GL Advisor - NBLSA_01-07-11

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GL AdvIsor & NBLsA GL AdvIsor overvIew GL Advisor is a unique service designed to help professional graduates navigate financial issues and make the best decisions regarding student loan debt. We assist our clients with minimizing the cost of their student loan debt while also providing them with comprehensive financial planning, tax preparative services, and professional investment advice. This holistic approach is designed to help our clients accelerate the improvement of their financial net worth. GL Advisor, a division of Graduate Leverage, LLC (GL), was created after identifying the need for a service that focuses exclusively on providing advisory support to recent graduates and time constrained professionals burdened with a significant amount of student loan debt. GL was founded in 2003 by classmates at Harvard Business School and was recently named to Inc. Magazine’s 2009 “500/5000” list of fasting growing private companies.

The INcreAsING cosTs oF A LAw deGree Today’s law school graduates are burdened with a considerable amount of student loan debt, with average debt levels surpassing $100,000 in 2010. These debt levels have doubled in the last seven years and unfortunately, the pace of this increase has shown no sign of abating. The combination of high debt levels and the current poor job market has placed a significant financial burden on many new attorneys. This has not only resulted in increased costs for the average law school graduate, but has resulted in questioning the economics of a law degree. The growing concern among students and the coverage in the media is not without merit, however, opportunities to improve the situation have often been overlooked.

how GL AdvIsor cAN heLp Recently enacted federal programs have the potential to drastically improve the economics of a law degree by reducing the cost of student loan debt. Unfortunately, these programs are vastly underutilized. GL Advisor provides educational presentations and personalized assessments to increase awareness and understanding of these programs and other cost reduction repayment strategies. New attorneys will pursue a variety of career paths and each path has implications on which repayment strategies deliver the greatest savings. With expertise in the management of student loans, GL Advisor works on behalf of our clients to determine the optimal approach to maximize savings and obtain the lowest payment available through federal programs such as Income-Based Repayment (IBR) and Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF). GL Advisor provides law students a free personalized student debt assessment that outlines their student loan history, highlights their potential savings and recommended steps to achieve those savings. Those who choose to become clients are assigned personal advisors and access to resources to ensure the best plan is developed and optimal results are achieved.

| 877-552-9907

GL Advisor is a division of Graduate Leverage, LLC. GL Advisor does not offer all services to residents of Nevada, New Hampshire, Idaho, and North Dakota at this time.

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