Keeping the Promise: 2008 Donor Honor Roll from the N.C. Children's Promise

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Recognizing monetary

Keeping the Promise

contributions, grant awards, and gifts in-kind received January 1, 2008, through December 31, 2008.

2008 Donor Honor Roll from the N.C. Children’s Promise



D s Stiles, M Alan D. ment of Pediatric rt a p f, n, De Chairma Physician in Chiepital s o H ’s n dre N.C. Chil


At the conclusion of 2008’s seventh annual N.C. Children’s Promise Radiothon/Telethon, the Talecris Biotherapeutics total board displayed a recordbreaking $1,000,000+ in undesignated gifts donated by corporations and individuals like you in support of N.C. Children’s Hospital. Seeing a seven-digit fundraising total was a humbling experience, made all the more poignant by the financial hardships that many currently face. It showed me that North Carolinians can and are willing to dig deep to support an institution that cares for the state's most critically ill and injured children, regardless of a family’s ability to pay. And perhaps never before has the need for support been greater. While much of the health care system has lost occupancy in the economic downturn, demand for inpatient beds at N.C. Children’s Hospital hasn’t waned. We remain, as always, at nearly 100 percent capacity, doing our best to balance needed admissions with available discharges. And still, there is a wait list. Outpatient services are similarly taxed, with demand outstripping resources in the face of a nationwide shortage of pediatric subspecialists. As I’ve commented in the past, North Carolina is hit particularly hard with 75 percent fewer pediatric subspecialists per child than the national average. Fewer subspecialists mean longer waits for kids with highly specialized health needs and an over-burdened system for their families to navigate. We remain focused on developing creative solutions for building capacity and doing more with less.

With rising uncompensated care costs and looming budget cuts, your generosity means more than ever. Your contributions help us provide programs, services and equipment that in all likelihood wouldn’t exist without your commitment to our cause. A summer day camp for kids with hemiplegia. Toy kits to comfort and distract children during emergency procedures. A video laryngoscope for endotracheal intubation of children with small or anomalous airways. These are just a few examples of how your dollars helped bridge the gap between clinical revenues and the needs of our patients and their families last year and assisted us in making the hospital experience as child- and family-friendly as possible. On behalf of our faculty and staff, thank you again for your support of N.C. Children’s Hospital. And please, join us once again on Thursday, November 19, 2009, for the eighth annual N.C. Children’s Promise Radiothon/Telethon. With your continued friendship, I hope we will see another seven-digit fundraising total and have a million more reasons to celebrate. In gratitude,

Alan D. Stiles, MD Chairman, Department of Pediatrics Physician in Chief, N.C. Children's Hospital



Chloe A

lock of hair. A tiny hand or footprint molded in clay. Every parent treasures mementos from their child’s first days. But imagine for a moment how much more precious and priceless those keepsakes would be if you lost your child.

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Ann and Chris Smith know first-hand the all-encompassing grief that comes with the passing of an infant. The Smiths lost their first child, a beloved daughter they named Chloe Madison, shortly after her birth in 2002. They had learned 14 weeks earlier that Chloe suffered from anencephaly, a rare birth defect that would prevent her brain from forming. If Chloe wasn’t stillborn, the doctors said, she wouldn’t survive long after birth.

The Smiths refused to terminate the pregnancy. Instead, they concentrated on making most of the time they had with Chloe. They “visited” with her via ultrasound every two weeks. They developed a birth plan and wish list of things they wanted to experience with Chloe if given an opportunity: simple things like a first bath and getting to dress her. Pregnancy complications forced Ann’s doctor to induce labor at 32 weeks, but Chloe was born alive at 12:29 a.m. on June 14, 2002. “Everything I had done was for that moment,” recalls Ann Smith. “I held her. I saw her heart beating. She was alive, if just for 10 minutes. And I knew there would be a reason for her life and her death.” Those reasons continue to manifest themselves in ways great and small. Ann and Chris Smith and the Eddie and Jo Allison Smith Family Foundation honor Chloe’s memory by supporting programs for bereaved families in the Newborn Critical Care Center. Bereavement kits enable parents to capture memories of their child—that lock of hair, that tiny hand or footprint molded in clay. Further, an endowment established in Chloe’s name funds educational resources for caregivers involved in palliative care throughout the Children’s Hospital.

Chris and Ann Smit and their d h with their son, Bla aughter, M ke, aggie.



$50,000 - $99,999

The Estate of Betsy Chamberlin Curtis Media Group The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation/ Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics, Inc. The Charles A. Dana Foundation The Duke Endowment The John Rex Endowment UNC Dance Marathon

The Rita Allen Foundation Children’s Fund of North Carolina Corks for Kids, Inc. The Charles H. Goren Foundation, Inc. Reece Holbrook Golf Tournament Kohl�s Richard and Barbara Lund National Palliative Care Research Center Mr. and Mrs. Marc NoÍl Shire Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. William Sollecito St. Baldrick's Foundation

$25,000 - $49,999 Autograph Basketball for Community Activity Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Braswell Mr. and Mrs. John W. C. Entwistle, Jr. Foundation for the Carolinas Goodnight Educational Foundation Instrumentation Labaratory The Larry King Cardiac Foundation National Multiple Sclerosis Society Ronald McDonald House Charities of NC, Inc. The Estate of Ellen Ross The Eddie and Jo Allison Smith Family Foundation, Inc. Stryker Corporation Time Warner Cable / News 14 Carolina

Absolute Collection Service, Inc. Anonymous Aramark/Carolina Catering Marvin L. Baker Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bardsley Dr. and Mrs. Frederick O. Bowman, Jr. Classic Foods Colvard Farms Mr. and Mrs. Butch Davis Franklin Street Trust Company Genzyme GlaxoSmithKline, Inc.

