In the weeks leading up to the Men for God conference, the staff and students were praying faithfully and Ephesians 3:20 summarizes how the Lord answered. Registrations poured in and we had to do something rarely done; that was to take down the wall between the chapel and gym in order to accommodate more than 350 men. It was so encouraging to see men enjoying fellowship and singing out to the Lord. It was amazing to see how God used the messages that Dr. Dino Pedrone prepared as well as the different testimonies shared. God worked and blessed our time together.
My prayer is that as men we apply what we were challenged with and also come together for fellowship, prayer, worship and testimonies in our local churches and continue to listen to and promote the teaching and preaching of the Word of God.
Trouble is all around us. It touches every part of our human experience and it is universal in scope and no respecter of persons. This is because it is rooted in our sinful experience and is a tool God uses to refine us and shape us into His image (II Cor. 12:9). Matthew 6:34 says, “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” We are commanded to “…take no thought for the morrow…” This suggests that not only are we prone to trouble, but also that we are inclined to pile up tomorrow’s troubles on top of today’s. Every day has difficulties, but God has given us enough to handle today without adding future difficulties to our present burdens. However, this is easier said than done. We all have a tendency to worry about our future plans, to toss and turn about test results from the doctor that are forthcoming, to worry about what will become of our kids or grandkids, or to fret about relationships, jobs, retirement, etc.
Why does Scripture warn us about borrowing trouble? First of all, tomorrow’s troubles bury today’s blessings. Psalm 68:19 says that God “…daily loadeth us with benefits…” Today we ought to be able to count our blessings and see God’s abundant hand of provision and goodness in our lives. Our Creator knows the perfect balance of burdens and blessings that we can handle for each given day. However, when we pull clouds of burdens from the future
into today, we block out the sunshine of God’s goodness in the here and now. Worry will never take away tomorrow’s sorrow, but it will rob us of experiencing joy today.
Secondly, tomorrow’s troubles rob us of today’s strength. Deuteronomy 33:25 says, “…and as thy days, so shall thy strength be.” Life is a delicate balance and God knows the strength we need to face today’s trials so that they will not crush us. Our Father knows our limitations and our inherent frailty (Ps. 103:14). He has put together the ingredients of our lives for today. Though it may include struggles, God sprinkles evidences of His kindness and mercy throughout them, even in the darkest moments (Lam. 3:22-23). Whatever today’s struggles might be, God will grant the strength needed to sustain us through those challenges. Bringing tomorrow’s struggles into today’s experiences means that our strength no longer matches the burdens faced. Why? Because God doesn’t give us the strength today to bear the burdens of tomorrow. That strength will come tomorrow. Instead of using God’s strength to meet the present burdens, we are wasting that strength to fight battles that haven’t even happened yet. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Always remember that if we trust God today, He will take care of our tomorrows.
Dr. Chris Gnanakan, from South India, worked as an electrician before studying Bible, Theology, and Missions at the Word of Life Bible Institute, NY and Tennessee Temple University. He researched Pastoral Theology & Counseling at the South Asia Institute for Advanced Christian Studies from where he earned his Doctorate in Ministry in Pastoral Theology, completed his Ph.D. from Leeds University, UK. Chris was awarded his Doctor of Divinity from Trinity Baptist College, FL, USA, for strategic leadership in missional movements. Chris is currently a Professor for Theology and Global Studies at Liberty University and serves as the Director of Leadership Development for Christar. Chris and Dorothy have two daughters Alethea and Charis who graduated from LU. Chris loves to motivate people with God’s Word, mobilize them into the fields and mentor the next generation!
Acts chapter 9 is an interesting section of Scripture. It details for us the time and circumstances of the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, who we know more commonly as the Apostle Paul. It’s a dramatic story. Saul is riding along towards Damascus, breathing out threats and murder against disciples of the Lord. He’s on his way to do them harm. He has the authority to do that from the high priest and he has the ability to do that, as his life to this point, has amply demonstrated. And, if we’re familiar with our Bibles, we know what happens. The Lord knocks him off his high horse, blinds him, speaks to him, saves him, and humbles him. The rest of Acts 9 tells the story of the early days of a life redeemed and radically changed by grace. Later on, Paul writes about the perspective he was gaining about what the Lord had done and was doing in his life. In his first letter to Timothy, this is what Paul says, “However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life.” (1 Timothy 1:16).
