The Open Bible Bulletin - May, 2023

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Positive Essentials For Churches

Ephesians 4:32

The assembly of Christians in Ephesus was a model church in many ways. These saints were noted for their faith and love (1:9) and were sufficiently mature to embrace the great doctrines of the first three chapters of Paul’s letter to them. He gave thanks to God for them continually (1:16). However, there was significant room for spiritual growth. They, like many today, had a need to put away all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, evil speaking and malice (4:31) and to ...

1. ...BE KIND. The word “kind” (crhstoV) is used seven times in the New Testament and is also translated as “good, gracious, better and easy.” Words such as “useful, morally good and benevolent” describe the meaning of “kind”. God’s people will attract and bless others more effectively with honey than vinegar! Kindness should always be as a perfume typical of believers. Genuine kindness is an attribute of God as taught in Romans 2:4 where God displays His goodness (crhstoV) by leading people

to repentance. Abusive or rude speaking is totally inconsistent with kindness. Our message and our manners in delivering God’s truth should always be in harmony. It may be helpful for believers to premeditate ways in which the kindness of God can be demonstrated to others in words, attitudes and behaviours. Kindness is a defence against the sins listed in 4:31. In addition, believers are instructed to ...

2. ...BE TENDERHEARTED. A heart that is surrendered to the Lord (Proverbs 23:26) will be “tenderhearted”. This word (eusplagcuoV) is used only here in Ephesians 4:32 and in 1 Peter 3:8 where it is translated “pitiful”. Literally it means “healthy bowels” as the ancients considered the stomach area to be the seat of affections. This feature is also an attribute of God (Luke 1:78). Here the Ephesians are called upon to cultivate tenderheartedness in their individual lives and in the assembly gatherings. To be tenderhearted implies a healthy heart that is free from anger, pride, selfishness and other toxic impurities. Mark 7:21-23 clearly reveals the contagious “diseases” that lurk in the human heart and contaminate the lives, even of God’s people, at times. Where there is tenderheartedness, one many expect to find

believers who are “all of one mind”, who are compassionate one of another, who genuinely love and who are courteous (1 Peter 3:8). It is appropriate to have a tender heart towards even very difficult people - we don’t know what work God is quietly doing in their lives. Concerning God, Scripture declares, “...for He is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil” (Luke 6:35b). Further, Christians are to ...

3. ...BE FORGIVING. The word “forgiving” (carizomai) is present tense which reveals continuous action. Those who sin against us are to be forgiven “seventy times seven” (Matthew 18:22). When the believer sins, it is vitally important to honestly seek forgiveness rather than merely dismiss the issue. God’s people are to be characterized by forgiveness as the Lord Jesus Christ has forgiven all our sin.

God expects you and me to be kind, tenderhearted and forgiving.

VOL. 64 NO. 05 MAY 2023
us out
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The Symptoms Versus The Solution

In a recent interview, Pierce Morgan, a famed British journalist, interviewed Richard Dawkins, a famous atheist and biologist. In what only can be described as a rare moment of solidarity, Dawkins dismissed the “woke” agenda that is invading our culture and affirmed what most Christians believe - that there are only two sexes. He implied that all of this “gender dysphoria” talk is untenable and unsustainable in our culture. During the interview, Dawkins declared that, “There are two sexes, and that’s all there is to it.” He added that LGBTQ activists looking to discredit the reality of two biological sexes are pushing “utter nonsense.” Morgan then pressed Dawkins to explain what he would do now that society is intent on policing our words and making sure that all that we say is inoffensive and tolerant. His response was, “The only possible response is contemptuous ridicule. I shall continue to use every one of the prohibited words. I am a professional user of the English language. It is my native language.”

I found myself reluctantly applauding this atheist and secretly wishing that believers, who trust in God, would be as bold and courageous as this man who does not even believe God exists. Nearing the end of the interview, Morgan asked Dawkins how we should combat such “nonsense”. Dawkins replied, “Science.” This is where I would like to challenge us with a word of caution. The end goal of the follower of Christ is not to be content that the world joins us in decrying the symptoms of a pagan world that has deviated from God. Rather, we want them to agree on the solution. Dawkins agrees that society is wrong on the above-stated issue but rejects that Jesus is the answer. This means that he is as lost as they are.

Mark 10:17-22 relates the story of a rich man that came to Jesus. He claimed to want eternal life and based upon his conversation with Jesus, he would have decried the moral deviations that were present in his culture. The text affirms that he did not kill, steal, murder, etc. Yet Jesus said, “One thing thou lackest” (verse 21a). He would have agreed to the symptoms

but he was unwilling to reach out by faith and believe in the solution. Jesus said to him, “Take up the cross, and follow me.… And he was sad at the saying and went away grieved: for he had great possessions” (verses 21b22).

We are not engaged in a ministry of renovation but one of restoration. Our goal is not that culture would be reformed but that it would be regenerated. We are not seeking only agreement with the culture on the problem (although that is helpful and often unexpected), we are trying to point them to the solution. Dawkins agreed with Christians on the lesser point but he still showed contempt for the greater one; mainly that Christ died for him, forgiveness of sins and eternal life are free for the taking, and the only requirement is to put his personal faith in the risen Christ. Our society does not adhere to our morals but this should upset us far less than the fact that they haven’t put their faith in our Messiah.

The Lighter Side Of Life




MAY 5-7, 2023

Spring Conference is right around the corner. After three years of not hosting any events on our campus, we are thrilled to invite you back to enjoy great Bible teaching, fellowship and food. We will also have missionaries sharing about what God is doing through their ministries around the world. We will cap it all off with our Commencement Exercises on Sunday, as we honour and send out our current graduates. Our conference is



Have you ever considered how you might be able to partner with NBBI in helping train today the leaders of tomorrow? If you have some time and a willing heart, we can put you to work. Every year we host Vacation with a Vision, which is an opportunity for God’s people to come to our campus and help us complete some much-needed summer projects. Our facilities are necessary components of our training program. Students enjoy the many improvements we have made to our campus over the years and many of those projects have been completed through our Vacation with a Vision program. Whether you can come for a day, a few days, or a week, we can use your help. We will house you, feed you, and provide you with opportunities to meet other believers and enjoy great fellowship. We also have a children’s program throughout the day for kids age 5-12. We would love for you to prayerfully consider joining us.

scheduled for May 5-7. Our Bible teacher will be Dr. Wendell Calder.

Wendell was born on Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada and was born again at an early age in his home

church, North Road Baptist Church. He is a 1959 graduate of New Brunswick Bible Institute and began his pastoral ministry the week following graduation. Wendell pastored a total of 16 years and founded the Woodland Baptist Church, Baileyville, Maine in 1963. He founded Living Waters Bible Conference in 1970, a ministry which continues to reach all ages with the gospel of Christ. He founded his present ministry of Local Church Evangelism in 1975. This ministry has taken him to six continents sharing the gospel message. In May, 1982, Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga, TN conferred on him an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree. Wendell and his wife, Joan, reside in Florida.

Our Financial Goal: $40,000.

Projects: - Complete the renovation of both bathrooms in Liberty Hall (Ladies’ dorm). This will complete our multiphase dorm project which began in 2019.

- Build an addition onto the dining hall for much needed storage for tables, chairs, kitchen equipment, etc.

- Process the wood needed for our outdoor wood furnace for the winter of 2023-2024.

- Various painting, carpentry, maintenance projects around campus.

If you are looking for ministry job opportunities, we have listings on our website. Go to

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