2 minute read
Student Dress
3. Principals will suppress or recall literature which they consider primarily commercial or religious in nature or material which could disrupt the orderly operation of the school.
Student dress may vary with instructional activity and the physical conditions in the school. Specific clothing, i.e., hard hats, lab aprons, gym attire, Skills USA/BPA jackets, uniforms, and safety attire for various vocational/technical programs for reasons relating to health or safety may be required at the instructor's discretion. It is the goal of the New Castle County Vocational Technical School District to ensure that students are prepared for a career and the workplace during their high school years and beyond. This includes a professional manner of dress; therefore the following examples of inappropriate dress are based upon administrative judgment and apply to all students.
• Clothing must NOT have inappropriate slogans, words, pictures, alcohol advertisements or references to illegal substances. • Shoes MUST be worn at all times. • Tank tops are not allowed during the school year for any student. Sundresses which are fashioned using tank top concept (tube, halter tops, spaghetti straps, strapless or backless dresses) are not permitted. Necklines on shirts/blouses should not be lower than the top of the armpits. • A student's mid-section may not be exposed at any time during school hours. This rule applies to all students. • Pants that are constructed or worn in a manner that exposes skin and/or undergarments are not permitted. • The length of shorts, skirts, and dresses worn by students must be equal to or longer than the wearer's fingertips when standing upright, with arms hanging at the sides. Garments worn over stretch pants or hose such as dresses, shirts, shorts, or tops must be a length reaching at least the wearer's fingertips when standing upright with arms hanging at the sides. • Overly formfitting garments that are inappropriate and revealing are not permitted. Students are not permitted to wear sleepwear to school. • Hats, headbands, bandanas, head coverings, and ear coverings are not to be worn by students in the buildings except for religious or health reasons. • For special events like field trips, dances, commencement, etc., special dress may be prescribed. • Chains or pointed objects are not to be worn or carried.
If inappropriate dress continues, students will be disciplined using the rules and regulations outlined by the Student Handbook. Students will be required to change clothing to meet appropriate status.