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National Black Law Students’ Association Mid-West Region

BY-LAWS ARTICLE I: NAME AND AUTHORITY Section 1: NAME This Association shall be known as the Midwest Region of the National Black Law Students’ Association, Inc. hereinafter referred to as “the Region” and “the Association.” Section 2: AUTHORITY These bylaws regulate the chapters in the Region and the Regional Board. It is the intent of these bylaws to guide the Region and to supplement the purpose, duties, and rights stated in the National Constitution. ARTICLE II: REGIONAL MEMBERSHIP Section 1: COMPOSITION The Region shall be composed of the following states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and any other state so designated by the National body. The Region shall have the following Sub-Regions composed as follows: Sub-Region 1: Ohio, Michigan Sub-Region 2: Illinois, Indiana Sub-Region 3: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin Sub-Region 4: Kentucky, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri Section 2: DUTIES A. Each chapter must regularly participate in the activities of the Region; B. Each chapter must pay Regional dues; C. Each chapter must send a delegate to participate in the Plenary Sessions at the Regional Convention; D. Each chapter must participate in a recognized Community Service activity in addition to

any Nationally mandated service projects; E. If a chapter is unable to pay dues or send a delegate to the Regional Convention, the chapter must submit a waiver to the Regional Director prior to the Regional Convention deadline. ARTICLE III: REGIONAL CONVENTION & ACADEMIC RETREAT Section 1: TIME AND MANNER OF OPERATION There shall be one convention held during the academic year. This convention shall occur no later than the first weekend in March. A. The following shall be mandatory programs for the Regional Convention: the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition, the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition, the Regional Plenary Session, the Community Service Project and the Transitional Board Meeting. B. Nominations and Elections of the Regional Board shall occur at the Regional Convention. C. The Regional Board shall be responsible for notifying all Regional chapters of all essential information regarding the Convention at least ten (10) weeks prior to the Convention. D. The Regional Board shall be responsible for submitting the proposed amendments and resolutions (in writing) to all Regional Chapters within the Region at least two (2) weeks prior to the Convention. E. Each Chapter in attendance at the Regional Convention must register and submit registration fees for each Chapter Delegate to the Regional Treasurer. The amount of the fee and the rules governing payment are to be determined by the Regional Board. F. At each Regional Convention, the time and place of the next Regional Convention shall be announced prior to adjournment. Section 2: CONVENTION ROTATION The Regional Convention will conform to the following rotation schedule: A. Sub-Region 1 (Ohio, Michigan) B. Sub-Region 2 (Illinois, Indiana) C. Sub-Region 3 (Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin)

D. Sub-Region 4 (Kentucky, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri) and, if due to extenuating circumstances, a Sub-Region is unable to host the convention at its prescribed time, the replacement host shall be the next Sub-Region in the rotation schedule. Section 3: REGIONAL ACADEMIC RETREAT A. In order to promote academic development and achievement, the Midwest Region shall sponsor an annual Academic Retreat in the fall semester specifically designed to assist students with acclamation to legal study and exam preparation. B. The Academic Retreat shall rotate through each Sub-Region in turn in a fashion similar to the rotation of the Regional Convention, subject to the following conditions: a. To prevent placing an undue burden on any Sub-Region, the Retreat and Convention shall both take place in odd- or even-numbered Sub Regions; b. Unless extenuating circumstances make it necessary, No Sub-Region shall host both the Retreat and Convention in the same academic year; c. Unless extenuating circumstances make it necessary, no Sub-Region shall host the Retreat or Convention in successive academic years. ARTICLE IV: REGIONAL BOARD Section 1: COMPOSITION A. The Midwest Regional Board of the National Black Law Students’ Association shall consist of a Regional Director, Regional Vice-Chair, Regional Secretary, Regional Treasurer, Corporate Relations Director, one Director for each Sub-Region, Director of Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition, Moot Court Specialist, Director of Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition, Mock Trial Specialist, Director of Community Service, Director of Communications, Convention Coordinator, Parliamentarian, one Job Fair Coordinator, Attorney General, Director of Education, Director of the College Student Division, Director of Programming, Academic Retreat Coordinator, Director of Career Development, Editor-in-Chief of the Midwest Law Journal, Director of Membership and Executive Director. B. Elected officers of this Association shall be the Regional Chair, the Regional ViceChair, the Regional Treasurer, the Regional Secretary, one Director from each of the Sub Regions, Attorney General, Director of Programming, and Director of Community Service. C. Appointed officers of this Association shall be the Corporate Relations Director, Parliamentarian, Director of Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition, Moot Court Specialist, Director of Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition, Mock Trial Specialist, Director of Communications, Convention Coordinator, Director of Education, Director of the College Student Division, Academic Retreat Coordinator, Director of Career Development, Editor-in-Chief of the Midwest Law Journal, Director of

