Auctioneer August/September 2023

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August/September 2023

The official publication of the National Auction Association





It’s Auction Time!


iiiiiiiit’s Auction Time; it’s Auction Time, it’s time to begin the auction! Folks, I am Lance Walker, Fast Talker from Memphis, TN and so glad to be your auctioneer for the evening. It is hard to believe that I have been opening benefit auctions for 43 years using that exact phrase. Fact is, if not for the NAA, that benefit auction career would have never happened. If not for the NAA, I would have never met the many auction mentors who have had such a positive influence on my life and career. Auctioneers such as Hack Ayers, Chuck Cumberland, Tommy Williams, Larry Latham, Bing Carter, Dick Dewees, Billy Long, Sammy Ford and many others. If not for the NAA, I would have never attended a Conference and Show in Minneapolis many years ago and met a benefit auctioneer from Chicago named Tim Duggan, who hired me to conduct benefit auctions for him all across America and Canada. It allowed me to work with auctioneers Jill Marie Wyles and Kip Toner to write the Benefit Auction Specialist program and teach it to hundreds of aspiring benefit auctioneers for many years.   If not for the NAA, I would not have learned the tools necessary to sell real estate successfully at auction. Completing CAI early in my career gave me a giant leap in auction knowledge and confidence in selling homes, land, and commercial property at auction.   If not for the NAA, I would not have met NAA auctioneers J.J. Dower, Kurt Aumann, and Chris Pratt, who invited me to become a part of Marknet Alliance, which provides me opportunities to partner and network with leading auctioneers in selling assets throughout the country. If not for the NAA, wading through the COVID years of shutdown would have been much more difficult. NAA President Terri Walker, who served during that challenging time, along with the NAA staff, did a great job keeping us in touch via Zoom communication, webinars, and virtual education opportunities.   If not for the NAA, we would have little combined political power when approaching local, state, and federal legislators. Our Day on the Hill has been effective but needs more auctioneer participation to make it even more effective when we need support on rulings from Congress or the IRS.   If not for the NAA, I would not have developed lifelong friendships with fellow auction practitioners who reside all over the country and several foreign countries and have become like family. The auction community alone is worth the dues we pay to belong to this association.

If not for the NAA, I would not have developed the necessary knowledge and proper business practices to build my business to the point where it quickly became the sole income in providing for my family. My sons Conner, Eric, and daughter Caroline grew up and worked in our business the whole time they were home. That environment provided them a work ethic and belief system that has helped them succeed in their careers and lives. As for the woman who will someday choose my nursing home, it has been a great ride from partner in marriage to partner in business. The NAA’s family-oriented values have been a blessing to me and Terri. I thank God for her every day and thoroughly enjoy our partnership.       Fellow NAA members, fasten your seat belts and put your tray tables in their upright position because change in our profession will continue to come quickly. Looking ahead, I believe “change” is our only constant. We have seen how selling online became a boost and not a curse to our industry. Some of you are live auction only, others are online only, and others are a combination of both. Regardless, we need the NAA to provide the resources to help us lead the changes necessary to succeed in our business. Whether you auction real estate, personal property, equipment, benefits, cattle, motor vehicles, art, antiques, or other areas of our industry, stay involved in the NAA! I encourage everyone to look back through my above paragraphs and see how you can use your NAA membership to do the same things: have you gotten the designations you need? If not, make plans to start your journey in Las Vegas with us in December for a designation class. Have you started your CAI designation? If not, apply today! We’ve also got community conversations happening all the time; check them out! And our Womens’ Summit is a networking event you just can’t miss, this year in NAA’s “home city” of Kansas City! I look forward to a year of speaking and listening to several state auction associations, auction schools, other auction support groups, and individuals across the country. It’s auction time as it has never been before, and I am honored you are allowing me to serve as your president during this significant time of opportunity in our auction industry. There is an excellent opportunity ahead, so let’s work together with the NAA as our best resource in advancing America’s greatest method of buying and selling by competitive bidding- the auction method of sale.    v

Lance Walker, CAI, BAS, CES NAA President Lance Walker is the founder of Walker Auctions. He is a previous NAA Board of Directors member, he has served as President of the Missouri Auctioneers Association and Vice President of the Tennessee Auctioneer Association. He was named to the Tennessee and Missouri Auctioneer’s Hall of Fame. He co-wrote the Benefit Auction Specialist curriculum for benefit auctioneers and taught the course to hundreds of auctioneers through the National Auction Association.







FEATURES 20 Conference & Show Recap Photos from OKC

INSIGHTS 18 Business Practices Auctions with Reserve vs Absolute Auctions

26 President Q&A Lance Walker

Turn to Page 10 to learn more about the exciting announcements from this year's Conference & Show in OKC!

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. — Zig Ziglar



DEPARTMENTS 03 President’s Column 07 NAA Event Planner 08 Association at Work 10 NAA News 14 State News 42 New Members 43 Auction Schools 46 Board/Index 48 In Memory 50 50 Years Later


m auctioneer

Published by the






8880 Ballentine St. Overland Park, KS 66214-1900 P: (913) 541-8084 | F: (913) 894-5281



Chief Executive Officer Aaron Ensminger, CAE (913) 563-5423 Director of Finance & Administrative Services Jordan Crupper | Administrative Assistant National Auction Foundation Administrator Rebekah Ferguson | Director of Education Kristina Franz, CAE | Sales & Trade Show Manager Adam Kenne | Director of Membership & Marketing Janice Martin | Marketing Specialist Arturo Mendoza | Accounting Coordinator Genny O’Niones |

Apply for NAA education scholarships all year long! Through generous donations from people like you, the National Auction Foundation funds scholarships for NAA educational events. The application process has changed, as mentioned in the last issue of the Auctioneer. Now, there is one easy-to-use form to apply for any available scholarship throughout the year. This means no more missing the application window. Apply at any time for any event. Find the updated application form now at

Meetings Manager Joyce Peterson | Membership Coordinator Courtney Teel | Education Specialist Brooke Thomsen | Programs Administrator Jennifer Vossman, CMP |

Auctioneer Volume 75 Issue 4 June/July 2023 (ISSN 1070-0137) is published the first week of December, February, April, June, August and October by the National Auction Association, 8880 Ballentine St., Overland Park, KS, 66214-1900. There are six issues printed annually. Auctioneer is a means of exchanging ideas that will serve to promote the auction professional and the auction method of marketing. The views expressed by columnists do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the National Auction Association. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO, and additional mailing offices (USPS 019-504). POSTMASTER: Send address changes to auctioneer magazine (NAA), 8880 Ballentine St., Overland Park, KS 66214-1900. Copyright © 2023 by the National Auction Association. Materials may not be reproduced without permission.



Communications Coordinator Taven Wohlford |



























Your Association at Work nAA MeMbership levels Annual Dues


















Transferable Annual Dues

We welcome everyone in the industry into our organization, and because of this we have changed our name to reflect that. As of July 19, 2023, what was once the National Auctioneers Association is now the National Auction Association. We hope this will signal to the rest of our industry that we are here to work with and for everyone who’s a part of this great profession and community.