What an amazing thing the Lord did for Saul. Likely, we would have found it difficult to have the same mercy. The King of kings and Lord of lords found it in His heart to spare Saul immediate judgment, and instead stopped him in his tracks and displayed His mercy and grace to a man that deserved nothing but wrath. Paul said that what he’d been doing prior to the encounter on the Damascus road was done ”ignorantly and in unbelief” (1 Timothy 1:13). Paul’s testimony was that the Lord showed him mercy, displayed His grace, brought him to faith, and surrounded him with love. He could have done nothing to merit such amazing grace. Paul knew that he was forgiven and was the recipient of grace and love that had their source in the Lord Jesus. Paul also understood that he now was a pattern for others who would come to believe on the Lord Jesus for everlasting life. This is how God treats all who repent of their sin and trust in His Son to save them. We praise the Lord for what He did for Saul. May we too discover that what He did for Saul, He has done for us. His revealing of Himself has left a mark on us that will last for all eternity. Let us live a life of praise to Him for His grace and mercy amply lavished upon us.
Date: June 23-28
Funds to be Raised: $30,000
NBBI invites you to join us this summer for our Vacation with a Vision program. Vacation with a Vision pr0vides our many friends and supporters with the opportunity to come to our campus and be involved in helping to complete some muchneeded projects.We welcome the skilled and unskilled and will appreciate whatever time you have available to give, whether it is for the week, a few days, or an afternoon. Accommodations and meals will be provided and there will be opportunities for fun and fellowship. If you have a family, childcare is available for ages 5-12. We ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with us in this important ministry by giving or by joining us on campus.
By Dave GoupilleMike
Men For God - $7200+
Ladies of Grace - $4000+
These funds will be given to students in $500 scholarships and goes toward their tuition. We want to say thankyou to all who gave during our events. Your generosity will directly impact a young man or woman during their time at NBBI!
~ Complete a storage addition off of our dining hall. (This project was slotted for last year, but the time and resources needed for the girls’ dorm prevented its completion.)
~ Build a gazebo in the middle of campus and do several landscaping jobs. Our goal is to create a park for our students and guests to enjoy.
~ A few roofing jobs
~ Various general maintenance jobs
Chapel Speakers: April 18-19 – Frank Roe, Crossworld
Gwendolyn Nicole
July 5, 2023
To Alex (’20/ABM ’21) and Grace Spearin
(Lawson ’49) passed away on December 7, 2023 at the age of 100. Verna was a missionary and medical nurse in India for almost a decade, and a longtime member of Oakwood Baptist Church and Richview Baptist Church in Toronto. She was a dear mother to Ruth (David Johnson - ’85), Timothy and Carolyn (Mancuso).
Myra Grace
December7, 2023
To Lydia (Boyd ’19/ ABM ’20) and Andrew (’19/ABM ’23) Brillinger
Matthew Thomas Spurgeon
December 22, 2023
To Jordan (’19/ABM ’22) and Elizabeth (Williamson – att. ’15-’16) Mayzik
Give Online: nbbi.ca/donate
Give by e-transfer: nbbibusiness@gmail. com
For additional options: Call us toll-free at 1-800-771-NBBI (6224)
Give by mail:
New Brunswick Bible Institute 2335 Route 103
Victoria Corner NB E7P 1C7
U.S. Donors:
East Hodgdon Bible Church
Attn: NBBI Fund
PO Box 828
Houlton ME 04730-0828
Former staff member, entered the presence of the Lord on December 20, 2023 at the age of 75. Willa-Mae and her husband, Rev. Darel Tozer, joined the NBBI staff in 1983 where Darel served as Campus Pastor, faculty member and Alumni Director until 1987. Saved at a young age, Willa-Mae served the Lord all her life in various capacities: homemaker, mentor, ladies conference speaker, Bible college teacher (Ladies’ Ministries and Christian Ethics at NBBI), pianist and alto singer in various groups. Please pray for Darel and sons, Lehman and Brock and the extended family.
(’57), NBBI faculty member (’65-’67) passed away on December 30, 2023, preceded by his wife, Beverly, who entered her eternal home on March 12, 2023. The Holdens spent their lifetime serving the Lord in the pastorate and other ministries following their time at NBBI.
(Assoc. Alumni ’60-’63) – on December 9, 2023, after having faithfully served as pastor of the Sebec Corner Baptist Church, Sebec Corner, Maine for 50 years. He is survived by his wife, Laurene (Blodgett), their children, Timothy (and Kimberly) Hill and Melanie (and Erick Ness), seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Charlene Rott
(Derrah ’72) went to be with the Lord on January 28, 2024. Charlene will be sadly missed by her husband, Dave, son Chad and siblings, Mark (Terry) Derrah and Thelma (David) Robins
September 23, 2023
Kathryn Johnston (’19/ABM’20) to Caleb Boyington
December 30, 2023
Joanna Frost (’20) to Calvin Austin