National Black Law Students Association NORTHEAST REGION BYLAWS ARTICLE I NAME AND PURPOSE Section I. Name The Association of affiliated Chapters of National Black Law Students Association (NBLSA) residing in the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Northern New Jersey, Rhode Island and Vermont shall be named the Northeast Region of the National Black Law Students Association (hereinafter “Region�). Section II. Purpose The purpose of NEBLSA shall be to utilize the collective resources of the member chapters to: A. articulate and promote the needs and goals of Black law students, locally and within the Northeast region; B. foster and encourage an attitude of professional competence among Black law students; C. focus upon the relationship of Black law students to the American legal structure and the Black community; D. serve as a source of information for prospective and current Black law students in the northeast region; E. develop means and programs to bring the legal training of our members to bear upon the problems, legal and non-legal, in the Black community; F. create a greater awareness in Black attorneys and law students of the needs of the Black community and encourage greater commitment to addressing those needs; G. encourage Black law students to pursue careers in the judiciary and education; H. encourage law schools to make changes that will be more responsive to the needs of Black law student, the Black community and society in general; and I. utilize the collective resources of the affiliated chapters to improve the quality of legal education in NEBLSA and effectuate the goals of NBLSA and the NEBLSA.
MEMBERSHIP Section I. Eligibility for Membership. Membership shall be limited to local chapters of Black Law Student Associations in the Northeast Region: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Northern New Jersey, Rhode Island and Vermont. Section II. Classification of Active Membership. Active membership with NEBLSA shall consist of all chapters eligible for membership who have fulfilled their financial obligations of membership. A. Active Members. An Active Member shall consist of any person who 1. resides within NEBLSA, 2. is affiliated with an active Chapter in NEBLSA, and 3. has fulfilled any membership requirements of its affiliated Active Chapter. B. Inactive Members. An Inactive Member shall consist of any person who does not meet any of the requirements for active membership as prescribed in Article II, Section 2(A)(1) of this document. C. Associate Members. An Associate Member shall consist of 1. any person who was affiliated with NEBLSA during their tenure in law school and has graduated from a law school or 2. any professional person who wishes to affiliate with NEBLSA. D. Honorary Members. An Honorary Member shall consist of any person recognized as an Honorary Member by the Chamber of Delegates. An honorary member title is perpetual, that is, unless rescinded by a simple majority vote of the Chamber of Delegates. E. Honorary Officers. An honorary officer position shall be awarded, after his or her term of office, to an officer of NEBLSA who has shown outstanding service and contribution to NEBLSA. An Honorary Officer title is perpetual, that is, unless rescinded by a simple majority vote of the Chamber of Delegates. Section III. Chapter Memberships A. Active Chapter. An Active Chapter shall consist of any chapter that 1. resides within NEBLSA, 2. has active status with NBLSA, and 3. has appointed one person to serve as the Chapter’s Representative on a Regional Committee or as staff or an assistant to any officer or entity of the NEBLSA.
Inactive Chapter. An Inactive Chapter shall consist of any chapter that does not meet the requirements for active chapter membership as prescribed in Article II, Section 3(A) of this document.
Section IV. Duties of Membership A. Aspirational Duties The Active Chapters and Members of NEBLSA shall strive to carry out the following duties: 1. Regularly participate in the activities of NEBLSA. 2. Host or participate in community service projects and activities within their local communities. 3. Ensure the academic achievement of all of its affiliated members. 4. Effectuate change at their respective law schools by hosting innovative informative programming and by seeking leadership positions at their law schools. B. Obligatory Duties The Active Chapters and Members of NEBLSA shall carry out the following duties: 1. Submit, to the appropriate Regional official, a list of Active Members in the Chapter, the governing documents of the Chapter, information concerning the Chapter dues rate for affiliated members of the Chapter, any financial information, including a banking statement, as requested by the Executive Board. 2. Submit any information requested by the Historian or Treasurer. 3. The ranking member, or a person designated by the ranking member, of each Active Chapter shall attend any special meeting called by the Chapter’s respective Regional Director relating to the business of NEBLSA or the Sub-Region. 4. Attend the annual meeting at a Regional Convention and shall have at least one delegate represent the Chapter in the plenary sessions of the Chamber of Delegates. 5. Carry out any other duties prescribed in any governing document adopted by NEBLSA. Section V. Fees A. The assessment of membership dues shall be carried out by the National Executive Board pursuant to Article VIII of the NBLSA Constitution. B. Whenever an affiliated Chapter becomes delinquent in meeting its financial obligations, the Regional Board shall inform the affiliated Chapter of its delinquency and of a date whereby the affiliated Chapter shall be rendered Inactive for its nonpayment. Failure of the affiliated chapter to remedy its delinquency upon such notice from NEBLSA shall result in the affiliated Chapter losing its rights, privileges, and duties in NEBLSA, including the right to vote and have delegates in the Chamber of Delegates. C. The Regional Directors may assess other reasonable fees that are consistent with the governing documents of NEBLSA and of NBLSA.
