May NCAE State Board of Education Review

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NCAE SBE Review SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Discussed several bills that have either passed the House or the Senate and the impact some of the anti –public school legislation will have on communities. Major concerns over SB 361, HB 831 and HB 944.

Approved the Race to the Top Career Readiness and College Course Completion Performance Measures. The tracking data for these measures will be an Unique Identifier Number for students that is NOT their social security number. This is data will be collected for students attending public institutions only.


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R E C E I V E D A S I N F O R M AT I O N R E C O M M E N D AT I O N S F O R S A L A RY SCHEDULE CHANGES The information for salary reform was presented by Duke Terry Sanford Policy Graduate Students, with the goal to help policy makers revise the NC teacher salary schedule to promote a high-quality teacher workforce, especially in low-performing schools. This presentation can be found at: and the full report can be downloaded from The group worked with the Department of Public Instruction to define the policy question and scope of the research. The team selected this topic to address the current dialogue in the state around unfreezing the teacher salary schedule and compensating North Carolina’s teachers fairly. Resources used to assist in the preparation of the report and recommendations included a teacher survey conducted in March 2013 with responses from over 15,000 teachers. Over 12 stakeholder groups were interviewed; including representatives from Civitas, John Locke Foundation, North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), NC Fiscal Research Division, NCDPI Fiscal Research Division, Teach for America, Public School Forum and NC Teaching Fellows, along with Philip Price, JB Buxton, Bill Harrison, and Duke University faculty. Overview of the recommendations: 

New minimum starting salary should be $34,000 and in better budget times $42,500

Reduce the steps to 15 with at least a 5% increase between steps

Create a “real” incentive plan for statewide use in hard to staff schools

Change the salary incentive for Master’s and National Board Certification - suggestion was 4% and 6% respectfully. If one works in a hard-to-staff school, it should be 8% and 12% respectfully

Hold harmless teachers that might be impacted negatively

Create a LEA supplemental alternative salary compensation package that would meet their needs so the LEA could invest in quality teachers and retain teachers

This is only a recommendation and would cost the state at least $200 million to implement.

NCAE Center for Instructional Advocacy, Membership Organizing & Communication

May 2013




Based on data analysis of 2011-12 sixth and eighth standard ratings and feedback from educators, the State Board approved DPI recommendations for the following adjustments to the sixth and eighth standard components for school year 2012-13: Sixth standard based only on individual teacher’s students’ growth. During school year 2011-12, the inclusion of school-wide growth lowered the sixth standard ratings of thousands of high-performing teachers working in low-performing schools. To avoid this unintended consequence and remove policy barriers to the movement of highly effective teachers to low-performing schools, the Department of Public Instruction recommends that the sixth standard for school year 2012-13 be based only on the growth value derived from the students for whose growth a teacher is directly responsible. School-wide growth value used for principals to include all available student growth data. During school year 2011-12, the school-wide growth value used to determine a school executive’s eighth standard rating was based only on results of the End-of-Grade and End-of-Course assessments. School executives have requested that the Career and Technical Education Post-Assessments and Measures of Student Learning be included in the calculation of school-wide growth so that the value is more reflective of student learning across all grades and content areas. Please note: this will be year one for all teachers. To earn an overall effectiveness rating one must have three years of rolling data.

HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA ENDORSEMENTS AND CTE LICENSURE CHANGES ARE CONNECTED SB 14 was recently passed and requires the State Board of Education to establish, implement, and determine the impact of adding college, career, and college and career endorsements to high school diplomas. The endorsements should reflect an area of focus of high school graduates and consider courses completed, overall grade point average, and other criteria that the State Board may choose. The criteria for these endorsements must be reported to the General Assembly by February 1, 2014, and the endorsements shall be available beginning with graduates in 201415. There will be a need to provide training and communication of the criteria to school staff. The outline of the changes can be found at



In October, the NC State Board of Education approved changes to the NC Career and Technical Education Essential Standards, which will be effective with the 2013-2014 school year. The changes in the Essential Standards as well as the passage of Senate Bill 14, create needed changes to Career and Technical Education teacher licensure requirements. The proposed changes can be found at The changes equate to the lateral entry process for other CTE courses. You will see in the policy new courses and other changes noted in red. One major change for teachers in courses where endorsements are earned is that the teacher without a credential in the course will have one full year to earn the credential, which impacts students earning the endorsements on their diplomas.


NCAE Center for Instructional Advocacy, Membership Organizing & Communication

May 2013




Other actions: 1. Approved the remodeling of the Superintendent Program approval process that will now be aligned to the leadership standards approved earlier. All educator standards are now aligned with similarity and follow the same rubric format. 2. Discussed the new standards and evaluation process for school nurses. The SBE endorsed the concept so the work can continue. The current ratio of school nurse to students is 1:1,200 and should be 1:750. 3. If you are interested in learning about an Inter-Rater Reliability resource, check out this link 4. The NCDPI has been awarded the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) for the period of 2013 – 2014. The program will provide $4,127,386 to the Child Nutrition Services Section to be distributed among 152 elementary schools throughout the State. This link will provide a list of schools receiving funds for the new school year. 5. Denied Montgomery County’s appeal, provided under the extraordinary circumstances provision for low-wealth LEAs that end up supplanting funds. This LEA/County owes $864,000 and if not paid will lose $1million of low-wealth funding next year.

For questions on items found in the NCAE SBE Review, please contact Angela Farthing at NCAE



NCAE Center for Instructional Advocacy, Membership Organizing & Communication

May 2013

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