Yoginé Ekädaçé
Issue no: 212
Lord Krishna Lifts Govardhan hiLL
Lord Krishna Lifts Govardhan hiLL

Srila Sukadeva Goswami
the Most faMous PastiMes
Disciples of His Divine Grace
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Pure devotees in vrindavan
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
14th June 2023
sheLter to aLL the three WorLds
Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakur
sinKinG of Govardhan into the earth
Srila Sanatana Goswami
the PLaces of Krishna's LiLa surroundinG Govardhan
Srila Narahari Chakravarti Thakur
Sukadeva Gosvami said: My dear King Pariksit, when Indra understood that his sacrifice had been put aside, he became furious with Nanda Maharaja and the other cowherd men, who were accepting Krishna as their Lord. (1) Angry Indra sent forth the clouds of universal destruction, known as Samvartaka. Imagining himself the supreme controller, he spoke as follows. (2)

[Indra said:] Just see how these cowherd men living in the forest have become so greatly intoxicated by their prosperity! They have surrendered to an ordinary human being, Krishna, and thus they have offended the gods. (3) Their taking shelter of Krishna is just like the foolish attempt of men who abandon transcendental knowledge of the self and instead try to cross over the great ocean of material existence in the false boats of fruitive, ritual sacrifices. (4) These cowherd men have acted inimically toward me by taking shelter of this ordinary human being, Krishna, who thinks Himself very wise but who is simply a foolish, arrogant, overtalkative child. (5)
[To the clouds of destruction King Indra said:] The prosperity of these people has made them mad with pride, and their arrogance is backed up by Krishna. Now go and remove their pride
and bring their animals to destruction. (6) I will follow you to Vraja, riding on my elephant Airavat and taking with me the swift and powerful windgods to decimate the cowherd village of Nanda Maharaja. (7)
Sukadeva Gosvami said: On Indra's order the clouds of universal destruction, released untimely from their bonds, went to the cowherd pastures of Nanda Maharaja. There they began to torment the inhabitants by powerfully pouring down torrents of rain upon them. (8) Propelled by the fearsome wind-gods, the clouds blazed with lightning bolts and roared with thunder as they hurled down hailstones. (9) As the clouds released torrents of rain as thick as massive columns, the earth was submerged in the flood, and high ground could no longer be distinguished from low. (10) The cows and other animals, shivering from the excessive rain and wind, and the cowherd men and ladies, pained by the cold, all approached Lord Govinda for shelter. (11) Trembling from the distress brought about by the severe rainfall, and trying to cover their heads and calves with their own bodies, the cows approached the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. (12) [The cowherd men and women addressed the Lord:] Krishna, Krishna, O most fortunate one, please deliver the cows from the wrath of Indra! O Lord, You are so affectionate to Your devotees. Please save us also. (13) Seeing the inhabitants of His Gokul rendered practically unconscious by the onslaught of hail and blasting wind, the Supreme Lord Hari understood that this was the work of angry Indra. (14)
[Sri Krishna said to Himself:] Because We have stopped his sacrifice, Indra has caused this unusually fierce, unseasonable rain, together with terrible winds and hail. (15) By My mystic power I will completely counteract this disturbance caused by Indra. Demigods like Indra are proud of their opulence, and out of foolishness they falsely consider themselves the Lord of the universe. I will now destroy such ignorance. (16) Since the demigods are endowed with the mode of goodness, the false pride of considering oneself the Lord should certainly not affect them. When I break the false prestige of those bereft of goodness, My purpose is to bring them relief. (17) I

must therefore protect the cowherd community by My transcendental potency, for I am their shelter, I am their master, and indeed they are My own family. After all, I have taken a vow to protect My devotees. (18)
Having said this, Lord Krishna, who is Vishnu Himself, picked up Govardhan Hill with one hand and held it aloft just as easily as a child holds up a mushroom. (19)
[The Lord then addressed the cowherd community:] O Mother, O Father, O residents of Vraja, if you wish you may now come under this hill with your cows. (20) You should have no fear that this mountain will fall from My hand. And don't be afraid of the wind and rain, for your deliverance from these afflictions has already been arranged. (21)
Their minds thus pacified by Lord Krishna, they all entered beneath the hill, where they found ample room for themselves and all their cows, wagons, servants and priests, and for all other members of the community as well. (22) Lord Krishna, forgetting hunger and thirst and putting aside all considerations of personal pleasure, stood there holding up the hill for seven days as the people of Vraja gazed upon Him. (23)
When Indra observed this exhibition of Lord Krishna's mystic power, he became most astonished. Pulled down from his platform of false pride, and his intentions thwarted, he ordered his clouds to desist. (24) Seeing that the fierce wind and rain had now ceased, the sky had become clear of rainclouds, and the sun had risen, Lord Krishna, the lifter of Govardhan Hill, spoke to the cowherd community as follows. (25)
[Lord Krishna said:] My dear cowherd men, please go out with your wives, children and possessions. Give up your fear. The wind and rain have stopped, and the rivers' high waters have subsided. (26) After collecting their respective cows and loading their paraphernalia into their wagons, the cowherd men went out. The women, children and elderly persons gradually followed them. (27) While all living creatures looked on, the Supreme Personality of Godhead put down the hill in its original place, just as it had stood before. (28)
All the residents of Vrindavan were overwhelmed with ecstatic love, and they came forward and greeted Sri Krishna according to their