$10,000 - $24,999 Hettinger Foundation Illinois Coalition to Combat Hunter Syndrome Lori and Gregg Ireland Jewish Community Foundation of Savannah K2 Challenge, Inc. Live Nation Music Group, Inc Making Precious Strides, Inc. MarketSmart Advertising North Carolina State University Pack-A-Thon

Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein, LLP Pulte Home Corporation – Raleigh Rock Against Cancer S & D Coffee, Inc. Sorin Group USA, Inc. Statewide Campaign Organization Mr. Robert Stout SunTrust Bank Swim for Smiles Foundation Tar Heel Monthly Wake Forest-Rolesville Middle School



Kohl’s Cares g7


e believe that caring for our friends, neighbors and families is what creates a sense of community, and Kohl’s is proud to play a positive role in each community we serve,” says Kohl’s Chairman, Larry Montgomery. N.C. Children’s Hospital has been a proud beneficiary of Kohl’s commitment to community since 2005, when Kohl’s chose the Children’s Hospital for a hospital partnership as part of its Kohl’s Cares for Kids® program. How does the program work? For just $5, Kohl’s customers can purchase special Kohl’s Cares for Kids merchandise. Items consist of popular children’s books and related plush toys. Kohl’s uses 100 percent of the net profits from the sale of these items to support children’s programs in local communities from coast to coast. Since the program’s inception in 2000, Kohl’s has turned $5 books and stuffed animals into more than $126 million for children’s initiatives nationwide while providing millions of inexpensive books to young readers. N.C. Children’s Hospital has received close to half a million dollars in grants from the Kohl’s Cares for Kids program in the past four years, in addition to countless books and stuffed toys as gifts for patients. Grant funds have supported parent and caregiver education programs and related projects within the Children’s Hospital, the most recent of which was the launch of the Kohl’s Online Health Resource Center, available via the Children’s Hospital’s Web site. The online interface—found at—is a treasure trove of children’s health information. There are more than 12,000 topics in all, including health tips, healthy recipes, health quizzes, articles, health risk calculators and even videos. It’s a comprehensive resource for caregivers, from those looking for answers to everyday health questions to those researching specific medical conditions or procedures.

Kohl's Online Health Resource Center

Parents and caregivers can find a wealth of health information for kids from infants to teens on the Kohl’s Online Health Resource Center.


$2,500 - $4,999

$5,000 - $9,999 Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. Blue Cross Blue Shield of N.C. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Burnett Chapel Hill Sportswear Corporate Express Covidien Crown Automotive Management Company CryoLife Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Davidson Mr. Frederick M. Doumani Mr. and Mrs. David Emonson Fraydun Foundation, Inc. Golden State Foods (GSF) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Hazen Ms. Lily I. Hsu Keystone Foods LLC Lee-Moore Oil Company LIDS4KIDS McCain Foods USA, Inc. Thomas & Francis McGregor Foundation Medtronic, Inc. National Cancer Coalition, Inc. Pozen RBC Capital Markets Corporation Richard M. & Elizabeth M. Ross Foundation Ms. Kathy Sharpless and Mr. Sam Rohwedder Smith Breeden Associates South Johnston High School Skills USA Dr. and Mrs. Alan D. Stiles Thanksgiving Dance Sponsors The Carolina Inn

Axcan Scandipharm Inc. Mr. and Ms. Matthew P. Ayotte Bama Companies Mr. Richard T. Breeden, Jr. Cardinal Health Inc. - HQ Mr. Ralph Caricofe and Ms. Meredith J. McGill Ms. Jean G. Carter City Limits Saloon Coastal Carolina Honda Coca-Cola USA Cogniserv Inc. Ms. Kendal M. Deese Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. Granville Towers Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Hall Healthy Home Insulation LLC Herman Miller for Healthcare, Inc. The Benjamin Jacobson & Sons Foundation Johnson & Johnson - Vircolab, Inc. The Margaret J. Lear Charitable Lead Unitrust McEntire Produce, Inc. Meadowmont Development Co., LLC Ms. Maria D. Meyer Michael Jordan Nissan Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Miller, Sr. Mitchell Spas, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Myer NC Center for Dermatology


Northeast Foods, Inc. Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Inc. Ohio Medical Corporation Optimist Club of Chapel Hill Physicians World Dr. Gregory D. Randolph and Ms. Janice Bryant Dr. and Mrs. Todd Allen Rogers RSVP Events Salem United Methodist Church Shuford Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Siler, Jr. Skanska USA Building, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Smithwick, Jr. T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving Tatum and Edwards, P.A. The Teddy Fund at The San Diego Foundation The Medical Auxiliary of UNC Hospitals The Mega Force Staffing Group, Inc. Together for Kids, Inc. UNC Hospitals Volunteer Association University of North Carolina Hospitals Vietri, Inc. Wachovia Bank, N.A. Webb Family Trust Mr. Charles L. Wickham, Jr. ORG Solutions Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Zollinger II

