1 minute read
4. To attend official government meetings as student government officers and representatives in accordance with school regulations.
Students have the responsibility: 1. To work as members of the student government on the needs and concerns expressed by the student body. 2. To get the prior consent of any faculty member recommended. 3. To conduct election campaigns in a positive, mature manner with all due respect provided. 4. To participate regularly and to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, to demonstrate positive leadership in school government, and to operate within district and school regulations.
Philosophical Basis: One of the important roles of the school is to provide effective ways in which students may express themselves on a wide range of subjects. Official school publications, such as school newspapers and websites, should reflect the policy and judgment of the student editors and should include viewpoints representative of the entire school community.
Students have the right: 1. To possess, post, and distribute literature which will not disrupt the school program and which follows the normal rules for responsible journalism. 2. To be free from censorship of their publications within the guidelines previously agreed upon by students and administrators.
Students have the responsibility: 1. To use only those bulletin boards or wall areas assigned for use by students and student organizations. Students must also accept responsibility for the effect that the posting, publication, or distribution of this literature might have on the normal activities of the school. 2. To refrain from publishing libelous and obscene materials, to seek full information on topics about which they write, to observe acceptable standards of good taste, and to observe the normal rules for responsible journalism.