47 Annual National Council for Black Studies
Opening Remarks
NCBS President
Dr. Valerie Grim
Director and Professor of Undergraduate Studies, African American and African Diaspora Studies
Indiana University Bloomington
Keynote Speaker NCBS Board Member
Dr. Maulana Karenga
Department Chair and Advisor Africana Studies
California State University, Long Beach
Other Speakers:
Dr. Akinyele Umoja: Libations/Mojuba
Dr. Alicia Fontnette: Membership Matters
Dr. Alphonso Simpson: Conference Highlights
Dr. Amilcar Shabazz: Business Meeting Wrap Up
Hot beverage station and AM breakfast enhancements sponsored by:
25 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
Conference Opening Ceremony
8:30—10:00 am Century Ballroom A
001. Popular Culture as Sites of Resistance Panel
10:15 to 11:30 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Azalea
The Transcendent Groove: Hip-hop and its Resonant Space within contemporary Pan-Africanism Shingi Mavima, University of Toledo
Reorienting the field: Understanding sport through the limitations of Liberalism Munene F. Mwaniki, Western Carolina University
The Spook Who Made a Subversive Film David Walton, Western Carolina University
Poetics of Black Foodscapes: An ethnographic study of cultural food knowledge on the food practices of African American women in urban settings Armani Stewart, Georgia State University
David Walton, Western Carolina University
002. Realizing Rosewood: Resilience and Representation Paper Session
10:15 to 11:30 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Cedar
Rosewood Massacre: Educating Using Narratives of African American Women's Resilience Octavia Clarkson
Rosewood the Movie: Misrepresentation, Manhood, and PHA in the Jim Crow South Derrick Lanois, Norfolk State University
An Examination of Racial Violence in the Sunshine State Kenneth Tinoco, University of Florida
"Reparations, Resilience, and Restorative Justice as Acts of Self-Care: A Sebaitic Inquiry" Anthony Dandridge, S.U.N.Y. New Paltz
David Canton, University of Florida
003. Scotland, Slavery and Reparations Panel
10:15 to 11:30 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Dogwood
Jeanette Davidson, University of Oklahoma
Jeanette Davidson, University of Oklahoma
Graham Campbell, Glasgow City Council
Cassandra Gooptar PhD, Wilberforce Institute, University of Hull
Stephen Mullen PhD, Glasgow University
004. Community, Social Empowerment, and the Progression towards Freedom Paper Session
10:15 to 11:30 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hawthorne
Neighborhood Development, Spatial Imaginaries, and Urban “Souls of Black Folks” R. DREW SMITH, Pittsburgh
Theological Seminary
Political Maroonage in Philadelphia: Is Non-Voting an Option Matthew Ellis Simmons, Cheyney University
Wading in the Water: What Black Lives Matter can tell us about social movement continuity and abeyance? Kevin C Winstead, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dear Tuskegee: Navigating Information in a Jim Crow Country Michelle M Kuhl, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Thekima Mayasa, San Diego Mesa College
26 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
005. Race, Capitalism, Colonization and Struggle: The Impact of Intersectional Oppressions
Paper Session
10:15 to 11:30 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Live Oak
Intersectionality and dependency lenses in neonatal mortality: Evidence of regional, residential, and socioeconomic inequalities from post-colonial Tanzania, 1991-2016 Neema Langa, University of Houston
The Lure of Development Tara Mock, The University of Alabama
Pandemics in New Orleans and Johannesburg: From Jim Crow & Apartheid to COVID-19 Blair Proctor, SUNY New Paltz
Mabo Case Sohail Shehada, University of Oklahoma
Uzoma Miller, Ohio University
006. Radical Resistance and Consciousness
Paper Session
10:15 to 11:30 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Magnolia
The Black Radical Tradition and Zimbabwe’s Armed Struggle, 1965-1985 Toivo Asheeke, Georgia State University
The Converging Streams of Afrikan War and Resistance in the Afrikan World Kimoni (Wilbert) Yaw Ajani (St. Hilaire), Stockton University/Arts Humanities
Transcending Post-epistemic Trauma: Steve Biko’s Black Consciousness and the Restoration of African Humanism
Jeremias Zunguze, University of North Carolina Asheville
Alicia Fontnette, Spelman College
007. Health and Freedom: The Continued Journey to Equal Healthcare
Paper Session
1:15 to 2:30 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Azalea
Addressing Health Disparities in Vulnerable and Underserved Populations by Continuing Dr. King’s Legacy –Lessons Learned from Underprivileged Countries Edward Wallace, University of Cincinnati
The effects of historical antecedents and cultural trauma on the HIV risk of Black women living in Fulton County, Georgia. Sarita K. Davis, Georgia State University
The Way They See Us: The Historical Experiences of Black Women as Patients in Mainstream Healthcare Ene Priscilla Idoko, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Where is the Village?: Restoring Maternal Mental Health Through Community Healing Nkechinyelum Chioneso, Florida A&M University; August Alderman, Florida A&M University
Alphonso Simpson, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
008. Womanist Autobiography: An Ethnographic Journey toward Community Wellbeing
1:15 to 2:30 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Birch
The Black Studies Paradigm in Practice: Creating Communities of Support for Black Girls and Women Kevin Brooks
The Community Wellbeing Series: The Crossroads of Cultural Empowerment, Reclamation, and Community Aaliyah Buell, Michigan State University
27 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
008. Womanist Autobiography: An Ethnographic Journey toward Community Wellbeing cont. Good Femininity: A Dialogue on Self-Identity and Self-Actualization among Black Women and Girls Cameo King, Grit Glam And Guts
An Essay on Womanist Autobiography Rondee J. Gaines, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Chair: Kevin Brooks
009. Black Women's Bodies: Performativity as a Reclamation for Restorative Justice Panel
1:15 to 2:30 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Cedar
The Queer Tear: Black Women's Performativity in the characters Vera & Sunshine of Harlem Nights Hope Jackson, North Carolina A&T State University
Black Women by Looking and Redefining Self Image Sarah Bataille, North Carolina A&T State University
The Need for Community for Self-Discovery and Healing after Trauma and Los Chalyn Smith, North Carolina A&T State University
Hope Jackson, North Carolina A&T State University
010. May I Help You?: Considering Social Skills and Needs on Both Sides of a Graduate Student Mentor-Mentee Relationships
Roundtable Discussion
1:15 to 2:30 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hawthorne
Ebony Gibson, Georgia Gwinnett College
Jonathan Gayles, Georgia State University
Aliza Leslie, Georgia State University
Tiffany Smith, Louisiana State University
011. Police and Violence: Abolition and Black Resistance
1:15 to 2:30 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hickory
Participants: From Police Reform to Police Abolishion james M Thomas, CAL State LA
Resisting History: An Afropessimist Approach to the 1967 Texas Southern University Police Attack David Ponton III, University of South Florida
Un-random Acts: A theory of State Violence Tekla Ali Johnson, USC
Chair: Tekla Ali Johnson, USC
012. Roundtable on Joshua Myers' Of Black Study Roundtable Discussion
1:15 to 2:30 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Live Oak
Ifetayo Flannery, Temple University
Joshua Myers, Howard University
James Stewart, Penn State
Ifetayo Flannery, San Francisco State University
Christopher Roberts
28 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
013. Cultural Warriors: The Relationship between Social Dominance Orientation and Identity Panel
1:15 to 2:30 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Magnolia
The Relationship between SDO and regional/national/religious identity: A Review of the Literature Khamil Canty, Valdosta State University