Section VI. Resignation of Membership A. An individual member may resign from NEBLSA either explicitly by submitting a written statement to the Regional Board that expresses the member’s intention to resign or tacitly by the overt actions of the individual member that suggests to the members of the Regional Board that the member no longer wishes to be affiliated with NEBLSA. B. An affiliated Chapter may resign from NEBLSA by submitting a written statement signed by the affiliated Chapter’s ranking officer to the Regional Board that expresses the affiliated Chapters intent to be non-affiliated with NEBLSA. C. Resignation of membership in NEBLSA shall not affect an individual member’s or an affiliated Chapter’s membership status in the National organization, and the resigning member or affiliated Chapter shall follow any resignation procedures adopted by the National Chapter in order to resign his or her its National membership status. ARTICLE III. OFFICERS Section I. Elected Officers of NEBLSA shall consist as follows: A. Elected Officials (Chamber of Delegates) 1. Regional Chair; and 2. Regional Vice Chair; and 3. Regional Secretary; and 4. Regional Treasurer; and 5. Sub-Regional Directors; and 6. Regional Director of Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition; and 7. Regional Director of the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition; and 8. Regional Community Service Director; and 9. Regional Director of Programming; and 10. Regional Attorney General B. Appointed Officials of NEBLSA may consist of: 1. Regional Parliamentarian; and 2. Regional Convention Coordinator; and 3. Regional Job Fair Coordinator; and 4. Regional Executive Director; and 5. Regional Director of Membership; and 6. Regional Corporate Relations Directors; and 7. Regional College Student Division Director Section II. Term of Office. A. Officers shall hold office for a term of one year or until their successors are elected
B. The term of office shall commence on the next calendar day following the last day of the National Convention, in the case of elected officers, and on the day of appointment, in the case of appointed officers, and shall terminate on last day of Section III. Qualifications A. All officers of NEBLSA shall be Active Members of NEBLSA at the time of their election or appointment to office and throughout the tenure of their terms. B. Any Active Member seeking the candidacy for the position of Regional Chair must have served on the Regional Board, a Regional committee, or as an assistant or staff to an officer or entity of NEBLSA, in order to qualify as a candidate for the Regional Chair position. If only one Active Member meets the qualification for Regional Chair prescribed in this Subsection, then the requirement shall be waived to allow candidates who would otherwise be unqualified for the Regional Chair position to run for office. C. Any Active Member seeking the appointment as Regional Convention Coordinator must reside in the state in which a regional convention shall be held. Section IV. Nominations A. An Active Member who meets the qualifications for an office shall be nominated for the candidacy of an elected office by: 1. Submitting a Statement of Intent Form to the Elections and Credentials Committee before the Regional Convention; or 2. Submitting a Statement of Intent Form to the Elections and Credentials Committee or Regional Chair (24) hours before the election; B. An Active Member shall generally be allowed to run for one elected office except in the following situation: 1. A candidate may only hold one elected position. 2. No one shall be allowed to run for more than two (2) elected positions. C. The Elections and Credentials Committee shall adopt a reasonable procedure to determine if a person nominated from the floor at a plenary session at the Regional Convention for an elected officer position is actually an Active Member of NEBLSA. D. A person shall not be nominated on the floor for an office unless there has been no statement submitted prior to the elections for that position. E. In the case of appointed officer positions, the appointing authority may adopt its own nomination procedure, if any at all. Section V. Elections
A. Votes for elected officers shall be by ballot unless there is only one nominee for office. In cases where there is only one nominee for office, the election vote may be by viva voce at a plenary session of the Chamber of Delegates at the annual meeting at a Regional Convention. B. The candidate that receives a simple majority of votes shall be declared the winner of the election. Accordingly, a run-off election shall be held until a simple majority is reached.