individual relationships with Him; some embracing Him, others bowing down to Him, and so forth. The cowherd women presented water mixed with yogurt and unbroken barleycorns as a token of honor, and they showered auspicious benedictions upon Him. (29) Mother Yashoda, mother Rohini, Nanda Maharaja and Balarama, the greatest of the strong, all embraced Krishna. Overwhelmed with affection, they offered Him their blessings. (30) In the heavens, O King, all the demigods, including the Siddhas, Sadhyas, Gandharvas and Caranas, sang the praises of Lord Krishna and showered down flowers in great satisfaction. (31) My dear Pariksit, the demigods in heaven resoundingly played their conchshells and kettledrums, and the best of the Gandharvas, led by Tumburu, began to sing. (32) Surrounded by His loving cowherd boyfriends and Lord Balarama, Krishna then went off to the place where He had been tending His cows. The cowherd girls returned to their homes, singing joyfully about the lifting of Govardhan Hill and other glorious deeds performed by Lord Krishna, who had so deeply touched their hearts (33).
— Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum Bonum » Chapter Twenty Five » Verses 1–33 » Translations by Disciples of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
the Most faMous PastiMes
Disciples of His Divine Grace
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
According to the Viñëu Puräëa, vrajaika-väsibhir harñavismitäkñair niåékñitaù gopa-gopé-janair håñöaiù préti-visphäritekñaëaiù saàstüyamäna-caritaù kåñëaù çailam adhärayat
"Lord Krishna held up the mountain while His praises were chanted by the residents of Vraja, all of whom now had the opportunity to dwell together with Him, and who glanced at Him with joyful and amazed eyes. Thus the cowherd men and women were all elated, and out of loving affection they opened their eyes wide."
By continuously drinking the nectar of the beauty and sweetness of Sri Krishna, the residents of Vrindavan felt no hunger, thirst or fatigue, and Lord Krishna, by seeing their beautiful forms, also forgot about eating, drinking and sleeping. Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakur points out that seven days of continuous rain from the Samvartaka clouds failed to flood the district of Mathura because the Supreme Lord, simply by His potency, immediately dried up the water as it fell to the ground. Thus Krishna's lifting of Govardhan Hill is full of fascinating details and has for thousands of years remained one of His most famous pastimes.

— Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum Bonum » Chapter Twenty Five » Verse 23 » Purport by Disciples of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Pure devotees in vrindavan
His Divine Grace
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami PrabhupadaOrdered by King Indra, all the dangerous clouds appeared above Vrindavan and began to pour water incessantly, with all their strength and power. There was constant lightning and thunder, blowing of severe wind, and incessant falling of rain. The rain seemed to fall like piercing sharp arrows. By pouring water as thick as pillars, without ces-
sation, the clouds gradually filled all the lands in Vrindavan with water, and there was no visible distinction between higher and lower land. The situation was very dangerous, especially for the animals. The rainfall was accompanied by great winds, and every living creature in Vrindavan began to tremble from the severe cold. Unable to find any other source of deliverance, they all approached Govinda to take shelter at His lotus feet. The cows especially, being much aggrieved from the heavy rain, bowed down their heads, and taking their calves underneath their bodies, they approached the Supreme Personality of Godhead to take shelter of His lotus feet. At that time all the inhabitants of Vrindavan began to pray to Lord Krishna. "Dear Krishna," they prayed, "You are all-powerful, and You are very affectionate to Your devotees. Now please protect us, who have been much harassed by angry Indra."
Upon hearing their prayer, Krishna could understand that Indra, being bereft of his sacrificial honor, was pouring down rain that was accompanied by heavy pieces of ice and strong winds, although all this was out of season. Krishna understood that this was a deliberate exhibition of anger by Indra. He therefore concluded, "This demigod who thinks himself supreme has shown his great power, but I shall answer him according

