October 2010 NCAE State Board Review

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New Indicators for the NC Accountability Model Approved New Student Advisor to the SBE is Montrey DeLoatch, a Junior at Orange High School.

Received an overview of the two Principal Leadership Academies that are connected to the NC RT3: Career, College Ready, Set Go! Grant.

Bryan Setser shared the evaluation


used for the staff working as NC Virtual Public School teachers. It is very similar to the NC TEP.

After three years of discussion, focus groups and feedback from interested stakeholders the SBE on October 7th approved the following new indicators to measure student and school success: Student Performance,

Student Growth, Post-Secondary Readiness, Graduation Rates, and Math Course Rigor. Student Performance will be based on NEW authentic assessments, Student Growth will include robust measures using historical data and components of EVAAS. Graduation rates will be based on a five year cohort. The post-secondary readiness tool/test/task has not yet been decided. Discussion has centered on having 11th graders taking the ACT or SAT or WorkKeys or students having a choice. NCAE has continually advocated for choice of stated assessments instead of using only the ACT.

The SBE also approved ending the state mandate of the Gateways as a requirement for passing grades 3, 5, and 8. Thanks to the 215 members who completed NCAE’s Assessment Feedback Survey the last three weeks. Members are in favor of diagnostic tools for assessing students as well as having professional development to use the tools. 70% were in favor of ending the gateways as 80% believe students should have a choice in their post secondary assessment. As the NC DPI and SBE continue making decisions on new assessment models, curriculum and incentives for meeting new goals, we will keep you informed and seek your input.

Congratulations to the Durham Public School

Other Globally Competitive

System for receiving an i3 READS grant for

Student Action

$12.7 million. The grant is connected to their CIS summer reading support program.

1. SBE denied schools requesting exemptions from field-testing online assessment items. 2. Approved waiving the requirement of students taking the Future Ready OCS having to have paid employment in order to graduate. The revised policy allows students to participate in voluntary work, internships and project-based assignments if paid work is not available.

NCAE Center for Teaching and Learning

SBE Review October 2010


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Schools that are persistently dangerous: NCLB action State Board of Education policy defines a “persistently dangerous school� as a public elementary, middle or secondary school or a charter school in which a total of five or more violent criminal offenses were committed per 1000 students (0.5 or more per 100 students) during each of the two most recent school years and in which the conditions that contributed to the commission of those offenses are likely to continue into another school year. The SBE approved that the following schools be placed on probationary status due to the incidents that have occurred : Longview School in Wake County Public Schools, Metro School in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Public Schools, and South Providence School in Union County Public Schools . These three schools are alternative settings for students with cognitive or emotional disabilities.

Twenty First Century Systems 1. Approved the Math and Science Partnership grants.

8th. The NCAE LAP is to sign off on their LEAs plan along with the Superintendent and Local School Board Chair. The web site with pertinent data on RT3 is http://www.ncpublicschools.org/rttt/

2. Reviewed the Ed U Jobs funding that will be coming to NC. Last year over 3,000 jobs were lost. These funds can be used to hire any educator that impacts the classroom. The funds must be spent by September 2011.

4. NCAE UniServ and NCAE Board members have RT3 and other federal information to assist Local Leaders as they make decisions on RT3 components.

3. Reviewed Race to the Top work and how LEAs are to complete their Scope of Work Plan and submit to NC DPI by November

5. Approved the JOBS Commission school in Wake County to have access to $15,000 to help open the new school.

Discussed possible biennial budget requests The state of North Carolina is slowly recovering from the recession. The rate of growth is less than 3%. At the end of the year, the Temporary Tax increase ends and so will $1.3 Billion of income for state projects. The ARRA stimulus funds will end soon and that is another $1.6 billion. To cope with the

shortages each State Agency is to create budgets that cut spending by 5%, 10% and 15%. Current budget distribution for public schools includes 64% for personnel. To date class size has not been increased in K-3, or within the Exceptional Children areas; thus the burden rest in other pragmatic areas and NC DPI.

NCAE Center for Teaching and Learning

Enrollment increases have not been added for this year, yet. There is gloom and concern. Educators reading this, please make sure you vote in November for Educator FRIENDLY candidates; to help ensure that public schools are not cut to the bone and another 3,000 educators are left behind.

SBE Review October 2010

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