COVID-19 Public Statement (March 13)

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New Brunswick Bible Institute COVID-19 Public Statement (Updated: March 13, 2020) Victoria Corner, NB – Members of the New Brunswick Bible Institute community are encouraged to read the following statement from NBBI’s COVID-19 Advisory Team: New Brunswick Bible Institute is committed to the safety of our students and staff during these uncertain days.

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COVID-19 Advisory Team : President, Matthew Little. Business Manager, Danny Robins Administrative Assistant, Larry Rushton. Dean of Women, Beth McMahon. We have been carefully monitoring the advice of health professionals at both a provincial and federal level in regards to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). As concern continues to grow we feel it is best that we extend the March break another week, with classes starting on March 23, 2020. We anticipate further developments may come that alter this proposed date, but this extension will give the school time to further monitor the development of this issue and allow us to make plans for how we might best proceed. We are committed to seeing you through this academic year and we ask that you be patient as we explore all of our options and seek to implement a plan that will help you complete this academic year. We ask that you pray with us as we seek God through all of this and proceed in a way that will glorify Him. Statement for our Mission Team Members: Earlier today (March 13th) Canada’s Chief Public Health officer announced that the federal government is recommending that everyone returning from International travel should self-isolate for 14 days. NBBI asks that you follow these federal standards for your own well being, and also the well being and safety of others. Be aware that NBBI will be working closely with you to ensure that you continue to meet your academic requirements at NBBI. Statement Regarding Upcoming Events: * ALL student Practical Christian Service has been cancelled indefinitely. * Encounter 2020 Youth Retreat Weekend on March 20-22 has been cancelled. * College for a Day on March 27-28 has been cancelled. The NBBI COVID-19 Advisory Team is working with various people on our campus in preparation for a variety of scenarios. We will work closely with NB Public Health and their staff dedicated to identifying and responding to potential risks of COVID-19. NB Public Health actively monitors new developments to assess and improve the provincial comprehensive pandemic response system as the situation evolves. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us. or by calling 1-800-771-NBBI (6224).

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