The Relationship between SDO and political/gender/sexual identity: A Review of the Literature Janell Mills, Valdosta State University
The Relationship between SDO and REC/class identity: A Review of the Literature Dr. M. Denise Lovett, Valdosta State University
Marilyn Lovett, Valdosta State University
Louis Walee, Valdosta State University
Rumor Has It: The Mis-Education of AP African American Studies
Roundtable Discussion
2:45 to 4:00 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Azalea
015. Artistic Expression As A Means of Black Liberation Paper Session
2:45 to 4:00 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Birch
Come Out Here on the Floor: Popular Dance and the Liberation of the Black Female Spirit in 20th Century America
Patricia Reid-Merritt, Stockton University
Reaching Higher Ground; A Look at Blues and R&B Music Veronica Anita Redden, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
Sampling as an Art Form and its Utility as a Tool for Intergenerational & Cross-Genre Black Resistance Uzoma Miller, Ohio University
Donnetrice Allison, Stockton University
29 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
Cathy Brigham College Board
Latasha Eley Kelly College Board
Teresa L Reed University of Louisville
Darius Young Florida A&M University
016. “1971- Present: Black Solidarity Day at SUNY New Paltz; A day of student led activism and workshops lead by the Black Student Union” Roundtable Discussion
2:45 to 4:00 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Cedar
Chairs: Blair Proctor, SUNY New Paltz
Cruz Caridad Bueno, SUNY-New Paltz
Discussant: Joel Gooden, SUNY New Paltz
017. The Future Research Trends as Informed by Our Past Paper Session
2:45 to 4:00 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Dogwood
Digital Heritage: The Search for the Black Star Line Jewell Humphrey, UCLA
Examining Black Cultural Resistance to White Supremacist Ideology Antoine K. Stroman, School District of Philadelphia
Through the Lens of Holistic Liberation: An Operationalized African-Centered Orientation to African Art History Aigner Autry, Temple University
Cultural Gentrification of the Civil Rights Movement: Evaluating the Romantic Lyrics over a Blues Beat in Atlanta’s Public Space Rhana Gittens, Oglethorpe University
W. Denae Powell, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
018. Hidden in Full View: The Case for Racial Justice and Reparations in Salisbury, Maryland Roundtable Discussion
2:45 to 4:00 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hickory
Alexander Jones, George Mason University/Mitchell Program
Isaac Jasper, George Mason University/Mitchell Program
Kayiraba Toure, George Mason University/Mitchell Program
Charles L Chavis, George Mason University Mitchell Program
019. Protect Ya Neck: Combating Issues of Gentrification and Preserving the History of Black Communities Panel
4:15 to 5:30 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Azalea
Digitizing Bronzeville: A Digital Project Examining Housing and Urban Community Brandon Stokes
Legislating Action – The Reactionary Changes to State Law Creating Stricter Regulations for Protest and Free Speech
Privileges in Black Communities Marshall Allen, Indiana University-Bloomington
The Visual Aesthetic of Gentrification Ashley Hayes, Indiana University - Bloomington
Hungry, Thirsty and Unhealthy: How Food Deserts and Liquor Stores Dominate Black Neighborhoods Jayden Nicole Flowers, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Taylor Duckett, Indiana University Bloomington
020. Capitalism and the Black Experience: Working Towards Economic Freedom Paper Session
4:15 to 5:30 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Birch
30 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
020. Capitalism and the Black Experience: Working Towards Economic Freedom cont.
"From Greenwood to Rosewood: A Reappraisal in Black and White" Mark C. Grafenreed, Southern Methodist University
Reconceptualizing Ujamaa in the Era of Platform Capitalism: Agency and Economics Savannah Winston, Temple University
Social Inequality: The Pandemic’s Disparate Impact on Food Insecurity among Black Americans Monica Adams, Binghamton University Department of Social Work
Unveiling New Strategies Employed by Real Estate Developers to Utilize Tax Sales for Dispossession of Heirs’ Property Owners Belay Alem, University of Florida
Jonathon E. Stone, Howard University
021. Black Women Defining Beauty, Womanhood, and Wellness Paper Session
4:15 to 5:30 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Dogwood
Beautiful Black Futures: Resilient and Resistant Bodily Aesthetic Representations and Futurity in the Diaspora Amanda Smith, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Black Women Artists Creating Art and Art Ecosystems as a means of Wellness Tanisha Jackson, Syracuse University
Embodied Absence: Black Womanhood, Beauty, and Exploring “Body Neutrality” Kristin Rowe, California State University Fullerton
Kinky: African Americans, Gender, Ideal Beauty, & Black Media Derrick Lanois, Norfolk State University
Uzoma Miller, Ohio University
022. Black Beaches in America - Our Maroon Societies: The Short Media Session
4:15 to 5:30 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hawthorne
Discussant: Donnetrice Allison, Stockton University
023. There are Multiples Ways to get to Freedom: Where have we been and where are we going? Paper Session
4:15 to 5:30 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hickory
African Consciousness through Linguistic Unity: A Juxtapositional Analysis of Terminology from Yurugu and The Island of Menes V Harrison Gaffin, Cheyney University of PA
Is American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) a Progressive Social Movement or Anti-Black Demagoguery? A Black Studies Pan-African Analysis Kevin Cokley, University of Michigan
Sojourner’s Truth: An Interrogation of America’s History of Misogynoir Victoria Peters, University of Florida Coding While Black Kai Ajala Dupe, The Alhaven Group
Tekla Ali Johnson, USC
024. Decolonizing the Colonized: Putting Theory into Practice Paper Session
4:15 to 5:30 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Live Oak
Aspects of the Pan African Response to Regional Crisis: A Case of Mozambique's Triple Threat: Neo Colonial Underdevelopment, Corruption and Islamic Jihad Gwinyai P. Muzorewa, Lincoln University
31 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
024. Decolonizing the Colonized: Putting Theory into Practice cont. “Who are you calling an African?” “Who are you calling Black?” Colonial Identities and the Specter of Decolonization. Paulo Polanah, Virginia Tech - AFST
Celestial Governance: An Examination of Kemetic Astronomical Sciences and their Relevance in the Present Era Louis Walee, Valdosta State University
Black Internationalism and Pan-African Solidarity: Black Voices of Protest at the World Tribunal Aaron N Pride, Lafayette College
Chair: Paulo Polanah, Virginia Tech - AFST
025. The Black Athlete and Athleticism in Research on Race and Sports Paper Session
4:15 to 5:30 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Magnolia
Game Over: The Apathy and Aftermath of Black Athleticism in The Collegiate and Professional Sports Arena Keahsun J Lawrence, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Humble Beginnings: The Depiction of Black Athletes’ Upbringings in Commercials between 2016 and 2019 Drew D. Brown, University of Florida
“When I couldn’t bedazzle them with brilliance, I bamboozled them with bullshit”: Harry Edwards, Black Power, and Countering the Mainstream Media’s Repression of the Revolt of the Black Athlete Dexter Blackman, Morgan State University
Aimee Glocke, California State University, Northridge Reception
(refreshments served)
6:00 7:30 pm
Hilton Century Ballroom A
Meet and Greet with Jade Powers
Curator of Contemporary Art
Following the reception the Harn Museum of Art invites NCBS Conference attendees (and any guests) to view the exhibition Posing Beauty in African American Culture, until 9pm. The entire museum will be open for exploration. Free entry.
