The Open Bible Bulletin - July/August 2020

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Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, visit our website or call us closer to the time of each event for further updates and cancelations.

FAMILY FILE Homegoings Mark Edwards, graduate of 1988, went home to be with his Saviour on April 6, 2020. Please pray for Melanie and the family. Nancy McConkey, graduate of 1980, went home to be with her Lord on April 12, 2020. Please pray for Walter and the family.



It has been a year of firsts at NBBI. The developments of the past few months have meant that we could not hold a Spring Conference and, for the first time, could not celebrate, along with our students, their accomplishments at a Commencement Ceremony. Our students have accomplished so much and we were sad that the celebration needed to be cancelled. We are


God’s Purpose Our Passion Established 1944

June 28 - July 3; July 5 - 10, 2020

What are your plans for the summer? Would you consider taking a week and joining us on the campus of NBBI for our Vacation with A Vision Summer Program? We welcome individuals, couples and families. We will feed you, give you a place to stay and provide opportunities for fun and fellowship along the way. We have an exciting project for this summer. Over the past several years, we have made many great improvements on our campus. A new library was completed, with the old library being converted into “Bredin Suites,” a residence for many of our female students. Our main office was renovated and is now much more welcoming to guests. And last summer, we renovated two rooms in Liberty Hall (our girls’ dorm). After seeing the finished result of the updated rooms, we have decided to move ahead and continue working confident that God is still in control and He has a plan in all of this. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” At this point we don’t know how God is working this all together for good; we just have the confidence from His Word that He is. With this in mind, we have decided to establish another date for our Commencement. If all goes well, we will be holding a special celebration on Saturday, September 19, 2020. We are inviting you to join us for this special day. Dr. Ron Blue will be joining us to challenge our graduates and guests. The

New Brunswick Bible Institute 2335 Route 103 Victoria Corner NB Canada E7P 1C7 Phone: (506)375-9000 Fax: (506)375-1800 Website: Email:

Editor................................................. Larry Rushton Writers.............Faculty, Staff, Students & Alumni Typist................................................. Brenda Cabral Layout & design...........................................Larry Rushton Copy proof..............................................Rose Meed Printer.................................................Merritt Press

2 Timothy 2:15

For weekly updates visit us at


towards the completion of this project. Our goal is to complete one floor of the girls’ dorm this summer, which will cost approximately $50,000. This equals $10,000 per room which is much below the cost of a new dorm. We are going to need many labourers and we ask you to consider coming for a week or even a few days to lend a hand. If you are not a carpenter, there are always many more projects taking place and we welcome workers with all skill sets. If you can’t come, maybe God would lead you to give to help us complete this much-needed renovation. Our ladies are excited about the possibility of having a fresh, new updated residence and we are eager to complete the project. Would you pray about how God might use you to help us see this project through? Consider making NBBI your mission field this summer. We hope to see you on our campus!

Commencement will start at 2:00 P.M. Mark the date on your calendars and plan on joining us.

Dr. J. Ronald Blue


Give online: Click the Donate Now button. Make a one-time gift or choose the recurring option for automatic monthly support. Give by mail: Send your cheque payable to: New Brunswick Bible Institute 2335 Route 103 Victoria Corner NB E7P 1C7 U.S. Donors: East Hodgdon Bible Church Attn: NBBI Fund PO Box 828 Houlton ME 04730-0828 Give by e-transfer: Send an e-Transfer via the bank of your choice to For additional options: Call us toll-free at 1-800-771-NBBI (6224).

