey 28/09/1924 to 25/10/ 2015 MArCIA, A LoNG-TIME rESIDENT oF kENNEbuNk, MAINE, uSA, GrADuATED FroM NurSING SCHooL AT LyNN HoSPITAL, MASSACHuSETTS IN 1946 AND FroM MISSIoNAry SCHooL AT MooDy bIbLE INSTITuTE IN 1950. marcia attended a missionary conference in Boston where one of the speakers was appealing for “one nurse at Nazareth Hospital emms”. Following the conference, marcia could not get the phrase, “one nurse” out of her mind and, after much prayer, she knew without doubt that she would be that “one nurse” who would go to Nazareth. in 1952, marcia began a 17-year term as a medical missionary at the Nazareth Hospital emms during which she returned to the usa to train as a midwife. marcia worked as a staff nurse at the Nazareth Hospital and progressed to oB supervisor, then assistant Director of Nursing. she returned to the states to stay in 1973 and became Director of Nursing at pioneers’ Hospital, rocky Ford, colorado, before returning home in 1986 to care for her ageing parents. marcia was known for her cheerful outlook on life, her sense of humour and her love for her lord. she served faithfully as a Bible teacher, mentor and elder at messiah christian church, becoming a licensed minister in 1992. she had a far-reaching influence on many.

Spring 2016

prAyer pointS n continue to pray for richard Mayhew’s health and strength after his pneumonia and for a smooth transition as he and his wife margareta relocate from the uK to Nazareth when he is fit enough. n also please continue to pray for their integration into the Nazareth community and for wisdom and insight for richard as he takes-up his role as the new Chief Executive of The Nazareth Trust, based fulltime in Nazareth.

n pray for the trustees and executive team of The Nazareth Trust – as they together seek to provide governance, oversight and strategic leadership to the different entities of The Nazareth Trust.

n pray for the staff and work of the uK office at this challenging time of transition and for the planning and preparations for the 175th Anniversary Celebration of EMMS in edinburgh in November.

n pray for more participants to enrol for the Galilee Cycle ride also scheduled for November and for a positive response to the many contacts made with mission agencies by SErvE Nazareth for short term placements in Nazareth.

n continue to pray for the Chaplaincy team and for the Pastoral Care Committee as they seek to respond to the spiritual and pastoral needs of staff, patients and students in the different entities of the Nazareth trust.

n continue to pray for the management and staff of the Nazareth Hospital, School of Nursing and Nazareth village as they seek to give expression to our values of love, compassion, respect and professional and ethical service to the people of Nazareth and beyond!

week 2

week 1

fortnightly prAyer CyCle SUndAy







pray for the patients in the Hospital. may God grant them swift healing and freedom from pain. pray also that the Hospital may be a witness to them of the love and compassion of christ.

pray for the staff of the Hospital, at all levels, as they deal directly or indirectly with patients. may they be provided with strength, patience and love in all the tasks they undertake.

pray for the people of Nazareth. may God’s peace rule in their lives as they live and work in the town of Jesus’ childhood. pray for unity amongst the christians of Nazareth.

pray for the Hospital chaplains. may their work bring people to a new and deeper knowledge of Jesus. may they bring His peace to those in need and His comfort to those in pain.

pray for those in the Hospital who do not know Jesus as their saviour. may the love of God be revealed to them through the work and service of the Nazareth trust.

pray for the Hospital chapel services held on wednesdays, thursdays and sundays. ask God to bless them so that He may be glorified and that all who attend will be taught and encouraged.

pray for the future of the work of the Nazareth trust and all we try to do. pray for wise decisions, adequate finances and a steadfast commitment to showing God’s love in action.

pray for the peace of Jerusalem and of the entire Holy land. may God open the eyes of all the peoples of the land that it is only through His love and forgiveness that healing and safety can come.

pray for the many and varied volunteers who come to serve on the campus. may they be blessed richly as well as bringing blessing to us and the people of Nazareth through their service.

Give thanks for those who support the work of the Nazareth trust. ask God to show them His path as He calls them so they may come closer to Him to show others His grace and love.

Give thanks for the school of Nursing and its ministry. may both staff and students be able to achieve the very best, and learn of God through their study of caring and service to those in need of care or who are suffering.

Give thanks for those who guide the work of the trust - the Board and executive team. ask God to give them the wisdom and drive to achieve great things in His name as they serve Him with humility.

Give thanks for the wonderful ministry of the Nazareth Village. ask God to bless all the staff and volunteers and to bring increasing numbers of visitors to understand Him more deeply through the parables that Jesus told.

ask God to open the eyes of His people throughout the world to the plight of christians in the land. as more people learn of the work of the Nazareth trust, may our work and message bless christians wherever they are.

visit the prayer wall at 18 HEALING IN THE NAME oF JESuS SINCE 1861

19 mAke A one-off donAtion: i would like to give a donation of £ ................................................................................................ for ......................................................................................................................................................... signed:............................................................................................................................. Date: ................................................................. Name (Block capitals): ............................................................................................................................................................................. address: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... post code: ........................................................................... telephone: ................................................................................................. email: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................



GIFT AID oNE-oFF DoNATIoN or GIFT AID STANDING orDEr: please treat as Gift aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made today, in the past and in the future. i confirm i have paid or will pay an amount of income tax and/or capital Gains tax for each tax year (6 april to 5 april) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or community amateur sports clubs (cascs) that i donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. i understand that other taxes such as Vat and council tax do not qualify. i understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that i gave up to 5 april 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that i have given on or after 6 april 2008.

return address: The Nazareth Trust, ELCAP, The brickgarth, Easington Lane, Tyne & wear, DH5 0LE.

mAke A regUlAr donAtion


with A StAnding order:

my Bank’s Name:.......................................................................................................................................................................................... my Bank’s postal address: ......................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... post code: .................................................. please pay by banker’s standing order, cancelling any previous instructions regarding this payee: Pay to: The Nazareth Trust Account Number: 00111367 bank of Scotland Sort Code: 80-02-28

amount: (Figures) £ ............................. amount: (words).................................................... Date of 1st payment: .......................... pay due day/date every month: ................................................................................................................................................................ Frequency: n weekly n monthly n annually n until Further Notice n or Date of last payment: ......................................

Name of my account: .................................................................................................................................................................................. account Number: .............................................................. sort code:...................................................................................................... i hereby authorise you to set up this standing order payment on my account. signed: ...................................................................................................................... Date:......................................................................... Name (Block capitals): ................................................................................................................................................................................ address: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ code: ............................................ telephone: *Please tick the Gift Aid box overleaf to ensure the charity can reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that you give.

return address: The Nazareth Trust, ELCAP, The brickgarth, Easington Lane, Tyne & wear, DH5 0LE.

Healing in the name of Jesus since 1861 the nAzAreth trUSt (Uk heAd offiCe) elcap, the Brickgarth, easington lane, tyne & wear, DH5 0le, england Telephone: + 44 (0)191 5 20 80 30 Fax: + 44 (0)191 5 20 80 30 Email:

the nAzAreth trUSt (iSrAel) Nazareth Hospital emms p. o. Box 11, Nazareth 16100, israel Telephone: +972-(0)4-602-8888 Fax: +972-(0)4-657-5912 (administration office) Email: the Nazareth trust is the operating name of emms Nazareth emms Nazareth is a company limited by by guarantee registered in scotland – company no sc 225661 emms Nazareth isa charity registered in scotland : charity Nu: sc 032510 registered as a foreign owned company and not-for-profit institution in israel – No 560019945

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