32 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
026. The Process of Law and Justice: Context Matters Paper Session
9:30 to 10:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Azalea
“Fascist, Whatever Name It Takes”: The Murder of Frank Bishop and Anti-Black Pogroms on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, 1931-1938 Charles L Chavis, George Mason University Mitchell Program; Alexander Jones, George Mason University/Mitchell Program
Igbo Jurisprudence Nkuzi Nnam, Dominican University
“Racial Justice and Reparations in Cuba: Afro-Indigeneity, Literature, and Settler Colonialism” Ebenezer Concepcion, Cleveland State University
Resistance Strategies of the Bulsa Against Kidnapping and Enslavement in the 1890s in Northern Ghana Anbegwon Atuire; Dr. Jamal Ratchford, Colorado College
Paulo Polanah, Virginia Tech - AFST
027. Black Perception and Identity: How They Sees Us Paper Session
9:30 to 10:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Birch
Bill Past Due: What America Owes To Black Folk Samuel Maceno, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
Shopping While Black: A Qualitative Analysis of In-Depth Interviews Michelle R Dunlap, Dr Michelle Teaches
African Immigrants’ perception of contested casting for lead roles in Hollywood-produced continental African history movies Adelaja Oriade, Ohio university
You Won’t Break My Soul: Framing Beyoncé’s Renaissance Album as a Symbol of Liberation and Resistance Tira Jacquelyne Murray, Georgia State University
Alexia P. Hammonds, Jackson State University
028. Black Mental Health from the Transatlantic Slave Trade to Today Panel
9:30 to 10:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Dogwood
Participants: Modern Mental Issues and their Roots in the Transatlantic Slave Trade Olivia Bowman, East Tennessee State University
Displays of Toxic Masculinity and Femininity: Why Gender Roles are Destructive Naomi Gates, East Tennessee State University
Black Male Mental Health: Challenges and Triumphs Kevin Brooks
Kevin Brooks
029. From Trauma to Healing and Catharsis in Literary and Social Reality Paper Session
9:30 to 10:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hawthorne
“‘The words can give wings to your feet’”: An Examination of the Body as Black Borderland Consciousness in Breath, Eyes, Memory Fallon Nicole Holmes, North Carolina A&T State University
"Trauma and Cartharsis in Nalo Hopkinson's Midnight Robber Georgene Bess Montgomery, Clark Atlanta
33 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
029. From Trauma to Healing and Catharsis in Literary and Social Reality cont. “Adventures as a Runaway Horse:” Dimensions of Black Self-Expression in The Brownies’ Book Sophia Lindner, Yale University
Lòt Bó Dlo: The Other Side of the Water Joyce White, Georgia Southern University
Georgene Bess Montgomery, Clark Atlanta
030. Polarization and Party Politics: African Countries and the United States in their battle against Covid-19. Panel
9:30 to 10:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hickory
Climate change impacts on water availability in Zimbabwe: Case study of Hippo Valley Estates in Chiredzi Beatrice Ndlovu, Midlands State University
Keys to the Kingdom: Unlocking the Narrative Brilliance and Cultural Implications of Hal’s Kingdom Kyle R. Fox, The College of Coastal Georgia
Oil, neo-colonization and racial capitalism in Guyana- The long arm of US economic exploits Carolyn Walcott, Clayton State University
COVID-19 and Community Health: Unorthodox Medical and Religious Practices Peter Ukpokodu, University of Kansas
Veronica Nmoma Nwankwo, University of North Carolina, Charlotte NC
031. Performing Race, Place, and Space in Africana Research Paper Session
9:30 to 10:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Live Oak
Beyond the Blackest Landscapes: Placemaking Through Wessyngton Plantation & Africatown’s Descendants Jessica Hanson, Middle Tennessee State University/ Tennessee State University
Black Towns & Settlements: Lessons in Environmental & Racial Justice Atyia Martin, Next Leadership Development
Philly Elmo Rises: Black eccentric performance during the George Floyd Riots/Uprisings, May 2020 Jennifer Williams, Loyola Marymount University
Chair: Jennifer Williams, Loyola Marymount University
032. Reparations, Recovery, and Freedom: 'Give Us Our Money' Paper Session
9:30 to 10:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Magnolia
Reparations, Resilience and Restorative Justice Jemadari Kamara, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Reparations, resilience, and restorative justice will have a temporary effect for the diaspora without the Sankofa Process Anitra Butler-Ngugi, George Washington University
Stepping Forward into the Payout: A Data Driven Anthropological Approach to Reparations Deneia Y. Fairweather, Ph.D., ESE Consulting, LLC
Amilcar Shabazz
033. Self and Community-based Empowerment in Black Culture and Art Panel
11:00 to 12:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Azalea
Adichie and African Womanism Lauren McCormick, SUNY Geneseo
Eradication of the Black Blight in Black Literature Makayla Williams, SUNY Geneseo