C. Proxy Votes and Absentee votes shall not be allowed in the election of officers for NEBLSA in the Chamber of Delegates. D. Teller’s Report 1. After counting the ballots, the Election and Credentials Committee shall prepare a Teller’s Report to be presented to the presiding officer of the plenary session of the Chamber of Delegates at a Regional Convention that contains the number of votes cast, the number of votes necessary for election, the number of votes received by each candidate, and the number of illegal votes with a brief statement as to the reason for the illegality. 2. The Teller’s Report shall be submitted to the presiding officer of the plenary session of the Chamber of Delegates at a Regional Convention who shall then declare the result of the election. 3. The Teller’s Report shall be made available immediately to any Active Member or Chapter of NEBLSA after the election results have been declared. E. In the case of a tie, the presiding officer of the plenary session of the Chamber of Delegates shall be vested with the power to break tie votes or call for a revote. F. Ballots submitted in the election shall be destroyed one calendar day at the end of the Regional Convention unless there is a formal written challenge to the vote. G. Before the close of the Regional Convention, a candidate has a right to inspect all of the physical ballots submitted for the position to which he was a candidate. H. The Elections and Credentials Committee may recommend the adoption of other rules concerning elections that are consistent with the provisions of this document to the Regional Directors or Chamber of Delegates. Section VI. Vacancies The following rules shall apply when an officer position is vacant: A. With the exception of the positions of Regional Chair and Regional Vice Chair-President, should a position become vacant because of the death, resignation, removal from office, inability or failure to qualify, temporary incapacity, or absence, the appointing authority
shall appoint a new Active Member to the vacant appointed position; in the case of an elected officer, with the exception of a regional director, the Regional Chair shall select a new Active Member to the vacant elected position B. Should a position become vacant because no one ever applied for the vacant position or chose to be elected to the position, the Regional Chair shall appoint an Active Member for those positions. Section VII. Holding More than One Office A. With the exception of the Regional Chair, an officer of NEBLSA shall not hold an officer position on the National Executive Board, unless the position on the National Executive Board is a counterpart to the Regional position. B. In cases where there is a vacancy of an appointed officer position or where no one applied for an elected officer position, an existing officer of NEBLSA shall be permitted to hold multiple offices as long the vacant position does not create a conflict of interest with the officer’s existing position. Section VIII. Removal of Officers A. Elected and Appointed Officers 1. Elected and Appointed officers shall be removed by the election of a successor during the following Regional Convention of their original election. 2. Elected and Appointed officers may be removed for just cause by a simple majority vote by the Chamber of Delegates, which may be made by absentee ballot, or by a three-fourths vote by the Appointed and Elected officials with a vote of no confidence. 3. The Tribunal shall automatically remove any officer of NEBLSA, whether elected or appointed, if that officer has been found to have committed gross mismanagement of funds, fraud, or theft during his or her tenure of office. 4. For the purposes of this document, “just cause” shall include, but not be limited to, actions where the officer has failed to perform a duty of office or attend a substantial number of requisite meetings, theft, fraud, or engaging in conduct detrimental to the well-being of NEBLSA. ARTICLE IV. DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section I. Rules Applicable to All Officers A. All officers shall perform any such other duties applicable to their office as prescribed by the parliamentary authority and any governing document adopted by the Chamber of Delegates, Regional Directors, appropriate Committee, administrative supervisor, or the Tribunal.
B. All officers shall submit to the Chamber of Delegates an annual report of their duties at a plenary session of the Chamber of Delegates at an annual meeting at the Regional Convention or at any other time determined by the Regional Chair. C. All officers may appoint Active Members to assist them in executing their respective duties as long as such appointments do not conflict with an executive order issued by a ranking executive official, legislation adopted by the Chamber of Delegates or the Regional Directors, a decision by the Tribunal, or any provision of a governing document of NEBLSA. Section 2. Regional Chair The duties of the Regional Chair shall consist as follows: A. Embody the spirit and principles of NEBLSA as the chief public representative and ceremonial figurehead of NEBLSA. B. The executive power of NEBLSA shall be vested in the Regional Chair and is exercisable by the Regional Vice Chair-President as the Regional Chair’s representative, and this executive power extends to the execution and maintenance of all governing documents and legislation adopted by NEBLSA as expressed through the acts of the Chamber of Delegates and the Regional Directors. C. Serve as presiding officer of the Regional Executive Board, the Supreme Council, and the Department of the Chair. D. Set administrative procedures on the Regional Board for the efficient operation of NEBLSA. E. Develop measured and identifiable goals for NEBLSA, which are to be implemented by the appropriate members of the Regional Board, as reflected in the Manifesto of NEBLSA. F. Serve as an ex-officio member of all divisions and committees of NEBLSA. G. Appoint the Chief of each division and organize and create new Divisions as deemed necessary for the efficient operations of NEBLSA H. Ensure Regional compliance with the initiatives and the governing documents from NBLSA by serving as chief liaison between the National Executive Board and NEBLSA. I. Attend National Executive Board meetings and represent the interests of NEBLSA as reflected in legislation adopted by the Chamber of Delegates or the Regional Directors.
J. Present reciprocity agreements for NEBLSA with other Regions or with NBLSA to the Regional Directors for approval. K. Sign all legislation passed by the Chamber of Delegates. L. Serve as a joint signatory with the Regional Treasurer on all checks and financial accounts of NEBLSA M. Prepare and submit a budget for NEBLSA to Regional Directors for approval. N. Compile and set a deadline for the Transitional Document that shall contain pertinent information by each officer in the current administration to the same officer in the subsequent administration. Section 3. Regional Vice Chair-President The duties of Regional Vice Chair-President shall consist as follows: A. Act as the chief executive official over the general operations of NEBLSA. B. Serve as presiding officer of the Chamber of Delegates and the Regional Directors to the extent that the Vice Chair-President shall vote only in the event of a tie, unless expressly prohibited from doing so by a provision in the governing documents of NEBLSA. C. Serve as presiding officer of the Department of the President. D. Serve as ex-officio member of all divisions and committees of NEBLSA. E. Appoint committee chairpersons and organize affiliated members onto Regional Committees. F. Create special committees whenever deemed necessary for the efficient operations of NEBLSA. G. Sign all legislation passed by the Regional Directors and any Regional committee. Section IV. Regional Directors A. The duties of the Regional Directors, shall consist as follows: 1. Serve as presiding officers of the Conclaves of their respective Sub-Region. 2. Maintain communications with the affiliated local Chapters and members within their respective sub-region. 3. Ensure the implementation of Regional and National initiatives on the local level. 4. Bring issues of a local concern to NEBLSA for resolution.