$1,000 - $2,499 4C Communications, Inc. Mr. Scott Aaron Mr. Edward J. Albrecht, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Michael Alspaugh Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Andracchio II Ansell Healthcare, Inc. Atrium USA Dr. and Mrs. Ed Bailey Bank of America, N.A. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Barron BB&T Becton Dickinson & Co. - HQ Dr. and Mrs. George W. Bensch Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bieler III BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. Dr. Julie S. Blatt and Mr. Arthur Greenberg Britlee, Inc. Mrs. Kay-Frances Brody Mr. Jeffrey A. Brown Mr. Lance D. Buchholz Dr. and Mrs. Craig A. Buchman Dr. Timothy P. Bukowski Carolina Overhead Door and Dock, Inc. Chapel Hill Wine Co. Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Clendenin ClubCorp Service Center Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Coker Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Comer Cooke Vending Cumberland Community Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Custer

Dr. Peter G. Dalldorf and Ms. Christina A. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Dates Deroyal Industries Mr. Donald J. Deutsch DR Promotions Mr. and Mrs. K. Robert Draughon Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Duff The Edmisten & Webb Law Firm Mr. Robert L. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Edwards, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Efting Embarq Management Company Enzon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Equine Extravaganza Drs. Matthew G. Ewend and Lisa Carey The Foundation For A Sustainable Community Ms. Sarah Froeber Mr. James D. Gaillard Ms. Parul K. and Mr. Charles A. Galloway Mr. and Mrs. David W. Garland, C.P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Ginsberg Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott Goudy Green Square Advertising LLC Ms. Lora Gunn The Michael W. Haley Foundation, Inc. Mr. M. Hansen Mr. C. Kelly Harrill Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Hartley Mr. Jim and Mrs. Kim Henry Mr. Lowell N. Hoffman

Holler Enterprises, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Holt Mr. John Hughes Ms. Sheryl Inge Ms. Erin Jennings Mr. Jeff Jones Mr. Chris P. Judy Ms. Susan Keelin Mr. Brian K. Keesee Dr. Prue Kelly Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings Mr. and Mrs. Pearce Landry Ms. Carol Lawson Learfield Communications, Inc. Dr. Edward I. Lee Lee-Moore Capital Company Mr. Stacy S. Long Mr. and Mrs. David Lowe Lynnwood Grill, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Mabe Martin Marietta Materials Mr. John F. Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Terry McGuire McGuireWoods Consulting LLC Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. McNeill MedImmune, Inc. Mega Plumbing of the Carolinas Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Messinger Metal Works of High Point, Inc. Mr. Samuel Middleton, Jr. Mrs. Crystal Hinson Miller and Mr. Eric Miller Mr. W. L. Miller Missa Bay, LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moore Mr. and Mrs. William A. Morrissett Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Morton III Ms. Kelley Moye Mr. Michael T. Murphy The Eleanor & Roy Nester Family Foundation Nike, Inc. Drs. Terry L. Noah and Margaret R. Helton Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Norwood Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nygard Dr. and Mrs. David W. Ollila Mr. and Mrs. W. James Ormond Mr. Allen Ostendorff Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Park Dr. and Mrs. David B. Peden Mr. and Mrs. David R. Perry Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Walker Lynch Poole Mr. Scott Pryzwansky Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Quain Mr. James Quinn Mr. William G. Rand Rex Healthcare Ms. Theresa Richardson Mr. Gregory J. Robertson and Ms. Maria I. Downton Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Mr. and Mrs. Chris D. Russell Ms. Lillie L. Sapp Mr. C. G. Saunders Drs. Jeffrey Scales and Cheryl Jackson Mr. Dudley L. Simms IV Mr. J. Troy Smith, Jr.

Ms. Madeline R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. David G. Sneeden Ms. Teresa Snyder Southwest Airlines Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Stone Storr Office Environments, Inc. Sutton's Drug Store, Inc. Mr. Steven Thanhauser and Ms. Van Eure Mr. Chris Theodore TM Solutions, LLC Toleo Foundation UNC Department of Otolaryngology UNC Sports Marketing Office United Way of the Greater Triangle United Way of Tri-State Mr. and Mrs. Ed L. Unterberg Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Valley Mr. and Mrs. Gerard H. Van Rens Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Vanore, Jr. Venture Construction Company Ms. Catherine A. Voorhis Mr. and Mrs. David L. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Walther Mr. Billy Wease Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Weill, Jr. Mr. Adam Weisner Mr. Max O. Welborn, Sr. Dr. J. Arthur Whitley, Jr. Ms. Jennifer S. Wilson Women of Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W. Worsley III YMCA of the Triangle Area, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Zachary






4om and Lisa Hazen have been staunch supporters of N.C. Children’s Hospital since before the doors of the new

Children’s Hospital opened in 2002. As the new facility took shape with nearly endless possibilities, the Hazens considered the myriad ways they could make their mark. Purchasing a flashy piece of high-tech equipment? Funding an innovative research endeavor? So many worthy options to consider, but none truly resonated with the Hazens until they found inspiration in their deep love of family and considered the softer side of medicine. “No parent wants to have a child in the hospital, especially not with a condition serious enough to land them at N.C. Children’s Hospital,” says Lisa Hazen. “We thought to ourselves, ‘How can we make the experience easier for families? What resources do these families need?’”

