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Leadership Academy is Back

IdentIfyIng and developIng future leaders

Is vItal to any organIzatIon where cooperatIon and volunteerIsm shape Its future. thIs Is why nc realtors® leadershIp academy Is back!

this rigorous program is designed to foster a new generation of association leaders that are diverse in age, career, experience, culture and gender – a generation that wants to be involved, make a difference and become the visionaries of tomorrow. the nc realtors® leadership academy will help participants grow both personally and professionally, increase their effectiveness as leaders, and equip them with a resiliency that is essential in an ever-changing profession.

through a powerful series of retreats that combine team-building exercises, improving communication skills and personal profile analysis, participants will become aware of their own leadership strengths. they will then be guided through the different aspects of leading within the organization, the real estate industry and the community.


graduates of previous academies have become leaders within their associations and communities; which in turn has made them more effective in business and more valuable to the companies for which they work.

for these reasons and more, ncar leadership and staff cordially invite you to apply for admission to the nc realtors® leadership academy!

applIcatIon process all interested nc association of realtors® members are invited to apply for the nc realtors® leadership academy class of 2014. applications are available on www.ncrealtors.org. applications are reviewed by a selection committee made up of ncar members, and 12 participants will be selected for the 2014 class. the committee will be seeking representation from a cross-section of the profession that will reflect the diversity of the organization. addItIonal InformatIon all participants selected for the program will be required to pay a one-time tuition fee of $750. additional costs to the participants will include transportation from home to the meeting or retreat site and other minimal expenses. the nc realtors® leadership academy will provide training sessions, some meals and overnight accommodations for four retreats. participants will be sharing a room with other class members at the retreats. the commitment includes attending vision Quest, three subsequent retreats and the ncar annual convention. attendance at all retreats is mandatory. those who fail to attend will be asked to withdraw, with no refund of tuition v

“Leadership Academy is one of the most phenomenal programs I have ever had the privilege to participate in. It not only sharpened my existing leadership skills, but also taught me new and effective ways to lead in every aspect of my life. The experience also gave me the opportunity to spend time with eleven other outstanding individuals. More than a decade later, we remain closely connected and share ideas with each other often.”

Tomp Litchfield

The Rich Company

Washington, N.C.

Class of 2002

“Upon reflection of my initial experience with the NCAR Leadership Academy and subsequent opportunities since then, those memories and skills learned have impacted me in ways that I did not imagine a decade ago. I’m deeply connected to this class of very special people in my life and carry lessons learned from each and every one of them on a regular basis.”

Wendell Bullard, Broker/GRI Bullard Properties, L.L.C

Durham, N.C.

Class of 2002


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