Academic | Professional | 2009-2021
Academic work 01. Embracing the legacy 02. Visioning Sustainable village (R)evolution 03. Borderline and beyond
Professional Work 01. Learning With Nature -
Old Dhaka Central Jail historical preservation, Landscape design, & redevelopment of surrounding area.
Freelance Landscape Design
Competition Works 01 Coordinated Complex of Department of Public Libraries and National Museum -
Advance Architecture Competition 2016 Workshops
Summer School 2019 (LBC)
Community Based City Design Workshop
When it comes to design in the older part of Dhaka city, realizing the macro and micro contexts is a prerequisite. In the first term of filth year we had to design a mixed use building at Sadarghat on an existing market place situated in the South West corner of Dhaka city. Sadarghat means the central boat landing station which has a history of more than 400 years. The site is located opposite to this terminal and required a very sensitive approach to merge a shopping experience with community or social programs as well merge the old essence of Dhaka with the new commodities of future. The site had to host various requirements like shopping area community complex, cineplex, banks, office, mosque etc.
Project type : Individual project Design studio IX 12 Credits 15 hr/week
Studio teachers Dr. Nasreen Hossain Patrick De Rozario Syed Abu Sufian Kushol Ahammad-Al-Muhaymin Md. Tariquzzaman
Location : Sadarghat, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Old Dhaka is all about culture and traditions Here history and m o d e r n i s m a r e b l e n d i n g simultaneously Colors, Flavors Food, Festivals, Humans, Aromas, Odor, Traditions all are moving here side by side in a magical motion in everyday life. Embracing t h o s e s t r e n g t h t h r o u g h architecture is a very hard job to do. So at the time of designing a public complex in this tremendous environment primary concern should be facilitating all those s p o n t a n e o u s a c t i v i t i e s
The site is situated in the bank of river Buriganga Just in front of Sadarghat Launch terminal and surrounded by lot of important and historical structures and architecture Jagannath university and Mitford Medical Collage is nearby the site. The largest book printing and publishing hub of the country Banglabazar is just beside the site Local Residential buildings are also historically very significant. As a result this site is in a very important place in terms of Tradition, History, Culture, Festivals and day to day life of the Old Dhaka residences as well as for whole country.
The primary idea of the design is to capture the essence of old Dhaka by Creating a playfulness of space. Different types of spaces are created here to work and celebrate. A big open roof is provided to enjoy the view of Buriganga river and for holding different festivals like Shakrain and Holy (color festival). Central courtyard, open public plaza, rooftop restaurant, Cineplex, community center all those public spaces will help to create a vibrant scenario.
1st Floor Plan
Historical Background : The formation and functioning of villages had been instrumental in guiding civilization in South Asia since the ancient time. Villages consisted of homesteads, adjoining agricultural and grazing lands and common forests and wetlands. Villages were dispersed, linear or nuclear depending on the agglomeration nature of the constituting homesteads. They were sites of cultivation and habitation based on a rigid caste-system as well as sources of revenue extraction by the ruling elite living in the urban areas. A panchayat (group of five elders) system looked after the day-to-day village affairs. As back as in 3rd century B.C.E. Kautilya's Arthashastra- an ancient Indian book on statecraft, economic and military strategy- outlined the rulers' relation to and dealing of the village. The concept of self 'sufficiency' and 'isolation' had tied the village(r)s in an unequal relationship with the ruling elite. Central rulers' appointed of local Jaigirdars for governing and collecting taxes from villages. However, until the Mughal Empire, many villages remained more or less unchanged. This brief narrative is but an oversimplification of the historiography of the South Asian villages considering their differences in geography, climate, language and culture.
Present Context: The legacy of the nationalist imagination continued in Bangladesh through the successive post-colonial governments. An apparent rural bias had preferred modernization of agriculture, health education, utilities and communications for people living in villages. Comilla Model had been a notable experiment during the 1960s despite the corruption by the large land-owning farmers. Investments in rural infrastructure, setting up of rural growth centers by the postindependence governments, aided by overseas financial and technical assistance, ever-expanding coverage of mobile communication and cash-transaction have all effectively reduced the age-old isolation of villages to a great extent. Today's villages are featured by a greater presence of off-farm activities, increased connectivity and mobility. Self-sufficiency of food production, remittance sent by unskilled emigrant workers and supply of RMG sector workers have helped villages in removing the postindependence stigma of basket-case of Bangladesh. In short, villages' isolation is replaced by its linkage with cities and urban areas.