Access to NAA Discussion Forums









Access to Public Community Conversations









Printed Magazine




Digital Magazine





Voting Rights





Eligible to Hold Office




Advance Access to Booth Space/Advertising Space Receive Education Voucher Full Access to The Auction Institute’s Auction Team Training Courses













The National Auction Association has rolled out a new membership structure! Discounted Access to The Auction Institute’s X X X X X X X courses We expand the types of memberships available to those in theX industry.X No-costare Access happy to The Auctionto Institute’s X X X X X Archived Courses Whether you are just starting, have been in theX industryX for decades, or work solo orX Eligible to Hold Designations X X X with one of the largest auction companies, there’s a membership type to fit you. To see all of the included benefits for each level, please visit • Transferrable one time annually

Additional Notes

• 65 or older • Have 10 years as NAA member

• Never been an NAA member before • Can only hold member type for 5 concurrent years • May attend designation classes, but cannot hold a designation until member type changes

• All benefits apply to the individual under the paying corporate umbrella, not the corporation • Transferrable one time annually • Based on a credit system, additional credits available • Contact (913) 5635438 for details

• Countries outside of North America

The Auction Institute® (TAI) features many levels of educational materials. Auction Team Training | (913) 541-8084 |NAA’s Program consists of 25 on-demand courses providing the essential skills training needed to get you on your way to auction ready. Find out more at

If you were at Conference & Show in Oklahoma City, you heard the announcement that NAA is in the beginning stages of forming its own Political Action Committee (PAC). You may be wondering what this means for NAA. Well, read on! As one of NAA's four cornerstones, Advocacy is an increasingly important area of focus for NAA and the industry as a whole. We've seen many regulations, laws, and court decisions affect our industry, whether intended or not. While NAA has always held its Day on the Hill event, we still need a constant focus on communicating our issues with legislators and other groups in Washington at a national level. While educating our members is an effective strategy, your NAA Board of Directors have always examined strategies to be even more effective with our efforts in Washington. Political Action Committees can form consistent, lasting relationships with legislators who are sympathetic to the issues facing the industry and those who hold seats on committees that craft legislation to affect our industry. This new arm of NAA will take time to build; it's much more like creating another organization than starting a new program or event, and we'll need your help. Watch these pages and the messages from NAA leadership for more information soon!

NAA elects new Board members

(From left to right) Director Morgan Hopson, CAI; Presidential Appointee Addison Russell; Director Jay Cash, BAS, CES; Chairman of the Board Sherman Hostetter, Jr., CAI, AARE, BAS, CES; President Lance Walker, CAI, BAS, CES; Director Mike Fisher, CAI, AARE, AMM, BAS, CES, GPPA; EI Chairman Erik Rasmus, CAI, AMM; Director T. Kyle Swicegood, CAI, AARE, BAS, GPPA; Vice President John Schultz, AMM; Treasurer Ailie Byers, CAI, AMM, BAS; Foundation Representative Ruth Ludwig Lind, CAI, AARE, BAS, GPPA; Director Joff Van Reenen, CAI, AARE; Director Wade Baer, CAI, AMM.

A message from John Schultz, NAA Vice President I am deeply honored to have been elected vice president of this esteemed organization. Thank you for placing your trust in me. I look forward to working closely with the board and staff to further the NAA's mission of advancing the auction profession. My goal is to leverage my passion, experience, and industry relationships to help guide impactful decisions. I plan to focus on supporting technological innovation, enhancing educational offerings, fostering partnerships, and boosting our marketing and outreach. However, my most important role will be listening to our members' needs and perspectives. Your insights are invaluable for determining the path forward. I am committed to transparency and open communication. Together, we can shape the bright future of the auction industry. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve in this capacity.



News News

National Auction Foundation Thank you to this year's donors to the Pass It Forward campaign. Your generosity helped raise over $184,000 to educate auction professionals today and future generations. Sanford Alderfer Marvin Alexander Tim Ault Kurt & Kelly Aumann Kathy Baber Wade Baer Mike Baker William Baker Paul C. Behr Nick Bennett Mark Bisch Lake Boehm Donna Bolton Barbara Bonnette Camille Booker C.D. Booker Chantel Booker Merle Booker Trisha Brauer Barrett Bray Joseph Burns Grant Bussey Ailie Byers Sara Rose Bytnar Dale Chupp James Cochran Hannes Combest Brian Damewood 10


R. Craig Damewood Brian Davis Chris Davis Rafe Dixon J.J. & Traci Dower Trae Dudley Tonya Ehlert Bryce Elemond Aaron Ensminger Lamar Fisher Mike Fisher Kristine Fladeboe-Duininck Danny Ford John Fowler Richard Freije Jennifer Gableman Philip Gableman Katie Gabriel Jenny Gehl Peter Gehres John Genovese III Brooke Gillespie Judd Grafe Barry Gordon Dean Gunter Bryce Hansen Larry Harb David Hart

Carrie Hessney-Doran Martin Higgenbotham Jarrod Hines Jeffrey Hines Rick Hinson Susan Hinson Morgan Hopson Sherman Hostetter Jim Huff Dennis Huggins David Huisman Thomas Hunt In Memory of JP King Andrew Imholte Iowa Auctioneers Cliff-Ed Irvin Connie Johnson Susan Johnson Christie King Jerry King Eugene Klingaman Ruth Lind Tim Luke & Greg Strahm Cathy MacPherson Nanacy Manning Laura Mantle Adam Marshall Kellie Martin

Damien Massart Robert Massart Joseph Mast Timothy Mast Shane McCarrell Cammy Theurer McComb McCurdy Auction Team Dave McLaughlin James McLaughlin Will McLemore Darron Meares Craig Meier Jordan Miedema Miedema Asset Management Group Scott Mihalic William Milliken Jeff Morris Trey Morris Scott Musser Dan Newman John Nicholls Nitz Family Jonathan Noel Kathy Packard Andrew Pearce Larry Pearce Jr Josh Phelps

National Auction Foundation

Jeffery Pittman Chris Pracht Daniel Pruitt Josh Puffenbarger Patricia Ranft Christopher Rasmus Joff Van Reenen Scott Robertson Bracky Mark & Deidre Rogers Susan Rogers-Holder Lori Rogge Beth Rose Debby Roth John Rowell

Thomas Rowell Randy Ruhter Matthew Sandmann Thomas Saturley Isaac Schultz John Schultz Scott Shuman Rylan Shea William Sheridan Bridget Siler Dean Smith Scott Steffes Layne Stephen Lisa Stephen

Bradley Stoecker Isaac Stoller J. Meryl Stoltzfus Jared Sutton T. Kyle Swicegood Toney Thornhill Michael Upp Christopher Vaughan Stan Vaught Ed Vierheller Lance & Terri Walker David Warren Dave Webb David Whitaker

Tony Wilson Jason Winter Tony Wisely Kirk Witcher Jennie Wolff Brad Wooley Wyoming Auctioneers Andrew Yoder Jake Yoder Wayne Yoder

List updatted as of Aug. 25, 2022 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2023


News News

2023 Scholarship Winners This year, the Legacy Youth Scholarship Committee awarded 11 scholarships to teens entering college.