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Through their personal generosity and their relationship with the Charles H. Goren Foundation, the Hazens ultimately funded parent resource centers throughout the Children’s Hospital. The resource rooms provide quiet, comfortable places with computers and Internet access, so parents can research their children’s conditions and provide from-the-hospital updates to family and friends. The Hazens also funded the Children’s Hospital’s Music Room, a place where kids can explore music therapy as a means of coping and healing. As N.C. Children’s Hospital has grown and transformed in its new space, so has the Hazen family’s support of the hospital’s ever-changing needs. When the Children’s Hospital launched its family-centered care initiative, the Hazens were at the front of the line to help. Their three-year pledge funded the first full-time Family Support Coordinator, focused on the Newborn Critical Care Center, and an expansion of the program hospital-wide in 2009.

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. # Ăž#HILDRENfSĂž(OSPITAL OPENSĂž7AKEĂž#OUNTYĂžCLINIC WITHĂžTHEĂžSUPPORTĂžOFĂžAĂž THREE YEARĂžGRANTĂžFROMĂžTHE *OHNĂž2EXĂž%NDOWMENT Since first being established in 2001, the John Rex Endowment has funded nearly 100 projects to promote healthy behavior and improve children’s access to quality health care in Wake County. One such project was the opening of N.C. Children's Hospital’s new outpatient clinic in Raleigh last fall: the N.C. Children’s Specialty Clinic. “North Carolina’s ratio of pediatric subspecialists to child is just 25 percent of the national average,â€? comments Dr. Alan Stiles, chief physician at N.C. Children’s Hospital and chair of pediatrics at the UNC School of Medicine. “The shortage causes delays of weeks, sometimes months, in appointment times. We’re forced to look for ever more creative ways to increase capacity and best leverage our limited resources.â€? The N.C. Children’s Specialty Clinic—which opened on the Rex Healthcare campus in November 2008 after more than three years of planning—is N.C. Children’s Hospital’s latest solution aimed at expanding access to pediatric specialty care in North Carolina. The multidisciplinary referral center for children with highly-complex, specialized health needs offers services in more than a half dozen pediatric subspecialties. It is equipped with Wake County’s only pediatric pulmonary function test lab. And as an extension of the Children’s Hospital’s outpatient clinic in Chapel Hill, its 17 exam rooms and three procedure rooms expand the Children’s Hospital’s outpatient capacity by 50 percent. “By supporting improved access to care locally and enabling more families to receive specialty care within Wake County, the new resource has a ripple effect on capacity issues in outlying areas,â€? says Kevin Cain, president and CEO of the Rex Endowment. That ripple effect is already being felt, says Stiles. “Not only are thousands of kids in Wake and surrounding counties able to receive specialty care closer to home, thousands more across the state are benefiting from the added outpatient capacity at both locations,â€? he adds. “Anything we can do to expedite the care and treatment of children who need it is a step in the right direction.â€?

TDONOR SPOTLIGHT Photos from the N.C. Chil dren’s

Specialty Cli nic in Raleig h.


$500 - $999

Advisor Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Reuben A. Allen III Mr. H. Allen Andrew Armstrong Relocation Mr. Ernest J. Arsenault Kenneth and Dana Atkinson Mr. Elias Ayola Dr. Bryan Baker Mr. Steve Bakunas Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barry Ms. Teri Bellairs Mr. and Ms. Thomas C. Birch Mr. Kyle Boggess Mrs. Sarah Boone Mrs. Brenda Bost Mr. Robert Bothwell Dr. Kathy Bradford and Mr. Eric S. Bradford Mr. Tyson Brawley Mr. P. David Brown Ms. Joellen Buckio Ms. Frances A. Buckley Mr. Charles A. Cable CAG Farms Inc. Canvas on Demand Capstrat Inc. Ruth Harbison Carr Family Foundation Celmol, Inc. Ms. Gina Celton Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chadwick Mr. and Mrs. George Chadwick Clark Carolina Realty, LLC Mr. William Russell Clegg Coats Garage, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colantuono Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cooney Craig Jackson & Partners Mr. and Mrs. Greg Crowder Cumberland Dairy, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Tigh M. Cundieff Ms. Vickie J. Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Philip Davidow Mr. Norman C. Davis, Jr. Mr. William R. Davis and Ms. Christina M. Gibson-Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dawson Mr. Robert Daye Mr. and Mrs. F. Burton Dean Mr. Adam Derbyshire DGO Framing, Inc. Ms. Jennifer D. Dixon Domino's Pizza Demetrian Dornic Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. Dunn Dr. Robert E. Dupuis Durham Coca-Cola Bottling Company Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dusek Mrs. Betty Strickland Eagles Edwards Security Adjusters Mr. Lars Ekeahl Mrs. Susan Ellis and Mr. Ray Ellis Elsevier Health Sciences Division Dr. James F. Elton, DDS Employees of Flow Buick, GMC, Mazda Equestrian Arts Institute