The fate of the village(r)s in the undivided Bengal, however, had changed drastically by the East India Company's introduction of the Zamindary system for revenue extraction through the Permanent Settlement Act in 1793. Villagers were exploited through forced taxation and cash-crop cultivation. The scares of this exploitation run deep in the Bengali psyche even today Yet villagers held a central position in the nationalist imagination set against the colonial hegemony. Tagore had not only romanticized villages within Sonar Bangla but also searched for its freedom by pragmatic means. Gandhi located the authenticity of India in villages, "The soul of India lives in its villages". While Nehru and Ambedkar thought of villages differently as sites of (India s) backwardness and oppression respectively.
Bangladesh is now in a position to think of her future not from scarcity but opportunity perspective. But the question is - how would a growth-driven economy accommodate and fed an (increased) 250 million population by the end of this century while losing 1 per cent arable land due to urbanization and river-erosion each year. Dominant development discourse is susceptibly silent on this issue. The concept of 'Compact Township' (CT), arguably offers an alternative from an economist's point of view. CTs are the agglomeration of houses, hospital, schools, market, rural industries and local government units with all basic services for almost 20000 people. CT argues to be a mevans to an end of achieving a “magical 10 percent “growth in Bangladesh. Having accepted Ct's basic assumption, we pose the problem a bit differently for our design research: what is the desired alternative to the persisting engineered 'second nature', beyond physical, economic and environmental determinism. Our design research objective is a challenge to envision an alternative within the idea on of CT, integrating an ensemble of human and non-human entities.
Project type Group project, Studio VII 12 Credits Studio teachers Prof. Dr, Shayer Gafur. Shamia Sharmin Labib hussain Nusrat Jahan Mim Group mates A.K.M Saleh Ahmed Anik, Naziur Rahman Chowdhury, Mahmudur Rahman Project Year 2015 Deforestation process of monocultural plantation Transition of Agroforestry farmingExisting forest ministry land. Main tree is sal
Baid is a low land area where rice are cultivated.
Two ancient water source from pal dynasty
Archeological site (pal dynasty)
Existing school and primary school.
Existing highway passing through the village.
Validation for Compaction:
The designed master plan and policy increase focuses on more on the economic, land and environmental sustainability than the current situation of the village. It is a long term ( 20 + year) process so people will get time to adapt with the newly built environment for them.
Agroforestry based rural housing is a gradual process and it will take more than 20 to 25 years to build the system. The first thing to do is to build awareness among the people. Then slowly people will be taken under the system . The old homestead places people leaving for the new housing system will be used for growing agroforest further. The first image of the right side is current scenario of the village. The second image is what will happen after 25 years when the agroforest system is fully developed. After 25 years we will get more continuous green belt which will both serve as ecological corridor and as high elastic crop cultivate area. So it can be said that the new system can bring more economic , land and environmental sustainability in the village than the current system.
Akhaura - Agartala border has a strong cultural and historical bond between them. The people of two sides speak in the same language, eat same kind of food yet they are divided by a single borderline.
As a designer I tried to create questions in users mind about this imposed separation which may the reason of emotional sufferings of many families and people of two borders.
Land port is a highly active place where many people will come and go everyday to cross the border between two countries.
So the basic Idea of this project is to design functionally separated yet physically and philosophically connected two separate body which will give an essence of bonded separation to it’s users.
Project type Individual project
Design studio X 12 Credits 15 hr/week
teachers : Prof. Khondakerr Shabbir ahmed Prof. Zebun Nasreen Ahmed Jalal Ahmed Patrick De Rozario
Tasneem tariq Maherul kader
Project Year 2016
Location Akhaura, Bangladesh
Unity and separation : Generated from one center and separated by one axis Histor cally connected yet functionally separated.
Designing the passenger terminal
Bangladesh side: Akhaura,Brahmnbaria
Indian side: Ramnagar, Agartala, Tripura
Operator: Bangladesh Land Port Authority
Storage capacity: 2,000 MT
Total land area: 25.00 Acre
Infrastructure: Warehouse-1, Open stack yard-1, Transshipment yard-1, Weigh bridge-1 (100 (MT), Standby power generator, Administrative semipucca building, Standby power generator, Lighting, Security posts, Boundary wall etc.
Separation of identity
Two separated mass for checking and immigration of incoming and outgoing passengers.