to My position, and I shall teach him that he is not autonomous in managing universal affairs. I am the Supreme Lord over all, and I shall thus take away his false prestige, which has risen from his power. The demigods are My devotees, and therefore it is not possible for them to forget My supremacy, but somehow or other he has become puffed up with material power and thus is now maddened. I shall act in such a way as to relieve him of this false prestige. I shall give protection to My pure devotees in Vrindavan, who are at present completely dependent on My mercy and whom I have taken completely under My protection. I must save them by My mystic power."
Thinking in this way, Lord Krishna immediately picked up Govardhan Hill with one hand, exactly as a child picks up a mushroom from the ground. Thus, He exhibited His transcendental pastime of lifting Govardhan Hill. Lord Krishna then addressed His devotees, "My dear brothers, My dear Father, My dear inhabitants of Vrindavan, you can now safely enter under the umbrella of Govardhan Hill, which I have just lifted. Do not be afraid of the hill and think that it will fall from My hand. You have been too much afflicted from the heavy rain and strong wind; therefore, I have lifted this hill, which will protect you exactly like a huge umbrella. I think this is a proper arrangement to relieve you of your immediate distress. Be happy along with your animals underneath this great umbrella." Being assured by Lord Krishna, all the inhabitants of Vrindavan entered beneath the great hill along with their property and animals, and they all appeared to be safe.
flowers. At times Sri Govardhan was not even aware that the thunderbolts were striking. From the Hari-vaàça the äcärya has also quoted Sri Krishna Himself as saying, trai-lokyam apy utsahate rakñituà kià punar vrajam: "Sri Govardhan can give shelter to all the three worlds, what to speak of the simple land of Vraja."
When Indra's attack began and Krishna lifted the hill, the deer, wild hogs, and other animals and birds standing on the hill's flanks climbed up to its peaks, and even they did not experience the slightest distress.
sinKinG of Govardhan into the earth
Srila Sanatana GoswamiSri Yamuna, the site of many of Krishna's pastimes, was once a great, broad river with mighty waves and swift, deep-flowing currents. Now, in pain over Krishna's absence, she had become just a trickle, diminished to almost nothing. To drown oneself now in the meager water of the Yamuna would no longer be feasible. Nor could one still commit suicide by jumping from the top of Govardhan. Not long before, Govardhan's height had been formidable, as testified in Çré Hari-vaàça (2.18.33, 37):
çikharair ghürëamänaiç ca sédamänaiç ca pädapaiù vidhåtaç coddhataiù çåìgair agamaù kha-gamo 'bhavat
sheLter to aLL the three WorLds
Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarti ThakurOrdinarily a large cowherd community, which included many thousands of cows, calves, bulls and so on, could not fit under the base of a medium-sized hill like Sri Govardhan. However, because the hill was in ecstasy, being touched by the hand of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it acquired inconceivable power and even felt the hundreds of deadly thunderbolts thrown upon its back by angry Indra to be offerings of soft, fragrant
"When Krishna lifted Govardhan, its peaks waved back and forth, the trees upon it trembled, and its inaccessibly high peaks reached outer space."
äpluto 'yaà giriù pakñair iti vidyädharoragäù gandharväpsarasaç caiva väco muïcanti sarvaçaù

"Vidyadharas, Uragas, Gandharvas, and Apsaras complained on all sides that this hill was bumping into their wings."

But when Krishna left for Mathura, Govardhan began sinking into the earth out of disappointment, and hunks of its peaks fell off and tumbled down its sides.
killing Shankhacuda took place here. That story has been described in the Çrémad-Bhägavatam.