34 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
033. Self and Community-based Empowerment in Black Culture and Art cont.
The Unspoken Reality of Our Communities: How We Are Conditioned to Build Better Communities for All Those
Except Us Genesis Flores, SUNY Geneseo
Reform, Reframe, and Re-educate: Combatting The Erasure of the African Diaspora in The Dominican Republic
Lidabel Avila, SUNY Geneseo
Senegalese Perspectives: Redefining Progress Through the Lens of Afro-Identities Yarold Bautista Martinez, SUNY Geneseo
Olaocha N. Nwabara, Ph.D., SUNY Geneseo
034. Africana Educational Methods for Liberation Roundtable Discussion
11:00 to 12:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Birch
Kamari Andrews, Georgia State University
Toivo Asheeke, Georgia State University
Aminata Umoja, Kilombo Academic & Cultural Institute School
Kofey Lomotey, Western Carolina University
Makungu Akinyela, Georgia State University
035. Black Studies Beyond the Classroom: The Current and Future Uses of Black Studies Panel
11:00 to 12:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Dogwood
Black Like That – Applying Black Studies to My Future Career as a Higher Education Professional Trevon Smith, Northern Illinois University
After School Studies - A Community Program Arianna Ramos, Northern Illinois University
In Therapy We Trust Ashley Peet, Northern Illinois University
Black Studies High School Outreach Program Princess Rogers, Northern Illinois University
Chair: Taylor Duckett, Indiana University Bloomington
036. Wakanda and the Black Imaginary Panel
11:00 to 12:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hawthorne
The Mothers of Wakanda: The Real Embedded in the Imaginary Riche JD Barnes, University of Florida
Wakanda’s Lost Tribe: African-Americans in Black Panther and Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Jonathan Gayles, Georgia State University
Say Their Names: The Dora Milaje…The Adored Ones and Protectors of Wakanda Grace Gipson, Virginia Commonwealth University
Black Pasts, Black Futures, and Genealogies of Belonging: A Comparison of Ancestors in Black Panther and Traditional African Religions Yolanda Covington-Ward, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Chair: Riche JD Barnes, University of Florida
037. Student Engagement and Practice in the Struggle for Freedom and Liberation Paper Session
11:00 to 12:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hickory
35 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
037. Student Engagement and Practice in the Struggle for Freedom and Liberation cont.
Combating Equity Suppression in Higher Education: Advancing Anti-Racism to Ensure Black Student Success
Marquita Gammage, California State University, Northridge
Engaging Student Voters in Democratic Learning through History, Media, and Service Crystal Harris, PhD, Governors State University
It’s Time to Reopen the Shop: Fusing Cultural Factors, Developmental Research, and Practice at HBCUs Rodney Cunningham, NCCU
Kevin Cokley, University of Michigan
038. Africana Studies as a Necessary Pedagogical Practice
Paper Session
11:00 to 12:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Live Oak
Beyond Institutions: Promoting Afrocentric Education in African/Black Communities Naaja N Rogers, Temple University
The Impact of African Centered Pedagogy in Higher Education Clarence George III, California State University, Sacramento
Through Our Eyes: African American Educators' Perceptions of Culturally Relevant Pedagogical Preparation Katina L Thomas, Prairie View A&M University
Tekla Ali Johnson, USC
039. Black Political Thought and Cultural Activism
Paper Session
11:00 to 12:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Magnolia
Between Pathology and Generativity: 'Black Paranoia,' Black Political Thought, and the Black Radical Tradition Nigel Cambridge, CUNY Graduate Center
Insurgent Social Networks: Social Media as a Mobilizing Force John Quashie, Georgia State University
The Past is Present: The Bellevue Passage Museum and Historic Preservation as Political and Cultural Activism
Marcus Smith, University of Massachusetts Amherst
The Political Edge of African Feminism: Explorations of African Gender Theory Amir Khalif Curry, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
Thekima Mayasa, San Diego Mesa College Terry
(tickets required)
12:30—1:30 pm
Hilton Century Ballroom A
36 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
Kershaw Student Essay Awards Luncheon
040. Reparative and Restorative Justice in K-12 Education: African-Centered Perspectives
2:00 to 3:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Azalea
African American Studies as Reparative Justice Abul Pitre, San Francisco State University; Deon Martin
Dismantling and Deconstructing Girl Bye: Restoring Black Girls with Restorative Justice Heidi Hill, Community Educators
Dismantling a Culture of Oppression: The Power of African-centered Principals Kishia James, San Francisco State University
Breaking Whiteness: Educator Preparation Programs and Black Racial Identity Development Tiffany Jackson, San Francisco State University
Africana Social Justice Teacher Preparation Jocelyn Smith Gray, Fayetteville State University
Abul Pitre, San Francisco State University
041. Africana Studies and Practice: Education for Liberation
Paper Session
2:00 to 3:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Birch
Applied Africana Studies and the Challenges of Distance Education Deonte Hollowell, Spalding Black Studies in Brown Spaces: The Benefits and Challenges of Teaching Black Studies at a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) in Southern California Aimee Glocke, California State University, Northridge
Critical Aesthetic Education: The Status of Black Aesthetics In American Education Van Anthoney Hall, North Carolina A&T State University
Epistemological Reparations: An Afrocentric Approach within Black Studies Ifetayo Flannery, Temple University
Chair: Amilcar Shabazz
042. The Racialization of Higher Learning: Redefining Black Humanism
Paper Session
2:00 to 3:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Dogwood
Archives of Resistance: Methodologies for the “De-construction” of Ableist and Racist norms Kenya Loudd, Yale University
Assata Shakur's Movement Toward a New Black Humanism J.E. Young, Pan-African Studies/ University of Louisville
History and Colonial Imaginations: Sarkozy and the Perpetuation of Historical Darkness in African Historiography Adebayo Oyebade, Tennessee State University
"The Black Abolitionist Vision for Higher learning and a Long History of Black Studies" Michael Jirik, Amherst College
Chair: Jennifer Williams, Loyola Marymount University
37 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
Restorative Justice through the Preservation of Black History and Culture Sites
Roundtable Discussion
2:00 to 3:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hawthorne
044. The Black Church and Capitalism: The Role of Black Women and Economically Supporting the Community Paper Session
2:00 to 3:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hickory
Black Religion and Reparations: Pragmatic Trajectories and Widening Support
Theological Seminary
R. DREW SMITH, Pittsburgh
Where Do We Go from Here?: Examining Black Americans’ Relationship with Capitalism in the United States
Khadijah Edwards, Pew Research Center - Washington, DC
Black Female Pastors: Superwoman meets God Venise Berry, University of Iowa; Denise Ewing-Aikoriegie, Nashville Rescue Mission
Tara Mock, The University of Alabama
38 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility 043.