Creating the bond : Connecting two separate mass by hospitality functions and public amenities like restaurant, book shop and duty free shops.
Connected yet separated Passengers can go to the roof terrace of the other mass but can’t go inside the mass
This residential campus is one of its kind, dedicated to experiential learning and promotes a broad range of diverse skills and qualities, to complement the theoretical development that students undergo. Located within a close proximity from the capital city of Dhaka, the place is surrounded by residential and several other educational infrastructures. With the continuum of time, the surrounding environment condition has been deteriorating day by day. Once highly enriched with ecological and environmental diversity, the site is now losing its spirit and the harmony among space, landscape and people are being lost due to gradual expansions. Hence, the main challenges is to bring back the faded essence and the memory connected to that precinct.
The existing plan of the residential campus lacks a balance between human and natural environment. There is at least 15% area in this campus which is unused or underused. According to current statistics, the campus is mostly used by the regular students for about 9 months and for the rest of the time, this is occupied by the trainees of some extended training programs. As time is passing by, the number of occupants is increasing day by day and is expected that the number of students will be doubled within next couple of years. As a result, the additional expenses regarding utilities and other services are rising as well. In this situation it is a pressing need to re model the campus, integrating natural balance and the increasing number of learners. In the new landscape design, priority has given to native plant species and cultural aspects to blend the built environment with surrounding context.
Energy Consultant Lab 1.6
My responsibilities :
Part of design team and performed as a project architect A Residential Campus of BRAC University Where students of every batch stay for one trimester as a part of their learning. : BRAC area 10.8 Acre Construction team BRAC construction team Principle Architect Kazi Khaleed Ashraf ( Director General - Bengal Institute) Architect Khondaker Hasibul Kabir and water management consultant Waste Concern Directly working as an apprentice of Landscape Architect and Co-ordinating with other consultants as a project architectProject Brief : BRAC Learning Centre (TARC) is a community living and learning space for BRAC University students
Students of every batch have to live therefor one trimester of their university life. It’s a place from where students can learn community living, lateral learning, learning by co-operating with each other. This campus is situated about 20 km away from Dhaka city. Away from city life it is kind of a retreat for students with an experience of living together in same place under same roof.
Some of the old buildings of the site will be demolished. So There will be a big empty land in the middle of the site. That will be the main space for landscape design. Beside that there is a large amount of unused negative spaces in the site. By planting those area it will help to create a biological connection between inside and outside of the site.
Project Goal : The goal is to Create a Diverse Eco-scape which will be Eco friendly,safe Habitat for animals, aesthetically beautiful and experientially pleasant and soothing. The choice of plants will create a wonderful variety of experience throughout the year. Students will learn the system of bio community from the different gardens of the campus.
About the site : The campus is situated on Savar Upazilla. The land of the upazila is composed of alluvium soil of the Pleistocene period. The main tree of this area is ‘Shaal (Shorea Robusta)’. A bio-diversity survey was held to know and analyze the Plant and animal diversity of the site. The study revealed that 220 species of vascular plants, 51 species of birds, 11 species of mammals, 6 species of reptiles 5 species of amphibians and 18 species of butterflies were distributed in the campus area. Among the total plant species diversity, there were 64 trees, 88 herbs, 52 shrubs, 9 climbers and 7 palms.
Water drainage condition : Natural water drainage system of the site was not in good condition So the design team designed a slope and drain system for creating a natural water flow.
Proposed roof level garden
Proposed vertical garden
Proposed ground level garden
Proposed boundary wall garden
Different types of gardens
Movement path diagram
Tree plantation plan
Memorial pond
Dense garden
Topographic plan for ground water drainage
Entry gate and guard room
Parents pavillion
Old Dhaka Central Jail Area was very instrumental for the various development phases of dhaka city. Dated back to 1600 A.D. the old central jail was previously Badshahi Fort of the Afghans, used by the Mughal official in 1700 A.d. Later on, the surrounding context evolved into chawk mohollas to meet the necessities of growing urban life. The british converted the fort into jail in early 1800 and it was continued to be in use until july,2016. The Dhaka central Jail Shifted to Keraniganj and that opened the new doors of opportunity to conserve and re-open that abandoned jail complex for public interest.
