August 2011 NCAE State Board Review

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Clarification Information Regarding This is the link to check out ABCs and AYP data for LEAs and schools. http:// abcs/ This is the 15th year NC has released ABC Report data. Graduation rates moved from 74% to 77.7% for 2010-11. Of the 2,495 schools with an ABC Status, 81.4% exceeded or met growth goals. There are 13 low-performing schools based on the ABC data. Mitchell County is the only LEA that met AYP as a District.

All teachers who worked in a LPS last year that exceeded ABC growth goals will receive $1,500 as part of Race to the Top. Funds will be distributed this fall. NCAE will share list when received.

Evaluation Standard Policies Standard VI: Teachers Contribute to the Academic Success of Students: The work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable progress for students based on established performance expectations using appropriate data to demonstrate growth; was adopted by the State Board of Education in July. The new standard will not have negative consequences as a standalone component of the NC Educator Evaluation System as each standard carries the same “weight�. Over the course of the next three to four years standard VI will not truly be a valid standard/measurement for 66% of the teaching force based on the work that must be done to create multiple measures allowing teachers to demonstrate their contribution to student growth and collecting the data for three years. Teachers will not be rated using only Standard VI. Teachers must have at least three years of student data for Standard VI to be considered valid for the evaluation process. For the 2011-12 school year there will be teachers who have three or more years of data (EOG and EOC tested subjects) that connect to Standard VI. There will not be negative consequences solely on this one standard for these teachers at the end of 2012, unless there are other areas of weakness connected to the other five standards. The SBE realizes that the NC EES is a timely process where conversations must take place during all aspects of the process and that principals will not have the time needed to properly evaluate every teacher every year using the full evaluation cycle mandated by the USDE. The SBE adopted a new policy in July for Local School Boards to consider. The new evaluation policy language is underlined: GS 115C-333 Each local board shall adopt a policy requiring career teachers to be evaluated annually. The annual evaluation requirements shall be met by either: (1) Using the Teacher Evaluation Process as set forth in 16 NCAC 6C.0503; or (2) Using an abbreviated evaluation consisting of Standards One, Four, and Six of the Teacher Evaluation Process. The abbreviated evaluation process means, if a Local Board adopts the abbreviated policy for career status teachers not renewing their license , teachers will complete a self assessment ,a growth plan, be observed formally at least once and have two snap shots and a summative at the end of the year based on Standards I, IV, and VI. Over 1,280 teachers have expressed an interest in assisting with the 60 content work groups focusing on multiple measures for non-tested subjects.

NCAE Center for Teaching and Learning

NCAE SBE Review August 2011



Renewal Credits Required for SP2L The General Assembly reduced the number of renewal credits required for a teacher to renew a Standard Professional 2 License from 15 CEUs to 7.5 CEUs. The SBE discussed possible policy changes and decided not to make any changes without fully discussing and evaluating possibilities and opportunities to ensure professional development was relevant and beneficial to teachers and administrators. A SBE Task Force will work on new policy language and recommend changes to the SBE this fall or winter.

to renew their license. The majority of teachers will have more than the new required amount to renew their license this year; which is why the SBE did not rush to make policy changes. Possible changes include not granting CEU credit for teaching experience and only granting 5 CEUs for completing the NBCT process instead of the current 15 CEUs. NCAE will keep you posted as we have been asked to serve on this Task Force.

Teachers renewing their license this 2011-12 school year will only need 7.5

Governor’s School The SBE is committed to continuing some structure of the Governor’s School that was created by Governor Terry Sanford. The SBE delegated that the SBE Chair establish a task force to include members of the SBE and other informed stakeholders to bring recom-






mendations to the Board in September. The plan must be strategic and cover more than one year. Possibilities discussed by the Board included scaling back to one campus or cutting a few of the programs offered and connecting to business for scholarships.

A former NCGS Alumni spoke to the SBE and shared the significance the experience made in their academic and social life. He is currently pursuing Education Law/Policy as a major at UNC-CH.





185 Instructional Day Calendar Waivers Session Law 2011-145 required LEAs and Public Charter Schools to increase the number of instructional days from 180 to 185. The bill allowed the SBE to grant waivers and replace the instructional days with teacher work days. The SBE has granted all 115 LEAs a waiver for up to five days and the days will be used for professional development on the new Essential Standards and the Common Core standards for math and English. Seventy-five public charter schools have been granted waivers as well. How does the calendar issue impact types of leave staff can take on a teacher work day? Here is a chart from NC DPI explaining the use of leave. Calendar Days

Teacher Workdays

Can Use Personal Leave without a deduction?

Can Use Personal Leave with a deduction?

Can Use Annual Vacation Leave

Instructional Days





Non-Protected Workdays





LEA Mandatory Workdays





The days that have been waived by the SBE for this 2011-12 school year do not all have to be mandatory teacher work days.

Other SBE Actions 1. Approved the DHHS Residential School Student Discipline Appeals process. The process is similar to the protocol used prior to the schools being under the SBE. 2. Approved the DHHS school calendars. 3. Shared the ESEA Waivers being submitted to the USDOE: (1) instead of

the all or nothing of the current AYP formula, NCDPI/ SBE want to use a combination model of our ABCs growth and proficiency and report by sub-groups. (2) Propose the use of ACT in place of other assessments (Grade 10 Writing), use the 5-year graduation cohort rates, and use the Future Core indicators. (3) Change from the highly qualified teacher com-

ponents of NCLB to data collected from the NC EES for both principals and teachers. 4. Reminded everyone that the pre-paid policy is in place for one more year. Next year teachers will not be paid until September. 5. Provided an up date on RT3 work as well as the Transformation Team work and new assignments.




ABCs Program for 2011-12 The 2011 General Assembly decreased funding for state assessments and eliminating some end-ofcourse assessments, the following state standardized tests will be administered this school year for Growth, Performance and AYP as noted in the chart.


ABC Growth

Reading and Math Gd3 Reading and Math 4-8


Science 5 & 8

Performance Composite







Algebra I






English I






NC EXTEND1 & 2 for grades 3-8 Math and Reading and for Science 5 &8



High School EXTEND1 for Reading, Math, Writing and Science grade 10


10th Grade Writing


Could be eliminated if USDE approves the use of ACT b/c writing is a component of ACT


Graduation Rate ‘08-09 4 year cohort and ’07-08 5 year cohort

* 4 year

* 5 year

Attendance Rate for Grades 3-8 College University Prep/College Tech Prep Grade 12

* (not science)

* *


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