Amelia Booth Staatsburg, NY

Aidan Dampier Kissimmee, FL

Spencer Estes Lawson, MO

Reagan Hall

Pompano Beach, FL

Avery Hansen

Prairie Farms, WI

Cora Huhn

Litchfield, MN 12


Lydia Lamp Letts, IA

Jackson Meares

Tayton Moore

Simpsonville, SC

Laramie, WY

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State Watch Nebraska The Nebraska Auctioneers Association conducted their 40th Annual Auctioneers State Championship on Sunday, July 30, 2023. The championship competition, crowning both the top auctioneers and ringman, was held in conjunction with the Hamilton County Fair in Aurora, NE. President-Elect Mark Rusty Rhynalds, Minden, NE, was the contest chairman. 2022 NeAA bid-calling champion Tony Wisely presenting 2023 NeAA State Champion Auctioneer to Josh Phelps


Reserve Champion Auctioneer, John Kisner

Rookie of the Year, William Yokel

Jon Moravec Ringman of the Year, Josh Phelps

2023 Top 10 Finalists


Runner-Up Auctioneer, Clay Schaardt

Texas Luis L. Camacho, Jr., a twenty-one year old bull rider and Owner/CEO of Rockin C Farrier Services wanted to make a career change. He decided to attend America’s Auction Academy in Frisco in September of 2022. “Luis was an outstanding student, always excited and always smiling” according to school Owner Mike Jones. Sadly, in late February of this year, another driver drove out in front of Luis resulting in a major automobile accident. The wreck left the twenty-two year old unable to breath on his own or move requiring 24/7 care. The June graduating class of America’s Auction Academy and ownership decided to donate the bulk of their class fun auction proceeds to Luis raising $9100. Later in the month, members of the Texas Auctioneers Association Convention raised an additional $6,900 making the total raised between the two groups $16,000 for the young man’s care. Anyone who would like to contribute and help Luis, please send your contribution to the “Luis L. Camacho, Jr. Irrevocable Trust”, 3230 N. Richmond Rd., Wharton, TX 77488.

Submit state news and events! We love seeing auctioneers gather together. Send us your state event news at You can also submit your events for our state calendar to



News News

NAA Marketing Competition Winners



1. Company or Self Promo (Video) - Matt Hostetter 2. Company or Self Promo (Social) - James Weigl 3. Company or Self Promo (Audio) - Russell Harmeyer 4. Company or Self Promo (Print) - Nicolas Smock 5. Short-Form Video for Social Media - Jay Cash 6. Social Media Influencer - David Whitaker 7. Social Media Campaign - Megan McCurdy Niedens 8. Postcard (Commercial Assets) - Jeff Martin 9. Postcard (Personal Assets) - Megan McCurdy Niedens 10. Postcard (Real Estate) - Kevin Lehman 11. Paid Social Media Ad - Craig King 12. Podcast - Lance Walker 13. Email Campaign (Real Estate) - Craig King 14. Email Campaign (Personal Assets) - Gregg Pickens 15. Brochure (Personal Assets) - Jacqueline Musser Gering

16. Brochure (Real Estate) - Braden McCurdy 17. Brochure (Commerical Assets) - Jeff Martin 18. Video (Real Estate) - Chandler Cates 19. Video (Personal Assets) - Sherman Hostetter 20. Video (Commercial Assets) - Courtney Buman 21. Photography (Auction Crowd) - Phillip Traylor 22. Photography (Fun at Auction) - Nicolas Smock 23. Photography (Auction Lots) - Jacqueline Musser 24. Photography (Creative Photography) - Chip Jones 25. Photography (Behind the Scenes) - David Anthony Kaufman 26. Photography (Real Estate) - Rick Brock 27. Photography (Auctioneer in Action) - Phillip Traylor 28. Photography (Auction Team) - Richard TJ Freije 29. Photography (Buyer Excited) - Nicolas Smock 30 & 31. Campaign of the Year - Krista Shuman AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2023



Business Practices

Auctions with Reserve vs Absolute Auctions

Question: Does an auction switch from being an auction with reserve to an absolute auction when the reserve is met? Should an auctioneer try to convert to an absolute auction?

Kurt Bachman Attorney and licensed auctioneer from LaGrange, Indiana Kurt R. Bachman and Beers Mallers Backs & Salin, LLP appreciate the opportunity to review and answer legal questions that will be of interest to Auctioneers. The answers to these questions are designed to provide information of general interest to the public and are not intended to offer legal advice about specific situations or problems. Kurt R. Bachman and Beers Mallers Backs & Salin, LLP do not intend to create an attorney-client relationship by offering this information, and anyone’s review of the information shall not be deemed to create such a relationship. You should consult a lawyer if you have a legal matter requiring attention. Kurt R. Bachman and Beers Mallers Backs & Salin, LLP also advise that any information you send to Auctioneer shall not be deemed secure or confidential. Please visit one of our offices to ensure complete confidentiality. Contact Kurt Bachman: (260) 463-4949 krbachman@beersmallers. com


here are significant differences between auctions with reserve and absolute auctions. A reserve auction is generally defined as “an auction in which the seller reserves the right to establish a reserve price, to accept or decline any and all bids or to withdraw the property at any time prior to the announcement of the completion of the sale by the auctioneer.” An absolute auction is generally defined as “an auction where the property is sold to the highest qualified bidder with no limiting conditions or amount. The seller may not bid personally or through an agent. Also known as an ‘auction without reserve.’” A court decision a few years ago highlighted the primary differences between absolute auctions and reserve auctions. The Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia decided Alex Lyon & Son, Sales Managers & Auctioneers, Inc. v. Leach, 844 S.E.2d 120 (W.Va. 2020) and highlighted major differences between absolute auctions and auctions with reserve. The differences mentioned were: • In an auction with reserve, the property being sold can be withdrawn prior to the close of the auction. In an absolute auction, after the auctioneer calls for bids on a lot it cannot be withdrawn unless no bid is made within a reasonable time. • In an auction with reserve, the property will not be sold unless the highest bid exceeds the reserve price. In an absolute auction, the property is sold to the highest bidder regardless of the bid amount and the seller’s notion of the value of the property. • In an auction with reserve, the auctioneer (as the agent of the seller) invites offers and the bidders make the actual “offer” to enter the contract. In an absolute auction, the seller makes an offer to sell when the item is offered. A contract is formed with each bid, subject only to a higher bid being received.

Roles of Auctioneer and Bidders This issue relates to the third point mentioned by the Court referenced earlier. A key issue with any contract is determining who is making the offer and who has the ability to accept the offer. There are generally four elements that must exist for there to be a 18


contract. These elements are the following: (1) offer, (2) acceptance, (3) mutuality, and (4) consideration. It is important for it to be clear who is making the offer and who is accepting the offer. In an auction with reserve, the bidder is making the offer to enter into the contract and the auctioneer has the authority to accept. In an absolute auction, the seller is making the offer and the bidders have the authority to accept. It does not make sense to switch roles in the middle of an auction.

Different Terms and Conditions There should be and generally are different terms and conditions for auctions with reserve and absolute auctions. Imagine the confusion of the bidders if an auctioneer had two sets of terms and conditions—one for the auctioneer with reserve and one for the absolute auction—and switched back and forth between them during an auction. There have been auctions where the auctioneer states “Now we have an absolute auction” after the reserve has been met. The courts would struggle to decide what that means and how it impacts the rest of the auction. If the auction were a reserve auction and the auctioneer made this announcement, can the seller still withdraw the property from the sale? For example, let’s say the reserve for a specific item of personal property is $5,000.00. Then XYZ LLC makes a bid for that lot at $5,050.00. Can the seller decide not want to sell the item to XYZ LLC? The issues can become more complex. Section 2-328(3) states that a “bidder may retract his bid until the auctioneer’s announcement of the completion of the sale, but a bidder’s retraction does not revive any previous bid.” If the bid from XYZ LLC is withdrawn, there are no bids (at least until a new bid is made) and the reserve has not been met.