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July 26 - 31 Living Waters Bible Camp Weston, ME Sports Camp

with a

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July 5 - 10 River of Life Bible Camp Maxfield, ME Teen Camp

VacationVision 2020

MATTHEW LITTLE June 28 - July 3 Tay Valley Bible Camp Taymouth, NB Teen Camp


New Brunswick

Bible institute EST. 1944 GOD’S PURPOSE OUR PASSION

VOL. 61 NO. 7&8 JULY & AUGUST 2020


BY ROBERT BOOKER A Heart For God - A Heart For Others Since Jesus is the eternal, perfect Son of God, and the omniscient, Sovereign Creator, then it would seem to me that His succinct answer to a direct, probing question would be of upmost importance. In Matthew 22:35-39, a lawyer asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was. His answer is without doubt the answer to life that we all must consider and obey. “ the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind... And... love thy neighbour as thyself.” Let me suggest three reasons why I must love my God and three reasons why I must love others. I must love my God because I am commanded to do so. From the commandment of God through Moses to Israel in Deuteronomy 6:5, to Jesus’ command to His physical followers in the Gospels, to our dispensation until the rapture (2 Thessalonians 3:5; Judges 21), we have the edict Love your God! If for no other reason, the commands from Scripture are enough!

The second reason why I must love my God is because of who He is. He is the awesome Creator, the allpowerful, ever-present Father. Loving Him and worshipping Him is far more important than my service for Him or any kind of sacrifice or gift that I could give. May we wholeheartedly agree with the Psalmist and his declaration in Psalm 73:25 , “...there is none upon earth that I desire beside Thee.”

something that gets the attention of unbelievers because it is so different from the selfishness and cruelty they experience in this present world system. Loving one another is a sure sign of our relationship to, and love for, God. We love one another because He first loved us and sent His beloved Son to die for us. Therefore, “...if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another” (1 John 4:7-11).

The third reason why I must love God is because of all He has done for me. I could count my many blessings and make a huge list but I will mention only a few. He loved me and He sent His beloved Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for my sin. Jesus is now preparing a place for me in heaven and at the same time, interceding for me before His Father. As a Christfollower, I am protected, cared for, provided for, and have the privilege of being His servant.

A heart for God and a heart for others are essential to living these days for God and in obedience to His Word. The Apostle John capsulizes this thought so well when he writes, “...let us not love in word..., but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18).

Now, why should we love others? We must love others because we are commanded to do so as well. We must love others because loving others is a principle way in which the unsaved are converted (John 13:34-35). To see Christians loving and caring for one another as brothers and sisters is

Please note: We are continually monitoring all information concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. In light of this ongoing situation, meetings posted in this bulletin may be cancelled. For further updates, visit our website at, call us closer to the time of the event or call the venue of the event. 1



BY BEN JOST To Ethiopia

Keep Swinging! The dreaded batter’s slump. All of the greatest baseball players in major league history have faced it. They can’t seem to make contact with that pesky ball. There have been some noticeable slumps in the 150 plus years of baseball, but 2019 produced one of the more memorable ones. Chris Davis, the slugger for the Baltimore Orioles, signed a $161 million contract. Big money was offered to Davis, who hit 53 homers in 2013, 47 in 2015, and was third in MVP voting one year. He had earned the nickname “Crush” Davis. Things changed in 2019 when his .168 batting average was the worst in baseball history for a player who once qualified for the batting title. He went a stretch of 46 plate appearances without a hit, which is also the worst in baseball history. Needless to say, it was a season he would like to forget. What about the Christian life? Do you ever feel like you are going through a spiritual slump? You have lost the “skip” in your spiritual step. The joyful melody that was once in

You’re Invited!

What: Ladies of Grace Conference When: October 23 & 24, 2020 Where: New Brunswick Bible Institute

We are so excited to be moving forward, in faith, planning for our next Ladies of Grace Conference! Would you move forward with us and plan on joining us for a wonderful time of refreshment, focus and fellowship? Paula Dunn Engel will be joining us as our guest speaker and singer! For the past 32 years, Paula has been using her dynamic voice and her unique story to encourage, challenge, and inspire. Paula began performing concerts at the age of 14 and has released 12 solo albums. 2

your heart is fading. Maybe circumstances have left you feeling like you’re swinging but never seem to make contact. Baseball players are bound to face batting slumps, and every Christian faces spiritual ones times when we feel down and out. So what do we do? Two things that hitters try to do are also what we ought to do. First, KEEP SWINGING! The last thing a batter can do when he is in a slump is stop coming to the plate. He has to keep swinging. Satan wants to convince you of your failures so that you will quit, but this would be a tragic mistake. You can sit on the sidelines, or you can mope in the dugout, but we only gain the victory if we are in the game. David knew what it was to suffer life’s bitter blows, yet he said in his old age, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand” Psalm 37:23-24. Never stop swinging in the Christian life. 2 Chronicles 15:7; Galatians 6:9;