Zone A & B is designated for regional use. To host occasional, regular and every day users, activities are composed to meet every need. Zone C is the main jail compound. This compound is the witness of many important historical events. Many important political leaders were kept here for different time period. National four leader was murdered in this jail premsie. The historical remarks and the preservance of jail life helped converting the arena into a museum of national importance. I was in charge of zone C conducting survey, Historical research, generating as built drawings of the 400 years old premise and redesigning the space to evoke the emotional responses to the historic buildings and the life of the inmates are my key responsibilities. Details of the red marked area has ben presented here.
Project type : Winning entry of a national design competition
Status Construction initiated
The team : Form.3 architects
Key role Zone C - Historical research, Conditional survey, Design, Drawing, Visualization Project year : 2017-Ongoing, Location Dhaka, Bangladesh Area : 28.08 acre
The British oppressor transformed the fort beside Old Dhaka’s Nazimuddin road into Jail in the early 19th century, which was established before the Mughal empire. Although, the total area of the established jail was limited compared to the present time. The British ruler built a mental hospital beside the jail at that time. Later on, the mental hospital was replaced and the area was included in the jail area. This part of the jail is highly important to our national history for a different reason. After the assassination of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in his own house on the 15th august 1975, The four leaders of our nation along with other activists of Awami league were held captive in that area of the central jail on 22 august. Afterward, on November 3rd they were assassinated brutally in those jail rooms. Years after, to commemorate their honor and memory, the area was preserved as the ‘National Four Leader Memorial’ in 2010. The ‘National Four Leader Museum area’ in Old Dhaka Central Jail is situated in a prime location consists of some one and a two storied building. After entering through the main jail gate and passing the workshop area and abandon cell there is a narrow path on the left side of the central walkway which direct the visitors towards the ‘National Four Leader Museum’ area. For its location and reforming activity this area a highly significant and has been prioritized to be constructed in phase 01. ‘National Four Leader Museum’ Area have four important buildings naming NEELNAD, JAIL SUPER RESIDENCE, CELL 15 and MRITTUNJOYEE CELL. Neelnad, Jail Super Residence and Mrittunjoyee Cell were constructed in colonial period as part of the ‘Lunatic Asylum’ in 1815 (or 1819).
Yardzen is a California based online landscape design platform that has a group of freelance landscape designer from different countries of the world. They developed a web based system where clients and designers both c o l l a b o r a t e t h r o u g h t h e o n l i n e
In the year 2020, while the whole world was affected by the pandemic, like many other companies Yardzen started to operate their work online. They try to provide Budget friendly, climate sensitive, contextual, modern design according to their clients tastes and wishes. For this they created a detailed work process. For which they developed a network of local botanist, vendors a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l d e s i g n e r s a n d o t h e r s p e c i a l i s t
Yardzen recruit people from different background and skills to collaborate with them. They recruit landscape designers from different countries through rigorous tests and background check. After the selection process, those designers have to go through a set of training sessions to adopt with the working system Yardzen have planted, furniture, lighting and material database from which designers can pick their necessary information and d o w n l o a d 3 D f i l e s f o r d e s i g n i n g
A client has to select a design package from their website. Then the client goes through a set of questions and give answers about his/her budget, choices and preferences. He/She upload necessary photographs, videos, drawings and other information on that site. Yardzen provides the 3D model of the existing site. All those information is then uploaded in Yardzen's online server. Designers can pick projects randomly from the online server Various information regarding project like location, geographical information, existing plan and 3D model are provided on the server. For every project there is a project manager assigned from the HQ. Designers then check all the information and requirements, ask questions to project manager and starts the preliminary design. They have to select native plants from the plant list and furniture and materials from those lists. After completing the design they have to render realistic images of their design, make lists of plants and furniture and calculate a budget for implementing the design. Then they upload those files to the server. Project manager then checks those files and make sure that the design is done through following clients wish-list. If everything is ok then the client is notified through email and they check the design. They put their questions and comments online and project manager tries to answer those. After that, the designer starts the second phase. After making necessary changes according to client's comment, the designer starts to make necessary CAD drawings for construction. Then they upload all the drawings and updated visualizations to the server. After the completion of the design process, Yardzen connect the client with a local vendor to start the c o n s t r u c t i o n
T o w a r d s a c o m p r e h e n s i v e athenaeum: Engaging publicinto r e a l m o f k n o w l e d g e i n u r b a n cityscape
Dhaka being a city of gloriously old and bubbling with energy truly embraces furiously the beating heart of the bengali culture. The city has many important sections where people get together to share knowledge and opinion on daily basis. The shahbag square being one of the most important nodes of the city which is famous for many public processions contains the iconic landmark Bangladesh National Museum and The Public Library beside it.
