New Brunswick Bible Institute Prayer Calendar 2023-05 May

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Graduation Ceremony

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for our students on the last day of final exams

for prepartion being made for Spring Conference

for funds & workers for Vacation With A Vision

for safety for those travelling to campus

for Dr. Wendell Calder speaking at Conference

for Margaret Meed preparing to serve the Lord in Africa 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

that our grads will sense God’s leading in their lives

for more students to attend in the fall

for NBBI grads serving around the world for David Doherty (Faculty)

for David & Mary Meed (IT & Food Services)

for Danny & Lorna Robins (Business Office) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

for Edward Craig (Maintenance)

for Tim Leubner as he serves in our Media Department

for Keith & Beth McMahon (Faculty/Dean) for our Board of Directors 21 22

for local pastors and churches

for Rose Meed (General Office Secretary)

for Tilly Grant serving as Registrar for Mike Grant (Faculty/Dean)

for safety for those involved in maintenance work over the summer

that camps might acquire their needed workers

for staff as they begin travelling for meetings over the summer

for our retired staff for our many staff children 28 29 30 31

for revival in our chruches

that God would continue to raise up Christian workers from NBBI

for our brothers & sisters around the world facing persecution

for faculty as they prepare for the fall

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
MAY 2023-Please Pray...
for Matthew & Dodi Little (President/ Librarian) 23 24 25 26 27

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