All in One

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A LT E RN AT IVE ENTR A NCE: ACTIVIT Y H UB Promoting public functions by displaying in front of the library. Allowing the community to understand what is occurring in the library. A direct respondent to the outdoor space without needing to enter the library. Stated in the Challenges, Room Responsiveness, creating a natural segregation between the passive and public spaces is necessary to harmonious library environment. Publicising the active spaces in front of the library it allows a cohesive library environment

Activity Hub

A LTERN ATI V E ENTRAN CE : C H I LD REN SPAC E An alternative method of attracting and inspiring younger members of the community. This jungle of adventure will naturally attract children to explore this ‘playground’. Leading the user to enter the children’s space whilst enjoying the exploration. A fun learning experience of entering a library.

Children Space Entrance


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