She is a graduate of Liberty University, where she received a Bachelor’s degree in vocal performance and a Master’s degree in counseling. While at Liberty, Paula sang every weekend, across the United States and overseas, as well as appearing weekly on Dr. Jerry Falwell’s, Old Time Gospel Hour national broadcast. Paula’s singing was born out of a desire to help those who are hurting. Her personal story of triumph over tragedy allows Paula to relate to audiences of all ages and backgrounds as she shares of growing up with a father in prison, drugs and alcohol in the home, and a mom dying of cancer when she was 11 years old. However, she also shares of God’s grace and His sovereign hand which reached down to save and rescue her as a young girl.

Joshua 1:9; Hebrews 12:1-3; Matthew 11:28; and Philippians 4:13 are passages I often reflect upon when I feel like I am in a slump. Second, MAKE ADJUSTMENTS. When a hitter finally breaks out of his slump, often with the help of a batting coach, he discovers that a minor adjustment in the hitter’s stance or swing was all that was needed. Sometimes the spiritual slumps come because God is looking for us to make some much-needed adjustments in our lives. Proverbs 16:9 says, “A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.” We are all sinners seeking to walk in the Spirit. But sometimes what we anticipated to be the path of the Spirit was our path. The good news is sometimes the batting slump ends up making the hitter better than ever in the end. God wants to use the setbacks you may be facing to strengthen your faith. There is only one thing to do ~ KEEP SWINGING!

Paula is an energetic and motivational singer and speaker who communicates from the depths of her soul and touches the hearts of those around her. For the past 10 years, in addition to concerts, Paula has been a sought-after speaker at women’s retreats, conferences, and banquets. With her unique story and her Master’s degree in counseling, Paula has been able to incorporate Biblical counseling and life-experience principles to address women’s issues. Paula has a real love and passion for ministering and states that with all the craziness and busyness of life, it is crucial for women to take time to rejuvenate and renew their hearts, minds, and relationships. Save these dates, Ladies!!! Can’t wait to see you!!

At NBBI, we aren’t studying God’s Word so we can kick our feet back and relax all the time. We are training to serve God, and we put that into action even over spring break, whether that is in our home churches and local ministries, or across the globe in places like Ethiopia. This year, I and many other NBBI students made the trek to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where we worked in partnership with Little is Much Ministries of Maine, and Covenant Ministries in Ethiopia. Despite the ongoing travel issues, we made the trip without a hitch. For the first week, we went just outside the city of Addis in Holeta, where we had the privilege of staying at the Covenant children’s home there, helping with odd jobs, doing Vacation Bible School, teaching at a kindergarten, and hanging out with some amazing kids. Despite not having very much compared to

some, I have never met such a joy-filled group of kids. Often without power among other things, they did everything with a heart of thankfulness and praise to God, showing us what it really means to count our blessings. The second half of the trip was spent in Addis, where we put on a pastors’ conference for local pastors and Christian workers, as well as some that came from more than twelve hours away. It was an amazing opportunity for the pastors, but also for the team, getting to meet these men and women, and getting to hear from Mike Grant. We also spent a day at Bingham Academy, a Christian school for missionary kids and local children. God is doing great things there and it was a joy to spend the day with them. I thank God for giving us the opportunity to serve Him in such amazing ways, as well as teaching us along the way. I wouldn’t have chosen any other place to serve God this break.

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