The Open Bible Bulletin - September 2023

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Vol. 64 No. 09 September 2023 Bulletin The Open Bible est.1944 What’s Inside• Summer Ministry Updates • Biblical Challenges • NBBI Family News

I have been studying the Book of Romans lately and have been reminded of several simple but important facts. I call these facts “news” because some who are reading this may not have encountered these true statements before, while others are confronted with them often.

The first is “shocking news.” Romans 1-3 gives us firsthand knowledge that all the world is guilty before God. Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden and because we are all descended from them, we have inherited their sin nature. “There is none righteous; no, not one.” (Romans

3:10) “For all have sinned…” (Romans 3:23) Three times in Romans 1, Paul says, “God gave them up,” referring to mankind and their propensity to sin. Romans 6:23 tells us that the payment for our sin is eternal separation from God.

The second is “unsettling news.” While many today are stating and really do believe that there are many ways to God and Heaven, Jesus clearly states that He is the only way to God and God’s Heaven. (John 14:6) Clear logic tells us that if there were many ways to God, then how would I know which is right and could I not make my own way and call it correct? If there are many ways to God and heaven, then there could be 8 billion ways (the world’s current population). Jesus also said that there is a broad way leading to destruction and that many are going that way. There is also a narrow way that few are traveling, but leads to eternal life (Matthew 7:1314). My friends, please don’t be deceived by what you hear from the world system and the world media. Jesus said, “No man comes to the Father except by me.” (John 14:6b)

Summer Ministry

The third type of news from God’s Word is “good news.” In case you thought all Biblical news is bad news, here is some very good news. Some of the same chapters in Romans that give us shocking news and unsettling news give us the good news of the gospel. Romans 3:24-25 tells us that Jesus died to buy us or pay the wages of our sin so that by His great favour, we can be set free from the penalty of sin and be guaranteed a home in Heaven. Romans 6:23 says that the penalty for sin is eternal separation from God, but goes on to say that God provided eternal life by the gift of His Son, Jesus.

The simple truth is and the facts are, that while I am a sinner by nature, God in His great love, mercy and grace sent His Son Jesus (Who willingly came to earth) into this world to be born, to live, to die and to rise again. And it is by this grace that all who hear have the opportunity to make the following choice –do I surrender to Him and give my life to Him for salvation, or do I listen to the lies propagated by this world system and say “no” to Him? I urge you to make the right decision today!

Vacation With A Vision

Bob Booker

Field Report

Isaiah 26:3-4

Jai Masih ki! (Hail Christ...This is the Christian greeting and goodbye here in South Asia).

“Praise the Lord!” These were the first words we heard here from our driver as we started our eleven-week stay in South Asia. Life here has exposed us to many different/new smells, foods, temperatures, sights, sounds, and trials. Although very dirty and undeveloped in comparison to the West, South Asia is still quite accommodating (vehicles, electricity, AC, filtered water in some places, etc). Although, there are many slums (1-2 small roomed houses) in the city.

The prominent religion is Hinduism, although there are Muslims, Sikhs, and Jains as well. It is illegal to convert people out of their religion, so our approach here is careful. We try not to say certain words like missions, Gospel, or Christian, as these words tend to carry misconstrued assumptions behind them (Christian has become a very broad term and can mean many different beliefs, so to be specific, we say we are followers of Jesus).

President’s Challenge

Some people are content with the status quo. They never want to rock the boat; they are uninterested in change and their desire for self-examination is non-existent. Former President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, once said, “Status quo, you know, is Latin for ‘the mess we are in.’”

It was undeniable that the people of Jesus’ day were in a spiritual mess. They were God’s chosen people, heirs to eternal promises, possessing a rich spiritual foundation, and many celebratory feasts, and it had all become nothing but empty form. At the heart of this story is a religious people who were stealing the tribute that rightfully belonged to God. John 2:14,16 says, “And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting…and said

We try to look for English speakers to share the Gospel with unless we have national believers who can translate for us.

It is generally easy to start conversations with people, as they are normally interested in foreigners. Our vision is to equip national believers here; so we encourage them to go with us in evangelism and follow-up (Bible studies and prayer) so that when we leave, they can carry on the work.

The main truth God has shown us through our trials here is that attitudes and discouragement are possibly our greatest enemies. When it is hot, when we are sick, when people’s hearts are hard, or when we are frustrated with learning a new language/culture, we are often tempted to forget our purpose here. The only solution for us is to read G0d’s Word, pray, and have fellowship with other believers. Nothing else compares to comforting or encouraging us.

Through it all, we have learned that we should always be able to say: “Praise the Lord!” For it is He who is always with us and has been there every time we got discouraged or confused. He saved us when we were without hope and in darkness; praise Him for His great mercy! This trip has allowed God to grow and stretch us like never before.

unto them that sold doves, ‘Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.’” In John 2:18 the Jews responded to Jesus driving out those engaged in godless enterprise by saying, “What sign showest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things?” In other words, what right do you have to claim ownership of the Temple? This is a question that you must answer in your own life. Jesus owned the Temple in the Old Testament, which gave Him the right to act with authority, and you are His Temple today. In the Old Testament, God had a Temple for His people; in the New Testament God has His people for a Temple.

Paul reminds us in I Corinthians 6:19-20 that our lives have been purchased by Christ’s redemptive work on the cross and that you and I now belong to Him. This leads to a powerful question. Are the things you are living for worth Jesus dying for? Is your life stealing the tribute that truly belongs to Christ? God will not live in a dirty house, but He won’t move out.

Your salvation is secure because it does not rest in what you do, but what Jesus has done. But God may clean house. What tables in your life does God need to overthrow to show you that you belong to Him? But you might say, “How do I know if my life is stealing the tribute that belongs to God?” Take some time and work through every area of your life – your relationships, hobbies, priorities etc. and ask the question, “Am I doing this and can I continue to do this for the glory of God?” Can you ask, “Lord, the places I am going, the things I am watching, the plans I am making, the priorities I am investing in, and the relationships that I am pursuing, am I’m doing it all for your glory?”

“Living for the Glory of God”

Family File


June 20/23 - Former NBBI Staff member, Mardell (Schmidt) Judge grew up on the campus of our “sister-school” Millar Bible School in Pambrun, SK and married Murray (NBBI grad of ‘67) in June 1967. After a short honeymoon, they began their ministry at NBBI in July of 1967 until 1977. The Judges had three children.

July 5/23 - Dwayne Hunter, (‘63) met his wife, Judy (Elliott ‘64) in the fall of 1961 at NBBI, they were married in September of 1968 and went on to have four children. Dwayne and Judy served together on the mission field in Brazil for 15 years, had other short term mission trips, served as Camp Directors at Circle L Camp (now Camp Goodnews) and Dwayne preached throughout the state of Maine and Florida in these later years.

July 9/23 - Gerald Nickerson - (Grad of ‘83) was known on campus for his piano skills and being a part of the men’s quartet. He went on to pastor for many years and was known for his “walking / talking” evangelist sticks. He and his wife, Jean, had three children.


April 23/23 Elaine Charlotte to Ben (B.Th./ ABM ‘22) & Evelyn (Nanniga ‘21 Assoc) Jost

May 20/23 Josephine Louise to Timothy and Angelina (Tice ‘07) Leach

July 13/23 Oakley Porter to Jakob (B.Th./ ABM ‘23) & Sophie (Gerrior ‘22 Assoc) Ducey

July 14/23 Daniel Glen to Trey (Senior student ‘23/24) and Chloe VanColen

July 23/23 Duke William to Amos (‘14 Assoc.) & Megan (Rushton ‘14 Assoc) Grant

Staff On The Road

Mike Grant

Sept 17

Community Bible Church, Berlin, NH

Sunday Morning Service

Sept 23-44

Palermo Community Church, Palermo, ME Evangelism & Tract Ministry

Keith McMahon

Sept 16-17

East Benton Christian Church, East Benton, ME

Bible Conference



for a day

November 9-11, 2023

Are you ready to meet the challenges of life? Is your walk with God growing and strong? Do you want to discover God’s will for your life? Why not consider coming to New Brunswick Bible Institute for at least a year? No matter what God may lead you to do, a solid foundation in God’s Word is a great starting point. Join us for one of our College for a Day weekends. You can see our campus, meet our staff and students, sit in on some classes and discover the difference that Bible college could make in your life. The best year of your life might be waiting around the corner.

Weekend of Welcome

Upcoming Events ladies of grace

September 7-10, 2023

September is upon us and we are thrilled and excited to see what God will do on our campus this coming school year. We are praying that God will do a mighty work in and through our students’ lives this year. This year we are excited to welcome Alex Bourgoin as our speaker. Alex grew up in Madawaska and gave his life to the Lord at a young age. He attended NBBI and went on to serve with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Maine for 15 years as local and state director. He and his wife Lianne have three children and currently live in New Limerick, Maine where Alex owns and operates a carpentry business.

Online: Give by mail: Send your cheque payable to: New Brunswick Bible Institute 2335 Route 103 Victoria Corner NB E7P 1C7 U.S. Donors: East Hodgdon Bible Church Attn: NBBI Fund PO Box 828 Houlton ME 04730-0828 Give by e-transfer: Send an e-Transfer via the bank of your choice to For additional options: Call us toll-free at 1-800-771-NBBI (6224).
Follow Our Journey
Join us on October 20-21, 2023. Our campus will fill quickly as we look forward to hosting our Annual Ladies of Grace Conference once again!

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