Conclusion Auctioneers should exercise caution and keep in mind the differences between an auction with reserve and an absolute auction. The auction should either be with reserve or an absolute auction without reserve. There should not be an attempt to switch or convert the sale. Any attempt to switch or convert the auction type is dangerous and invites costly litigation.v





International Auctioneer Championships

IJAC Champion Brandon Mendoza (middle); First Runner Up Ellie Ratliff (left); Second Runner Up Lydia Lamp (right)

IAC Women’s Champion Halie Behr, BAS (middle); First Runner Up Frances Fripp, BAS (left); Second Runner Up Marcela Davila Diez Gutierrez (right)

Hall of Fame

IAC Champion Brian Damewood (middle); First Runner Up Shane McCarrell, CES (right); Second Runner Up Matt Hostetter, CAI, CES, CAS (left)


2023 NAA Hall of Fame inductees John Nicholls, CAI, AARE, AMM; Frank Imholte, CAI, AARE, CES; Barbara Bonnette, CAI; and a posthumous award to Kathy Kingston, CAI, BAS.

Chuck Cumberlin Sportsmanship Award Recipient Josh Phelps

Bob Steffes Rising Star Award Recipient Orrin Bussey AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2023


The future of the National Auction Association!



So many things to do and people to meet



Welcome Party



Over $184,000 pledged to the National Auction Foundation



President Lance Walker 26


A Q&A with President Lance Walker Why did you want to become NAA President? My desire is to help lead us toward the many opportunities that are ahead for our profession. This is an exciting time for auctioneering in that many companies are experiencing growth and change. It is a challenging time for the NAA to lead in advocating for our profession. I want to encourage members to be a part of explaining the importance of protecting and advancing the auction method of sale to our local, state, and federal lawmakers. I want us to explore new ways to do things such as 1) evaluating the best way to present our conference and show, 2) examining our educational offerings and making sure we are providing what the membership needs, 3) providing more opportunities for our auction community to network, 4) expanding our community

so that all members feel a part of it and 5) expanding our membership opportunities to our all-important support staff and other auction industry workers.

Why now? The time was right for me now as my son, Eric, has joined our firm and taken over much of the workload. Also, our company has added several auction managers, which has helped free up time for me to take on this vital leadership role. My many years of experience, combined with a desire to be open to new innovative ideas, will help the NAA to grow and provide the best support possible to our very deserving membership.



What do you want to see happen in the next year for the NAA? What are your priorities? Advocacy is of utmost importance. Appointing Attorney Addison Dower Russell to the Board will be a real plus in advising us in improving our methods of contacting local, state, and federal officials about matters that affect our auction industry. Being from an active auction family and experienced in working in auctions and attending numerous NAA events, she has experience representing small business professionals in the best practices for advocating our needs to public officials. Growing participation in the NAA Day on the Hill is a priority. We have seen how speaking to our Congressional representatives has helped us defer actions and potential legislation that would harm our profession. Seeing that new members feel a part of our association is another priority. We need to support those who need guidance in advancing their career. I want more NAA members to proactively educate the public by writing articles, getting involved in civic clubs, and presenting to professional groups the advantages of buying and selling at auction. This will help the public see the benefits of hiring an NAA auctioneer.



How can the NAA continue to grow? 1) Focus on helping new members so they will see the value of sustained membership; 2) continue providing quality speakers for state conferences and, in the process, recruit auctioneers who do not belong to the NAA. 3) Explore revamping our conference and show so that our time attending is well spent, profitable, and deemed a must-attend event for most auction practitioners. 4) Promote the new education programs the Education Institute has rolled out so that auction support staff and other auction industry professionals will want to be a part of the NAA. 5) Find ways to work with and include auctioneers from other countries who look up to us as industry leaders and are reaching out for support. 6) Each NAA member should select one non-NAA auction industry professional they know with the goal of sharing the value of NAA membership with them. A personal testimony to a fellow auctioneer is often the most effective method of gaining their interest in the NAA.

How can our four Cornerstone Committees best serve the NAA in the years to come? The auction community’s Involvement in our four Cornerstone Committees-Advocacy, Community, Promotions, and Education will continue to grow in importance. The more the membership gets involved in one of the committees, the more our profession will develop and improve. Advocacy will help organize auctioneers to become better involved in local, state, and national issues that affect our industry. Promoting what NAA has to offer auctioneers and staff, plus promoting our industry to the world, will increase participation in attending and choosing an auction as a viable way to sell assets. Auctioneers sharing with one another and actively networking will strengthen our auction community and foster profitable alliances among auction professionals. Our education offerings are of high quality, and our plans are to increase what we have to offer and continue to upgrade our designation courses, which have proven to help auction companies grow their business.



Where do you see the industry a year from now? A year from now, we will have a vibrant, growing, ever-changing auction industry. Companies will continue solidifying their market center with more specialization, but there will still be room for the general auction companies. Live auctions will continue to be popular in rural areas, and online auctions will continue to increase in metro areas. Live auctions will still thrive in the auto, livestock, equipment, and farm auctions. The benefit auction industry will continue to grow in popularity, with live auctions being the norm. The equipment industry side of our industry has exploded but must reach a peak at some time. The sale of real estate at auction should continue in popularity as the public sees the advantage of competitive bidding in an escalating market. There will continue to be considerable demand for auctions for seniors in transition, but prices may rise slowly with the abundance of household goods on the market. The collector market should remain strong as people look at various investment methods. More young adults will see the value of an auction career and enter it in some form.

What has made your career successful? It started with a positive work ethic learned from God-fearing parents and being raised on a farm. I knew little about business until my auctioneer father-in-law took me under his wing and taught me the value of competitive bidding, taking risks, and putting a deal together. Putting the client first has always proven to be my best guide in making decisions. I learned that spending money promoting the company and getting your name out in front of the public makes the phone ring. Treating buyers respectfully and making them feel appreciated is also a key to success in the auction business. Many of our referrals come from buyers as well as sellers. Marrying my business partner was probably my best decision. A happy marriage combined with a partner you can efficiently work with, and that relates well with the public contributes significantly to our success.

What does it mean to you to have family in the industry with you? All three of our children worked in the auction business growing up. It gave them a sound work ethic and the ability to communicate with adults at an early age. Fortunately, one of my children chose to stay in the business with us. I could not ask for a better working partner than my son Eric. He is much more knowledgeable on the technology side of our business and is quickly learning how to sell. I appreciate that he questions why we do things a certain way and causes me to think outside the box. Terri and I have learned that she is best at booking an auction, and I am best at carrying out the details of running the business. Although we are on the job 24/7, we enjoy what we do. I have realized she needs time to shop until she drops, and she knows I have to cope with my addiction to fly fishing. “Yes, dear” is an important phrase that keeps peace and stability in our marriage and work.



Who is Lance Walker... in your own words? Lance Walker is a Kid of the King, devoted lover to Terri, proud father to Conner, Eric, and Caroline, speaks Auctioneeze fluently, fly fishing fool, addicted to crossword puzzles, musically inclined, comfortable in front of a crowd, an enjoyer of one on ones, conservative to the core, honors the past, enjoys the present, looks forward to the future, looking for a new adventure, enjoys freshly squeezed orange juice and strawberries, proud of my parents and my rural upbringing, puts family first, spoiler of grandchildren, teacher, fast talker, good listener, student of the Bible, enjoys participating in auction alliances, worries too much, seeks the truth, beneficiary of sound advice from several mentors, sharing, caring, hopeful, uplifting, and honored and humbled to be President of the National Auction Association.



