Commitment to F amily Commitment to F amily

We commit to solutions, building upon what is currently in place or is working in our families and communities.

We commit to advocacy, championing the needs identified by our people at the individual, family, community and nation levels.
We commit to communicating effectively and efficiently across families, communities, sectors and systems.
We commit to freely sharing our gifts, celebrating who we are, and where we are from.

We commit to continuous improvement, measuring the impact our work has on the health, social and cultural outcomes of our children.

We commit to healthy behaviours, creating happy and safe homes for our children.
We commit to inclusive practices that are welcoming to all and rooted in the family.
We commit to advancing our rich and vibrant cultures on all fronts.

We commit to lifelong learning embracing each opportunity as a teachable moment.
We commit to establishing services where they are needed ensuring that where a child lives doesn’t limit the services they receive.
We believe that every family is a child development centre.

We accept the responsibility for our children.

We believe in our greatness.
This is our truth.