5. Host at least one meeting with the Conclave of their respective Sub-Region, per academic semester. 6. Sign all legislation adopted by their respective Conclaves. 7. Serve as members of the Department of the Chair when not acting in their capacity as Regional Directors. Section V. Job Fair Coordinator A. The duties of the Job Fair Coordinator shall consist as follows: 1. Coordinate a Regional job fair (or several job fairs) to the Active Members of NEBLSA. 2. Serve as a member in the Department of the President. B. The Job Fair Coordinator shall be a permissive officer position; consequently, the Regional Vice-Chair President has discretion on whether or not to utilize the position. C. Unless provided otherwise by the Regional Vice Chair-President, the term of the Job Fair Coordinator shall terminate at the end of the job fair(s). This rule shall be an exception to the general rule on the term of office for officers as prescribed in Article IV, Section 2 of this document. Section VI. Regional Convention Coordinator The duties of the Regional Convention Coordinator shall consist as follows: A. Serve as Chair of the Convention Committee. B. Make all local arrangements for hosting a regional convention as instructed by the Regional Vice Chair-President. C. Serve as a member of the Department of the President. Section VII. Corporate Relations A. The duties of the Fundraising Coordinator shall consist as follows: 1. Oversee all fundraising efforts of NEBLSA. 2. Seek donations on behalf of NEBLSA to the extent that the Fundraising Coordinator shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that persons or companies sought for donations are not an existing major financial contributor to an Active Chapter of NEBLSA. 3. Assist the Regional Convention Coordinator in seeking sponsors for activities at a regional convention and the Editor-in-Chief of the Law Journal in seeking sponsors for the Law Journal. 4. Assist the National counterpart, the National Director of Corporate Relations, in his or her duties. 5. Serve as a member of the Department of the President.
B. For purposes of Article II of the Uniform Governing Articles of NEBLSA, the Fundraising Coordinator shall be synonymous with the Regional Corporate Relations Director. Section VIII. Community Service Coordinator A. The duties of the Community Service Coordinator shall consist as follows: 1. Develop and implement community service projects throughout NEBLSA consistent with National and Regional initiatives. 2. Coordinate the community service project to be held at one regional convention. 3. Assist the National counterpart, the National Director of Community Service, in his or her duties. 4. Serve as a member of the Department of the President. B. For purposes of Article III of the Uniform Governing Articles of NEBLSA, the Community Service Coordinator shall by synonymous with the Regional Community Service Director. Section IX. Regional Treasurer A. The duties of the Regional Treasurer shall consist as follows: 1. Receive all monies and account for all funds of NEBLSA. 2. Serve as Chief of the Finance Division. 3. Become and remain bonded for the duration of his or her term. 4. Serve as a member of the Department of the Chair. B. Upon adoption of the budget by the Chair, the Regional Treasurer shall be authorized to make disbursements up to the total amount shown approved in the budget and upon the order of the Regional Chair and presiding officer of an entity of a Region under whose direction a particular budget item is administered. Section X. Supervisor of Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition A. The duties of the Supervisor of the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition shall consist as follows: 1. Supervise and coordinate the mock trial competition for NEBLSA. 2. Perform other duties as assigned by the National Director of the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition. 3. Serve as a member of the Department of the Chair. B. For purposes of Article III of the Uniform Governing Articles of NEBLSA, the Supervisor of the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition shall be synonymous with the Regional Director of the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition. Section XI. Supervisor of the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition
A. The duties of the Supervisor of the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition shall consist as follows: 1. Supervise and coordinate the moot court competition for NEBLSA. 2. Perform other duties as assigned by the National Director of the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition. 3. Serve as a member of the Department of the Chair. B. For purposes of Article III of the Uniform Governing Articles of NEBLSA, the Supervisor of the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition shall be synonymous with the Regional Director of the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition. Section XII. Regional Secretary The duties of the Regional Secretary shall consist as follows: A. Serve as the chief information officer of NEBLSA. B. Transcribe (or ensure the transcription of) accurate minutes of the meetings of the Regional Board, Executive Council, Chamber of Delegates, Conclaves, Committees, conference calls, and any other meeting assigned by the Regional Vice-Chair President through the use of audio or video technology, or both, and timely distribute or make available these minutes to the officers, affiliated Active Chapters and Active Members of NEBLSA before filing such minutes in the archives of NEBLSA. C. Maintain an updated contact list of officers of NEBLSA, officers of the Active Chapters in NEBLSA, and Active Members in NEBLSA. D. Compile, distribute, and make available a calendar of all of the anticipated events and programming of NEBLSA. E. Maintain NEBLSA’s official membership roll and to call the roll when required. F. Notify officers, committee and division members, and delegates of their election or appointment, to furnish any entity of NEBLSA with whatever documents are required for the performance of their duties, and to have on hand at each meeting a list of all existing members on any Committee or Division. G. Have a copy of the governing documents and minutes of NEBLSA available at every meeting of any entity of NEBLSA, particularly meetings of the Regional Board and the Chamber of Delegates. H. Send out to the membership a notice of each meeting, known as the call of the meeting, and to conduct the general correspondence of the organization to the extent that distributing such correspondence has not been previously assigned to another officer.