Membership, the Job Fair Coordinator, and the Executive Director. Section 2: ELIGIBILITY OF OFFICERS A. Persons eligible to hold office on the Regional Board of this Association must be a financial member of an Active Chapter of this Association for the entire term of office. B. Persons eligible to hold office on the Regional Board shall be in good academic standing with his or her academic institution. Section 3: TERMS OF OFFICE A. Officers shall serve a term of one (1) year commencing the April 1~ following election and terminating March 31st of the following year. The outgoing officers will assist in the new administration’s transition until May. B. No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. Section 4: POWERS OF THE BOARD A. The Board shall have the power to administer any and all programs, business, projects, and matters pertaining to or concerning the Region. B. The Board shall have the power to create such staff positions and such committees as it deems necessary to carry out the business of the Region. Such staff persons and committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the Regional Chair from the active membership and are subject to the approval of the Board. C. The Board shall have the authority to interpret, enforce and otherwise execute the express terms of these by Laws. D. The Board shall prepare agendas and make interim emergency decisions regarding policy. E. The Board shall have the authority to represent the Region on policy matters that must be executed between regularly scheduled meetings. F.

All powers not specifically delegated to the officers and members of this Association shall reside with the General Body.

Section 5: DUTIES It shall be the duty of the Regional Board to develop and encourage the goals articulated in Article II of the Constitution. A. Board members must attend each Regional Board Meeting and submit a typewritten

report. If a member is unable to attend, he or she may be excused subject to the discretion of the Regional Director, but must submit the report to the Regional Director or the Director’s designee at least forty-eight hours before the meeting. B. All unexcused absences are considered unexcused and subject to disciplinary action unless decided otherwise by the Regional Board. C. The Board shall meet four times during the academic year, excluding the Regional Convention. D. Each outgoing officer shall make a complete final status report to the incoming Regional Board at the Transitional Board Meeting to be held at the Regional Convention, listing accomplishments and location of materials relative to their offices and unfinished business. E. The outgoing Regional Board shall turn over all pertinent paperwork, reports, information, financial records and money to the incoming Regional Board by April 15 following the Convention. Each Regional Board member shall prepare a neat and orderly binder complete with all the aforementioned information to turn over to their respective successor at the Transitional Board Meeting. ARTICLE V: OFFICERS Section 1: DUTIES OF ELECTED OFFICERS A. REGIONAL CHAIR The duties of the Regional Chair (hereinafter Chairperson or Regional Chair) will include but are not limited to: d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.

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Serving on the National Board as Midwest Regional Representative; Disseminating National and Regional information to the Region; Exercising general authority over the business and activities of the Region; Chairing all Regional Board meetings; Presiding over the general assembly; Cosigning with the Regional Treasurer all checks written on Regional accounts; Serving as ex-officio member of all regional committees; Appointing individuals to fill all vacant Regional Board positions; Serving as Advisor to the succeeding Regional Director and Corporate Relations Director for the duration of their term(s) of office, but in no event shall the term of Advisor exceed two years; Evaluating dues petitions; Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; Performing such other duties as the Board, or the assembly assigns.