Pali is a beautiful garden where Palita-yuthesvari used to stay. Sri Krishna also enjoyed Himself with His friends in the holy place called Ata-grama. In the place Indra-dhvaja-bedi, Nandaraja used to worship Indra. It was there that Sri Krishna used to tend His cows and call each one nearby the sound of His flute.
the PLaces of Krishna's LiLa surroundinG Govardhan
Srila Narahari Chakravarti Thakur
Sri Raghava took Srinivasa and Narottama to see the places near Govardhan where Krishna had performed His pastimes, and he described them all one by one. The place known as Kusuma-sarovara is a famous pastime place of Radha-Krishna. In another place called Narada-kunda, Narada Muni fulfilled his desires by performing tapasya. In the Puräëas it is written that Narada performed tapasyä here on Vrinda's order.
At a place called Ratna-simhasana, Radha would sit on a throne. Also, the reason behind Krishna's
Anmochana, also known as Papamochana, is famous for its sanctity. If a person bathes here he will be freed from all vices. This is Sankarsana-kunda. Whoever wants to fulfill his desires should take a bath here.
In Parasauli-grama Radha and Krishna enacted Their rasa-yatra during the season of Vasanta. At Candra-sarovara, Sri Krishna took rest in His rasa dress. Now, just see the beautiful Gandharva-kunda, where the Gandharvas became overwhelmed by Krishna's beautiful songs. No one can describe all of Radha and Krishna's pastimes during the Vasanta rasa at Govardhan.
In the Stavävalé, Govardhana-äçrayadaçaka, this description is given: "This is Rasa-sthali, where during the month of Vasanta, Srimati Radharani, who is known as Madhava-priya, danced with Krishna. She was surrounded by beautiful sakhis,
each worshiped by hundreds of Lakshmis, and Her neck was decorated by the sweetly fragrant hands of Krishna. Which fortunate person will not take shelter of this exalted Govardhan Rasa-sthali?"
There is another village called Paitha where Krishna once hid Himself from the gopis, who began searching here and there for Him. Krishna appeared before the gopis in His four-handed Vishnu form, but upon the arrival of Radharani, two of His hands disappeared. Radharani's love was so strong, that Krishna could not retain His four-armed form. This has been described in the Ujjvala-nélamaëi, Näyikä Prakära.

