1 minute read
ladies of grace
by Beth McMahon
Greetings from the campus of New Brunswick Bible Institute! We can hardly wait for you ladies to join us for our upcoming Ladies of Grace Conference being held October 20 & 21, 2023.
Our speaker, Bonnie Gallant, is a lovely gal I met while a student myself here at NBBI. I know you will enjoy getting to know her as she spends time with us.

Bonnie was born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and was raised in a godly home
October 20-21. 2023

where she came to faith at a young age. She is a mother of ve and a proud “Nannie” to eight grandchildren. Bonnie had worked in the funeral profession for 18 years. She and her husband Allan have been married for 40 years. They attended NBBI during 1983-1986. They have been in pastoral ministry for 33 years in the USA and Canada and they are the founders of Agora Network Ministries. She is a co-author to the book “The Beautiful Strokes of God”. She and her husband live in Thorold, Ontario. Bonnie enjoys being a wedding hairstylist, has a passion for baking, and an obsession to travel, but what brings her the most joy is time with her family.
Would you plan on joining us in October? We have some fun things planned for you and would love to share our excitement with you as we continue to plan.