The Open Bible Bulletin - October, 2022

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FAMILY FILE Homegoings Brian Kent, 1995 graduate of the Associate of Biblical & Theological Studies program passed away on June 28, 2022. Pray for his wife Rosalie (Assoc. ’95) and their family. Benjamin (Ben) Rideout (attended ’08-’10) was promoted to Glory on July 28, 2022. Pray for his family. Donald Campbell, NBBI graduate of 1983, was promoted to Glory on August 5, 2022. Please pray for his wife Connie (MacDonald ’76) and family.

Sam Fast

October 15, 1926 - August 4, 2022

Sam Fast, retired NBBI board member, went home to be with the Lord on August 4, 2022. Sam and his wife Anna Belle served the Lord as missionaries with different American Indian groups in Minnesota and Utah and also pastored a church in Montana. They ended up in East Hogdon, Maine where Sam worked for the US Postal Service and attended the East Hodgdon Union Church. He continued ministering to the indigenous peoples of the North, holding Thursday night Bible studies on the Tobique Reserve. Sam faithfully served on the Board of Directors at NBBI from December 1983 to October 2008.

CHAPEL SPEAKERS October 19...................................Don Pickel Assist Canada October 26.................................. Gary Stairs 4


Join us for College for a Day to see what Bible school training is all about. You will sit in on some classes, meet


our students, and enjoy great food and fellowship. Join us for a weekend that could change your life forever.

Men For Go Godd Rally

BY MATTHEW LITTLE Taking Correction Correctly

January 27-28, 2023

Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” We face many unique challenges today and many believers are in desperate need of fellowship and encouragement. After a difficult two years, our Men for God New Brunswick Bible Institute 2335 Route 103 Victoria Corner NB Canada E7P 1C7 Phone: (506)375-9000 Fax: (506)375-1800 Website: Email:

Editor................................................. Larry Rushton Writers.............Faculty, Staff, Students & Alumni Typist................................................. Brenda Cabral Layout & design...........................................Larry Rushton Copy proof..............................................Rose Meed Printer.................................................Merritt Press

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Rally is finally returning. We want to invite you back to our campus to enjoy what could be a life-changing, powerful event for you. Join us for a weekend of great food, fellowship and Biblical teaching. Stay tuned for more information to come. PARTNER WITH US

Give online: Click the Donate Now button. Make a one-time gift or choose the recurring option for automatic monthly support. Give by mail: Send your cheque payable to: New Brunswick Bible Institute 2335 Route 103 Victoria Corner NB E7P 1C7 U.S. Donors: East Hodgdon Bible Church Attn: NBBI Fund PO Box 828 Houlton ME 04730-0828 Give by e-transfer: Send an e-Transfer via the bank of your choice to For additional options: Call us toll-free at 1-800-771-NBBI (6224).

VOL. 63 NO. 10 OCTOBER 2022


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October 24-28 Word of Life Bible Institute Owen Sound, ON Teaching

c ollege DAY

We live in a world for a that is constantly redefining the truth. Nothing November 10-12 is fixed and everything is fluid. Add to this the fact that there is a growing ignorance concerning God and His Word, even among those who claim to know Him. In spite of these discouraging facts, the world needs Christ more than ever. Are you ready to meet the challenges life may throw your way? Do you know God’s Word and have the ability to competently share it with others? Do you desire to know Jesus in a deeper way so that you can better make Him known to others? NBBI exists to help train believers in God’s Word; help you grow in your faith and provide an atmosphere where you can discover God’s unique plan for your life.

Printed in Canada

MATTHEW LITTLE October 14-15 White Head Baptist Church White Head, NB Missions’ Conference

A preacher told a story about walking down the street when he encountered a homeless man who was sitting on the sidewalk. The man had tattered clothes, he hadn’t shaved in some time and he looked tired and hungry. As the preacher walked by, he reached into his pocket and realized that all he had was a measly quarter. He knew it wasn’t much but he handed it to the homeless man anyway. As the man looked at it and turned it over he handed it back to the preacher and said, “I can’t accept this, it is far too much.” Puzzled the preacher asked him what he meant. The homeless man responded, “This is a valuable coin, I know because I used to collect coins.” Wanting to convince the preacher that he was telling the truth he took him around the corner to a coin shop. The preacher handed the coin to the clerk who began examining it. The shopkeeper said, “Sure I’ll buy it. How does $150 sound?” Startled, the preacher asked him why it was worth so much. The shopkeeper responded, “This is a 1932 quarter, made in Denver. It is very rare and is in high demand among collectors. As the shopkeeper was handing the $150 to the preacher he said, “No! give the money

to this gentleman. He could see the value in it when I could not.” Often the things that are most precious in our faith can lose their magnificence and wonder. It is not that we fail to perceive their worth from a Biblical perspective, but the value of important Biblical truth is lost through over-familiarity and the daily distractions of life. There is a casualness to Biblical truth, and its value, that is rarely challenged by those that are blinded by life’s struggles and challenges. The apostle Peter used the word “Precious” seven times in his two epistles to those scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. (1 Peter 1:1) Just like the excitement of having a new car wanes as the years pass by, so too our faith can grow stagnant and mundane the more familiar we become with it. This was unacceptable to Peter who challenges us to remember that which should remain most precious to us. The Stretching of our Faith is precious (1 Peter 1:7). The Cleansing Power of our Faith (The Blood of Jesus) is precious (1 Peter 1:19). The Foundation of our Faith (Christ the cornerstone) is precious (1 Peter 2:4,6,7; 2 Peter 1:1). The Promises of our Faith are precious (2 Peter 1:4). The word “precious” that is used by Peter to describe all of these things means, “valuable, costly, esteemed, beloved, dear and honourable.” Such truths should never

become commonplace, or be passed over with indifference or ease. Often, we can be like the preacher who carried that quarter in his pocket, unable to appreciate the value of what he possessed. Maybe it is time that we ask God to stir our hearts so that we may regain the wonder of Who Christ is and what He has done for us. As Oswald Sanders once said, “There is no joy in the soul that has forgotten what God prizes.”


God’s Purpose Our Passion Established 1944 2 Timothy 2:15


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