I. Assist the Lord Historian in his or her duties. J. Assist the National counterpart, the National Secretary, in his or her duties. Section XIII. Lord Parliamentarian A. The duties of the Lord Parliamentarian shall consist as follows: 1. Serve as a definitive source to NEBLSA of the proper protocol and practices of parliamentary authority adopted by NEBLSA. 2. Initially decide all questions of interpretation and construction of the parliamentary authority adopted by NEBLSA, subject only to the decision of the Tribunal. 3. Ensure that each officer, Active Chapter, and Active Member of NEBLSA receive a copy, or one is made available to them, of the governing documents and procedural rules of NEBLSA. 4. Serve as an ex-officio member of all Committees and Divisions of NEBLSA. 5. Serve as a member of the Tribunal. B. Except as provided in Subsection C of this Section, in order to maintain his or her impartiality, the Lord Parliamentarian shall not, before the Chamber of Delegates, make a motion, participate in debate, or vote on any question that comes before it, except in the case of a ballot vote. The Lord Parliamentarian shall not be allowed to temporarily relinquish his or her position in order to exercise the proscribed rights outlined in this Subsection. C. In general, the Lord Parliamentarian shall not preside over any meeting of the Chamber of Delegates because such an arrangement would go against traditional parliamentary practices on the impartiality of the parliamentarian. However, the Chamber, upon passage of a two-thirds vote, may elect the Lord Parliamentarian to preside over the Chamber of Delegates when warranted by the circumstances notwithstanding the fact that such an election may be inconsistent with the line of succession for the presiding officer of the Chamber of Delegates as prescribed in this document. Section XIV. Lord Historian A. The duties of the Lord Historian shall consist as follows: 1. Serve as a member of the Tribunal. 2. Prepare a narrative account of NEBLSA’s activities during his or her term of office which shall become a permanent part of NEBLSA’s official history. 3. Serve as custodian of the collection of documents, books, or other written or printed matter, has custody of these items,—or at least designates a centralized location for the custody of these items--and control over the access of such items to officers, Active Chapters and Active Members of NEBLSA. 4. Compile a bound book that shall contain the pertinent information produced by both NEBLSA and its affiliated Active Chapters within a given year. “Pertinent information” shall include:
a. Minutes from meetings of all entities of executive board meeting of the Active Chapters. b. Special rules, if any, adopted or rejected by the any entity of NEBLSA. c. Resolutions adopted or rejected by the legislative bodies of NEBLSA. d. Decisions, judgments, and interpretations made by the Lord Parliamentarian and Tribunal. e. Information on any special projects and initiatives of NEBLSA, f. A list of officials in NEBLSA and in the Active Chapters of NEBLSA. g. A list of all persons serving on any entity of NEBLSA. h. A list of the membership statuses of all the affiliated Chapters of NEBLSA. i. A list of the membership dues rates of NEBLSA on affiliated local Chapters and of the Active Chapters on their affiliated local members. j. All documents relating to the election of officers of NEBLSA, including but not limited to, a list of the candidates running for an elected officer position, in addition to their respective platforms, voting results of the officer elections, and a list of those Active Chapters that voted in the officer elections. k. All of the governing documents of NEBLSA and its affiliated Active Chapters. l. The Accountability Report, Manifesto, the Minority Report, and all issues of the law journal. m. Any other information determined to be pertinent by the Lord Historian or by a motion of the Chamber of Delegates n. Appoint an Assistant to compile a visual history of NEBLSA as reflected in a scrapbook. Section XV. Attorney General of the Regional Board A. The duties of the Attorney General shall consist as follows: 1. Serve as a chief advocate for the rights of the Regional Board before the Tribunal by preparing memoranda and making arguments on issues of interest to the Regional Board on his or her own accord or at the instruction of the Tribunal or Regional Chair. 2. Ensure the compliance of affiliated local Chapters and members of the objectives, initiatives, and governing documents of NEBLSA. 3. Research and inform the members of NEBLSA of current legal issues of interest to the goals, missions, and initiatives of NEBLSA. 4. Research and develop policies to effectuate change at the law schools and state governmental institutions of the affiliated Chapters of NEBLSA insofar as such policies are consistent with the objectives of NEBLSA, legislation or resolutions of the Chamber of Delegates or the Regional Chair. 5. Prepare an article in NEBLSA’s law journal.