Chair: Dr. Jocelyn Imani Trust for Public Land
Lizzie Robinson Jenkins The Real Rosewood Foundation Inc.
JoHanna “J” Thompson, MPA, Florida Restorative Justice Association
Kate Brown Trust for Public Land Florida Office
Staci Bertrand Duke Energy Foundation
NCBS Presidential Plenary
3:30 to 4:45 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Century Ballroom A
Defeating the Attack on Africana/Black Studies: Building Resilience, Resistance and Reparations
Valerie Grim, Indiana University/Department of American and African Diaspora Studies Amilcar Shabazz, University of Massachusetts Amherst
046. DNA-Using Genealogy To Change My Slave Last Name Media Session
5:00 to 6:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Azalea
Nware Burge, Kean University
Molefi K. Asante, Temple University
047. Teaching While Black (television pilot) Media Session
5:00 to 6:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Birch
Donnetrice Allison, Stockton University
Aaron Moss, Stockton University
39 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
Melina Abdullah California State University, Los Angeles
Dexter Blackman Morgan State University Gregory Carr Howard University/ Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization
Ifetayo Flannery Temple University
048. "Who Yo' People?" Media Session
5:00 to 6:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Dogwood
Jennifer Gardner, DePaul University
Lindsay Gary, Temple University
049. Overcoming Isolation - Navigating the Transitions from Student, to Candidate, to Doctor Roundtable Discussion
5:00 to 6:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hawthorne
Alicia Fontnette, Spelman College
Taylor Duckett, Indiana University Bloomington
Brea Stevenson, Clark Atlanta University
W. Denae Powell, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
050. Cultural War: Focus on Black Youth Media Session
5:00 to 6:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hickory
051. Riots, Rebellions, Revolutions, and Uprisings of the 20th Century Media Session
5:00 to 6:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Live Oak
052. "Making a Way out of No Way” as a Theory and Praxis of Black Women’s World-Making in the Americas Panel
5:00 to 6:15 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Magnolia
Black Strategic Mothering and the School-Choice Market-Place Riche JD Barnes, University of Florida
"Fight fi Life": Black Motherhood as A Humanitarian Public Jallicia A. Jolly, Amherst College
"Like Our Mothers Taught Us: The Maternal Makings of Black Diaspora in Twenty-First Century America" Channon Miller, University of San Diego
Dr. Dorothy Jenkins Fields: The Mother Who Ignited Black Miami Studies Mysia Anderson, Brown University
Riche JD Barnes, University of Florida
40 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
Student Reception
(professional DJ and light refreshments served)
7:00—10:00 pm
Hilton Century Ballroom A
"Calling all Poets and Wordsmiths!"
053. Spiritual Agency as Resilience and Reparation: Examples from the Field (Caribbean, Southern US, East Africa, Global Africa) Panel
9:00 to 10:15 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Azalea
Spiritual Agency as Resilience and Reparation: Examples from the Field (Caribbean, Southern US, East Africa) Marimer Berberena, Lehman College; Tarik Richardson, Xavier University of Louisiana; Lindsay Gary, Temple University
Louis Walee, Valdosta State University
054. Global Black Studies of the Decolonial and Post-Colonial Africana World Paper Session
9:00 to 10:15 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Birch
Rethinking Decolonized Universities: A Case for Dika le Diema (Proverbs) and Ubuntu in Humanizing South African Universities Lesiba Tumishang "Tumi" Ledwaba, North West University
“Into the Metaphysics of Africana Studies:” What do we do with the Question of Ufology? Paulo Polanah, Virginia Tech - AFST
Keeper of the Fire: An Igbo Metalsmith From Awka by Teresa R. Kemp Teresa Renee Thomas Kemp, SC Wild's Heritage Center of Plantation Quilts, Inc.
Performing the Third Chimurenga: Popular expressions of nationalism in the context of Zimbabwean land reform Shingi Mavima, University of Toledo
Paulo Polanah, Virginia Tech - AFST
055. Remembering Resistance: An Analysis of Progress and Struggle Paper Session
9:00 to 10:15 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Cedar
Machinations of Whiteness: Exploring White Fragility As A Precursor To Mob Violence and Identity Development Brian Ragsdale, Visionary Scientists Research Group
Racial Injustices in Emergency Management: Opportunities for Individual & Collective Action Atyia Martin, Next Leadership Development
Resistance, Preservation, and Black Cultural Traditions: Remembering Geechees as Black Warriors in the Three Seminole Wars J. Vern Cromartie, Contra Costa College
A Poetic Study of Afropessimism Zorina Frey, Converse University
Uzoma Miller, Ohio University
056. Education and Empowerment: Remembering the Impact of our Youth Paper Session
9:00 to 10:15 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Dogwood
Participants: MDG 3, The role of education in Girlchild empowerment, case of George Emmanuel High School Mitch Chakanetsa, Sedibeng School
42 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
056.Education and Empowerment: Remembering the Impact of our Youth cnnt. "Pipeline to Power" A Creative Exploration of My Journey to Black Youth Empowerment Junichi Bomani Lockett, University of Texas at Austin
Voices of a Generation: The Political Lives of Black Young Adults in Los Angeles Karl Lyn, University of Massachusetts
Mitch Chakanetsa, Sedibeng School
057.Criminalization and the Black Body: The Cost of the Black Body and Mind Paper Session
9:00 to 10:15 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hawthorne
A Historical Overview of Mass Incarceration and Its Connections to Black Family Structures Paris Jordan McKnight, University of Florida
"Badge of Slavery:" Clothing and Enslaved Teenage Girls' Identify Formation Courtney Taylor, University of Florida
Bars and Bookings: The Criminalization of Black People in the United States Makaylee Catherine Stewart, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Black Pregnant and Incarcerated LEILLA BELONY, University of Florida
Alphonso Simpson, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
058.Are you sure you want to major in that?