B. REGIONAL VICE-CHAIR: The duties of the Vice-Chair will include but are not limited to: q. Exercising general authority over the business and activities of the Region in the absence or incapacity of the Regional Director; r. Sitting as a member of all standing committees; s. Coordinating communication with the Sub-Regional directors and the Director of Membership to develop a regional membership listserv for email transmissions to the sub-region; t. Review contracts related to the Job Fair, Academic Retreat, and Regional Convention; u. Solicit and establish chapters to apply and host the Job Fair, Academic Retreat, and Regional Convention for the upcoming academic year with the assistance of the Sub-Regional Directors so the locations of the events can be announced at the Regional Convention; v. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; w. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; x. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. C. REGIONAL SECRETARY: The duties of the Regional Secretary will include but are not limited to: a. Maintaining and distributing minutes and agendas for all meetings; b. Maintaining an archive of officer reports; c. Acting as Regional Treasurer in the absence or incapacity of the Regional Treasurer; d. Inserting and completing the amendments passed by the Region to the Regional Constitution by April 1; e. Serving as an ex-officio member of all Regional committees; f. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; g. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; h. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. D. REGIONAL TREASURER: The duties of the Regional Treasurer will include but are not limited to:

1. Handling all funds and securities of the Region and ensuring that they are deposited in such a manner as the Board may designate; 2. Accounting for all funds received and disbursed by the Region unless otherwise indicated within this section: a) In conjunction with the Regional Convention Coordinator, be responsible for receipt and disbursement of funds directly associated with Regional Convention expenses; b) In conjunction with the Director of Moot Court, be responsible for receipt and disbursement of all funds related to the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition; c) In conjunction with the Director of Mock Trial Competition, be responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all funds related to the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition; d) In conjunction with the Academic Retreat coordinator, be responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all funds related to the Academic Retreat; 3. Making regular financial reports to the Board and a final report to the general assembly at the Convention; 4. Co-signing, with the Regional Director, all checks issued by the Region; 5. Submitting a budget for the year at the first regularly scheduled Board Meeting, to include a statement of accounts, debts, and all anticipated expenses based on program needs; 6. Disseminating dues information; a) Per information disseminated from the Association’s Membership & Dues chair tracking and reporting active status of regional chapters; b) Performing any other duties that the Regional Board or assembly may assign. 7. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; 8. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; 9. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. E. REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF THE FREDERICK DOUGLASS MOOT COURT COMPETITION (“FDMCC”): i. Appoint a Regional Moot Court Specialist (“RMCS”). The RMCS must be a NBLSA member in good standing to serve in the Midwest Region, and his/her appointment is subject to approval by the Regional Executive Board; j. Coordinate the Midwest Regional Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition according to the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition Handbook which includes, but is not limited to: i. Make sure the FDMCC is distributed to all schools in the Region via the NBLSA website and/or a widely acceptable computerized legal research database (e.g. Westlaw or Lexis-Nexis) by September 15th of each year. k. Attend an Annual Directors of FDMCC meeting, held in conjunction with the

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Annual Directors of TMMTC meeting, in August of each year. The purpose and schedule of the annual meeting is: i. to instruct all Regional Directors of FDMCC on the proper administration of the competition at the Regional level; ii. to go through the rules and procedures of communication, competition, eligibility, and the like; iii. to disseminate one (1) copy of the FDMCC Competition Handbook, as amended, to each Regional Director of FDMCC; and iv. to advise or instruct the Regional Directors of FDMCC on any other administrative, fiscal, procedural, or otherwise that is pertinent to the competition. Maintain frequent communication with the National Director of FDMCC; Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns.




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Appoint Regional Mock Trial Specialist (“RMTS”). The RMTS must be a NBLSA member in good standing to serve in the Midwest Region; his/her appointment is subject to approval by the National Executive Board; Coordinate the Midwest Regional Annual Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition according to the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Handbook, which includes: i. Make sure the TMMTC is distributed to all schools in the Region via the NBLSA website and/or a widely acceptable computerized legal research database (e.g. Westlaw or Lexis-Nexis) by September 15th of each year of competition; Attend an Annual Directors of TMMTC meeting, held in conjunction with the Annual Directors of FDMCC meeting, in August of each year. The purpose and schedule of the annual meeting is: i. to instruct all Regional Directors of TMMTC on the proper administration of the competition at the Regional level; ii. to go through the rules and procedures of communication, competition, eligibility, and the like; iii. to disseminate one (1) copy of the TMMTC Competition Handbook, as amended, to each Regional Director of TMMTC; and iv. to advise or instruct the Regional Directors of TMMTC on any other administrative, fiscal, procedural, or otherwise that is pertinent to the competition. Maintain frequent communication with Regional Directors of TMMTC; Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report;

u. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; v. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. G. REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICE: w. Coordinate and execute all community affairs project undertaken on a Regional level x. Provide for the recognition of six chapters, one from each region, who have developed model community service programs; y. Outline of the model programs recognized during the Regional Convention; z. Organize the Community Service project to be conducted during the Regional Convention; aa. Maintain frequent communication with National Director of Community Service; bb. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; cc. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; dd. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. H. REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMMING: ee. Develop and evaluate Regional programs that keep with the goals of NBLSA; ff. Work with the Sub-Regional Directors to develop and coordinate uniform programs to maintain the goals of NBLSA and the Region; gg. Serve on the Regional Convention Committee and work with the Regional Convention Coordinator to coordinate Regional program activities for the Regional Convention; hh. Oversee the Regional programs funded as National projects, and other programs including: i. Regional Academic Retreats; and ii. Regional Dean Roundtables ii. Develop methods to facilitate the implementation of Regional programs at the local level; jj. Maintain frequent communication with the Sub-Regional Directors; kk. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; ll. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; mm. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. I. ATTORNEY GENERAL: nn. Research current legal issues facing the African-American Community; oo. Prepare memoranda to increase Mid-West BLSA awareness of legal issues; pp. Prepare Amicus Curiae briefs to support cases affecting the African-American

Community; qq. Coordinate with members of Congress to define issues affecting the African American community; rr. Prepare memoranda to be distributed nationally regarding Congressional issues that affect the African American community; ss. Coordinate Regional participation regarding such issues; tt. Help to prepare official statements on behalf of Mid-West BLSA for issues that occurred in the Midwest Region with the approval of the Regional Chair; uu. Maintain frequent communication with the Sub-Region Directors; vv. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; ww. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; xx. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. J. SUB-REGIONAL DIRECTORS: The purpose of the Sub-Regional Director is to serve as an intermediary between the Regional Board and the chapters over which the Sub-Regional Director is assigned. The duties of the Sub-Regional Director include but are not limited to: yy. Serving as Sub-Regional Representative to the Regional Board; zz. Disseminating Regional information to Sub-Regional schools; aaa. Reporting issues of Sub-Regional concern to the Regional Board in a timely manner, aside from the regularly held Board meetings; bbb. Informing the Sub-Region of Regional and National BLSA policies and procedures; ccc. Assisting Sub-Regions in complying with Regional and National policies and procedures; ddd. Encouraging all schools within the Sub-Region to fulfill the criteria to be officially recognized by the National and Midwest Black Law Students’ Association; eee. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; fff. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; ggg. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. Section 2: DUTIES OF APPOINTED OFFICERS A. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS: The duties of the Director of Communications will include but are not limited to: hhh. Compiling, editing, and publishing the regional newsletter; iii. Overseeing any printed regional publications;

jjj. Disseminating regional publications to the chapters in the Region; kkk. Maintaining the regional web page; lll. Making contacts with Regional and/or National legal professionals; mmm. Developing, producing, and/or obtaining any materials necessary to market and promote the Association throughout the Region; nnn. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; ooo. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; ppp. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns.

B. CORPORATE RELATIONS DIRECTOR: The duties of the Corporate Relations Director will include but are not limited to: qqq. Serving as an assistant to the Regional Chair; rrr. Organizing and overseeing Regional fund-raising efforts; and communicating with corporate sponsors; sss. Solicit funding from corporate and secondary sources in the form of sponsorships and tax deductible gifts to Mid-West BLSA; ttt. Prepare and finalize the solicitation packets that will be distributed to potential sponsors; uuu. Maintain frequent communication with the National Directors of Corporate Relations; vvv. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; www. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; xxx. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns.

C. REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP: yyy. Distribute information regarding the membership process to chapters in the region. zzz. Compile membership statistics and make them available to the Regional Executive Board and the National Director of Membership; aaaa. Maintain updated data regarding membership; bbbb. Work, through Sub-Region Directors, to reactivate inactive chapters and establish contact at law schools that do not have NBLSA chapters; cccc. Serve as the Chair of the Membership Committee; dddd. Maintain frequent communication with the Sub-Regional Directors; eeee. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; ffff. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office.;

gggg. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. K. REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION: hhhh. Articulate and promote the professional and academic needs and goals of Black law students; iiii. Develop strategies and programming to promote professional and academic success; jjjj. Serve on the MWBLSA Academic Retreat Committee and coordinate programming to foster the academic success of the MWBLSA members in law school, with a particular focus on MWBLSA 1L’s; kkkk. Promote awareness to the Black law student of the commitment to the needs of the Black community; llll. Foster and strengthen the relationships among the Black law student and attorney; mmmm. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; nnnn. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; oooo. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. L. REGIONAL CONVENTION COORDINATOR: The duties of the Convention Coordinator will include but are not limited to: pppp. Conducting a preliminary search for a hotel site for the Regional Convention; qqqq. Chairing a convention committee for the Midwest Regional Convention; this committee must include the Frederick Douglas Moot Court specialist and the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial specialist; rrrr. Handling contract negotiations with the hotel that was selected by the Regional Board. Negotiations shall be based on criteria established by the convention committee; and the convention committee shall approve the final contract prior to signature; ssss. Creating a tentative schedule of events for the Regional Convention. The schedule shall become official upon approval by the Board; tttt. Coordinating all registration activities for the Regional Convention; uuuu. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; vvvv. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; wwww. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. M. REGIONAL JOB FAIR COORDINATOR:

The duties of the Job Fair Coordinator will include but are not limited to: xxxx. Chairing a committee whose responsibility is to plan the Midwest Regional Job Fair; yyyy. Coordinating all law school, student and employer registration and participation in the Job Fair; zzzz. Creating a proposed schedule of activities for the Job Fair that must be submitted to the Regional Executive Board at the first Regional Board Meeting for approval. The Job Fair Plan must be updated and submitted to the Regional Executive Board for review at every Regional Board Meeting prior to the Job Fair; aaaaa. Creating a budget proposal for approval by the Regional Executive Board. The Job Fair budget should be updated and submitted to the Regional Executive Board for review at every Regional Board Meeting prior to the Job Fair. The Job Fair budget proposal and updates should be submitted to the Regional Treasurer no later than 2 weeks prior to any Regional Board Meeting; bbbbb. Maintaining all financial records concerning the Job Fair as well as ensuring all debts incurred are satisfied and receivables are received and deposited. The Coordinator shall handle any day-to-day financial operations of the Job Fair; ccccc. Facilitating the selection of a replacement Coordinator shall be presented to the Regional Executive Board for adoption prior to the election of the next Board; ddddd. The Coordinator shall have the power to appoint a committee of up to three BLSA general members in good standing in accordance with Article III, Section 3 from an Active Chapter in close proximity to the Job Fair location; eeeee. The Coordinator must submit a Job Fair Report consisting of, but not limited to, a Job Fair Plan and all pertinent documents that will be sent to BLSA Chapters, Law Schools, Employers and the Regional Board. The Report shall contain additional information as requested by the Regional Executive Board; fffff. The Job Fair Coordinator must at all times be a BLSA general member as defined under Article III, Section 1 of the Midwest Regional Constitution; ggggg. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; hhhhh. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; iiiii.Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. N. REGIONAL ACADEMIC RETREAT COORDINATOR: The duties of the Academic Retreat Coordinator shall be, but are not limited to: jjjjj. Chairing a committee responsible for planning and facilitating the annual Academic Retreat that will focus on: i. Recruiting Black students to go to law school; ii. Study skills and exam writing techniques for law students; and

