ABM Brochure 2023

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TRACKS & COURSES PASTORAL MINISTRY - PM BI412 The Minor Prophets CE420 Nouthetic Counselling PP410 Principles of Spiritual Leadership PP430 Administration PP441 Mentored Internship PP491 Independent Research Project TH410 Biblical Theology of the New Testament TH420 Theology of Church Growth TH430 Christian Apologetics CE424 Counselling for Marital Infidelity OR BI412 The Minor Prophets CE420 Nouthetic Counselling PP410 Principles Of Spiritual Leadership PP430 Administration TH450 General Apologetics TH451 Apologetics And Scripture TH452 Apologetics And Gender Integrity TH453 Apologetics And Creation CE424 Counselling For Marital Infidelity YOUTH MINISTRY - YM BI412 The Minor Prophets CE410 Biblical Youth Ministry CE411 Mentored Internship CE412 Director of Youth Ministry CE420 Nouthetic Counselling PP410 Principles of Spiritual Leadership PP494 Independent Research Project TH410 Biblical Theology of the New Testament TH430 Christian Apologetics CE424 Counselling for Marital Infidelity MISSIONS' MINISTRY - MM BI412 The Minor Prophets MI401 Mentored Internship MI410 Cross-Cultural Church Planting MI420 Comparative Religions MI430 Theology of Missions MI440 History of Missions MI460 Theology and Strategy in Missions PP493 Independent Research Project TH410 Biblical Theology of the New Testament CE424 Counselling for Marital Infidelity

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION MINISTRY - CE BI412 The Minor Prophets CE441 Mentored Internship CE445 Local Church Ministries CE446 Philosophy of Christian Education & Music CE447 Techniques of Teaching CE448 Christian Marriage & Enrichment CE449 Church Conflict Management CE458 Communicating the Gospel Today TH430 Christian Apologetics CE424 Counselling for Marital Infidelity


COUNSELLING MINISTRY - CM BI412 The Minor Prophets CE420 Nouthetic Counselling CE421 Mentored Internship CE422 How to Counsel from Scripture CE423 Counselling and Change PP495 Independent Research Project TH410 Biblical Theology of the New Testament TH421 Theology of Christian Counselling TH430 Christian Apologetics CE424 Counselling for Marital Infidelity CHILDREN'S MINISTRY - CHM CM401 Child Evangelism CM402 Doctrine for Children CM403 Teacher Preparation CM404 Lesson Presentation CM405 The Difficult Child CM406 Effective Children's Ministry CM407 Mentored Internship TH431 Introductory Apologetics TH410 Biblical Theology of the New Testament CE424 Counselling for Marital Infidelity

ELIGIBILITY Three year graduates from NBBI or a school of like precious faith and Biblical teaching may apply for the Advanced Biblical Ministries program. All applicants must be in full agreement with the cardinal doctrines as outlined in the NBBI catalogue. Est. 1944

nbbi.ca/apply (506) 375-9000


PHILOSOPHY OF MINISTRY Our Board of Directors and Faculty believe that Biblical ministry is a holy calling of God and that it must be entered into with diligence. The Chris­tian church needs godly leadership which is competent to proclaim the whole counsel of God in light of time and eternity. The tracks of study listed in this brochure reflect balance between academics, ministry skills and personal spiri­ tuality. Alle­giance to the Scriptures and sensitivity to the needs of people today are essentials.

FINANCIAL INFORMATION The desire of the New Brunswick Bible Institute is to keep the cost of Bible and ministry training as low as possible. All fees should be considered due at the beginning of each semester. Payment of fees may be arranged with the business office. Please review the NBBI catalogue for specific fee information

WHAT IS EXPECTED OF STUDENTS ? Students are expected to cooperate fully and cheerfully in every assigned task by the mentor. Each student must have sixteen to twenty hours of course work per week. Study days should be mutually determined by the student and the mentor. Courses are to be approached with diligence and with a view to maximum learning in view of 2 Timothy 2:15. Neat handwritten work is acceptable. All students must maintain a pleasant and helpful relationship with their hosts and keep their accommodations neat and clean at all times. All confidential matters shared with the student must be kept in absolute confidence. Students are responsible for the cost to and from their place of intern­ship.

HOW DOES THIS MENTORSHIP WORK? All students engage in eight, four-semester hour courses and one two-semester hour course. Four semester hours of credit may be earned for the eight months of practical internship. Each student is required to work with the mentor four days per week for the eight months of the program. Two full days per week are devoted to course work and one day per week should be reserved for rest and personal interests. Completed courses are to be sent to the course advisors. Original course work is to be retained by the student and copies only are to be forwarded to the course advisor. Mentors will be selected by the school with sensitivity to the student, distance and other relevant factors. Care will be exercised to provide the student with godly, and experienced field leadership. Students are ordinarily required to be on campus for the Weekend of Welcome and for the week following, during which time an intensive counselling course will be taught. Travel to the place of internship should be arranged for the Saturday following the oncampus course.

WHAT IS EXPECTED OF A HOST CHURCH? It is expected that room and board will be provided for the student. Costs to the student for ministry (fuel) should be assumed by the church or para-church organization

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS All students must successfully pass the course of study, have a satisfactory evaluation by the mentor and have their financial accounts paid in full.

WHAT IS EXPECTED OF THE MENTORS? Mentors are expected to involve the student in every possible area of ministry such as administration, preach­ing, teaching (as may be relevant) counselling, visitation, weddings, funerals and any other form of ministry which the mentor conducts. Mentors may assist students by allowing access to church libraries or personal resources. It is intended that the student and mentor will form a ministry team and will work as a "Paul" and a "Timothy" for the glory of God and their mutual benefit. The goal includes practi­cal experience for the student and assistance for the host (church or parachurch organization). Each mentor should be a model of biblical, spiritual leadership.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THIS PROGRAM? The student will experience prolonged exposure to practical ministry from a seasoned mentor. Aca­demic credit will be earned with a fresh balance between study and personal growth. The student will gain insights not available from a book or a classroom. Good study habits will be reinforced along with personal discipline and ministry skills. The student will be awarded a Bachelor of Biblical studies or a Bachelor of Religious Education Degree

APPLICATION Students who are new to NBBI must complete the usual freshman application as well as the 4th year application. Three year graduates from NBBI need to complete the 4th year application and the upperclassman re-application form. Application fees received by July 15th are credited toward the total cost of the program. Such fees received after July 15 become a late fee and will not be credited to the overall cost of the program.

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