Roundtable Discussion
9:00 to 10:15 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hickory
Patricia Reid-Merritt, Stockton University
Donnetrice Allison, Stockton University
Kimoni (Wilbert) Yaw Ajani (St. Hilaire), Stockton University/Arts Humanities
Olutoyosi Aboderin, Temple University
Patricia Reid-Merritt, Stockton University
Lillian Nickens, Stockton University
Alicia Jenkins, Stockton University
059.Educational Systems and the Black Body's Place Paper Session
9:00 to 10:15 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Live Oak
Educational Justice for Black Girls: A Call for Radical Transformational Pedagogy Dr. Shemariah J. Arki
Higher Education in Africa: Mis-Education or Nation Building? Gaidi Faraj, Grambling State University
Hip Hopcentricity: A theoretical shift from Culturally Relevant to Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy Ife Akinyela, 1982
What Happens to a Dream Deferred?: Black Studies and the Promises and Perils of Institutionalization AJ Rice, University of California, Santa Barbara; Olaocha N. Nwabara, Ph.D., SUNY Geneseo
Jonathon E. Stone, Howard University
060.Black Artistic Imaginaries as Critical Sankofa Praxis
Roundtable Discussion
9:00 to 10:15 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Magnolia
Imani Wallace, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Chanel Prince, University of Massachusetts Amherst
43 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
060. Black Artistic Imaginaries as Critical Sankofa Praxis cont.
Justin Coles, University of Massachusetts Amherst
061. Rosewood and Florida: The Long Road to Truth and Reconciliation
Paper Session
10:30 to 11:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Azalea
Critical Race Theory: Rejection and Racial Politics: The White Idealization of Florida Historical Education Madison Grace Stauffer, University of Florida
Resounding Resistance: Historical and Mediated Resistance in John Singleton’s Rosewood (1997) W. Denae Powell, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Rosewood: Were the Reparations Enough? Selora Langston, University of Florida
Rosewood: Anticipated and Realized Pat Young, Western Illinois University-Dept of English
Anthony Dandridge, S.U.N.Y. New Paltz
062. Global Black Studies at Western Carolina University
Roundtable Discussion
10:30 to 11:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Birch
David Walton, Western Carolina University
Asha Asha, Western Carolina University
Khadija Davis, Western Carolina University
Jordan Copper, Western Carolina University
David Walton, Western Carolina University
063. Race Still Matters: The Black Experience and Mobilization Towards Freedom
Paper Session
10:30 to 11:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Cedar
Black Assimilationism Paul Mocombe, West Virginia State University/The Mocombeian Foundation, Inc.
Cultural Genocide as a Framework for Unpacking the US Black Experience and Mobilizing Towards Liberation Eletha Thompson, na
Debunking the Myth of a Post-racial Society in Latin America John Tovar-Cortes, University of Houston
Jim Crow and The Third Reich What American Race Law taught Nazi Germany Ari McCaskill, Albion College-School of Public Purpose
Uzoma Miller, Ohio University
064. Being Black, Africana, and Resilient in Higher Education Paper Session
10:30 to 11:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Dogwood
Cultural Taxation: An Occupational Hazard for Black women at PWIs Shedia Regina Laguer, Stockton University
Horace Mann Bond and Pan-African Education in American Universities, 1945-1972 Emmanuella Amoh, Purdue University
Privileging Harassment in the City by the Bay, and State: Dorothy Tsuruta, San Francisco State University
Marquita Gammage, California State University, Northridge
44 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
065. Africana Feminism, Africana Womanism in Cultural, Literary and Political Studies
Paper Session
10:30 to 11:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hawthorne
Becoming, Writing Home: Culturally Determined Freedom in the Writings of Nigerian Diaspora Women Olaocha N. Nwabara, Ph.D., SUNY Geneseo
Call Me a Devil, Call Me an Angel: Claudia and Shuri’s Maturation in Black Girlhood Maya Singleton, California State University, Northridge
Black Feminist Movements in Latin America: The case of Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Costa Rica Luz E Rodriguez, Clark Atlanta University
Pote’m Sekou: Imagining Haitian Women and Community Beyond the “Poto Mitan” Joashilia Jeanmarie, University of Florida
Jordon R Crawford, UMASS AMHERST
066. African/Black Mental Health: Collectivism, Spirituality, and Afrocentricity
10:30 to 11:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hickory
The Potential Effects of a Psychology Project-Based Learning Program in High School on Afrikan Students Amere Wofford, California State University, Los Angeles
The Impact of Religion and Spirituality on African American Mental Health and Identity Rachael Adeniran, California State University Los Angeles
Collectivistic Cultures, Prosocial Behaviors, and Mental Health Heather Ford, The Pan African Studies at California State University, Los Angeles
Dr. Serie McDougal, CSU Los Angeles
067. Violence and the Black Body: The Power of Images Paper Session
10:30 to 11:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Live Oak
A Model for Black Adolescents' Media Use and Sexual Behavior Magaela C. Bethune, Loyola Marymount University
An analysis of the contributing factors to offending behavior and the perpetrator-victim power dynamics in sexual offences- A South African perspective. Khomotjo Lekgau, University of Limpopo; Leandre Christina Geoffrey, University of Limpopo
Gender Violence In the Dominican Republic: Racialized Bodies & Sexual Violence Cruz Caridad Bueno, SUNY-New Paltz
Lights! Camera! Oppression!: How Black People are offensively Portrayed in Hollywood Jaiah Q Jones, Grand Valley State University
Donnetrice Allison, Stockton University
068. Centering Blackness in the Ivory Academy Paper Session
10:30 to 11:45 am
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Magnolia