iii. The retention of Black law students throughout their matriculation at Region schools; kkkkk. Creating a proposed schedule of activities for the Academic Retreat that must be submitted to the Regional Executive Board at the first Regional Board Meeting for approval. The Academic Retreat Plan must be updated and submitted to the Regional Executive Board for review at every Regional Board Meeting prior to the Retreat; lllll.Creating a budget proposal for approval by the Regional Executive Board. The Academic Retreat budget should be updated and submitted to the Regional Executive Board for review at every Regional Board Meeting prior to the Retreat. The Academic Retreat budget proposal and updates should be submitted to the Regional Treasurer no later than 2 weeks prior to any Regional Board Meeting; mmmmm. Maintaining all financial records concerning the Academic Retreat as well as ensuring all debts incurred are satisfied and receivables are received and deposited. The Coordinator shall handle any day-to-day financial operations of the Academic Retreat; nnnnn. Disseminating information to the chapters about the Academic Retreat; ooooo. Determining a location for the Academic Retreat subject to the approval of the Regional Board; ppppp. Distributing to Active Chapters of additional information related to recruitment and retention as requested by the Regional Executive Board; qqqqq. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; rrrrr. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; sssss. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. O. REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT: ttttt.Serve on the Job Fair Committee; uuuuu. Assist the Job Fair Coordinator with creating career related workshops and finding a variety of presenters to reflect various legal careers for the annual Regional Job Fair; vvvvv. Assist with developing workshops for the Academic Retreat focusing on career oriented workshops for 2L's and 3L's; wwwww. Produce a career development newsletter each semester with job postings for law students; xxxxx. Develop a career focused workshop to be conducted at the Regional Convention; yyyyy. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report. zzzzz. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office. aaaaaa. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. P. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OF THE MID-WEST LAW JOURNAL:

bbbbbb. Chair a committee of journal staff members throughout the Region; cccccc. Compile submissions from students, professors, attorneys and the like for the annual publication; dddddd. Solicit funding for publishing; eeeeee. Conduct meetings with the journal staff to ensure proper editing and professional research; ffffff. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Mid-West Region Annual Report; and gggggg. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; hhhhhh. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; iiiiii. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. Q. REGIONAL COLLEGE STUDENT DIVISION DIRECTOR: jjjjjj. Serve as the Regional Chair of the College Student Division; kkkkkk. Solicit law schools with undergraduate colleges to lead individual chapters; llllll. Maintain contact with the National Director of the College Student Division; mmmmmm. Manage and coordinate the activities of the College Student Division; nnnnnn. Assist Black pre-law students to matriculate into law school and to pursue a career in the legal field or in the judiciary; oooooo. Foster and strengthen the relationships among the Black law student and attorney; pppppp. Report status updates monthly to the National Director of College Student Divisions; qqqqqq. Sit on the Collegiate Affairs Committee and uphold those duties as listed under Article V, section I of the NBLSA College Student Division Bylaws; rrrrrr. Hold at least one Law Camp or MWBLSA Pre-Law Conference, only if seen as necessary and prudent to the learning and success of the Black pre-law students of the Midwest Region; ssssss. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; tttttt. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; uuuuuu. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. R. REGIONAL PARLIAMENTARIAN: The duties of the Parliamentarian shall be, but are not limited to: vvvvvv. Chairing a Constitution and By-Laws Committee;

wwwwww. Supervising Regional Board Meetings and the plenary sessions to assure that meetings are conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order; and xxxxxx. Serve as an advisor and counsel the Regional Chair and NBLSA on the Parliamentary Procedure; yyyyyy. Serve as the advisor to the Regional Executive Board, of these Bylaws, subject to Article III, Section 2(E) of the National By-Laws to decide all questions of interpretation and construction of the parliamentary authority and procedural rules of the Region; zzzzzz. Be responsible for providing all delegates with the current procedural rules; aaaaaaa. Coordinate Regional election procedures at the Regional Convention; bbbbbbb. Maintain frequent communication with the National Parliamentarian; ccccccc. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; ddddddd. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; eeeeeee. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. S. REGIONAL MOOT COURT SPECIALIST: The duties of the Moot Court Specialist will include, but are not limited to: fffffff. Serving on the Midwest Regional Executive Board; ggggggg. Assisting the Regional Director of the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition in conducting the Midwest Regional portion of the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition; hhhhhhh. Serving on the convention committee; iiiiiii. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; jjjjjjj. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; kkkkkkk. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. T. REGIONAL MOCK TRIAL SPECIALIST: The duties of the Mock Trial Specialist will include, but are not limited to: lllllll. Serving on the Midwest Regional Executive Board; mmmmmmm. Assisting the Regional Director of the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition in conducting the Midwest Regional portion of the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition; nnnnnnn. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; ooooooo. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; ppppppp. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns.

U. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: The duties of the Executive Director will include, but are not limited to: qqqqqqq. Serving on the Midwest Regional Executive Board; rrrrrrr. Compile a brief synopsis of his/her yearly activities for the Midwest Region Annual Report; sssssss. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term of office; ttttttt. Performing such other duties as the Chairperson, the Board, or the assembly assigns. Section 3: SUCCESSION OF OFFICERS In the event that the Regional Director is unable to fulfill the duties of office, the Vice-Chair shall automatically assume the duties of the Regional Chair until such time as the Chair is able to resume those duties. If the Vice-Chair is unable to fulfill this duty, an acting Regional Chair will be elected by a simple majority of the Regional Board. In the event that a Regional Officer other than the Regional Chair is unable to fulfill the duties of office, the Regional Chair shall appoint a replacement. ARTICLE VI: COMMITTEES Section 1: DUTIES OF COMMITTEES A. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS COMMITTEE The Constitution and By-Laws Committee will be composed of no less than three Regional Board members shall be appointed at the first regular Board meeting following the Regional Convention. It shall be the duty of this committee to: uuuuuuu. Formulate and distribute guidelines and procedures governing the manner in which resolutions are to be structured, submitted, and distributed; vvvvvvv. Analyze and identify areas in the Regional Constitution and By-Laws that require revision, and; wwwwwww. Coordinate and supervise the Resolutions portion of the plenary sessions. B. CONVENTION COMMITTEE Convention Committee composed of no less than three Regional Board members shall be appointed at the first regular Board meeting following the Regional Convention. It shall be the duty of this committee to plan and submit the proposed schedule of meetings, procedures, and special events for the Regional Convention. C. ELECTIONS COMMITTEE

An Elections Committee composed of no less than three Regional Board members shall be appointed at the first regular Board meeting following the Regional Convention. It shall be the duty of this committee to: xxxxxxx. Formulate and distribute qualifications, guidelines, and procedures governing candidate eligibility and campaigning activities, and; yyyyyyy. Determine the eligibility of candidates. ARTICLE VII: ELECTION PROCEDURES Section 1: ELECTION OF OFFICERS Regional Board Members shall be elected by a majority of the voting chapters at the Regional Convention with each Active Chapter having the number of votes allotted as per the dues structure. Such election must occur at the Regional Convention. A. Only Active Chapters within the Region shall be eligible to vote and submit candidates to the Regional Office. B. Persons seeking nomination to Regional Offices must be General members in good standing from an Active Chapter. Members interested in running for a position on the Regional Board may submit a resume and letter of intent to the Midwest Regional Director at least three weeks prior to the Midwest Convention for inclusion in the Convention Plenary package or let their intent be known by the close of the second plenary. C. Officer nominations and seconds must come from Active Chapters within the Region. D. A Regional Election Committee appointed by the Regional Director will coordinate elections. E. The Election Committee shall oversee the balloting and counting of votes. F. The Election Committee certifies the accuracy of the election, accounts for specific tallies if so requested, and announces the results to the General Body. ARTICLE VIII: APPOINTMENT PROCEDURES A. The Regional Director shall solicit resumes and cover letters before recommending applicants for appointed positions. B. Applicants must be active members of NBLSA in accordance with Article III, Section 1(A)(1)(i) belonging to a chapter in good standing. C. Recommended applicants become appointees upon approval, by a majority vote, of the

