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Student Fines and Return of District Property
• Written permission shall be given on a form created by the NCCVT School District and available to employees on the district’s internal website. The employee shall keep a copy of the Permission Form for their records.
• Employees shall not publish or distribute on any personal account maintained by the employee, any personally identifiable information about students or district personnel, including but not limited to names, addresses, or photographs.
• An intentional violation of this policy or the regulations implementing this policy may lead to discipline for the employee up to and including termination of employment.
Grades and diplomas may, following written notification to the student's parent or guardian, be withheld from any student, or former student, who fails to return District property (including but not limited to library books, calculators, athletic equipment, computer equipment, and supplies) in a timely manner.
Grades and diplomas will be released when the student: • Returns all loaned district property in usable condition, or
• Pays the charges for the replacement or repair (which would be at the
district's discretion) of loaned district property, which is lost or unusable,
• Performs voluntary work, as designated by the principal or designee, in lieu
of payment of the charges for replacement or repair.