Read it, Write it, Talk about it: The impact of African Centered Education in Higher Learning Amongst Diverse Student Body Populations Clarence George III, California State University, Sacramento
Traditional Leadership Theories Reframed: Moving African American Women Experiences From“Margin” To “Center” Ronicka Harrison Briscoe, University of Holy Cross - Department of Education
45 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
068. Centering Blackness in the Ivory Academy cont. Effective Teaching Skills Kofi Baruti, Year
Paulo Polanah, Virginia Tech - AFST
069. Black Creativity in Theory, Thought, Performance, and Ideology Paper Session
1:30 to 2:45 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Azalea
Black Studies and the Power of Creative Thought Donja Thomas, Gahanna Jefferson Schools
Ideological Subject Formation of African American Students: African-Centered Education and Afrocentric Counter Narratives Prince Terence Gumbi, California State University Los Angeles
The Production of Power in the Black Creative Imagination: Discourse and the Performative Rodney Fitzgerald
Hughes, Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge, LA
Africana Studies and Sport: Memory, Resilience, and Theory Christel N Temple, University of Pittsburgh
Kevin Cokley, University of Michigan
070. Against the Current: Considerations for Developing a Program of Black Studies in the American South Roundtable Discussion
1:30 to 2:45 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Cedar
Abul Pitre, San Francisco State University
Crystal Edwards, San Francisco State University
Felicia Harris, University of Houston - Downtown
Vida A. Robertson, University of Houston-Downtown
071. Africana Studies, Resistance, Resilience and Reparations: Marking Off the Fields of Our Continuing and Evolving Concerns Panel
1:30 to 2:45 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Dogwood
Resilience and Resistance in the Spiritual Activism and Philosophical Thought of Howard Thurman Eva Bohler, California State University, Long Beac
Internal Reparations and the Task of Africana Studies M. Keith Claybrook, CSU, Long Beach
Rising from the Ashes: An Exploration of Resilience and the Struggle for Reparations Alice Nicholas, Ph.D., California State University, Long Beach
Resistance Scholarship and Africana Studies: Revisiting and Reaffirming Its Roots in Liberatory Struggle Maulana Karenga, California State University, Long Beach
Maulana Karenga, California State University, Long Beach
072. Counterpoints and Cataclysms in Global Black Studies Research Paper Session
1:30 to 2:45 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hawthorne
An Intimate Cataclysm: AfroAsian Literary Explorations in the Black Pacific Alex Brickler, Florida A&M University
The Struggle For an Afro-Indigenous Identity: the Cherokee Freedmen controversy Jacob Klanke, Grand Valley State University
46 Promoting Academic Excellence
Social Responsibility
072. Counterpoints and Cataclysms in Global Black Studies Research cont. The Western Indian Ocean African Diaspora and #BlackLivesMatter: Situating Siddi, Sheedi, and Ceylon African Struggles and Politics Sureshi Jayawardene, San Diego State University
Bertis English, Alabama State University
073. The Rosewood Massacre: Dismantling the Racial Ladder Panel
1:30 to 2:45 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Hickory
Rosewood as a Metaphor for White Racial Thinking: Being Human Being as an AntidoteMolefi Kete Asante, Temple University
The Limits of Race Thinking: Revolutionary Keys to Cultural Encounter Nah Dove, Temple University
Dr. Serie McDougal, CSU Los Angeles
074. Black Identity, Sexuality, and Family: Conversations We Need to Have Paper Session
1:30 to 2:45 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Live Oak
Black Male Youth and The Constant Impact of Oppression Imagine Rose Manders, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Experiences of caregivers amongst Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. A Case study of Leonard Cheshire Disability Trust in Harare Caroline Zvikomborero Manhopi, Africa University
Symbolic Racism and Perceptions and Misperceptions of a Black Family among Social Service Providers Michelle R Dunlap, DrMichelleTeaches
"Nah Play Numba Two": An Analysis of Queer Citizenship in Jamaica Jordon R Crawford, UMASS AMHERST
W. Denae Powell, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
075. SAAADHI to Decolonize Representations in the Curriculum and Evoke the Complexity of Black Lives in Florida with Eastside High School Students Roundtable Discussion
1:30 to 2:45 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Magnolia
Dr. Amanda Concha-Holmes, University of Florida, Center of Arts, Migration and Entrepreneurship (CAME)
Kiara Thompson, Sankofa African American Arts and Digital Humanities Initiative
Dr. Alana Jackson, University of Florida, CAME
Amanda Concha-Holmes, University of Florida, CAME
47 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
NCBS Sponsor Plenary
4:30 to 5:45 pm
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center: Floor 1st - Century Ballroom A
Teaching Black While Living In The Red: African American Studies at the University of Florida
Participants from the University of Florida African American Studies Program (l to r):
Riche’ Barnes, "Wake Up! Black Strategic Mothering, Public Education, and the Florida Stop W.O.K.E. Act"
Drew Brown, Africana Studies Methodology in the Study of Black Sporting Culture.
Alyssa Cole, "Organizing for Medical Equity: Black Newspapers in the West, 1900-1940"
Julia Mollenthiel, "Candyman and the Afterlives of Slavery."
Rik Stevenson, Jumping Overboard: Suicide By Drowning as a Form Resistance During The Middle Passage
Chairs: David Canton, University of Florida
NCBS Special Session
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center Century Ballroom A
W.E.B Du Bois Awards
8:00 to 11:00 pm
Abdullah, Melina, 045
Aboderin, Olutoyosi, 058
Adams, Monica, 020
Adeniran, Rachael, 066
Ajani (St. Hilaire), Kimoni (Wilbert) Yaw, 006, 058
Akinyela, Ife, 059
Akinyela, Makungu, 034
