1 minute read


by Tim Leubner
Humans are forgetful beings. we take in information and at a later date we cannot recall it. We sit and listen and yet we can nd ourselves completely forgetting what we just heard. As we age, we can forget the things that came so easy to us as children. Learning new things as a young person is easier. When I was 5, I learned the violin. Now, as a 30 year old, I have forgotten most of what I learned. We as Christians can be the same way. We can forget important spiritual truths so easily. We need spiritual reminders from time to time.
Peter gave us this spiritual reminder in 2 Peter 1:1-15. He starts in verse three. His divine power has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness. Jesus told us in John 14:26 that the Holy Spirit will be with us to teach us and to remind us of the things we have learned from the Lord. We must stay in step with our
Teacher and be diligent students of the Word if we desire to remember the reason for our faith.
We must remember that “He has granted to us His precious and magni cant promise.” This promise was ful llment of prophecy [Isaiah 53], the propitiation for our sins [Romans 3:25], the Person our eyes should be xed on [Col. 3:1-4], and the provision of our inheritance [Galatians 4:1-7].
We should remember that the Christian walk takes diligence, and because life is hard, with all of its uncertainties, we must remember that walking with Jesus will involve:

1. Addition. We ought to be in a state of growth and adding to our virtues. [2 Peter 1:5-8].

2. Purpose. Our life’s sole purpose to come to the “true knowledge of Christ; not to simply know of Him, but to truly have a personal relationship with Him.

3. Goal. In 2 Peter 1:10:11 we read that the goal of the Christian walk is the eternal kingdom of Jesus Christ. That is why we obey the Holy Spirit and why we walk with Jesus.
We must do our part in reminding others of these great and precious promises. I am sure glad that Peter did not lose patience with the church. We should strive to do the same. Let us always be ready to speak spiritual truth to our friends, family and those with whom we come in contact. Carry the precious promise of our home on high with you wherever you go. It may be easy to forget these things when life gets hard, but always remember Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.