The Open Bible Bulletin - March 2024

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BULLETIN Vol. 65 No. 03 March 2024 /


“God’s Right is Always Right, Regardless Of The Response” by Pastor Jeremy Simpson - Part-time Faculty

AEncounter Youth Retreats


s I have worked alongside different leadership teams recently, I have found myself rehearsing the phrase “God’s right is ALWAYS right, regardless of the response.” This phrase could be considered the mandate for Christ’s followers, and His “Terms and Conditions” for those pursuing fellowship with Him. The life of King Josiah (II Kings. 22-23; II Chron. 34-35), in its context, boldly places this “mandate” of “God’s right is always right” in the spotlight. Josiah was born during one of the darkest times of Israel’s history, after his grandfather Manasseh had removed the Word of God from the nation. For 57 years, spiritual principles and the idea of “doing right” were no longer dictated by God, but by the public. It was not until 640 BC that we find someone - an eight-year-old boyseeking to “do right before God”. And he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, and walked in all the ways of his father David; he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. (II Kings 22:2)

The first mention of “did not turn aside”, in Deuteronomy, helps us to understand that turning aside means turning away from Jehovah and turning toward idols. In Josiah’s refusal to turn aside, he was refusing to participate in the idolatry of Israel at that time (28:14). We see him doing this on his own, because he had never read the Torah or any of God’s fellowship covenants (i.e. Suzerain and Vassal Treaty). Wait, what?! In II Kings 22, we read that 18 years after Josiah’s inauguration as king, Hilkiah found the Book of the Law! The now 26-year-old king tore his clothes at his first hearing of the Word of God. For 18 years, this young man had attempted to do God’s right (leading himself and

others), only to find God’s right, right on the page. There are a few questions which might intrigue the reader to some further study:

• What does life look like knowing your generation has been cursed by God?

• What is it like to discover God’s “terms and conditions” for fellowship for the first time?

• What was worship like in Solomon’s temple alongside the idols of Baal and Asherah idols, with the sexual practices involved? (II Kings 23:4-15)

Much more could be said about Josiah’s life and decisions, but a closing application of the text could be as follows: it is comforting to know that when standing for God’s right you can expect resistance, just as God’s “Anointed Chosen One” faced. This is why believers in Christ must face the task of living and leading with open Bibles. With the Word of God, we can be bold, knowing that “God’s right is always right, regardless of the response.”

Vacation With a Vision

June 23-28

Come volunteer some time this summer and have a hand in beautifying and updating our campus!

Powerful Speakers Group Games Sports’ Multiplex Delicious Food Swag Giveway
- Gil Nkamwesiga
Kitchen equipment storage room Student gazebo


“The Truth About Truth”

Our current culture is drowning in a sea of ideas. ISBNDB, which is the world’s largest book database, estimates that approximately 2.2 million books are published each year. With such a prolific production of information, it seems that we could easily uncover the truth. However, the compilation of facts should not be confused with the discovery of truth. II Timothy 3:7 says that most in the world are “ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

God’s people are in the truth business, but God also has a formula for the discovery of that truth. It is centred upon the person of Jesus Christ (Jn 14:6), preserved in a book called the Bible (Jn. 17:17), revealed to us by the Holy Spirit Who is called the “Spirit of Truth” (Jn 16:13), and upheld by the church which is called “the pillar and ground of the truth” (I Tim. 3:15). In the book of Proverbs is a powerful verse concerning truth. Proverbs 23:23 says, “Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction and understanding.” Proverbs reminds us of two vital things we must do with truth.

First of all, we must purchase the truth. How do we do that? We acquire it through wisdom, instruction and understanding. Secondly, we must preserve the truth. Notice the three words that are attached to the buying of wisdom and what they reveal about the quest for truth. The Bible says to “buy the truth” because there is always a cost to acquiring it. If we want to discover the truth, live the truth, uphold the truth, and preserve the truth, the price tag will always be high. “Wisdom” speaks of the cost of time. Wisdom only

comes with the passage of time. As we learn God’s Word and apply it to our lives, we become wise and that requires a time commitment. “Instruction” speaks of the discipline needed to acquire the truth. The acquisition of truth always takes discipline. Finally, “understanding” speaks of obedience. Truth is costly. The world will seek to convince us that the price is too high, but our bank accounts of truth must always be growing and never depleted. Truth must also be preserved. “Buy the truth, and sell it not.” Once we have truth, we should never let it go. Titus 1:9 says that we should be “holding fast the faithful word...”

Nothing is more valuable than truth. Christians often peruse the grocery store of truth, but never take anything off of the shelves. It’s easy to come to church and hear the truth, but never purchase or preserve it. Next time you open up your Bible, do not read to merely get facts, but read to purchase truth.


Family File

Hope Louise Brewer

November 8, 2023

to Jacob (‘17/B.Th.’18) and Chelsea (Whitters) (‘18)

December 23, 2023

Dillon Dickinson to Naomi (Knox) (‘19)

Ellowyn Lou Clare

January 3, 2024

to Colby (‘19/B.Th.’22) and Cyan Long

Oliver Lee Freeland

December 19, 2023 to Alex (‘21/B.Th.’22) and Brittney (Weber) (‘21/B.Th.’22)

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New Brunswick Bible Institute

2335 Route 103

Victoria Corner NB E7P 1C7

U.S. Donors:

East Hodgdon Bible Church

Attn: NBBI Fund

PO Box 828

Houlton ME 04730-0828


July 30, 2023

Art Coburn (‘57) husband of Nancy (DeCamp) (‘55).

Spring Conference & Graduation

May 3-5, 2024

Dr. Chris Gnanakan, from South India, worked as an electrician before studying Bible, Theology, and Missions at the Word of Life Bible Institute, NY and Tennessee Temple University. He researched Pastoral Theology & Counseling at the South Asia Institute for Advanced Christian Studies from where he earned his Doctorate in Ministry in Pastoral Theology, completed his Ph.D. from Leeds University, UK. Chris was awarded his Doctor of Divinity from Trinity Baptist College, FL, USA, for strategic leadership in missional movements. Chris is currently a Professor for Theology and Global Studies at Liberty University and serves as the Director of Leadership Development for Christar. Chris and Dorothy have two daughters Alethea and Charis who graduated from LU. Chris loves to motivate people with God’s Word, mobilize them into the fields and mentor the next generation!

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