2023 State Licensing Guide License required: Yes License required For Online-Only Auctions: Yes Licensure Period: All licenses expire on 09/30 no matter the date of issuance. Fees: Apprentice ($100), Exam ($100), License and Renewal ($200) Bonding/Insurance Required: Yes, $10K payable to the Alabama State Board of Auctioneers Reciprocity: AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MS, NC, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Alabama State Board of Auctioneers 2777 Zelda Rd. Montgomery, AL 36106. (334) 420-7235

License required: Burroughs and municipalities may require permits, check for requirements. State Real Estate Contact: ProfessionalLicensing/RealEstateCommission.aspx State Agency Contact: 550 W 7th AVE, STE 1500 Anchorage, AK 99501-3567. Phone: (907) 269-8160 32


License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: AZ Department of Revenue Arizona State Consumer Protection Department 2005 N Central Ave Phoenix, AZ 85004-2926. (602) 542-5025

License required: Yes License required For Online-Only Auctions: No Licensure Period: Expire annually June 30 Fees: $100 for both Exam and License Reciprocity: AL, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MS, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, WI State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Arkansas Auctioneers Licensing Board 900 W Capitol Ave, Suite 400, Little Rock, AR 72201 501-682-4500

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit; check for requirements. Bonding/Insurance Required: $20,000 ($30 filing fee) State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: California Secretary of State Office 1500 11th Street, Sacramento, California 95814. (916) 653-6814

License required: State business license required for resident auctioneers. Other terms and licensure may apply to non-resident auctioneers/ Counties and municipalities may require permits, check for requirements. State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Delaware Department of Justice 820 N. French St., Wilmington, DE 19801 (302) 577-8400

License required: Yes Fees: $740.30 Bonding/Insurance Required: No Real Estate Contact: Agency Contact: D.C. Department of Consumer & Regulatory Affairs 1100 4th Street SW, Washington, DC 20024. (202) 442-4400 License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit; check for requirements. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Colorado Department of Law Ralph L. Carr Judicial Building 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor, Denver, CO 80203 (720) 508-6000

License required: State requires license to be obtained from the town where the auction is to be held. Contact the town clerk for info on how to obtain the license. State Real Estate Contact: Occupational-Boards/Connecticut-Real-Estate-Commission State Agency Contact: Department of Consumer Protection 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 901 Hartford, Connecticut 06103-1840 (860) 713-6100

License required: Yes License required for Online-Only Auctions: Yes License required for Charity Auctions: No Licensure Period: Two years, expires November 30 of odd years Fees: Initial Licensure by Exam - $451 Bonding/Insurance Required: $100 Recovery Fund in Escrow Reciprocity: AL, AR, FA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MS, NH, NC, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV, WI State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Florida Board of Auctioneers 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, FL 32399 Phone: (850) 487-1395



License required: Yes License required For OnlineOnly Auctions: Yes Licensure Period: Expires February 28 of even years Fees: Application ($200), Renewal ($150), Reinstatement ($400), + $10 processing fee Bonding/Insurance Required: $150 to Recovery Fund State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Georgia Auctioneers Commission 214 State Capitol, Atlanta, GA 30334. (404) 424-9906

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit; check for requirements. State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Hawaii Department of Commerce – Consumer Advocacy. 335 Merchant St., Room 326, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. (808) 586-2800

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit; check for requirements. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Idaho Consumer Protection Division 700 W Jefferson, Room E205, Boise, ID 83720 (208) 334-2300



License required: Yes Licensure Period: Expires Dec. 31 of even years Fees: $200 application, exam fees apply Reciprocity: AL, AR, FL, IN, MA, MS, OH, TN, TX, WI State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Illinois Auction Advisory Board 320 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor, Springfield, IL 62786. (888) 473-4858

License required: Yes Licensure Period: Four years, expires Feb. 28 Fees: Exam $75, Application $35, License of Renewal $70 Reciprocity: AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, KY, NC, OH, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV State Association: State Real Estate Contact: professions/real-estate-home/real-estatelicensing-information State Agency Contact: Indiana Auctioneer Commission 402 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 234-8800

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit; check for requirements. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Iowa Consumer Protection Division 1305 E. Walnut St., Des Moines, IA 50319-0106 (515) 281-5926

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit; check for requirements. State Association:

State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Kansas Consumer Protection Division 120 SW 10th Ave, 2nd Floor, Topeka, KS 66612-1597 (785) 296-2215

License required: Yes License required for Online-Only Auctions: Yes Licensure Period: Expires June 30 each year

Fees: $125 each for Exam and License Reciprocity: AL, AR, FL, GA, IN, LA, MA, MS, NC, OH, PA, SC, TN, VA, WV, WI State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Kentucky Board of Auctioneers 500 Mero St, Frankfurt, KY 40601 (502) 782-0722

License required : Yes Licensure Period: Expires Dec. 31 yearly Fees: License and Renewal ($150), Application ($75), Exam ($75) Bonding/Insurance Required: $10,000 Reciprocity: AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board 11736 Newcastle Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 (225) 295-8420

License required: Yes License required for Online-Only Auctions: No Licensure Period: Expires March 31, yearly Fees: Exam ($150), Application ($50), License and Renewal ($200) Bonding/Insurance Required: $10,000 State Association: State Agency Contact: Maine Board of Licensing of Auctioneers 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333 (207) 624-8518

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. Bonding/Insurance Required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Maryland Consumer Protection Division 200 St. Paul Pl., Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 528-8662

License required: Yes Licensure Period: Expires one year from date of issuance Fees: $100 each for License and Renewal Bonding/Insurance Required: $10,000 Reciprocity: FL, IL, KY, MS, NH, NC, TN State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: MA Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation One Ashburton Place, Room 1115, Boston, MA 02108 (617) 727-3480 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2023


License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Michigan Consumer Protection Division 525 W. Ottawa Street, Lansing, MI 48933 (517) 373-1140

License required: Licensed by county, per sale. Check for requirements. Bonding/Insurance Required: Varies by county ($1000 – $3000) Fees: Varies by county State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Minnesota Department of Commerce 85 7th Place East, Suite 280, Saint Paul, MN 55101 (800) 657-3787

License required: Yes License required for Online-Only Auctions: Yes Licensure Period: Expires March 1 of every odd year Fees: $100 for Application. License and Renewal $200 each. Bonding/Insurance Required: $10,000 Reciprocity: FL, GA, IN, KY, LA, MA, MS, NC, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, WV State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Mississippi Auctioneer Commission PO Box 50, Morton, MS 39117-0050 (601) 750-4909



License required: Licensed by county, check for requirements Bonding/Insurance Required: Varies by county Fees: Varies by county State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Missouri Consumer Protection Division 221 W. High Street #230, Jefferson City, MO 65101 (573) 751-3321

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. Bonding/Insurance Required: Yes, may vary by county or auction type. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Montana Office of Consumer Protection 555 Fuller Avenue, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 444-4500

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Nebraska Consumer Protection Division 2115 State Capitol, Lincoln, NE 68509 (402) 471-2682

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: 100 N Carson St, Carson City, NV 89701 (775) 684-1100

License required: Yes License required for Online-Only Auctions: No Licensure Period: Expires two years from date of approval Fees: Exam ($75) and License ($200) Bonding/Insurance Required: $25,000 Reciprocity: FL, GA, IN, KY, LA, MA, MS, NC, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, WV State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: New Hampshire Board of Auctioneers 107 N Main St, Concord, NH 03301 (603) 271-3242

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: New Jersey Office of Consumer Protection 124 Halsey Street, Newark, NJ 07102 (973) 504-6200

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. State Real Estate Contact: rld. commission State Agency Contact: New Mexico Consumer Protection Division 408 Galisteo St. Santa Fe, Nm 87501 (505) 490-4060

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: New York Division of Consumer Protection One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12231-0001 (518) 474-8583

License required: Yes License required for Online-Only Auctions: Yes Licensure Period: Expires June 30 of each year Fees: Exam ($75), Application ($125), License and Renewal ($250) Reciprocity: AL, AR, FL, GA, IN, KY, LA, MA, MS, NH, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV, WI State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: North Carolina Auctioneer Licensing Board 108 Ber Creek Dr. Fuquay-Varina, NV 27526 (919) 567-2844



License required: Yes License required for Online-Only Auctions: No Licensure Period: Expires Dec. 31 each year Fees: $50 License fee Bonding/Insurance Required: $5,000

State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: North Dakota Public Service Commission 600 E Boulevard, Dept. 408, Bismarck, ND 58505-0480 (701) 328-2400

License required: Yes License required for Online-Only Auctions: Yes Licensure Period: Annually expires on June 30th. All licensees with last names or business names beginning with A-K and X-Z renew in odd numbered years and names beginning with K-W renew in even numbered years. Fees: $25 Exam and $200 License Bonding/Insurance Required: Minimum $25,000 Reciprocity: AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MS, NC, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WI, WV State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: 8995 E. Main St, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068. (614) 728-6240

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Oklahoma Public Protection Unit 313 NE 21st ST. Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 521-3921



License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Oregon Consumer Protection Office 1162 Court St. NE, Salem, OR 97301-4096 (877) 877-9392

License required: Yes License required for Online-Only Auctions: Yes Licensure Period: Expires Feb 28 of odd numbered years Fees: $30 Apprentice, $50 License, $260 Renewal Bonding/Insurance Required: $5,000 State Association: State Real Estate Contact: BoardsCommissions/RealEstateCommission State Agency Contact: Pennsylvania State Board of Auctioneer Examiners PO Box 2649, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649 (717) 783-3397

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. Fees: Duty required to be paid on all sales made by auction State Real Estate Contact: divisions/commlicensing/realestate State Agency Contact: Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation 1511 Pontiac Avenue Bldg. 69-1, Cranston, RI 02920 (401) 462-9650

License required: Yes License required for Online-Only Auctions: Yes Licensure Period: Expires June 30 of odd years. Every June 30 for apprentice. Fees: Exam ($25), Credit Report ($10), License ($300), Apprentice ($210), Renewal ($300) Bonding/Insurance Required: $100 to Recovery Fund Reciprocity: AL, FL, GA, IN, KY, LA, MS, NC, OH, PA, RI, TN, TX, VA, WV State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: South Carolina Auctioneers Commission 110 Centerview Driver, Columbia, SC 29210 (803) 896-4670

License required: Yes License required for Online-Only Auctions: No Fees: License $50 Reciprocity: AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, LA, MS, NC, OH, SC, TN, VA, WV, WI State Association: State Real Estate Contact:

State Agency Contact: Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation 920 Colorado, Austin, TX 78701 (512) 463-6599

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. State Association: State Real Estate Contact:

State Agency Contact: South Dakota Division of Consumer Protection 1302 E. Hwy 14, Ste. 3, Pierre, SD 57501 (605) 773-4400

License required: Yes License required for Online-Only Auctions: Yes Licensure Period: Expires every 2 years from issuance date Fees: Exam ($150), Application ($50), and License ($175) Bonding/Insurance Required: $50 to Recovery Fund Reciprocity: AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MS, NC, OH, PA, SC, TX, VA, WV State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Tennessee Auctioneer Commission 500 James Robertson Pkwy, Nashville, TN 37243-0565 (615) 741-3600

License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: 160 E. 300 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84111 (801) 530-6601

License required: Yes Licensure Period: Two years, expires Sept. 30 of even years Fees: Initial License ($100), Renewal ($200) State Real Estate Contact: real-estate-brokers-salespersons State Agency Contact: 89 Main Street, Montpelier, VT 05620-3402 (802) 828-1505



License required: Yes License required for Online-Only Auctions: No Licensure Period: Expires two years from the last day of the month in which the license is issued Fees: Exam ($40), License ($25) and Renewal ($55) Bonding/Insurance Required: $10,000 Reciprocity: FL, GA, IN, KY, LA, MS, NC, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, WV. AL pending. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: Virginia Auctioneers Board 9960 Maryland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233 (804) 367-8506

License required: Yes (registration required) License required for Online-Only Auctions: Yes Licensure Period: Expires Dec. 14 of every even year Fees: Exam + Initial License ($173) and Renewal ($47) Reciprocity: AR, IL, KY, NC, TN, TX State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: 4822 Madison Yards Way, Madison, WI 53705 (608) 266-2112

License required: Yes Licensure Period: Expires after one year Fees: $155 for both License and Renewal Bonding/Insurance Required: $5,000 – $25,000 depending on gross sales State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: PO Box 3856, Seattle, WA 98124-3856 (360) 664-6636

License required: Yes Licensure Period: Expires June 30 annually Fees: Exam ($50), License ($100), and Renewal ($50) Bonding/Insurance Required: $25,000 Reciprocity: AL, FL, GA, IN, KY, NC, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: 1900 Kanawha Blvd., Charleston, WV 25305 (304) 558-3550



License required: Counties and municipalities may require permit, check for requirements. State Association: State Real Estate Contact: State Agency Contact: 109 State Capitol, Cheyenne, WY 82002 (307) 777-6397

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Members Members

New Members Megan A. Albright Wiggins Auctioneers, LLC Edmond, OK Bradley Vaughn Arnold United Country Southern Lifestyle Properties, LLC Milan, TN Paul Bielby Benefit Auctions, Inc. Vernon, BC Christy Borntreger Hillsboro, OH Nick Brankovic Tampa Liquidation Center Tampa, FL

Jordan Lorentz Clearwater, MN

Nathan W. Gooch Red Oak, OK

Ferron Lucero, Jr. Live Big Co. Stephenville, TX

Antoinette Haste Blue Moon Estate Sales Euless, TX Lucas Huddleston Kearney, NE Natalie Hume Auctioneers Association Management Team Stillwater, OK

Kimberly Marcelli Platinum Fundraising & Auctions Sacramento, CA Johanna Mikucki Virginia Beach, VA Brenda J. Morris Burleson, TX

Walter Skrzynski Irvine, CA Cameron Smith Five Star Equipment Sardis, MS James Patrick Smith Georgetown, TX Preston Ryan Sturdivant Willis, TX Annie Swartz Kansas City, MO

Madison Hurley Hurley Auctions Greencastle, PA

Cutter Brock Murray South Dakota Land & Auction Fort Pierre, SD

Amber Traub Auctioneers Association Management Team Stillwater, OK

Cesar Bustamante Iron Bound Auctions Madisonville, TX

Stephen Paul Ronald Jacobson Memory Savers Video Minot, ND

Todd Austin Natale Double Diamond Auctions Simla, CO

John L. Wall Wapiti Ranch Realty & Auction Salida, CO

Alex Diego Chapa United Country East Texas Real Estate Auction Athens, TX

Kevin Jaquay United Country/Eagle River Auctions, LLC Hamilton, NY

Greer Peters Atlanta, GA

Wes H. White Cleveland, TX

Gregory Royce Crawens 903 Auction Company Sulphur Springs, TX

Pam Johnson Skyline Auctions LLC West Chester, OH

Cooper Ryan Raley Real Estate Bid Sales Brenham, TX

Vicki L. Wiggins Allen Wiggins Auctioneers, LLC Enid, OK

Blake A. Davis Davis Auctioneers Coffeyville, KS

Michael Wayne Jones Oak Grove, LA

Jordan John Thomas Randall Elkhard Horse Auctions Donie, TX

Rebekah Ann Wood 127 Auction Group, LLC Houston, TX

Jaime Marie Rapach-Bates Annapolis, MD

Lindsey A. Wood 127 Auction Group, LLC Kingwood, TX

Allan Foster Bridewell Lafayette, LA

Andrea Dunn Auction Marketing Partners Kodak, TN Teresa Fabian Morris Auctioneers, LLC. Murray, KY Jason Dayle Flier St. Louis, MO Solomon M. Freimuth Port Neches, TX Bronson Gangwer Bright Star Realty and Auctions LLC Middlebury, IN 42

Holt Wesley Geistweidt Doss, TX


Chance William Kaminski WMS Auction Services Tiffin, OH Justin R. Kissack Gillette, WY Tiffany Kruse Cord & Kruse LLC San Antonio, TX

Daniel Robison Hurley Auctions Rexburg, ID Jason Scott Russell Talihina, OK Benjamin Samuels Midland, TX

John Kuelper Rio, IL

Travis D. Seger Plymouth, UT

Johnathan Long Graham Auctioneers LLC Marlow, OK

Ray Simpson Simpson Galleries Houston, TX

Maranda Brooke Younker Mountaineer Machinery & Auctioneers Berkeley, WV Bryce Andrew Zomer Zomer Company Rock Valley, IA

New members that joined between June 1–July 31, 2023.

Auction School Graduates America’s Auction Academy (Row 1 sitting, left to right) Rich Shur, Instructor, CO; Nathan Joy, TX; Ben Samuels, TX; Cayden Jones, AR; Brenda Morris, TX; Solomon Freimuth, TX; Walter Skrzynski, CA; Al Reynolds, CA; (Row 2 standing, left to right) Mike Jones, President/Director, TX; James Smith, TX; Bryer Carter, TX; Austin Garrison, TX; Cole Drake, TX; Cooper Raley, TX; Kevin Jaquay, NY; Holt Geistweidt, TX; Trey Jett, TX; Alex Chapa, TX; John Schultz, Instructor, MN; Lori Jones, VP/ Administrator, TX

Kentucky Auction Academy (Row 1 sitting, left to right) Andrew Glazebrook; Damon Wright; Anita Stucy; Madison Meadows; Lee Brogle; Allie Richardson; Justin Rector; Toby Buchanan; (Row 2 standing, left to right) Steve Henry, Co-Founder; David Newman; Mathew Glasscock; Scotty Mosby; Scott Sanders; Shawn Hilvers; Luke Glazebrook; Gretchen Cherry, Instructor; Steve Cherry, CoFounder

Western College of Auctioneering

(Row 1 sitting, left to right) Rusty Trzpuc, Instructor; Mylin Hooley, TX; Sam Benton, KY; Jaxon Pickens, OK; Vicki Sopr, WY; Leigh Tripathi, NY; Annie Swartz, MO; Aaron Klesick, WA; Peter Jerry Cataki, Fiji; Mike Jones, LA; Hannah Busby, Instructor; (Row 2 standing, left to right) Nick Bennett, Instructor; Cutter Murray, SD; Keenan Thygesen, VT; Drew Mickey, IL; Freeman Yoder, MT; Parker Kolberg, NV; Logan Hopp, AB; Donnie McIlwain, MS; Ben Cannon, MT; Cliff Webb, WV; Pat Busby, Instructor; (Row 3 standing, left to right) Stephen Jacobson, ND; Jeff Cobb, WA; Eric Schafer, IL; Kade Conner, SD; Ben Schwenneker, WI; Scott Edwards, NC; Austin Nelson, CO; R.B. Shield, TX; Riley Smith, NV; Walter Jones, MN

Submit graduation classes

Graduation classes may be submitted to Submissions may be edited for length. Hi-resolution photos and information about NAA and industry involvement appreciated. Editors will do their best to locate photos if none are submitted.



News Tom Hall Auctions Sells 33 Pennsylvania Properties in Less Than Two Hours Tom Hall Auctions, Inc. achieved a remarkable milestone this spring with a record-breaking real estate auction. President William Hall and Vice President Catherine Keys successfully sold an astounding 33 properties from a single estate for $9,135,000 in less than two hours. The real estate portfolio consisted of residential and commercial properties, building lots, and farmland– catering to a wide range of buyer interest. The auction, held on April 25, 2023, at Delta by Marriott, attracted more than 200 bidders eager to seize the opportunities, many of whom were located in one of the Lehigh Valley's fastest-growing areas, Trexlertown. Tom Hall Auctions' team showcased the efficiency and effectiveness of the auction method through meticulous communication, online and in print, leading up to and during auction day. By employing an extensive marketing campaign, we generated significant interest on behalf of the estate. Hall and Keys showed their endurance as experienced auctioneers in several instances by navigating bidding wars on individual yet adjacent properties. Then, the adjacent real estate was put into one lot, allowing those high-bidders and other motivated buyers to increase their bid(s) to obtain the entire property. In each of these cases, the lots grouped together were sold the latter way to a single bidder for a higher price than the sum of the individual lots. By doing so, Tom Hall Auctions maximized the value of each property to achieve exceptional results for the client. "We are thrilled to have achieved this milestone on behalf of our client. Boy, was it fun, too," said Hall. "The success of this auction is a



testament to our team's commitment to delivering exceptional results in everything we do. It also highlights the strong demand for real estate in the Lehigh Valley and buyers' willingness to consider auctions over traditional listings." Likely their most competitive bidding atmosphere since the company's inception in 1984, the key is getting buyers to arrive on auction day excited and ready to bid. This took many weeks and an allhands-on-deck approach from start to finish. "We believe in the power of auctions to provide an effective platform for both buyers and sellers," explained Keys. "Our team works diligently to create a transparent and fair marketplace that brings together motivated buyers and sellers. There are no successful transactions if we don't do our part upfront to inform the buyers of the opportunity at hand. Despite this being our largest real estate auction ever, we did our best to educate the seller on what to expect that day. The way the auction ran and the sale prices certainly exceeded those expectations," added Keys. The hotel ballroom was set up like a conference, with Hall and Keys near or behind the podium; I managed bidding across a crowd of more than 250 people while keeping everyone's attention on two screens with real estate maps, photos, current bids, and lot groupings updated in real-time. One staff member managed the elements on the screen, while about half a dozen more monitored online bids and accepted payment of closed lots. Unsure if this is the only real estate opportunity of its kind in their area or if it opened the door to robust sellers looking for a trusted auctioneer, Tom Hall Auctions is excited about the future of real estate auctions. A family-owned and operated business for more than 45 years, Tom Hall Auctions, has always been focused on helping people through life's transitions and solving problems of any size for families and estates that need fast and efficient results only auctions can provide.

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Association Index






Chair Erik Rasmus, CAI, AMM (703) 768-9000

Chair John John Genovese, CAI, AMM, BAS (808) 634-2300 col.johnjohn@

President Lance Walker, CAI, BAS, CES (901) 322-2139 Vice President John Schultz, AMM (612) 432-4015

Joff Van Reenen, CAI, AARE +27 82 802 1366

Treasurer Ailie Byers, CAI, AMM, BAS (603) 356-5765

Term expiring 2026 Wade Baer, CAI, AMM (330) 424-2705

Board Chair Sherman Hostetter, CAI, AARE, BAS, CES, GPPA (724) 847-1887

T. Kyle Swicegood, CAI, AARE, BAS, GPPA (336) 751-4444

Chief Executive Officer Aaron Ensminger, CAE (913) 563-5423


Term expiring 2024 Jay Cash, BAS, CES (615) 785-8982 Morgan Hopson, CAI (903) 271-9933 mhopson@buford


Term expiring 2025 Mike Fisher, CAI, AARE, AMM, BAS, CES, GPPA (256) 413-0555


Chair of Education Institute Trustees Erik Rasmus, CAI, AMM (703) 768-9000 Foundation Representative Ruth Ludwig Lind, CAI, AARE, BAS, GPPA (207) 751-4520 Presidential Appointee Addison Russell (615) 254-3060 addison.russell@

Vice Chair Sara Rose Bytnar, CAI, AARE, AMM, BAS (239) 213-8685 EC Liaison John Schultz, AMM (612) 432-4015

COMMUNITY COMMITTEE Chair Beth Rose, CAI, AARE, AMM (419) 534-6223 Vice Chair Naomi Lewis, BAS (757) 870-3871 EC Liaison Lance Walker, CAI, BAS, CES (901) 322-2139

Vice Chair Braden McCurdy, CAI, AARE, AMM (316) 867-3600 bmccurdy@mccurdy EC Liaison Ailie Byers, CAI, AMM, BAS (603) 356-5765

ADVOCACY COMMITTEE Chair Wade Baer, CAI, AMM (330) 424-2705 Vice Chair Jay Cash, BAS, CES (615) 785-8982 EC Liaison Sherman Hostetter, CAI, AARE, BAS, CES, GPPA (724) 847-1887




President Scott Mihalic, CAI (440) 796-4739

Terms expiring 2024 Judd Grafe (800) 328-5920

Vice President Ruth Ludwig Lind, CAI, AARE, BAS, GPPA (207) 751-1430 Immediate Past President Sid Miedema, Jr., CAI (616) 538-0367

Bracky Mark Rogers, CAI, AARE, AMM (336) 789-2926 x109 Michael Upp (866) 540-4993 Terms expiring 2025 Barrett Bray, CAI, AMM, BAS (405) 888-5366

Treasurer David Hart, CAI, AARE (229) 985-8388

Tim Mast, CAI, AARE (731) 610-5436 Terri Walker, CAI, BAS, CES (901) 322-2139 Terms expiring 2026 Hannes Combest (785) 393-1364 Laura Mantle, CAI, CAS (614) 332-7335

NAA BOARD REPRESENTATIVE Sherman Hostetter, CAI, AARE, BAS, CES, GPPA (724) 847-1887


Aaron Ensminger, CAE (913) 563-5423

FOUNDATION ADMINISTRATOR Rebekah Ferguson (913) 563-5431

Jason Winter, CAI, AARE, AMM, CES (816) 884-1987 jason.winter@

Advertiser Index 1-800-The-Sign ..........................................................................................................................13 Auction Packages.......................................................................................................................41 Basinger Audio Systems............................................................................................................41 Congrats IAC Champs ..............................................................................................................19 E.R. Munro and Company..........................................................................................................45 Kiefer..........................................................................................................................................41 Lampi..........................................................................................................................................45 Rich Specialty.............................................................................................................................45 United Country Auction Services..............................................................................................BC To advertise: Contact Adam Kenne (913) 563-5421 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2023



In Memory Stephen “Steve” J. Martin Stephen J. Martin, a nationally recognized real estate expert, passed away May 8, 2023. He graduated from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. He pursued his graduate doctoral education by combining classes from the Kelley School, the Indiana University School of Law and the IU Graduate School of Education. Steve developed the IU Real Estate Certification Program and that led to the start of the non-profit, Center For Real Estate Education and Research. He led the Center for 40 years and was instrumental in developing the Center’s content that was utilized by universities and colleges throughout Indiana. The programs were so successful that prestigious universities such as Harvard, UC Berkeley, and ASU used them. In addition to his leadership of the Center, he served as the founding Chairman of RealtyU, the nation’s largest consortium for real estate

education serving over 350,000 students annually across the country. Steve also worked for years with his long-time business partner, Dean Edward J. Kuntz. They successfully built the consulting firm, The GWENT Group. Working with over 35 national organizations, including the National Association of Realtors and the National Auctioneers Association, The GWENT Group assisted with member certification models, accreditation programs, and training content. As a result of his work, Steve received over six lifetime achievement awards. Steve was an instrumental part in developing and maintaining the CAI program. By doing so, he helped the auction profession to achieve a whole new level of expertise. Source: %22Steve%22%20J./index.php

Rex B. Newcom Rex Birdell Newcom, 97, of Whitewater, KS, passed away Wednesday, June 14, 2023, surrounded by family. He was born May 9, 1926, in Butler County, KS, the son of Charles and Viola Newcom. Rex graduated from Whitewater High School in 1944. He joined the Army in 1951 and served in the Korean War. Rex was an auctioneer for over 50 years and auctioneered in 48 states. He was president of the National Auctioneers



Association from 1982-1983. He was inducted into the Kansas Auctioneers Association Hall of Fame in 1999 and National Auctioneer’s Hall of Fame in 2003. In lieu of flowers, donations may be given to Palmyra Baptist Church, American Legion of Whitewater and Kansas Auctioneers Association. Source: obituary/rex-newcom

Robert Milic

James Slyman

Lori Zytkowicz

Robert D. Milic, age 70, passed away on February 24, 2023. Born in Baljevac na Ibru, Serbia on November 4, 1952. After graduating from Mason City College of Auctioneering in, he opened Tampa Liquidation Center located in Tampa, Florida in 1982. A family owned and operated business that conducts government liquidations along with charity auctions for Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Boy Scouts, and various local charities, earning recognition in local newspapers and on local news stations. A member of the National Auction Association beginning in 2008, Robert was a first-generation auctioneer who loved his work. In addition to his membership in NAA, he was also a member of the Florida Auctioneering Academy.

James “Jim” Slyman, age 82, passed away peacefully on May 31st, 2023, with his beloved wife by his side. Jim was born on March 24th, 1941, in Spruce Pine, North Carolina. Jim lived out the most remarkable example of integrity, hard work, and devotion. His generosity impacted the community at large. He leaves behind a legacy that will live on forever. Jim opened Slyman Real Estate & Auction in 1971 and affected Knoxville and surrounding counties for 50 plus years. He was revered among his peers and loved by his Slyman Real Estate agent family. Jim was a pioneer in selling real estate via the auction method. Jim served as past President of the Knoxville Area Association of Realtors, was Realtor of the Year, and earned Realtor Emeritus status.

Lori Ann (Staneruck) Zytkowicz of West Chester, PA, passed away on Saturday, June 3, 2023. She was 51 years old. Born in Norristown, PA, she is the daughter of William and Carol (Kimber) Staneruck. She leaves behind her parents, brother Stephen Staneruck, niece Lillian, nephew Shawn, companion Jon Gottier, and many other relatives and friends. Lori was a registered auctioneer and worked for Macllwain Auctioneers and Briggs Auction Inc., where she was Director of Real Estate Sales. Lori was a past Vice President of the Brandywine Valley Bed and Breakfast Association, a board member of the Chester County Conference and Visitor’s Bureau, and a past secretary for the Lehigh Valley Society of Auctioneers.


Source: obituaries/knoxville-tn/james-slyman-11311357

Source: obituary/lori-zytkowicz

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Obituaries may be submitted to Submissions may be edited for length. Hi-resolution photos and information about NAA and industry involvement appreciated. Editors will do their best to locate photos if none are submitted. AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2023



50 years later

How to auction and world class strawberries

50 years ago, the NAA had just finished up Conference and Show in St. Petersburg, Florida and was welcoming the end of summer with prized produce auctions being held all around the country. This is showcased in a story about the first crate of strawberries in Michigan being sold for $1,900 at the start of the 1973 season. Using the Federal Reserve's Inflation Calulator we can say that you would be paying $13,021.25 for that first crate in 2023!




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