Çré Kamikä Ekädaçé
Issue no:190
24th July 2022
Principal Objective & Principal Shelter The Meeting Of Nanda Maharaja And Vasudeva Srila Sukadeva Goswami
His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
The Highest Of All Worship
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura
Nanda And Vasudeva Srila Sanatana Goswami
Principal Objective & Principal Shelter Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
The Parental Mood Of Devotion Sri Hari Bhakti Kalpa Latikä
Circulaton 32,991
Issue no 190, Page — 2 The Meeting Of Nanda Maharaja And Vasudeva Srila Sukadeva Goswami
Sukadeva Goswami said: Nanda Maharaja was naturally very magnanimous, and when Lord Sri Krishna appeared as his son, he was overwhelmed by jubilation. Therefore, after bathing and purifying himself and dressing himself properly, he invited brähmaëas who knew how to recite Vedic mantras. After having these qualified brähmaëas recite auspicious Vedic hymns, he arranged to have the Vedic birth ceremony celebrated for his newborn child according to the rules and regulations, and he also arranged for worship of the demigods and forefathers. Nanda Maharaja gave two million cows, completely decorated with cloth and jewels, in charity to the brähmaëas. He also gave them seven hills of grain, covered with jewels and with cloth decorated with golden embroidery. O King, by the passing of time, land and other material possessions are purified; by bathing, the body is purified; and by being cleansed, unclean things are purified. By purificatory ceremonies, birth is purified; by austerity, the senses are purified; and by worship and charity offered to the brähmaëas, material possessions are purified. By satisfaction, the mind is purified; and by self-realization, or Krishna consciousness, the soul is purified. The brähmaëas recited auspicious Vedic hymns, which purified the environment by their vibration. The experts in reciting old histories like the Puräëas, the experts in reciting the histories of royal families, and general reciters all chanted, while singers sang and many kinds of musical instruments, like bherés and dundubhis, played in accompaniment. Vrajapura, the residence of Nanda Maharaja, was fully decorated with varieties of festoons and flags, and in different places, gates were made with varieties of flower garlands, pieces of cloth, and mango leaves. The courtyards, the gates near the roads, and everything within the rooms of the houses were perfectly swept and washed with water. The cows, the bulls and the calves were thoroughly smeared with a mixture of turmeric and oil, mixed with varieties of minerals. Their heads were bedecked with peacock feathers, and they were garlanded and covered with cloth and gold-
nityaà bhägavata-sevayä en ornaments. O King Pariksit, the cowherd men dressed very opulently with valuable ornaments and garments such as coats and turbans. Decorated in this way and carrying various presentations in their hands, they approached the house of Nanda Maharaja. The gopé wives of the cowherd men were very pleased to hear that mother Yasoda had given birth to a son, and they began to decorate themselves very nicely with proper dresses, ornaments, black ointment for the eyes, and so on. Their lotuslike faces extraordinarily beautiful, being decorated with saffron and newly grown kuìkuma, the wives of the cowherd men hurried to the house of mother Yasoda with presentations in their hands. Because of natural beauty, the wives had full hips and full breasts, which moved as they hurried along. In the ears of the gopés were brilliantly polished jeweled earrings, and from their necks hung metal lockets. Their hands were decorated with bangles, their dresses were of varied colors, and from their hair, flowers fell onto the street like showers. Thus while going to the house of Maharaja Nanda, the gopés, their earrings, breasts and garlands moving, were brilliantly beautiful. Offering blessings to the newborn child, Krishna, the wives and daughters of the cowherd men said, “May You become the King of Vraja and long maintain all its inhabitants.” They sprinkled a mixture of turmeric powder, oil and water upon the birthless Supreme Lord and offered their prayers. Now that the all-pervading, unlimited Lord Krishna, the master of the cosmic manifestation, had arrived within the estate of Maharaja Nanda, various types of musical instruments resounded to celebrate the great festival. In gladness, the cowherd men enjoyed the great festival by splashing one another’s bodies with a mixture of curd, condensed milk, butter and water. They threw butter on one another and smeared it on one another’s bodies. The great-minded Maharaja Nanda gave clothing, ornaments and cows in charity to the cowherd men in order to please Lord Visnu, and thus he improved the condition of his own son in all respects. He distributed charity to the sütas, the mägadhas, the vandés, and men of all other professions, according to their educational qualifcations, and satisfied everyone’s desires. The most fortunate Rohini, the mother
Bhāgavata Mahāvidyālaya
nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
of Baladeva, was honored by Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda, and thus she also dressed gorgeously and decorated herself with a necklace, a garland and other ornaments. She was busy wandering here and there to receive the women who were guests at the festival. O Maharaja Pariksit, the home of Nanda Maharaja is eternally the abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His transcendental qualities and is therefore always naturally endowed with the opulence of all wealth. Yet beginning from Lord Krishna’s appearance there, it became the place for the pastimes of the goddess of fortune. Sukadeva Goswami continued: Thereafter, my dear King Pariksit, O best protector of the Kuru dynasty, Nanda Maharaja appointed the local cowherd men to protect Gokula and then went to Mathura to pay the yearly taxes to King Kamsa. When Vasudeva heard that Nanda Maharaja, his very dear friend and brother, had come to Mathura and already paid the taxes to Kamsa, he went to Nanda Maharaja’s residence. When Nanda Mahawww.ibmedu.org
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raja heard that Vasudeva had come, he was overwhelmed with love and affection, being as pleased as if his body had regained its life. Seeing Vasudeva suddenly present, he got up and embraced him with both arms. O Maharaja Pariksit, having thus been received and welcomed by Nanda Maharaja with honor, Vasudeva sat down very peacefully and inquired about his own two sons because of intense love for them. My dear brother Nanda Maharaja, at an advanced age you had no son at all and were hopeless of having one. Therefore, that you now have a son is a sign of great fortune. It is also by good fortune that I am seeing you. Having obtained this opportunity, I feel as if I have taken birth again. Even though one is present in this world, to meet with intimate friends and dear relatives in this material world is extremely difficult. Many planks and sticks, unable to stay together, are carried away by the force of a river’s waves. Similarly, although we are intimately related with friends and family Bhāgavata Mahāvidyālaya
Issue no 190, Page — 4
nityaà bhägavata-sevayä ähüya viprän veda-jïän snätaù çucir alaìkåtaù
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members, we are unable to stay together because of our varied past deeds and the waves of time. My dear friend Nanda Maharaja, in the place where you are living with your friends, is the forest favorable for the animals, the cows? I hope there is no disease or inconvenience. The place must be full of water, grass and other plants. My son Baladeva, being raised by you and your wife, Yasodadevi, considers you His father and mother. Is He living very peacefully in your home with His real mother, Rohini? When one’s friends and relatives are properly situated, one’s religion, economic development and sense gratification, as described in the Vedic literatures, are beneficial. Otherwise, if one’s friends and relatives are in distress, these three cannot offer any happiness. Nanda Maharaja said: Alas, King Kamsa killed so many of your children, born of Devaki. And your one daughter, the youngest child of all, entered the heavenly planets. Every man is certainly controlled by destiny, which determines the results of one’s fruitive activities. In other words, one has a son or daughter because of unseen destiny, and when the son or daughter is no longer present, this also is due to unseen destiny. Destiny is the ultimate controller of everyone. One who knows this is never bewildered. Vasudeva said to Nanda Maharaja: Now, my dear brother, since you have paid the annual taxes to Kamsa and have also seen me, do not stay in this place for many days. It is better to return to Gokula, since I know that there may be some disturbances there. Sukadeva Goswami said: After Vasudeva advised Nanda Maharaja in this way, Nanda Maharaja and his associates, the cowherd men, took permission from Vasudeva, yoked their bulls to the bullock carts, and started riding for Gokula. - Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum Bonum » Chapter Four » Verses 1-32 » Translations by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
çré-çuka uväca nandas tv ätmaja utpanne jätählädo mahä-manäù
väcayitvä svasty-ayanaà jäta-karmätmajasya vai kärayäm äsa vidhivat pitå-devärcanaà tathä Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura has discussed the significance of the words nandas tu. The word tu, he says, is not used to fulfill the sentence, because without tu the sentence is complete. Therefore the word tu is used for a different purpose. Although Krishna appeared as the son of Devaki, Devaki and Vasudeva did not enjoy the jäta-karma, the festival of the birth ceremony. Instead, this ceremony was enjoyed by Nanda Maharaja, as stated here (nandas tv ätmaja utpanne jätählädo mahä-manäù). When Nanda Maharaja met Vasudeva, Vasudeva could not disclose, "Your son Krishna is actually my son. You are His father in a different way, spiritually." Because of fear of Kamsa, Vasudeva could not observe the festival for Krishna's birth, Nanda Maharaja, however, took full advantage of this opportunity. The jäta-karma ceremony can take place when the umbilical cord, connecting the child and the placenta, is cut. However, since Krishna was brought by Vasudeva to the house of Nanda Maharaja, where was the chance for this to happen? In this regard, Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura desires to prove with evidence from many çästras that Krishna actually took birth as the son of Yasoda before the birth of Yogamaya, who is therefore described as the Lord's younger sister. Even though there may be doubts about the cutting of the umbilical cord, and even though it is possible that this was not done, when the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears, such events are regarded as factual. Krishna appeared as Varahadeva from the nostril of Brahma, and therefore Brahma is described as the father of Varahadeva. Also significant are the words kärayäm äsa vidhivat. Being overwhelmed with jubilation over the birth of his son, Nanda Maharaja did not see whether the cord was cut or not. Thus he performed the ceremony very gorgeously. According to the opinion of some authorities, Krishna was actually born as the son of Yasoda. In any case, without regard for material understandings, we
Bhāgavata Mahāvidyālaya
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Issue no 190, Page—5 Worship of Nandanandana is the highest of all. Better than that, however, is the worship of Nanda, who by his service pleases Krishna so much. If we receive Nanda’s mercy, we will certainly receive the blessings to serve his beloved son. Nandanandana lives in Vrndavana, and He lives in the pure soul’s heart, which is compared to Vrndavana. Unless our heart is completely purified by serving the guru, Nanda, we will not be able to find the Lord in our heart. The residents of Vraja want Krishna simply so they can serve Him. They are extremely anxious to see Him. Their happiness lies only in making Krishna happy. They do not trade favors with Krishna but are selfless and devoid of the desire for personal happiness. They have natural attraction for Him. If we can follow in their footsteps, we will attain the good fortune of attaining Krishna’s service. - Amåta Väëé: Nectar of Instructions of Immoratality His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada Compiled by Sripada Bhakti Mayukha Bhagavat Maharaja Adapted
can accept that Nanda Maharaja's celebration for the ceremony of Krishna's birth was proper. This ceremony is therefore well known everywhere as Nandotsava.
and Published by Isvara dasa Translated from Bengali by Bhumipati das
- Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum Bonum
Sri Krishna surely has special affection for His parents Vasudeva and Devaki, as well as Nanda and Yasoda. But Nanda and Yasoda are more intimately connected with Krishna. Vasudeva and Devaki, in their previous lives as Sutapa and Prsni, strove to attain a parental relationship with God. When they finally achieved the Supreme Lord’s audience, after strict austerities for many years, they submitted to Him their desire, and the Lord agreed to fulfill it. As the Lord later told Devaki:
» Chapter Five » Verse: 1-2 » Purport by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
The Highest Of All Worship
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura
Sri Krishnacandra, Lord of Vrndavana, is the eternal son of Nanda and Yasoda, who are eternally perfect residents of Vraja. He is no one else’s son. Nanda and Yasoda rendered unlimited amounts of service, and therefore they were given the gift of having the Supreme Personality of Godhead as their son. This Syamasundara, who is Yasodas son, is our worshipable Lord. In the çloka beginning ärädhyo bhagavän vrajeça tanaya, Devaki's son has not been described as the worshipable Lord but the son of Yasoda. Vasudeva and Devaki were not as qualified as Nanda and Yasoda in terms of their service. www.ibmedu.org
Nanda And Vasudeva Srila Sanatana Goswami
tadä väà parituñöo ’ham amunä vapuñänaghe tapasä çraddhayä nityaà bhaktyä ca hådi bhävitaù präduräsaà varada-räò yuvayoù käma-ditsayä vriyatäà vara ity ukte mädåço väà våtaù sutaù Bhāgavata Mahāvidyālaya
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nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
“O sinless Mother Devaki, after twelve thousand celestial years, in which you constantly thought of Me within the core of your heart with great faith, devotion, and austerity, I was very much satisfied with you. Since I am the best of all bestowers of benediction, I appeared in this same form as Krishna to ask you to take from Me the benediction you desired. You then expressed your desire to have a son exactly like Me.” (Bhägavatam 10.3.37–38) Krishna is varada-éçvara, the best of those who give benedictions. By granting a single boon, He was able to bless Prsni and Sutapa to become His parents not only once but three times. But to Nanda and Yasoda, whose love for Him was even more pure, Krishna bestowed a greater reward. In the rasa of parental love, they enjoy the topmost perfection of prema-bhakti, found only within the realm of Sri Vrndavana-dhama. Nanda, in the role of the Vasu Drona, expressed the unconditional purity of his love when he prayed to Brahma: jätayor nau mahä-deve bhuvi viçveçvare harau bhaktiù syät paramä loko yayäïjo durgatià taret “Please permit us to be born on the planet earth so that after our appearance the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, the supreme controller and master of all planets, will also appear and spread devotional service, the ultimate goal of life. Thus those born in this material world may very easily be delivered from miserable materialistic life by accepting devotional service.” (Bhägavatam 10.8.49) Nanda was concerned for the upliftment of the unhappy conditioned souls. He wanted Krishna to exhibit His childhood pastimes so that the world would hear and recite them and regain the taste of love of God. - Çré Båhad-bhägavatämåta, Volume 1, Çré Båhad Bhägavatämåta of Srila Sanatana Gosvami, Volume One. Translated by Gopiparanadhana Dasa.
Principal Objective & Principal Shelter Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
“In vätsalya-rasa, Sri Krishna is the viñaya-älambana, principal objective, and His guru-jana, supe-
rior and elder vrajaväsés, are the äçrayä-älambana, principal shelter. Krishna is the epitome of beauty, dark complexioned, the reservoir of all auspiciousness, tender and gentle, sweet in speech, guileless, bashful, humble, charitable, and respectful to His elders. Krishna’s superiors are Vrajeçvaré Yasoda Devi, Vrajeçvara Nanda Maharaja, Rohini Devi, the senior gopés, Devaki Devi, Kunti Devi, Sri Vasudeva, Sandipani Muni, and so on. Yasoda devi and Nanda Maharaja are principal amongst the seniors. The uddépanas in vätsalya-rasa are the different ages of Krishna as a child, His beauty, His clothing as a child, His behaviour as a child, His restlessness, His sweet words and talks as a baby, His joyful chuckling laughter, and His sometimes mischievous pastimes, etc.” Vrajanatha, “What are the different anubhävas of this rasa?” Gosvami, “Smelling the top of Krishna’s head, gently squeezing and stroking His body, blessing Him, pampering Him, protecting and maintaining Him, offering Him good advice, are some of the anubhävas. The sädhäraëa, general, anubhävas in this rasa are kissing, embracing, loudly calling Krishna by His pet names, and restraining and chastising Him at appropriate moments.”
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Issue no 190, Page—7 exhibit a combination of sakhya and däsya-rasa. The bhävas of Lord Siva, Garuda, Uddhava and many others also exhibit an amalgamation of däsya and sakhya-rasa.” - Jaiva-dharma Translated by Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, Int. & Sarvabhavana dasa
The Parental Mood Of Devotion Sri Hari Bhakti Kalpa Latikä
Vrajanatha, “What are the sattvika-vikäras in this rasa?” Gosvami, “The eight regular transformations such as becoming stunned, ecstatic trembling, tears of ecstasy, etc., are present, plus, unique to this rasa, the outflow of breast-milk from the elder ladies. Thus, there are nine sattvika-vikäras.” Vrajanatha, “What are the vyabhicäré-bhävas of vätsalya-rasa?” Gosvami, “All the vyabhicäré-bhäva symptoms of préta-rasa (däsya-rasa) that we have described earlier plus mürchä, swoon, are manifest in vätsalya-rasa.” Vrajanatha, “What is the nature of the sthäyi-bhäva in this rasa?” Gosvami, “In this rasa, the sthäyi-bhäva is benevolent love and kindness, completely devoid of awe and reverence, given to the recipient of mercy. The vätsalya-rati of elders such as Yasoda devi is mature and matronly by nature. In this rasa, the sthäyi-bhäva extends through prema and sneha to reach räga. “Balarama’s love for Krishna is a mixture of däsya-rasa and vätsalya-rasa. Yudhisthira’s rasa is infused with vätsalya, däsya, and sakhya-rasa. Ugrasena’s däsya-rasa is combined with vätsalya and sakhya-rasa. Nakula, Sahadeva, and Narada www.ibmedu.org
In vätsalya-rasa (the parental mood of devotion) there are the qualities of çänta and the service of däsya. There are also the qualities of sakhya consisting of the absence of restraint due to awe and respect, as well as an absence of fear of punishment and scolding. Additionally, there are the activities bearing the designation of "tending" (pälana). Devotees in vätsalya-rasa see themselves as the guardian of Krishna, Who is regarded as their ward. By these fourfold characteristics, vätsalya-rasa is as delicious as nectar. Krishna, Himself, is immersed in that nectarean bliss in the company of His devotee. Jïänis (meditators) such as Suka, Sanaka, and Sanatana who are aware of the nature of Krishna, as divinity possessed of controlling power, declare that Krishna also possesses the quality of subservience to His devotee. - Sri Hari Bhakti Kalpa Latikä - Author Unknown Unsigned Manuscript Discovered by Srila Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura.
!!!! Sri Sri Nitai Gaurchandra Jayati !! ISKCON Bhägavata Mahävidyalaya is a branch of International Society for Krishna Consciousness Founder-Acarya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Editor Brajsundar Das Copy Editor Isha Prakash Das Sanskrit Editor, Vrajsevika Devi Dasi Assistance Vamsidhari Gauri Devi Dasi Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. ©All the paintings are copyrights of their respective artists.
Bhāgavata Mahāvidyālaya