2013 Monsoon Series

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HEROI CPERFORMANCE SERVEDI N6T ANT ALI ZI NG FLAVORS Wel come t ot he nextgener at i on ofper f or mance. Engi neer edt omakehi st or yandbr eakwor l dr ecor ds byr edef i ni ngt hef ut ur e.TheMonsoonSer i esi saf ul l l i neofi nboar dmar i neengi nescust om cal i br at edand f i net unedspeci f i cal l yf orMal i buandAxi sboat s. Eachengi nei nt heMonsoonSer i escomesst andar d wi t hI ndmar ’ shi ghper f or mancepedi gr eet hatspans near l ya hal fa cent ur ywi t h wor l dr ecor dbr eaki ng success.The Monsoon Ser i es of f er s you super i or cr af t smanshi p and ser i ouswake conquer i ng power i nanexcl usi veengi nel i neupt hatdef i esever y chal l enge,especi al l yt het estoft i me.


THOROUGHBRED PERFORMANCE WI THOUTTHE HI GHENDPRI CE I fyouar el ooki ngf orhi ghper f or mance andhi ghval uebundl edwi t hunbeat abl e f uelef f i ci ency ,t hent heMonsoon330SS i st he engi ne f oryou. Thi s engi ne’ s pol i shed poweri s equal ed by cer t i f i ed ul t r al ow emi ssi onl evel sandspect acul ar f uelconsumpt i on,t aki ngyouf ur t heron ever y gal l on ofgas.Buti tget s even bet t er ,because i t ’ san I ndmar ,t her ei s ver yl i t t l e r equi r ed mai nt enance and when you need mai nt enance you have over900l ocat i onst oser vi ceyouno mat t erwher eyouar ei nt hewor l d. Engi ne:5. 7LV8Gen1eSmal lBl ock Tor que:351l bf t Di spl acement :350ci d( 5736cc) Compr essi onRat i o:9. 4: 1 Val veconf i gur at i on:over headval ves2val vespercyl i nder Val veLi f t er s:Hydr aul i cRol l er Fi r i ngOr der :18436572 Bor eandSt r oke:101. 60x88. 39mm Al t er nat or :90Amp Bel t :VDr i ve FuelSyst em:I ndmardesi gnedt unedsequent i alf ueli nj ect i on Fuel Type:Regul arUnl eaded( maxi mum 10% et hanol )

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