regional executive board elected officers. D. Recommended applicants will be appointed to the regional executive board during the 1st meeting on the regional calendar or when the chair deems necessary. ARTICLE IX: PLENARY SESSIONS Section 1: PROCEDURE A. The latest edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall be the authority of Regional proceedings which are not otherwise provided for by the Bylaws. B. All Association business subject to a vote of the general body will be determined by a simple majority vote of a quorum unless otherwise provided. Section 2: VOTING A. A simple majority vote shall be defined as one more than half the votes cast by persons constitutionally entitled to vote, excluding refusals and abstentions, at a regularly or properly called meeting at which a quorum is present. B. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Regional Board or registered Active Chapter delegates at Regional Board Meetings or Regional Conventions, respectively. C. Each Active Chapter shall be represented at the Regional Convention with votes apportioned in accordance with the Regional Dues payments received by the Regional Treasurer as follows: zzzzzzz. Chapters having paid dues for at least one but less than ten members shall have one vote. aaaaaaaa. Chapters having paid dues for ten members but less than twenty-five members shall have two votes. bbbbbbbb. Chapters having paid dues for twenty-five but less than fifty members shall have three votes. cccccccc. Chapters having paid dues for fifty members or more shall have four votes. D. Under no circumstances shall the number of votes for any single chapter be less than one or greater than four votes. E. Any chapter having at least two votes may split its votes on any amendment to the Midwest Regional Bylaws or resolution to the By-Laws in any whole number amount. Section 3: PROXY Each Active Chapter giving its proxy for voting must comply with the following provisions: A. The chapter must be registered for the current Regional Convention;

B. The chapter must present a written proxy to be certified by the Regional Corresponding Secretary at least ten days prior to the Convention’s opening day; C. A chapter failing to meet the criteria in A and B, above, is bound to the results of all plenary and/or election votes at the Regional Convention; D. A chapter registered and present for the convention may present a proxy to another registered and present chapter under circumstances to be determined by the Regional Director. ARTICLE X: AMENDMENTS Any Article of these bylaws may be amended provided: A. Written copies of proposed amendments are submitted to the Regional Board prior to the plenary addressing the bylaws; B. Amendments shall be passed at the Midwest Regional Convention Plenary Session(s) upon receiving a two-thirds majority vote of a quorum of delegates in attendance or properly proxied. Resolutions to By-Laws shall be passed at the Midwest Regional Convention Plenary Session(s) upon receiving a simple majority vote of a quorum of delegates in attendance or properly proxied; C. Amendments and Resolutions shall take effect immediately upon ratification by a simple majority vote of a quorum of delegates in attendance or properly proxied at each Convention’s final plenary session. ARTICLE XI: FINANCIAL MATTERS This Association shall be financed by dues, donations, fund-raising activities, and grants. A. Each General Member shall pay dues to his or her local chapter. B. Each local chapter shall pay the proper amount for its Regional and National membership in accordance with the dues structure as established by the National Board. All dues are to be submitted to the National Treasurer. C. The minimum amount to be paid by each chapter shall be no less than the minimum established by the National Board for the current academic year. D. Dues shall be submitted no later than the date established by the National Board, with dues submitted after that date being assessed a late fee to be determined by the National Board. E. The National Treasurer will remit the appropriate portion of the total dues payment to the Regional Treasurer in accordance with the guidelines established by the National

Board. F. All money received shall be used by the Regional Board to cover administrative costs with an accounting to be submitted at the end of each Board’s term of office. ARTICLE XII: DEFINITIONS The Regional Executive Board shall create a definition section to the By-Laws in order to clarify repeated terms used throughout the Constitution and By-Laws. Further, such words to be defined may include, but are not limited to: Academic Year, Chapter, Community Service, Delegate, Good Standing, Law Student, Simple Majority Vote, Quorum, and Service Project. Section 1: SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTE For the purposes of this document, a simple majority vote shall be defined as more than half the votes cast by persons legally entitled to vote, excluding refusals and abstentions, at a regularly or properly called meeting at which a quorum is present. Section 2: QUORUM A. A quorum of the Regional Board shall consist of a one-third of the elected officers. B. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Regional Board at Regional Board Meetings. With respect to Regional Convention quorum shall consist of a simple majority of registered delegates excluding those participating in Mock Trial or Moot Court competitions and Regional Board members.

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