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. G. Exum Ms. Rhonda Faircloth Fayetteville Area Health Education Foundation, Inc. Dr. Edwin and Dr. Susan Fiscus Dr. and Mrs. Otis N. Fisher, Jr. Floral Expressions Forest Creek Realty, Inc. The Franklin Hotel Dr. and Mrs. Elman G. Frantz Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Fritsch Mr. Carlos A. Garcia Ms. Audrey J. Gilman Mr. and Mrs. Algie G. Gilmore, Jr. Dr. Stuart H. Gold Dr. and Mrs. William R. Goldston Mr. Michael P. Goodwill Mr. Gary Graham Greensboro Council of Catholic Women Mr. Lynwood L. Grissom Robert H. and Elizabeth L. Gupton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haber Mr. and Mrs. Hampton C. Hager III Mr. Samuel W. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hartel Mrs. Ruth Header Daniel and Rene Hellams Mr. and Mrs. Rock Hood Mr. Richard T. Howard Dr. and Mrs. James D. Hundley Mr. and Mrs. Grady I. Ingle Jim's Famous BBQ Ms. Bridgit W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Joyner Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kelley Ms. Amanda V. Key Ms. Mary Key Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kiernan Dr. Sandra C. Kim Mr. Charles E. Kinney, Jr. Ms. Teena Koury Mr. and Mrs. Neil T. Kuyper Ms. Robin Lander Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lassiter Ms. Corie Latta Mr. and Mrs. Peter Laviolette Mrs. Linda Lee Dr. David P. Lensch Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lester, Jr. Ms. Brenda L. Lett Dr. and Mrs. E. Allen Liles, Jr. Mr. John B. Linderman Mr. James Loftis, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Lohr Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lowe, Jr. Ms. Sandra Madison Mr. Dane Madsen Ms. Amy G. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neal McCall Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. McPhail Mr. Aaron Miller Ms. Nancy Mingis Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Molina Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Montross Mr. J. A. Morris Mr. and Mrs. L. Steven Nelson

Mrs. Jennifer Niemi Nu-Look Lawn Maintenance Inc. Mr. Greg Oberholtzer Mr. James O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Owen Dr. and Mrs. Russell G. Owens III Mr. Bob Parcell Dr. and Mrs. Louie L. Patseavouras Dr. and Mrs. David R. Patterson Mr. Zachary A. Paulovits Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. Peterson PHE, Inc. Mrs. Lynn Phillips Mrs. W. Davis Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Carter Price Mr. and Mrs. George H. Reddin Michael J. Roche and Andrea Decsi Roche, MD Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Roghelia Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rotella Mr. and Mrs. George Rountree III Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Russell S. A. L. Squadron No. 7 Mr. Brian S. Sapp Mr. Lane Schiffman Mr. Scott T. Self Ms. Karen P. Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sheegog Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Singer Ms. Doris A. Smith Ms. Leigh A. Smith Mr. Ray S. Smith III Mr. William W. Stanfield Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Steagall Darrell & Patricia Steagall Family Foundation Mr. Samuel Stephenson Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart Stokes & Stokes Swaim Realty, Inc TCBY Mrs. Carol Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John E. Thompson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Thompson Ms. Vivian D. Tilley Mr. Lawson Travers Twelve Labours Foundation, Inc. UIA, LLC. Ms. and Mr. Caroline M. Unick Valdez Painting Mr. Brian Vandersea Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vann Dr. and Mrs. Daniel von Allmen Mr. Craig A. Wade Mr. H. Michael Weaver Mr. and Mrs. James G. Whitton Whole Foods Market Southeast Mr. David Wilkie Ms. Cheryl Williams Wilmington Health Associates Mr. Jeffrey L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wilson, Jr. Mrs. and Mr. Kellie Wood Ms. Theresa D. Woodbury Mr. S. Dillon Wooten Mr. C. R. Young Dr. and Mrs. Peter R. Young, Sr.

0LANNEDĂž'IVING Leave a Legacy

“Planned giving� refers to charitable gifts that require some planning before they are made. Some examples include gifts through your retirement assets, will, charitable gift annuities, gifts of life insurance, pooled income funds and charitable trusts. Whether you choose to donate cash or other assets, planned giving can provide valuable tax benefits and, in some cases, even lifetime income. Recognizing Your Gift As the highly influential leader of the UNC Medical School from 1941-1964, W. Reece Berryhill, MD, left an enduring legacy to UNC, North Carolina and the nation. As a tribute to the man known as “the father of modern medicine at Carolina,� the W. Reece Berryhill Society was established to recognize generous individuals who, through a planned gift, leave a lasting legacy to UNC School of Medicine or UNC Hospitals that will touch the lives of students, patients and the world for generations to come. In addition to membership in the Berryhill Society, UNC is pleased to recognize you as a member of the Charles Gerrard Legacy Society, which recognizes individuals who have made a planned gift to benefit any area of the University. For more information on making a planned gift or including N.C. Children’s Hospital in your will, please contact Crystal Miller, Director of the N.C. Children’s Promise, at (919) 966-5812.



!sk Michele and Bill Sollecito and they’ll tell you, it’s not the bricks and mortar that make N.C. Children's Hospital. It’s the people—more than 1,000 talented, dedicated and compassionate doctors, nurses and other clinical and ancillary staff—that define N.C. Children’s Hospital as a national leader in children’s health care. People like Dr. Stuart Gold. Gold heads up the division of pediatric hematology-oncology. Treating kids with cancer and blood disorders is a job he takes very seriously, but if you see him with a patient, don’t be surprised if he’s got straws sticking out of his nose and talking about the “boogies” he ate for breakfast. He’ll do almost anything to get a giggle, and with Dr. Gold, fun and laughter are always part of the treatment regimen. “I am a 3-year-old at heart, so that’s just natural for me,” says Gold about his infamous bedside manner. But it’s more than his bedside manner that has made Gold one of the Children’s Hospital’s most beloved doctors. It’s his devotion to his current and former patients, or “his kids,” as he calls them—one of whom happens to be the Sollecitos’ daughter, Rosalinda, who, thanks to Dr. Gold and his team, battled leukemia and won. “Our 23-year-old daughter is a cancer survivor today because of Dr. Gold and the other faculty and staff in the pediatric hematology-oncology group,” says Bill Sollecito. “In fact, they ‘treated’ the whole family as we all went through this traumatic time in our lives. They provided a network of support that included nurses and social workers as well as doctors, all led by Dr. Gold. We will be forever grateful to Dr. Gold and his team.”