6. Assist the Regional Directors in hosting networking opportunities for members of NEBLSA with prominent government officials or civil rights activists within the respective Sub-Region. 7. Serve as an ex-officio member to all executive and legislative entities of NEBLSA. 8. Serve as a member of the Department of the Chair. B. For the purposes of Article III of the Uniform Governing Articles of NEBLSA, the Attorney General shall be synonymous with the Attorney General Position. ARTICLE V. EXECUTIVE ENTITIES OF NEBLSA Section I. Regional Board A. The Regional Board shall be composed solely of the officers of NEBLSA outlined in Article IV of this document. B. Line of succession. 1. For the Regional Chair: a. If, by reason of death, resignation, inability or failure to qualify, temporary incapacity, or absence, there is no Regional Chair to discharge the powers and duties of the office of the Regional Chair, then the Regional Vice Chair shall act as the Regional Chair. b. If, by reason of death, resignation, inability, or failure to qualify, temporary incapacity, or absence, there is no Regional Chair and the existing Regional Vice-Chair declines to assume the office of the Regional Chair, then the Secretary shall act as the Regional Chair. The Regional Director-turned-Regional Chair shall then appoint a qualified Active Member of the Sub-Region to the vacant office of the Regional Director. C. Powers of the Board 1. The Regional Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of NEBLSA between the business meetings of the Chamber of Delegates and the Regional Board. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the Supreme Council, the Chamber of Delegates, the Regional Board, and the Tribunal, and none of its acts shall conflict with the action taken by the Supreme Council and the legislative and judicial entities of NEBLSA. 2. The Regional Board shall be responsible for reviewing the need for Board policies and procedures, budgets and financing, membership, Board planning, and any other matter of concern proposed by a Board member or referred to it by any entity of NEBLSA. The Regional Board shall make recommendations on such items to the Supreme Council for action.
3. The Regional Board shall approve the creation and appointment of any staff position that reports to the Board or any executive entity of NEBLSA. 4. The Regional Board shall recommend rates for any fees or other financial obligations to be assessed on the affiliated Chapters or Chamber of Delegates. 5. The Regional Board shall act upon all matters referred to it by the Supreme Council and the legislative or judicial entities of NEBLSA. 6. The Regional Board may recommend to the Chamber of Delegates the passage of policies and legislation. D. Special Rules 1. Regional Board Meeting a. The presiding officer of the Regional Board, or by request of twentypercent of the Board’s members, shall call a meeting of the Regional Board by issuing a call for the meeting to the members of the Regional Board at least six weeks before the intended date of the meeting. The call shall contain a tentative agenda for the meeting and the proposed time, place, and location of the meeting. b. All members of the Regional Board have a duty to attend all scheduled Regional Board meetings; however, if a Regional Board member is unable to attend a Board meeting, that member shall inform the Regional Chair, in writing, of his or her inability to attend at least forty-eight hours before the scheduled meeting. c. Any other rules concerning Regional Board meetings, such as defining the requisite number of meetings and the location of such meetings, shall be prescribed in an executive order by the presiding officer of the Regional Board. d. A quorum of the Regional Board shall consist of a simple majority of its members in addition to at least one representative from the Sub-Regional chairs. e. Minutes from the Regional Board meeting shall be distributed or made available to the Active Members and Chapters of NEBLSA no later than thirty calendar days following the Regional Board meeting or all actions adopted at the meeting shall be null and void until the minutes are actually distributed or made available to the Active Members and Chapters of NEBLSA. 2. The Regional Board shall distribute or make available to the affiliated local Chapters and Active Members of NEBLSA, before the membership dues payment deadline, a Manifesto that shall contain: a. An address by the Regional Chair, Regional Vice Chair-President, and Lord Governor; b. A listing of all officers and staff of NEBLSA and, if available, a list of Active members serving on Regional Committees; c. A listing and contact information of the affiliated Chapters and officers of each affiliated Chapter;
d. e. f. g.
