Homegoings Linda Lou Duffield, wife of the late Ken Duffield who graduated from NBBI in 1974, passed peacefully into eternity with her Lord on May 27, 2022 in Alamo, Texas. Linda taught English here at NBBI while Ken served as our Food Services Manager. They went on to serve the Lord as missionaries to the Spanish-American people in Texas and Mexico. Pray for their children, Davida Blanton, Joel and Kendra Steele and their families. Charlotte (Nichols) Pierce, graduate of 1974 and wife of Paul Pierce (’77) went home to be with the Lord on June 12, 2022. Pray for Paul, their son Daniel (’05), Charlotte’s twin sister Charlene (Nichols ’74) Shaw and their extended families. Gregory R. Loosley, graduate of 1992, went home to be with the Lord on July 2, 2022. Pray for his wife Carol and their daughters, Shelley (’92 & Rodney ’94) Alder, Kelly (attended ’93-’94 & Chris) McMillan and Jerri-Lynn (attended ’96-’97 & Andrew Allen) Craft and their extended families. Rolla Jean (Taylor) Vander Veen, graduate of 1960, drifted peacefully into the arms of her precious Saviour on July 4, 2022. Pray for her husband Jerry and daughters, Nancy (Jonathan) Campbell, Carolyn and Susan (Chris) Findley and their families. 4
SEPTEMBER 8-11 A new school year has arrived and we are thrilled to see what great things God is going to do on our campus. Our Weekend Of Welcome is always exciting as we get caught up with returning students and welcome new ones. Our desire for staff and students alike is that we would all, “…grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Chirst…” (2 Peter 3:18). Our speaker for this year is Mr Frank Roe. Frank Roe is Director of Recruitment for Crossworld Canada and has served in missions for more than 40 years. He loves to see others know God and follow Him. He has a passion for young people and we are excited to have him come and challenge our students.
c ollege DAY
Every year, worldwide, for a over 220,000 people go missing. Some are found November 10-12 and others seem to disappear without a trace. How important is knowing where you’re going in life? Having spiritual direction is no less important. No matter where life may take you, knowing God through His Word is crucial. Why not join us for College for a Day and see if God might have you become a student at NBBI? You will be able to sit in on some classes, meet our great student body and be challenged to deepen your walk with the Lord. At NBBI, we believe that the world is a confusing place but God’s Word provides a map for life. Come join us and discover what Bible training would look like for you.
New Brunswick Bible Institute 2335 Route 103 Victoria Corner NB Canada E7P 1C7 Phone: (506)375-9000 Fax: (506)375-1800 Website: Email:
Editor................................................. Larry Rushton Writers.............Faculty, Staff, Students & Alumni Typist................................................. Brenda Cabral Layout & design...........................................Larry Rushton Copy proof..............................................Rose Meed Printer.................................................Merritt Press
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BY DAVID DOHERTY Perfect Peace, Isaiah 26:3 True peace is one of humanity’s greatest needs. It is as needed today as it was when Isaiah picked up his pen to write. In His time, Israel was experiencing the consequences of national sin, but there was hope for the future. The previous chapter (25:8) promises a time when death and tears will all be removed, but here (26:3) is a promise of true peace for all times. Scripture reveals...
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July 13, 2022 - to staff member, Tim (ABM/B.Th. ’16) and his wife, Jennika (Ducey, Assoc. ’13) Leubner, a girl, Clementine Mae.
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1. THE PROVIDER OF PEACE: God is the source of peace! The word “Thou” draws our attention to God who is revealed by several names or titles in chapter 25. He is identified as “Jehovah Elohim” (25:1). “Jehovah” is defined as One who “always was, always is and always will be” as explained in Revelation 1:4. He is the ever-loving, ever-coming One. Elohim is the title used first in Genesis 1:1 when God brought light, beauty and life out of darkness, chaos and death. “Thou” is Jehovah of Hosts (armies) in 26:6 and Sovereign LORD in 25:8. He is powerful beyond description. His provision of peace is greater than all the forces of evil that we may ever encounter. He is the One who can bring peace that cannot be destroyed.
VOL. 63 NO. 9 SEPTEMBER 2022
2. THE PATH TO PEACE: God will keep the believer in “perfect peace” whose mind is “stayed” on Him. The “mind” refers to one’s attitudes, thoughts and imaginations. The believer’s inner reasoning faculties need to be “stayed” or focused on the Lord Himself. A mind that is compromised by an ungodly world view, pride, anger, selfishness or other impurities will never truly be at peace. When one’s mind is “stayed” on the Lord there will be perfect peace as the Bible promises. Scripture literally reads, “peace, Peace” - a figure of speech known as an epizeuxis. It is used when something very important is to be announced. Here it shows “perfect peace” is available to the person whose mind is God-centred, even in the midst of present personal or national turmoil. This peace begins with personal reconciliation with the Lord Jesus Christ by receiving Him as personal Saviour. No doubt the enemy of our souls would like us to focus attention on things of little value. It is easy to become enamoured with issues that relate only to time. Second Corinthians 10:5 exhorts believers to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. The peace of God can be maintained in a believer’s life through prayer, supplication and thanksgiving. God’s peace passes all understanding (Philippians 4:6,7).
3. THE POWER FOR PEACE: The experience of this peace does not depend on an absence of conflict or favourable circumstances. It does depend on the unlimited power of God. Trusting the sufficiency of Jesus’ death in our place is the basis of salvation. Concerning perfect peace, this God-breathed text declares, “...because he trusteth in THEE.”
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