Long-time C hildren’s Hos pital supporte Bill and Mich rs ele Sollecito en joy the Chap Pinwheels an el Hill d Promises L uncheon held in Octob er 2007.

As a tribute to the man they credit with saving their daughter’s life, the Sollecitos started the Dr. Stuart Gold Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Distinguished Professorship. The endowed professorship will enable Gold and his colleagues to pursue the most promising avenues of medical discovery by augmenting support for vital educational, patient care and research efforts. The goal is to raise $2 million to fund the professorship. Thanks to the Sollecitos’ initial seed money and the contributions of more than a dozen others since, the N.C. Children’s Promise has just over $100,000 more to raise before it can apply for a state match of $667,000.

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“We not only wanted to show our appreciation for what was done for our family but also ensure that other families continue to receive this type of total family care in the future,” adds Sollecito. “It is our way of giving back to the University and to a community that has given us so much in so many ways over the years.”


$250 - $499 3rd Degree Investigations

Ms. Vinnie Duncan

Mr. and Timothy F. Hood

Mr. Brian L. McRae

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Shaffer

Dr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Adamson

Mr. Greg Dunsworth

Dr. and Mrs. William C. Hubbard

Ms. Carolyn Medley

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Smith

Dr. and Mrs. William T. Adamson

Ms. Angela Eberts

Ms. Diane Hudson-Barr


Mr. Layne M. Smith

Mrs. Anne M. Addabbo

Ms. Sharon G. Edmundson

Mr. John Huff

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Milam

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Smith, Jr.

Mr. Elton R. Ange, Jr.

The Educational Foundation, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Scott Hultman

Mrs. Valentin Millan

Ms. Katherine Applegate and Mr. Michael Reynolds

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Smithwick II

EM Roofing and Mr. Elio Anguiano

Mr. Josh R. Jeffreys

Mrs. Dawn Milligan

Encore Singers and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Walsh

Mrs. Denise M. Jeffries

Ms. Emily O. Mobley

Mr. Elias Jimenez-Lopez

Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Moe

JMC Construction and Mr. John Carew

Mr. Roland J. Moessner Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Montross

Mr. T. Edward Jolley, Jr.

Mr. James E. Moore

Mr. Larson Jones

Ms. Jennifer Moore

Mr. Richard N. Jones

Mr. Larry E. Moore

Ms. Barbara J. Kelly

Mr. Christopher Morton

Auto Pro To Call, Inc. B A M of North Carolina Inc Ms. Beverly Bahin

ESA Southern NC & Eastern Surfing Association

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Banks

Mr. Sasuke Escarsega

Mr. James H. Barrowclough

Mr. Jerry R. Evans

Benton Ventures Inc

Fairway Recognition

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Biersach

Ms. Kelly M. Felton

Biltmore Estate

Mr. Paul Ferris

Mr. Gerald B. Black

Mr. William Fischer

Dr. and Mrs. Carl L. Bose

Ms. Tamara Fore

Mr. Troy Breathwaite

Four Oaks Elementary School

Dr. and Mrs. Jon P. Brisley

Foust Brothers Construction

Ms. Kristen L. Sykes

Ms. June T. King

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nelson

Frank and Norine Tamborino

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kirk

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Nolte

Ms. Janelle S. Tarpey

Ms. Patricia G. Oliver

Ms. Stephanie Teeter

Mr. Donald O'Quinn

Mr. and Mrs. C. Heide Trask, Jr.

Ms. Robin E. Owens

Mr. Neal Triompo

Mr. Gerald Parise

Dr. Susanne Tropez-Sims

Ms. Vicki Franciosi

Mr. Brian Klien

Mr. Gene Brown and Ms. Penny Gallins

G.R. Wooten Construction

Dr. and Mrs. Jay E. Klompmaker

Mr. Toby Garner

Dr. and Mrs. Wallace D. Brown

Mr. Steve Koerner

Ms. Kathleen P. Garrett

Mr. and Dr. Fritz H. Brunssen

Mr. Christopher Kousis

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Gaster

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Bryan

Ms. and Mr. Natalie M. Kramer

Ms. Helen George

Dr. and Mrs. Scott H. Buck

Ms. Shelby Laird

Dr. and Mrs. David A. Gerber

Buffalo Brothers, Inc.

Ms. Maryann A. LaManna

Dr. Mandy Ghaffarpour, DDS PLLC

Dr. and Mrs. G. Hadley Callaway

Dr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Godsey

Ms. Jane H. Lambeth and Mr. Carter Lambeth

Mr. Stephen M. Cannon

Goodness Gracie

Mrs. Amy W. Lamm

Mr. Thomas Cantley

Mr. Mark C. Pisano and Mrs. Julie A. Gouveia-Pisano

Mr. Mark McKenna and Ms. Stephanie T. Lane

Drs. Mark L. Graham III and Laneta Dorflinger

Mr. Leslie Lang Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Larson

Mr. Paul Chiarolancio Mr. Walt Clarke Mr. Jeff Corbett Dr. and Mrs. John Cordes Ms. Kelli Couture Mrs. Nicole Cox Mr. Barry Crabtree Ms. Faye Craddock Ms. Kimberly Crocker Crowne Plaza Resort Asheville Mr. Carlos Cruz Mrs. Michele Cullen Mr. James C. Cunningham Custom Drum Service, Inc. Mr. Larry Davis Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Davis Mr. Larry T. Deberry