Alderman, August, 007
Alem, Belay, 020
Ali Johnson, Tekla, 011, 023, 038
Allen, Marshall, 019
Allison, Donnetrice, 047, 058
Allison, Donnetrice, 015, 022, 067
Amoh, Emmanuella, 064
Anderson, Mysia, 052
Andrews, Kamari, 034
Arki, Dr. Shemariah J., 059
Asante, Molefi K., 046
Asha, Asha, 062
Asheeke, Toivo, 006, 034
Atuire, Anbegwon, 026
Autry, Aigner, 017
Avila, Lidabel, 033
Barnes, Riche JD, 036, 052
Baruti, Kofi, 068
Bataille, Sarah, 009
Bautista Martinez, Yarold, 033
Belony, Leilla, 057
Berberena, Marimer, 053
Berry, Venise, 044
Bertrand, Staci, 043
Bess Montgomery, Georgene, 029
Bethune, Magaela C., 067
Blackman, Dexter, 025, 045
Bohler, Eva, 071
Bowman, Olivia, 028
Brickler, Alex, 072
Brigham, Cathy, 014
Briscoe, Ronicka Harrison, 068
Brooks, Kevin, 008, 028
Brown, Drew D., 025
Brown, Kate, 043
Buell, Aaliyah, 008
Bueno, Cruz Caridad, 016, 067
Burge, Nware, 046
Butler-Ngugi, Anitra, 032
Cambridge, Nigel, 039
Campbell, Graham, 003
Canton, David, 002, 076
Canty, Khamil, 013
Carr, Gregory, 045
Chakanetsa, Mitch, 056
Chavis, Charles L, 018, 026
Chioneso, Nkechinyelum, 007
Clarkson, Octavia, 002
Claybrook, M. Keith, 071
Cokley, Kevin, 023, 037, 069
Coles, Justin, 060
Concepcion, Ebenezer, 026
Copper, Jordan, 062
Covington-Ward, Yolanda, 036
Crawford, Jordon R, 065, 074
Cromartie, J. Vern, 055
Cunningham, Rodney, 037
Curry, Amir Khalif, 039
Dandridge, Anthony, 002, 061
Davidson, Jeanette, 003
Davis, Khadija, 062
Davis, Sarita K., 007
Duckett, Taylor, 019, 035, 049
Dunlap, Michelle R, 027, 074
Dupe, Kai Ajala, 023
Edwards, Crystal, 070
Edwards, Khadijah, 044
Eley Kelly, Latasha, 014
English, Bertis, 072
Ewing-Aikoriegie, Denise, 044
49 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
Fairweather, Ph.D., Deneia Y., 032
Faraj, Gaidi, 059
Flannery, Ifetayo, 012
Flannery, Ifetayo, 012, 041, 045
Flores, Genesis, 033
Flowers, Jayden Nicole, 019
Fontnette, Alicia, 006, 049
Ford, Heather, 066
Fox, Kyle R., 030
Frey, Zorina, 055
Gaffin, V Harrison, 023
Gaines, Rondee J., 008
Gammage, Marquita, 025, 037, 064
Gardner, Jennifer, 048
Gary, Lindsay, 048, 053
Gates, Naomi, 028
Gayles, Jonathan, 010, 036
Geoffrey, Leandre Christina, 067
George III, Clarence, 038, 068
Gibson, Ebony, 010
Gipson, Grace, 036
Gittens, Rhana, 017
Glocke, Aimee, 041
Gooden, Joel, 016
Gooptar PhD, Cassandra, 003
Grafenreed, Mark C., 020
Grim, Valerie, 045
Gumbi, Prince Terence, 069
Hall, Van Anthoney, 041
Hammonds, Alexia P., 027 Hanson, Jessica, 031
Harris, Felicia, 070
Harris, PhD, Crystal, 037
Hayes, Ashley, 019
Hill, Heidi, 040
Hollowell, Deonte, 041
Holmes, Fallon Nicole, 029
Hughes, Rodney Fitzgerald, 069
Humphrey, Jewell, 017
Idoko, Ene Priscilla, 007
Imani, Dr. Jocelyn, 043
Jackson, Hope, 009
Jackson, Tanisha, 021
Jackson, Tiffany, 040
James, Kishia, 040
Jasper, Isaac, 018
Jayawardene, Sureshi, 072
Jeanmarie, Joashilia, 065
Jenkins, Alicia, 058
Jenkins, Lizzie Robinson, 043
Jirik, Michael, 042
Jolly, Jallicia A., 052
Jones, Alexander, 018, 026
Jones, Jaiah Q, 067
Kamara, Jemadari, 032
Karenga, Maulana, 071
King, Cameo, 008
Klanke, Jacob, 072
Kuhl, Michelle M, 004
Laguer, Shedia Regina, 064
Langa, Neema, 005
Langston, Selora, 061
Lanois, Derrick, 002, 021
Lawrence, Keahsun J, 025
Ledwaba, Lesiba Tumishang "Tumi", 054
Lekgau, Khomotjo, 067
Leslie, Aliza, 010
Lindner, Sophia, 029
Lockett, Junichi Bomani, 056
Lomotey, Kofey, 034
Loudd, Kenya, 042
Lovett, Dr. M. Denise, 013
Lovett, Marilyn, 013
Lyn, Karl, 056
Maceno, Samuel, 027
Manders, Imagine Rose, 074
Manhopi, Caroline Zvikomborero, 074
Martin, Atyia, 031, 055
Martin, Deon, 040
50 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
Mavima, Shingi, 001, 054
Mayasa, Thekima, 004, 039
McCaskill, Ari, 063
McCormick, Lauren, 033
McDougal, Dr. Serie, 066, 073
McKnight, Paris Jordan, 057
Miller, Channon, 052
Miller, Uzoma, 005, 015, 021, 055, 063
Mills, Janell, 013
Mock, Tara, 005, 044
Mocombe, Paul, 063
Moss, Aaron, 047
Mullen PhD, Stephen, 003
Murray, Tira Jacquelyne, 027
Muzorewa, Gwinyai P., 024
Mwaniki, Munene F., 001
Myers, Joshua, 012
Ndlovu, Beatrice, 030
Nicholas, Ph.D., Alice, 071
Nickens, Lillian, 058
Nnam, Nkuzi, 026
Nwabara, Ph.D., Olaocha N., 033, 059, 065
Nwankwo, Veronica Nmoma, 030
Oriade, Adelaja, 027
Oyebade, Adebayo, 042
Peet, Ashley, 035
Peters, Victoria, 023
Pitre, Abul, 040, 070
Polanah, Paulo, 024, 026, 054, 068
Ponton III, David, 011
Powell, W. Denae, 017, 049, 061, 074
Pride, Aaron N, 024
Prince, Chanel, 060
Proctor, Blair, 005, 016
Quashie, John, 039
Ragsdale, Brian, 055
Ramos, Arianna, 035
Ratchford, Dr. Jamal, 026
Redden, Veronica Anita, 015
Reed, Teresa L, 014
Reid-Merritt, Patricia, 015, 058
Rice, AJ, 059
Richardson, Tarik, 053
Roberts, Christopher, 012
Robertson, Vida A., 070
Rodriguez, Luz E, 065
Rogers, Naaja N, 038
Rogers, Princess, 035
Rowe, Kristin, 021
Shabazz, Amilcar, 032, 041, 045
Shehada, Sohail, 005
Simmons, Matthew Ellis, 004
Simpson, Alphonso, 007, 057
Singleton, Maya, 065
Smith, Amanda, 021
Smith, Chalyn, 009
Smith, Marcus, 039
Smith, R. Drew, 004, 044
Smith, Tiffany, 010
Smith, Trevon, 035
Smith Gray, Jocelyn, 040
Stauffer, Madison Grace, 061
Stevenson, Brea, 049
Stewart, Armani, 001
Stewart, James, 012
Stewart, Makaylee Catherine, 057
Stokes, Brandon, 019
Stone, Jonathon E., 020, 059
Stroman, Antoine K., 017
Taylor, Courtney, 057
Temple, Christel N, 069
Thomas, Donja, 069
Thomas, James M, 011
Thomas, Katina L, 038
Thomas Kemp, Teresa Renee, 054
Thompson, Eletha, 063
Thompson, MPA, JoHanna "J", 043
Tinoco, Kenneth, 002
Toure, Kayiraba, 018
Tovar-Cortes, John, 063
51 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
Tsuruta, Dorothy, 064
Ukpokodu, Peter, 030
Umoja, Aminata, 034
Walcott, Carolyn, 030
Walee, Louis, 013, 024, 053
Wallace, Edward, 007
Wallace, Imani, 060
Walton, David, 001, 062
White, Joyce, 029
Williams, Jennifer, 031, 042
Williams, Makayla, 033
Winstead, Kevin C, 004
Winston, Savannah, 020
Wofford, Amere, 066
Young, Darius, 014
Young, J.E., 042
Young, Pat, 061
Zunguze, Jeremias, 006
52 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
53 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility
54 Promoting Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility