Sandglass brochure sample

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For illustrative purposes only

OUR MISSION: We’re more than just your financial advisor We join you in the retirement journey. We first get to know you, because no two client’s have the same goals, dreams, or needs. Then we only offer advice that’s

Cost Effective Easy to understand Conflict free Truly in your best interest

Important Disclosures Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas laoreet enim leo, sit amet blandit leo rhoncus ac. Nulla eleifend, eros nec lacinia venenatis, orci diam ullamcorper nibh, sed scelerisque sem mi nec ex. In malesuada libero in nunc fringilla, commodo tincidunt odio ullamcorper. Integer euismod purus est, a consequat massa lobortis id. Nulla sodales gravida arcu ut sagittis. Nulla pharetra, sem non dictum volutpat, est leo aliquam mi, nec eleifend purus nunc vel lacus. Nullam consequat blandit lectus vitae ullamcorper.


Services | OUR PASSION WE SERVE Individuals

Joint Accounts

Small Businesses



THROUGH Retirement Planning

College Funding

Estate Planning


Asset Allocation

Risk Management

Growth Strategies

Income Strategies

Tax Sensitive Strategies


Investment Management

Investor Policy Statements

Risk/Return Objectives

Educational Programs

Research & Strategy



“No warning can save a people determined to grow suddenly rich

Samuel Loyd


Greater knowledge of a danger permits potential for safety. For centuries, shipbuilders have put great care into the design of their vessels. Knowing for most days the sea is moderate, they still design for those rare days when storms blow, waters are rough and their skills are tested. Marking the passage of time, the sandglass served as a guide for mariners as they braved the seas during weather good, and bad. As time seemingly expands and contracts with market volatility; our faith, conviction and skill will be tested, it’s here we turn to the hourglass as a guide when weathering market cycles. Our emotions will not get the best of us. The probability of loss is no more measurable than the probability of rain. It can be modeled, forecasted, and estimated, but CANNOT be known. As trusted stewards of hard earned capital, our commitment to honest, conflict free advise encourages longer holding periods by dispelling the illusion of control and knowledge of knowing what will happen in the short-run. In a highly uncertain world, we offer a timeless commitment to helping improve client financial well-being through a conservative and disciplined approach in all that we do.

Our Team | GET TO KNOW US Ally Dalton President

Sandra Brown Chief Operations Officer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum malesuada, tellus quis rhoncus ullamcorper, lectus tortor maximus purus, et porta ex nunc ut massa. Suspendisse lacus est, congue ut interdum sit amet, placerat id arcu. Quisque blandit ultrices tincidunt. Fusce mi eros, vehicula id ullamcorper eu, ullamcorper eget mi. Etiam sit amet condimentum turpis. Sed at neque eget libero facilisis elementum. Donec et nulla sit amet dui imperdiet consequat. Nullam lacinia congue dolor vel efficitur. Curabitur ut suscipit leo. Praesent eu elit non lacus vehicula congue eget rhoncus metus.

Nullam vitae enim erat. Sed accumsan non neque ac maximus. Nunc aliquet, dolor vel eleifend finibus, est elit posuere diam, ut mollis orci mi in sem. Vivamus convallis posuere gravida. Etiam convallis sem finibus velit finibus, vel facilisis augue semper. Nulla vehicula feugiat venenatis. Phasellus ut ligula quis ligula lacinia scelerisque. Morbi elementum bibendum mi in cursus. Nam congue nulla non consectetur facilisis. Aliquam vitae sem nunc.

Integer dolor leo, placerat nec rutrum vel, volutpat in nulla. Vivamus et lorem at dui semper commodo at eu augue. Nullam ut arcu dolor. Proin cursus feugiat urna, eu interdum arcu maximus nec. Sed faucibus leo vitae ligula interdum lacinia. Donec non nibh venenatis, viverra nisl nec, dictum leo. Aenean quis mi sodales, hendrerit urna in, rutrum erat. Maecenas in magna eget magna lobortis pellentesque. Donec nec orci at libero viverra auctor. Vivamus ullamcorper, mi quis hendrerit tempor, nulla neque mattis nisl, sed posuere nisi velit quis lorem. Nullam eleifend sem non aliquam gravida. Morbi eget sollicitudin dolor.

Proin tempor, leo eget ullamcorper venenatis, arcu odio lacinia massa, sit amet pulvinar mauris libero sed mauris. Morbi non varius mauris, non molestie ipsum. Ut nibh orci, porta in mollis porta, eleifend vitae felis. Nullam mattis lorem id ligula tincidunt dignissim. Nulla vehicula feugiat venenatis. Phasellus ut ligula quis ligula lacinia scelerisque. Morbi elementum bibendum mi in cursus. Nam congue nulla non consectetur facilisis. Aliquam vitae sem nunc.

David Townsend, CFA Financial Advisor

Nullam vitae enim erat. Sed accumsan non neque ac maximus. Nunc aliquet, dolor vel eleifend finibus, est elit posuere diam, ut mollis orci mi in sem. Vivamus convallis posuere gravida. Etiam convallis sem finibus velit finibus, vel facilisis augue semper. Nulla vehicula feugiat venenatis. Phasellus ut ligula quis ligula lacinia scelerisque. Morbi elementum bibendum mi in cursus. Nam congue nulla non consectetur facilisis. Aliquam vitae sem nunc. Proin tempor, leo eget ullamcorper venenatis, arcu odio lacinia massa, sit amet pulvinar mauris libero sed mauris. Morbi non varius mauris, non molestie ipsum. Sed congue nunc a augue malesuada congue. Duis facilisis dignissim vestibulum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed odio lacus, accumsan ac interdum sed, venenatis eu risus. Donec interdum libero eu vestibulum volutpat. Duis eu magna et risus tincidunt fringilla euismod consectetur velit. Suspendisse feugiat diam ac mollis interdum. Phasellus est felis, bibendum ut convallis ac, dictum sit amet quam. Donec neque lectus, varius sit amet ultrices sed, aliquam nec dui. Pellentesque tempor diam et ornare varius. Fusce urna ipsum, pellentesque id feugiat ac, pretium eu orci. Nullam rutrum tellus eu nisi ornare pharetra. Mauris vehicula molestie imperdiet. Morbi nulla urna, finibus id lectus eget, porttitor varius nibh. Proin vulputate arcu ac ligula volutpat ultrices.

Our Process

Core Principles | WHAT GUIDES US Using an inside-out approach, our core values center around Why – Why we push ourselves to continually grow the trust of family, friends, clients and the communities we serve.

1 | WHY Amongst many other challenges; changes in pensions, life expectancy, and uncertainty in financial & labor markets have thrust upon individuals and businesses greater responsibility for their financial futures. Coping with these realities has very real consequences, as the ability to handle these challenges is the biggest factor in managing our standard of living leading up to and during retirement. In an uncertain world, we stand ready to serve our client’s with objective, unbiased and personalized service.

Unrelenting discipline guides us We embrace a culture of change and adaptation We face challenge head-on Innovation moves us forward We remain ethically grounded and authentic to the core - even as others question why bother

2 | HOW We’re continually reminded: life’s an evolution, not a static path. As a trusted advisor, we help clients build a foundation when establishing a process and discipline needed for success in highly uncertain environments. Evidence suggests in order to understand something, we have to believe it. So we strengthen our client-advisor bonds through education, empathy, and experience. We connect with others who bring specific expertise and skills to the table. Including leading tax, legal, insurance, and business advisors.

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3 | WHAT As recently as 15 years ago, information was much more difficult to assemble, particularly for financial issues, getting expert advise meant going to a professional. Today’s information driven world puts clients in more control than ever before. By focusing on financial advice, not financial products, our emphasis on planning, portfolio construction and asset allocation promotes a highly collaborate relationship. Leaving client’s feeling understood, valued, educated, and validated as they see their input put in action toward reaching their financial goals.

Client & Community Commitment We’re a service business, those we serve receive something they cannot touch, see or feel. Often, the effectiveness or value of our service can only be judged years later. Because our work is intangible, our relationship with our clients and community is fragile.

We’re dedicated to building trust through demonstrating shared values and commitments to common causes. We enjoy regularly giving back through supporting local and regional causes.

Like an iceberg, so much of who we are, what we’re made of, lies beneath the surface. We go to great lengths to make our “invisible work” visible.


Ridgewood High School

Sandglass Wealth Management

ROUTE 48 Spencer Highway



Contact Us Phone: Fax:

815.815.4444 815.815.4445

Find Us 1942 E Spencer Highway Suite 999 Anytown, IL 60444

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