A strategic plan containing the goals and policy initiatives of the year; Proposed or Adopted Budget of NEBLSA for the year; Master calendar of Regional programming for the year; and Any other material requested by any entity of NEBLSA. ARTICLE VI. LEGISLATIVE ENTITIES OF NEBLSA
Section 1. Chamber of Delegates for the Affiliated Chapters of NEBLSA A. Composition 1. The Chamber of Delegates shall be composed of the officers of NEBLSA and the delegates from the Active Chapters of NEBLSA. 2. The number of delegates shall equal the number of votes that an Active Chapter has pursuant to the NBLSA Constitution. 3. Unless prescribed otherwise in this document, officers shall have one vote each in the Chamber. An officer’s right to vote shall be limited as follows: a. Officers shall not vote in the election for officers of NEBLSA, unless the officer is serving as a delegate for his or her affiliated Active Chapter. b. Officers serving as a delegate for their respective affiliated Chapter shall have only one vote: their vote as delegate; thus, there shall be no accumulation of votes for officers who also serve as delegates in the Chamber of Delegates. c. Officers shall be permitted to vote for amendments to any of the governing documents of NEBLSA. 4. Other rules concerning delegates shall be prescribed in the Standing Rules of NEBLSA. B. Powers and Duties 1. The legislative powers of NEBLSA shall be vest in the Chamber of Delegates. 2. The Chamber of Delegates shall pass any legislation that is necessary and consistent with the governing documents of NEBLSA. 3. Approve all honorary memberships and officer positions. 4. Assume all powers and functions not reserved for any other entity of NEBLSA. C. Meetings 1. The Chamber of Delegates shall meet at least once at an annual meeting at a Regional Convention, to be held in the Spring semester before the National Convention, where the election of Regional officers, the presentation of annual reports from officers of NEBLSA, a community service project, and an end-ofthe-year awards banquet shall occur. 2. All Active Chapters shall have a duty to attend all scheduled meetings of the Chamber of Delegates; however, if an Active Chapter is unable to send a delegate to the annual meeting at a Regional Convention, that Chapter shall inform Regional Vice Chair-President, in writing, of his or her inability to attend at least two calendar weeks before the schedule annual meeting.
3. The Executive Board is required to collaborate with at least one of the area schools during the course of planning all region-wide events, during the early part of the process. Collaborate meaning obtaining input from the chapter(s) regarding the organization and execution of the event(s). 4. A quorum shall consist of a majority of Active Chapters from each Sub-Region registered for the annual meeting at the Regional Convention.
ARTICLE VII. TRIBUNAL—THE JUDICIAL ENTITY OF NEBLSA Section 1. The Tribunal shall be composed of the Parliamentarian, and the Historian. Section 2. The Tribunal shall have standing to resolve disputes and controversies only arising between: A. Officers and staff on the Regional Board; B. The legislative or executive entities of NEBLSA and an affiliated local Chapter or Member of NEBLSA; C. An entity of this Region with an entity of another Region or with NBLSA; D. Affiliated Chapter of NEBLSA and another Affiliated Chapter of NEBLSA; E. Affiliated Chapter of NEBLSA and an Affiliated Member of that Affiliated Chapter; F. Affiliated Member of an Affiliated Chapter of NEBLSA and another Affiliated Member of a different Affiliated Chapter of NEBLSA; G. Affiliated Member of an Affiliated Chapter and another Affiliated Member of that same Affiliated Chapter, to the extent that such jurisdiction is not waived by a provision in the governing documents of the Affiliated Chapter; and H. Any other persons that yields to the jurisdiction of the Tribunal.
Section 3. Powers and Duties A. Where a person has proper standing, the Tribunal shall adjudicate situations where: 1. An affiliated Chapter has failed to fulfill an obligation under the governing documents of this Region. 2. The legality of a Regional policy, procedure, or subsidiary governing document is questioned. 3. Where the legislative and executive entities, including their officers and staff, fail to act. 4. The above listing is illustrative. B. The Tribunal shall serve as an appellate entity to the decisions and interpretations of the Lord Parliamentarian. C. The Tribunal may, at its own discretion, set up temporary Commissions to investigate alleged infringement or maladministration in the implementation of the governing
documents of NEBLSA and in regards to general principles of fiduciary responsibility to officers, staff, assistants of NEBLSA and the ranking officers of an affiliated Chapter of NEBLSA. 1. Such Commissions shall cease to exist on the submission of its report. 2. The detailed rules governing the exercise of this right shall be determined by the Tribunal, subject to the review of the Chamber of Delegates. The Financial Oversight Commission shall be chartered in the Standing Rules. D. The Tribunal may participate in the process leading up to the adoption of legislation, polices, and procedures by giving recommendations on the legality of such legislation, policies, and procedures to the parties proposing such measures. E. Between the membership dues payment deadline and the annual Regional Convention, the Tribunal shall issue an Accountability Report that outlines the extent to which the Regional Board members and entities of NEBLSA have fulfilled their obligations under the governing documents of NEBLSA and of the goals and objectives outlined in the Manifesto produced by the Regional Board. F. The Tribunal shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure, which shall require the unanimous approval of the Tribunal. Section 4. Remedies A. The Tribunal shall be limited to offering the following remedies to cases that come before it: 1. Issue declaratory or advisory opinions on the interpretation of the governing documents of NEBLSA. 2. Prescribe any interim measures, including injunctions, as needed. 3. Recommend a vote of no confidence or the removal of an officer to the appropriate appointing or electing authority. 4. Relieve any officer of part of his or her duties. 5. Require bonding of an officer on the Regional, Sub-Regional, or local Level. 6. Authorize forfeitures against Affiliated Chapters of NEBLSA. 7. Issue public or limited reprimands to officers, staff, and assistants of NEBLSA and the officers of the affiliated Chapters of NEBLSA. 8. Revoke or suspend the membership status of an Active Chapter or Member. 9. Declare an action, policy, procedure, or subordinate governing document issued by NEBLSA or an Affiliated Chapter of NEBLSA illegal or unconstitutional. 10. Automatically remove officers, staff, assistants of NEBLSA and officers of the affiliated Chapters of NEBLSA where there has been a showing that such officials have grossly mismanaged funds or committed fraud or theft while serving in the position. Section 5.
