May 27-29 Sandy Cove Bible Camp Dumfries, NB Rikapuna - Missions’ Camp
If you are looking for ministry job opportunities, we have listings on our website. Go to
Her name is “Mother”
She dried the tears and kissed the spot That “hurt” might go away. She washed my clothes and mended tears And cared for me each day. I called her name as I pushed the door When home from school I came, And felt a sense that all was well When her voice rang back again. Advice she gave to guide my steps, When wayward paths I trod. Her greatest prayer, that I would give My way, my life, to God. She knew that trials would come my way And hurts she could not mend As once she did with a gentle kiss And the words, “Now go and play.” For play is past, and days once filled With many childish things Are now replaced with all the ways Which grown-up life now brings. Mum, too, has gone, but her gentle ways Are in my memory still. Her laughter, tears and words of strength No longer do I hear. But in my mind her name is sealed; Her love still calls to me. Her life of trust in God, and faith, My example will always be. No one can ever take her place. There ne’er can be another, For in my heart there is just one That I will call “My Mother”. ~ Eldeana Dunlop, Retired NBBI Staff Member Written in May 1997 4
Our Prayer Calendar is available each month.
FAMILY FILE Homegoings
Merlyn Fox (attended 1951-1953) went home to be with the Lord on February 20, 2022. Please pray for his wife Shirley and their children, Randy & Elizabeth and Shane. John VanKesteren, graduate of 1985, was promoted to Glory on March 5, 2022. Please pray for his wife Bonnie and their children Paul & Rachel, Karen (’92) & Bill, Kim & Chris, and Shawn (’11) & Alejandra (’11) Andres.
FEBRUARY 2022 - Please Pray Sunday
that God would keep our campus safe from Covid
6 for our faculty as they teach our students
13 for the many NBBI grads serving around the world
20 for Matthew (President) & Dodi Little (Librarian)
27 for our 4 th year students doing their internship
7 for the ongoing financial needs of the school
14 for health and strength for our retired staff
for Brenda Cabral (Secretary to President) & Rose Meed (General Office Secretary)
for growth in our students’ lives this semester
for God’s direction & leading for this years graduates
that restrictions would be lifted so we can host retreats & conferences
that young people would sense the need to attend Bible school
for many students who come from difficult homes
for our Deans, Beth McMahon & Mike Grant
for Dave (IT) & Mary Meed (Food Services )
22 for students taking exams today
11 that God would bring revival to our churches
23 for Danny & Lorna Robins (Business Office)
for unity among the staff and students
12 that God would give wisdom to our Board of Directors
for Edward Craig (Maintenance) & Tim Leubner (Food Services)
for David Doherty (Faculty) & Keith McM ahon (Faculty)
24 for Larry Rushton (Registrar)
praise God for the funds raised to replace our furnace
that the $40,000 needed for Vacation With A Vision would come in
25 for staff children that they would grow in the Lord
26 that NBBI would remain faithful to God’s Word
for our married students (currently 3 couples)
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Dorothy Emily Doherty
January 11, 1926 - March 9, 2022
Dorothy Emily Doherty, mother of staff member, David Doherty, peacefully entered the presence of her Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, on March 9, 2022, at the Village of Winston Park, Kitchener, ON, at the age of 96. She will be missed by her four children and their spouses,
David (’74) & Betty (attended ’72-’74), Margaret & Doug, Stephen & Halyna, Andrew & Sue, and her many grandchildren.
BY MATTHEW LITTLE When The Fire Burns Out
Alan Clayton Porter
March 9, 1948 - March 13, 2022
Alan Clayton Porter, son-inlaw of the late Mark Bredin (former faculty member and Vice Principal at New Brunswick Bible Institute), finished his course on earth on March 13, 2022, and entered his heavenly home with his Saviour. Alan graduated from NBBI in 1969 and his wife, Elizabeth (Bredin) Porter attended in 1970-1971. Alan and Elizabeth served
New Brunswick Bible Institute 2335 Route 103 Victoria Corner NB Canada E7P 1C7 Phone: (506)375-9000 Fax: (506)375-1800 Website: Email:
Editor................................................. Larry Rushton Writers.............Faculty, Staff, Students & Alumni Typist................................................. Brenda Cabral Layout & design...........................................Larry Rushton Copy proof..............................................Rose Meed Printer.................................................Merritt Press
For weekly updates visit us at
in various Christian schools and churches throughout New Hampshire, Maine, Nova Scotia, Ontario and New Brunswick.
Pray for Elizabeth and their children and their spouses, Alicia, Alan Paul (’98) & Sara, Andrea (attended 1998-1999) & Ben, Audrey (attended 20012002) & Frank and Alana & Ryan.
Give online: Click the Donate Now button. Make a one-time gift or choose the recurring option for automatic monthly support. Give by mail: Send your cheque payable to: New Brunswick Bible Institute 2335 Route 103 Victoria Corner NB E7P 1C7 U.S. Donors: East Hodgdon Bible Church Attn: NBBI Fund PO Box 828 Houlton ME 04730-0828 Give by e-transfer: Send an e-Transfer via the bank of your choice to For additional options: Call us toll-free at 1-800-771-NBBI (6224).
VOL. 63 NO. 5 MAY 2022
Dorothy will be remembered as a loving wife and mother, a trustworthy friend, a person of deep faith and an active church worker.
Canadian publications mail product sales agreement #40012001
May 8, 15 Bethel Baptist Church Pine Glen, NB Sunday Services
Printed in Canada
In his book, Pastor to Pastor, Erwin Lutzer tells of a church janitor who was heard saying, “the blower still works but the fire has gone out”. The janitor was talking about the furnace, but the parishioners, who overheard him, thought he was talking about the pastor. Maybe you are a pastor, elder or church leader and that story describes you. Given all that has transpired in our world over the past couple of years, you may be plodding along but the fire has gone out. Discouragement has crept in like an unwelcomed guest and pulled down the shades of despair. You may be on the verge of giving up or giving in. What should you do? Don’t Quit! Satan wants you to wave the white flag of surrender but I emphatically warn you, “Don’t do it!” I was once asked, “Why do pastors get so discouraged?” I realize that there is not a “onesize-fits-all” answer, but I did offer this suggestion based upon 10 years of pastoral ministry. Pastors have been called of God to lead sheep and sheep are needy creatures. Inevitably this results in most people coming to the pastor to “get” and not “give”. In response to the pastor constantly giving, he can become depleted
and spiritually exhausted. The result can lead to discouragement and potentially depression. So what is the answer? Many things could be said but one things must be said. Matthew 11:28-29 says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” When I feel like life’s burdens are becoming too great to bear and have me in a season of discouragement, it is usually because I have distanced myself from Jesus. Discouragement is not to be confused with disappointment, for our lives will always be filled with that. Disappointment happens because our human experience is broken and tainted with sin, but despair and discouragement happen by choice and often result from losing sight of Jesus in the midst of the disappointment. In the absence of His sweet and warm fellowship, all becomes dark, distant and cold. Trials and troubles need not lead to despair and discouragement but they often do. And when that happens, it is certain our eyes are fixed on the wrong thing. Peter was walking on water and at first his eyes were on Jesus and he was oblivious to the storm, but then his eyes turned to the storm and he was oblivious
to Jesus (Matthew 14:22-32). His focus changed. The scary part is how fast this can happen and how closely it approximates our own human experience. If you are reading this article and you have a pastor, then do something this week to encourage him. If you are reading this article and you are a pastor, elder or church leader and you feel discouraged, then get alone with God, open His Word and wrap your arms afresh and anew around your Saviour. Remember, “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 55:22.
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