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Student Government
5. To assemble peaceably on school property at a time and place designated by the principal. This right will be denied if it endangers the health or safety of others, damages property, or disrupts the activities of others.
Students have the responsibility: 1. To use appropriate language in the school setting. 2. To act in a dignified manner during patriotic activities and respect the rights of others who wish to participate. 3. To inform the school of activities which are in conflict with their religious beliefs. 4. To make reasonable requests to conduct surveys and petitions. The results obtained must be reported accurately. 5. To be well-informed about issues and to express their opinions in a reasonable manner at a reasonable place and time. 6. To plan, get approval for, and hold activities which are based upon educational objectives.
Philosophical Basis: The student government is a means for providing students with an opportunity to express themselves and to act on school matters through the democratic process. All members of the school community share the responsibility for helping the student government; students should be given the opportunity to participate in those decisions that affect the learning climate of the school. So that the student government can function as an informed organization, school board policies and individual school policies should be made available.
Students have the right: 1. To form and operate a student government within their particular school under the direction of a faculty advisor. This right shall be carried out within the guidelines and practices recommended by the National and State Student Council Associations and within the rules and regulations of the school district. 2. To recommend members of the faculty to serve as advisors for their school’s government organization. 3. To seek office in student government, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, or political beliefs.