Through the design phases, we began to incorporate 'the Anthenaeum' as a concept that supports a much wider understanding of a space used for all purpose that unite knowledge and the community with both intellectual and social dimensions a place for cultural and community exchanges as much as scholarly discourse.
"When life gets parched and dry Come to me in streams of compassion. When all beauty and goodness is obscured Come to me with the sweetness of song."
-Rabindranath TagoreThe journey of Homo sapiens started long long time ago. In the beginning of this journey, like other living creature, humans were also the children of the nature. But on the way of progressive development, this thoughtful creature slowly destroying its surrounding nature. Homo sapiens is the only species that causes the extinction of many other species of this planet. Man has changed the ecosystem in course of changing his surroundings for his own benefit and became the reason of another mass extinction on earth. So, now it is time to go back to nature before destroying everything. As a part of nature. Because mother nature doesn't refuse anyone.
As a Collective metropolis environmental diversity will substitute the political borders; whereas the resources in the environment will be the measure of the wealth, not the billlion doller golds stored in reserve or the currency notes. As a result, mother nature will bond all the entities inseparably. The earth will become a single spirit.
Place: Vilappilsala, Trivundram, India
Time June 16 - June 29, 2019
Participant no 35 Sessions: Classroom sessions, Hands on sessions and Site visits.
LBC Summer School is a two weeks extensive workshop on sustainable, environment friendly and cost effective architecture practice. Every year two session held on the month of May and June. Whole workshop can be divided into three types of learning activities. Classroom lecture session, Hands on session, and on site learning session. Here students learn about various techniques and materials for building and designing. As well as students also learn about the philosophy of late Ar. Laurie Baker and his works. Scholars of various subjects related to architecture, economy, environment teach here about different topics. It was a refreshing session for me .
City is a place for people of all gender, age, occupation and economic condition. So When we are talking about designing a city, we should consider the needs and voices of citizens. By creating scope for group conversation among the citizens many important aspect of the city can be discovered. And people of different age group can Share their experiences, thoughts, needs and different views about the city. With participation of citizens the city will become a great place to live. Like Jane Jakobs said, “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.
In December 2013 students of Bangladesh University Of Engineering and Technology arranged a three days long event to celebrate the victory day of Bangladesh. On that event there was a 240 feet long wall mag was prepared and exhibited for displaying the glory and pain of our liberation war. The whole exhibition was divided into different segments on different topics of the war.
Major Role Lead graphic designer and content editor.
When it comes to the point of identity of our nation, history of liberation war is the most important thing that defines us. So knowing and sharing the knowledge of our glorified past is very important for our future generation. From the time of our independence till now the history of our liberation war was manipulated and distorted by different political parties for distracting the new generations .from the truth. So it is very important to give young generation especially children the true history of our war through inspiring evens which are not influenced by any political party.
Focusing to that objective this Olympiad was arranged in 2013 to flame the fire inside the youth. Children of different classes from many schools of the Dhaka city attended and participated in the event
Date 20 September 2013
Time : 10 a.m.-5 p.m
Venue VIquarunnisa noon school and college, Shiddheswari road, DhakaKey role Core member, Organizer, Graphic designer.
P u b l i s h e d b y T h e B u s i n e s s I n s i d e r
Title For the love of Natural light
D a t e 2 0 N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 9
L o c a t i o n D h a k a B a n g l a d e s h
P a g e : A r c h i t e c t u r a l F e a t u r e I n v o l v e m e n t A u t h o r
The actual topic was about interior lighting. But as an author I took the liberty to write about the use of natural lighting in our day to day architecture. Natural light is the most available, sustainable and environment friendly solution in time of designing a building. As an author I tried to tell the story of light i n o u r e v e r y d a y s i t u a t i o n
People search and fight for freedom throughout their life. Yet they can not free themselves from freedom itself. The greater the freedom the greater the responsibility. As like smaller freedoms are the shadow to the path of greater slavery. Yet the man who freed himself from all responsibility also can’t free himself from his own thoughts So, is the DEATH u l t i m a t e f r e e d o m ?
One day Idea Design Charrette Design Concept Opening for the freedom. Award Special Recommendation.