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sutter

Ms. Cheryl Murphy

Ms. Patricia P. Freshour

Mr. Kyle O. Chalk

Mr. Jeremy Strauss Studio 91 Fine Art Gallery

Nantucket CafĂŠ and Grill

Mr. David L. Brook

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cherry

Mr. Edward R. Steed Ms. Lydia L. Stephan

Mrs. Juanell King

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brown

Ms. Cynthia Cass

Ms. Annie G. Sprunt Ms. Kristy Stainback

John and Kimberly Kendrick

Mr. Douglas Klaucke and Ms. Natalie Moses

Ms. Ingrid Carothers

Ms. Janet S. Sommer Mr. John J. Sowa MSG, RET.

Mrs. Chetna Patel

Mr. Jim Turner

Mr. and Mrs. W. David Paxton

Mr. Darren Umstead

Ms. Kelli Perry

Umstead Correctional Center Inmate Service Club

Dr. and Mrs. J. Duncan Phillips PI CH SA, LLC Ms. Vicki Pickering

UNC Dental Hygiene Student/ American Dental Hygienists' Assoc.

Pilos Construction LLC

Mr. James A. Urquhart

Mr. Tony L. Pope

Mr. and Mrs. R. Harris Vaughan

Pope John Paul II Catholic School

Mr. David L. Vento

Mr. Richard Price

Ms. Erika Viall

Prudential Carolinas Realty

Mr. Martin Wall

Mr. Jose O. Puente

Ms. Carolyn W. Grant

Dr. Matthew M. Laughon

Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Greer

Mr. James W. Lea III

Mrs. Liliana Guarino

Mrs. Elizabeth Leadbitter

Ms. Frances Gupton

Ms. Catherine D. Ledbetter

Mr. Eric C. Gutierrez

Mr. and Mrs. Alton Lennon

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hales Mrs. Angela B. Hall

Ray's Floor and More and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll R. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Watts III

Ms. Shannon C. Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Eric Linsley

Dr. and Mrs. James R. Harper, Jr.

Ms. Jill C. Rekuc

Mr. and Mrs. William W. Webb, Jr.

Ms. Shannon B. Lora

Ms. Patricia Harper-Leaphart

Ms. Judith M. Rhew

Dr. Spencer Weig

Ms. Margaret Lowe

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Rhoad

Dr. Timothy M. Weiner Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham White, Jr.

Ms. Amy J. Harris Mr. Robin Harris Mr. James Harrison and Dr. Lisa Gangarosa Ms. Tammy Harvey and Mr. Bradley Bruestle Mr. Harold D. Haskins Mr. Mel Heinz Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hemphill Mr. Francis Henry

Mrs. Barbara Purtee Mr. Arthur Quinby and Mrs. Kim Macalister Mr. and Mrs. Richard Randall

Mr. Raul Lujan

Ms. Susan Richards

Mark A. King Builders Inc.

Mr. William Riggs, Jr.

Martco Development Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Roach

Mrs. and Mr. Nannette Martin

Mr. Alan C. Robbins

Mr. Tom Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Rogers III

Ms. Tomasa Martinez

Mr. and Mrs. L. Jason Roghelia

Ms. Amy May

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Rosbrugh

Ms. Julie K. McCann

Ms. Catherine Rosebaugh

Ms. Emily McDowell

Mr. Randal Ross

Mr. Matthew S. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Walton Mr. Wen-Chun Wang Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Watkins Ms. Cheryl A. Weather

Mr. and Mrs. John Whittemore Mr. Eric J. Wilkins Dr. and Mrs. Barton G. Williams Ms. Judy Williams Mr. Sam Williams Mr. William Wilson Dr. Karen S. Wood Ms. Gina G. Wrenn

Mr. and Mrs. David L. McEntee

Emily and Brad Rosser

Mrs. Judy McGowan

Mr. and Mrs. Jon S. Rufty

Dr. Jill C. Wright

Mr. Duncan D. McGrew

Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Salamy

Dr. JoAnne Yates

Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. McJunkin

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Saye

Ms. Linda Young

Mrs. Megan Douglas

Mr. Jesse Holleman and Mrs. Susan Holleman

Mr. and Mrs. Dickson McLean

Ms. Sarah Schreck

Mr. Andrew Zeh

Mr. and Mrs. James N. Duggins, Jr.

Mr. Steve Holt

Ms. Dawn McPherson

Mr. James R. Schreiber

Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Zinn

Ms. Katharin M. Deschesne Ms. Michele Devisser Mr. and Mrs. William F. Diehl Mr. and Mrs. Elwood M. Dodson, Jr.

Mr. Alexander Herrera Mr. Michael High Mr. Kevin J. Hilt




N.C. CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Number of Children Treated: As a major referral center for children with complex conditions, N.C. Children’s Hospital physicians work hand-in-hand with community hospitals and pediatricians all across the state, providing specialty care to more than 70,000 children from all 100 counties in North Carolina each year. Number of Physicians: 140

N.C. Children’s Hospital protects the health of North Carolina’s 2.1 million children by aligning premier health care practitioners, world-class medical education, and innovative research to provide the highest-quality care, regardless of a family’s ability to pay. The faculty of the UNC School of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics offers complete inpatient and outpatient care at N.C. Children’s Hospital’s state-of-the-art facility at UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill and at more than 25 satellite outpatient subspecialty clinics throughout North Carolina.


