NEBLSA Constitution

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National Black Law Students Association NORTHEAST REGION CONSTITUTION

ARTICLE I NAME AND PURPOSE Section 1. Name. The name of the organization shall be the Northeast Regional Black Law Students Association (hereinafter referred to as “NEBLSA�). Section 2. Purpose. The purpose of NEBLSA shall be to utilize the collective resources of the member chapters to: A. articulate and promote the needs and goals of Black law students, locally and within the northeast region; B. foster and encourage an attitude of professional competence among Black law students; C. focus on the relationship between Black law students, Black attorneys, to the American legal structure, and the Black community; D. serve as a source of information for prospective and current Black law students in the northeast region; E. develop means and programs to bring the legal training of our members to bear upon the problems, legal and non-legal, in the Black community; F. create greater awareness in Black attorneys and law students of the needs of the Black community and encourage greater commitment to addressing those needs; G. encourage Black law students to pursue careers in the judiciary; and H. encourage law schools to bring about changes which will make them more responsive to the needs of Black law student, the Black community and society in general.

ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Eligibility for Membership. Membership shall be limited to local chapters of Black Law Student Associations in the Northeast Region: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Northern New Jersey, Rhode Island and Vermont. Section 2. Classification of Membership. A. Chapter Memberships. Active membership with NEBLSA shall consist of all chapters eligible for membership who have (i) fulfill the requirements prescribed in Article II, Section A of this document (ii) fulfilled their financial obligations of membership; and (iii) submitted all necessary paperwork to determine the number of affiliated members in its chapter. Any chapter that does not fulfill the requirements mentioned above shall be considered inactive. B. Individual Memberships


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