“And when the shadow fades and is no more, the light that lingers becomes a shadow to another light. And thus y o u r f r e e d o m w h e n i t l o s e s i t s f e t t e r s b e c o m e s i t s e l f t h e f e t t e r o f a g r e a t e r f r e e d o m ”
- Khalil GibranP u b l i s h e d b y B D N E W S 2 4 P u b l i s h i n g L i m i t e d ( B P L ) T i t l e : T h e R o y a l G a m e ( ) A u t h o r : S t e f a n Z w e i g D a t e F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 6 L o c a t i o n D h a k a B a n g l a d e s h I n v o l v e m e n t : T r a n s l a t o r
I S B N 9 7 8 - 9 8 4 - 9 1 7 8 4 - 3 - 9
Contact : +8801795063509
E-mail : nrchowdhury1310@gmail.com
Year Organiser Title of the seminer
Present address : Lane 22, House B/142, Flat 4B, New DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka 1206.
Nationality Bangladeshi Date of Birth: 01.01.1992
2019 BENGAL INSTITUTE (Dhaka) and Fargfabriken (Stockholm), Dhaka, Bangladesh
2019 Laurie Baker Center and Costford, Thiruvananthapuram, India
New Urban Topologies - Dhaka
Summer School - 2019 Sustainable and Cost effective building design and construction.
Education :
2005 - B.arch in architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Dhaka, Bangladesh
period Position Employing organization Majorrole
03.2022Current Architect, Landscape Designer
06.2021Current Architect, Landscape Architect, Partner
US-Bangla Assets, A Concern of US-Bangla Group. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Cactus Consultants, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
07.202006.2021 Architect, Historical Researcher
Designing park, Roadside and Lakeside Landscape of a newly developing housing area.
2018 Co-creation Architects, ALIVE, Jhenaidah Municipality. Jhenaidah, Bangladesh.
2018 Co-creation Architects, ALIVE, Jhenaidah Municipality. Jhenaidah, Bangladesh.
2018 Co-creation Architects, ALIVE, CAN, ACHR, Jhenaidah Municipality. Jhenaidah, Bangladesh.
Citywide water body revival workshop, Jhenaidah.
Community Based City Design Workshop, Jhenaidah.
Form.3 Architects, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
1. Design and management of various projects.
2. Leading the team as a partner.
1. Researching the historical background of an urban conservation project.
2. Conservation methodology preparation.
3 Designing new elements and spaces for that conservation project.
4. Preparing construction drawings, 3d visualizations, and presentations for that conservation project.
08.202009.2021 Landscape Designer, Freelance
08.201702.2020 Research and Design Associate
Yardzen, California, USA.
BENGAL INSTITUTE, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Designing house landscapes for offshore clients through online design consultancy service.
Designing the landscape of the residential campus of a reputed private university (BRAC university) in Bangladesh. Worked as an associate designer and project Coordinator under the most renowned Landscape architect of our country (Khondaker Hasibul Kabir)
08.201607.2017 Voluntary Designer B-SCAN, Bangladesh. An NGO for creating opportunities for differently able people.
Designing Universally accessible toilets for government buildings.
Settlement Proling Workshop, Jhenaidah, Jhenaidah.
2015 - 2016 President, Architecture department Student Association (ArcSA)
2013 Core Organizer, Liberation war olympiad for children called ‘Onishesh Ekattor’.
2002 - 2007 Patrol Leader, Junior Boy Scout Group.
2019 Urban Thinker Campus Exhibition_2019, Exhibition of Level 4, term 2 project jointly organized by DoA BUET and Dpt of URP Buet
2015 Dot Amber student design competition (2nd prize), For Level 4, term 2 project [Visioning Sustainable village (R)evolution].
2012 Berger Travel Grant, Daughter of earth and water Where nature play dice with life.
2019 - Present Associate member, Institute of Architects, Bangladesh (membership no - Ac135)
11.2019 : For the love of natural light, An editorial published in “The Business Standard” (a daily newspaper) on 20 nov, 2019)
02. 2016 : Daba Upakkhyan, Bangla Translation of ‘The Royal Game’ by Stefan Zweig published on 26 february 2019
References :
Khondaker Hasibul Kabir
Architect, Landscape Architect, Founder of Co-Creation Architect
Email khondaker.kabir@gmail.com
Phone : +8801717-000864
Prof. Farida Nilufer
Proffesor, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Email farida@arch.buet.ac.bd Phone : +8801819430517
© Naziur Rahman Chowdhury, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
nrchowdhury1310@gmail.com Published : November 2022