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The school year is divided into four marking periods, approximately 45 days in length. At the end of each marking period, a student's academic progress will be recorded on a report card. Report cards are available through the Home Access Center (HAC): https://hacdoe.doe.k12.de.us/HomeAccess/Account/LogOn. Please contact your child’s school for login help.
At the midpoint of each marking period, teachers note student commendations and deficiencies. This interim progress report is made available to students, usually during the fifth week of each marking period, in the hope that satisfactory schoolwork can be encouraged cooperatively before grade reports are issued. Interim Progress Reports are
also available through the Home Access Center (HAC).
Grading in major academic subjects, i.e. English, mathematics, science, and social studies, will be on a full-year or semester basis. Exams will be administered at the end of the course. The exam grades will be reported on the report card in a special column.
In full-year courses, marking period grades will count 20% of the final grade. Mid-term and final exams will count 10% each to make up the final grade. In semester courses, each marking period grade will count 40% and the final exam will count 20%.
Incomplete grades must be made up within two weeks following the end of the marking period. If a student fails to complete the work within the two-week period, they will receive a zero for the incomplete work and the marking period grade will be computed accordingly. Medical and/or documented crisis will be the only basis for giving an incomplete grade at the end of either marking period. Teachers are required to allow students with excused absences to make up work when initiated by the student. The time allowance for taking tests or turning in assignments shall be equal to the number of school days or number of class meetings missed due to the absence. See Section IV for exception.
In the event there is a disagreement about a student's grade, the principal shall make the final determination.
Seniors must have successfully passed all course requirements for a diploma and met all financial obligations in order to participate in the graduation ceremony.
The cooperative work experience is an extension of the career program. The student's work evaluation is part of the marking period grade. The weight of the grade is directly proportional to the time spent on the job. See the district co-op manual for details.