2011 Plenary Rules

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RULES FOR PLENARY 1. Maintenance of Quorum a. Quorum must be maintained at all times in order to carry on the business of the session. b. Accordingly, once plenary begins, each delegate will be required to sign in and out of the session, so that a proper accounting of quorum may be maintained. i. As members enter and exit plenary sessions, at least one person from each chapter will be required to notify the sergeant at arms (who will have a list of all registered chapters at the door). ii. Statistical documentation of missing and late chapters will be listed by region and posted before each plenary session c. Seat Requirement i. At least one representative from each chapter is required to be seated during plenary. If a chapter’s seat is empty throughout the duration of the session, that chapter will be marked absent. 1. There will be a minimum of two seats provided for each chapter at the delegates’ tables with excess seating for alternates at the back of the room. 2. Special consideration will be given to chapters with only one representative, however, if the seat is empty for the majority or duration of the session, that chapter will be marked as absent. 2. Delegate Information a. Upon arrival at convention, delegates will be required to provide their cell phone numbers and hotel and room information at the registration table. i. Chapters whose delegates are not present at the beginning of each plenary session will be contacted using this information. 3. Proxy Rules a. If deemed necessary, a school wishing to proxy all or a portion of its votes must: i. (1) identify a receiving chapter in good standingi1,

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Refer to Article III § 2 (A) and (B)

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