Unless the Tribunal provides otherwise in its rules of procedure, the Tribunal shall be empowered to initiate judicial proceedings against all parties with standing at its own discretion. Section 6. All decisions, interpretations, and any other actions of the Tribunal shall be distributed or made available to the Active Chapters and Members of NEBLSA no later than two calendar weeks after such decisions, interpretations, or actions are made, that is, unless the Tribunal has restricted the availability of such material out of respect for the personal nature of the decision. Such a restriction should be used in only the most extreme and sensitive of cases, such cases shall not include the removal of an officer from his or her position or disciplinary procedures. Section 7. A quorum of the Tribunal shall consist of all of its members. ARTICLE VIII. FINANCES AND BUDGET Section 1. Bank Accounts A. NEBLSA shall have a dual signature bank account that shall require the signature of both the Regional Chair and the Regional Treasurer before any disbursement of funds. B. NEBLSA may have a separate bank account for the annual Regional Convention at the location of the Convention. This separate account shall be a dual signature account and the Regional Treasurer shall determine the signatories of the account. Section 2. Bonding of Officers A. The Regional Chair and the Regional Treasurer shall be bonded. B. The Tribunal may require the bonding of Regional officers and officers of the affiliated Chapters of NEBLSA for just cause. Section 3. Reporting of Finances A. The Regional Treasurer shall distribute or make available to the Active Chapters and Members of NEBLSA a bimonthly report of the financial status of NEBLSA. B. The Regional Treasurer may adopt a policy to restrict (1) who the Active Chapters and Members of NEBLSA can distribute the financial report to and (2) how long an Active Chapter or Member may actually possess the financial report.
ARTICLE IX. VOTING BY EMAIL OR OVER TELEPHONE Section 1. Voting by email or over the telephone in a conference call shall not be permitted by the Chamber of Delegates. Section 2. Voting by email or over the telephone in a conference call shall be permitted by all other entities of NEBLSA, unless the entity provides otherwise by a special rule. A record shall be produced for all votes, and rules concerning the distribution of such a record shall be in accordance to the rules on the distribution of minutes for the respective entity as prescribed in this document.
ARTICLE X. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY Section 1. Parliamentarian shall govern NEBLSA in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order NEBLSA may adopt. Section 2. Upon their request, NEBLSA shall purchase or provide a copy of the parliamentary authority of NEBLSA to the Lord Parliamentarian and any other presiding officer of an entity of NEBLSA.
ARTICLE XI. AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS Section 1. With Previous Notice A. This document may be amended by the passage of a two-thirds vote of the Chamber of Delegates, provided that previous notice shall be given to the delegates of the bylaw amendment at least fifteen calendar days prior to the meeting where the amendment will be discussed. B. For the purposes of this Article, previous notice shall include a document containing: 1. The proposed amendment, properly worded; 2. The current bylaw provision to be changed; 3. The bylaw provision as it will be read if the amendment is adopted; 4. The names of the person(s) making the amendment of the amendment; and
5. The rationale by the person(s) making the amendment for offering the amendment. C. This Section shall not be construed to preclude the amending of a proposed amendment to these bylaws at a meeting of the Chamber of Delegates. Nevertheless, an amendment to a proposed amendment to these bylaws must fall within the scope of the notice. D. If notice is to be given by mail, NEBLSA shall be responsible for paying the cost of sending such notice, not the member proposing the amendment. Section 2. Without Previous Notice A. When previous notice is not given, this document shall only be amended at a meeting of the Chamber of Delegates at the discretion of the Regional Chair and Parliamentarian. Section 3. Absentee votes (ballots) shall be allowed by Active Chapters not in attendance at the meeting of the Chamber of Delegates in the case of amendments to this document. Proxy votes shall not be allowed.
Section 4 The Northeast Board has the authority to make grammatical, non-substantive changes to the Bylaws. ARTICLE XVI SUPREMACY CLAUSE Section 1 Any provision of the NBLSA Constitution and Bylaws, any action of the National Executive Board collectively or individually, and any measure adopted by the National Convention Assembly will supersede any governing document, rule, policy, practice, or procedure passed by the NEBLSA.
ARTICLE XII RATIFICATION Section 1 Unless an alternative date is specified therein, the Constitution and Bylaws, and any passed amendments of NEBLSA become effective immediately upon ratification.
ARTICLE XIII JOB FAIR Section 1 In order to participate in the NEBLSA Job Fair, it is required to be an active dues paying member of NBLSA.