Specialties: N.C. Children’s Hospital’s specialty-trained physicians, nurses and clinical staff offer expert care in the following pediatric subspecialties: allergy, anesthesiology, cardiology, critical care, dentistry, dermatology, developmental-behavioral medicine, emergency medicine, endocrinology, gastroenterology, general pediatrics/adolescent medicine, genetics-metabolism, hematology-oncology, immunology, infectious disease, neonatal-perinatal medicine, nephrology, ophthalmology, psychiatry/psychology, pulmonology, radiology, rehabilitation, and urology. Pediatric surgery specialties include general surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, oral/maxillofacial surgery, orthopaedic surgery, otolaryngology/head and neck surgery, and plastic surgery. Patient and Family Care: N.C. Children’s Hospital has 140 inpatient beds: a 64-bed inpatient unit; 8-bed intermediate cardiac care center; 48-bed newborn critical care center; and 20-bed pediatric intensive care unit, or PICU. The short stay unit has 8 beds for children requiring less than 24 hours of inpatient care. The Children’s Hospital’s specialty units and inpatient services include neonatal intensive care, pediatric intensive care, cardiac intensive care, and general medical and surgical beds for children. The Children’s Hospital also has a Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center. All inpatient unit rooms are private, featuring bathrooms with tubs and showers and convertible sofas to accommodate parents staying with their child, while specialty-units offer family sleep rooms. Inpatients have access to supervised play facilities, including a two-story, indoor play atrium, music room, and teen activity center, where children can relieve the stress associated with hospitalization. The Children’s Hospital also offers a state-accredited Hospital School for children in grades K-12, helping kids keep up with their studies during hospital stays. Outpatient Care: N.C. Children’s Hospital’s outpatient offerings in Chapel Hill include general and primary pediatric care clinics and subspecialty care in the aforementioned pediatric subspecialties. Satellite outpatient sites include the N.C. Children’s Specialty Clinic on the Rex Healthcare campus in Raleigh (an extension of N.C. Children’s Hospital’s outpatient clinic in Chapel Hill), and more than two dozen remote clinics in places like Alamance, Asheville, Cary, Charlotte, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Lumberton, Rutherfordton, and Wilmington, among others.

BOARD OF VISITORS Harvey Braswell Chair Littleton, NC Matt and Tiana Ayotte Chapel Hill, NC

Steve McPhail Durham, NC Eric and Laura Montross Chapel Hill, NC

Beth Cherry Wilmington, NC

Mamie Morton Boone, NC

Scott and Betsy Custer Raleigh, NC

Cecile NoĂŤl Raleigh, NC

Tammy Davis Chapel Hill, NC

Chris and Ann Smith Chapel Hill, NC

Susan Ellis Chair, Marketing Committee Raleigh, NC

Clay Smith Charlotte, NC

Jack and Wanda Entwistle Chair, Development Committee Charlotte, NC

Woody and Mary Webb Chapel Hill, NC

Thomas and Margie Haber Chapel Hill, NC

Woody Webb, Jr. Raleigh, NC

Tom and Lisa Hazen Chapel Hill, NC

Phil Zachary Raleigh, NC

Susan Kitchen Chapel Hill, NC

Rick W. Zollinger II, MD Charlotte, NC

Vice President, The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc. Director, The N.C. Children’s Promise Director, Office of External Affairs and Communications 919.966.5812

Cutler W. Andrews Director, Major Gifts 919.843.7648

Amanda Ballew Business and Marketing Manager, Kids Cards 919.401.5452

Danielle M. Bates Director of Communications, N.C. Children’s Hospital 919.843.9714

Regina Hill Director, Annual Giving 919.843.4155

Amanda McGovern Director, Special Events 919.843.2915

Mary Ollila Senior Development Director 919.966.7228

Denina White Development Coordinator, Children’s Programs 919.843.3948



Crystal Hinson Miller, MA, CFRE

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N.C. Children’s Hospital is recognized as one of the best children’s hospitals in the nation on U.S. News and World Report’s 2009-2010 “America's Best Children's Hospitals� list. N.C. Children’s Hospital is ranked 11th in the nation among those caring for children with respiratory disorders.

With seven full-time surgeons, a research PhD, two nurse practitioners and one physician’s assistant, N.C. Children's Hospital has the largest pediatric surgery group in the state. More children have surgery at N.C. Children's Hospital than anywhere else in North Carolina.

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Account #: ____________________________________

N.C. Children's Hospital's pediatric cardiology program is the largest children's heart program in North Carolina and treats more than half of the state's pediatric heart patients, both in Chapel Hill and at seven satellite locations across North Carolina.

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N.C. Children's Hospital leads the way training tomorrow's physicians and surgeons today. Of 160 academic pediatric residency programs nationally, the Children's Hospital's residency program is in the top 20. Two-thirds of all the medical students applying to pediatric residencies will apply for one of the Children's Hospital's 16 positions, and physicians from this training program are caring for children in all 100 counties throughout North Carolina.

City:__________________________________________ State, Zip:_____________________________________ All contributions to N.C. Children's Hospital are tax deductible to the full extent provided by law.

Detach and mail to: The N.C. Children's Promise CB #7237, 88 Vilcom Circle McClamroch Hall, LL 100 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7237


The N.C. Children's Promise Campus Box 7237 88 Vilcom Circle McClamroch Hall, LL 100 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7237

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