After showing all these enchanting places beginning with Paitha, Sri Raghava returned to Gauritirtha with Srinivasa and Narottama. "This place is called Nipa-kunda because it is surrounded by beautiful nipa, or kadamba, trees. Another holy place is called Aniyor. It was here that on Krishna's order, Nanda and the other gopas stopped their worship of Indra and started the worship of Govardhan by offering various kinds of foods. The voice of Govardhan resounded in the sky, 'Äni aur! Äni aur!' [Bring Me more! Bring Me more!]. For that reason this place is called Aniyor. By visiting Annakuta-sthana, all desires will be fulfilled."
In Vraja-viläsa-stava it is written: "When the best of the cowherds, Nanda Maharaja, offered a large quantity of food to Govardhan, Sri Krishna, the killer of Agha, transformed Himself into a huge form, proclaiming that He Himself was Govardhan. Deceiving even Radharani, He ate all the offered food. Let me take shelter of this place known as Annakuta-sthana."
The place named Govinda-kunda has many glories because it was here that Indra performed the abhiñeka of Krishna. Again in the Vraja-viläsa-stava it is said: "Out of fear of Lord Krishna, Indra, along with Surabhi, performed the abhiñeka ceremony of Krishna by bringing the holy water of Mandakini. May Govinda-kunda, which was created from the water of this abhiñeka be always manifest before my eyes."
In Ädi-varäha Puräëa it is said: "By bathing or performing austerity at Govinda-kunda one attains liberation on the virtues of performing one hundred yajïas."
"See this dense forest near Govinda-kunda. It was here that Gopala hid. Here is the very confidential place known as Dana-nivartana-kunda. Besides the devotees, others cannot know this place."
It is stated in Vraja-viläsa-stava: "The place known as Dana-nivartana-kunda is named after the däna-keli pastime which Krishna enjoyed there. This place is unknown to those persons who are averse to the mellows of devotional service, only those who are qualified in devotion can know it. I pray that I may reside at this kuëòa and also enjoy giving däna [däna in this pastime means taxes]."
"Madhavendra Puri stayed here under a tree, and Gopala gave darçana to him on the pretext of bringing him milk. Later, Gopala lived on the mountain and sometimes visited Ganthuli. On the end of Govardhan is Apsara-kunda. People who take bath here are very fortunate. See here the old palasa trees. People call this very secluded place Shyama-shaka."
After describing all these places, Sri Raghava Pandita took his two followers to his own cave. He told them while he stayed here he felt great pleasure seeing always the enchanting Govardhan Hill. Radha and Krishna would always enjoy here.
As stated in Vraja-viläsa-stava: "Krishna and His affectionate friends, decorated with the colorful mineral pigments found there, enjoy pastimes at Govardhan Hill with a great festival of joking words. In the caves of this same hill, Krishna also enjoys many pastimes with Srimati Radharani. Let me worship this best of hills."
Raghava continued, "Just see here the footprint of Airavat. After being defeated, Indra described the glories of Lord Krishna's mercy here. This is Surabhi-kunda, which has unlimited glories. Who can possibly describe the various sports that took place here? In this beautiful secluded forest is Rudra-kunda, where Mahadeva sat in meditation on Krishna. In Kadamba-khandi, Sri Krishna watched the path which Radha traveled. In Dana-ghari, the King of rasa, Lord Krishna, took a share of the milk products from Radha while His friends blocked Her way.
"When Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu visited here He inquired about this place from the Sanosiya brähmaëa. As He heard the description of the däna
pastimes, He slightly smiled in delight. As Lord Chaitanya had darçana of Harideva, He danced wonderfully in ecstatic love. As everyone watched Gaurahari, they became filled with love and their eyes filled with tears of ecstasy. Some of the people who saw Him dance said He must be an incarnation of Harideva. Who can describe the pastimes the Lord performed at Govardhan?
"This secluded place is Dana-ghata, also known by some people as Krishna-bedi. In Vraja-viläsa, a description is given as follows. 'One day Lord Krishna, the youthful king of amorous heroes, became eager at heart to enjoy the däna-keli pastime. Blocking the path, He forbade Srimati Radharani to pass, proclaiming Himself a toll collector appointed by the king of love and demanding that She pay a toll of the milk products She was carrying. I sing the glories of Sri Krishna-bedi, the place where the Lord enjoyed these pastimes.'
"This unique däna-lélä is described by Srila Rupa Gosvami in his book Däna-keli-kaumudi
"Brahma-kunda is also situated at Govardhan and is described in the Mathurä-khaëòa: 'After bathing here, Brahma satisfied Lord Hari. Indra and the other planetary rulers created other lakes nearby.'
"Also in the Ädi-varäha Puräëa: 'O auspicious one, that lake is surrounded by groves of trees and vines as well as fourteen auspicious holy places. On the eastern side is Indra-tirtha, on the south is Yama-tirtha, on the west is Varuna-tirtha, and on the north is Kuvera-tirtha. In these places I will enjoy pastimes as I wish.'"
Raghava then pointed out Manasa-ganga. At this place Sri Krishna enjoyed ecstatic boat pastimes. There is a description of Manasa-ganga in the Vraja-viläsa-stava: "The waves of Manasa-ganga on the side of Govardhan Hill push the splendid rocks lining its shores. I pray that the Manasa-ganga, where Sri Sri Gandharvika-Murari enjoy jubilant boating pastimes, may give me shelter."
"The waters of Manasa-ganga are supremely pure. Who can describe the wonderful results one achieves by bathing there."
After glorifying Manasa-ganga, Raghava Pandita led them on for darçana of Harideva. In great happiness he then glorified Govardhan Hill as being full of transcendental bliss. Situated eight kroña [sixteen miles] west of Mathura, just the sight of Govard-
han Hill relieves one of the miseries of material life. Anyone who bathes in Manasa-ganga, takes darçana of Harideva, and then circumambulates Govardhan Hill, no longer lives in the material world.
Govardhan Hill gives unlimited pleasure to Krishna, who lifted the hill with His left hand to curb the pride of Indra and protect the Vraja-väsés.
In the Ädi-varäha Puräëa it is stated: "Two yojanas [sixteen miles], west of Mathura, is the very rare place named Govardhan. A person who circumambulates this place named Annakuta-tirtha does not return to this world. O goddess, I will now tell you everything about it. After bathing in the Manasa-ganga, seeing the Deity of Harideva on Govardhan Hill, and circumambulating Annakuta-tirtha, what heart can remain unhappy? To protect the cows distressed by Indra's torrential rains, I lifted Govardhan Hill."
In the Skanda Puräëa, Mathurä-khaëòa, it is said: "Govardhan Hill is an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. When the Lord lifted the hill, all the people of Vraja were saved from Indra's rains. Lord Vishnu stays eternally on Govardhan Hill. Brahma, Shiva, and Lakshmi also reside there. There is no doubt about this."
Again from the Ädi-varäha Puräëa: "After seeing the Deity of Harideva and circumambulating Govardhan Hill, one attains the result of having performed a räjasüya and açvamedha-yajïa. Of this there is no doubt."
— Bhakti-ratnäkara » Srila Narahari Chakravarti Thakur » Published by Pundarika Vidyanidhi Das
!! Sri Sri Nitai Gaurchandra Jayati !!

Bhägavata Mahävidyalaya is a Educational Unit of International Society for Krishna Consciousness
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A.C. BhaktiVedanta Swami Prabhupada
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Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada ©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International.