Alliance News January-March 2017

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Taking Awareness to the Families of Disappeared Persons

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IN-BRIEF Leaders At Sanctuary Pastors Receive Smartphones for Leprosy Updates Trainings Completed Chairmen of the Pastors’ Fellowships Meet Theology Book Packs to Students

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This institution is not like the previous institutions which hold meetings twice or three times a year with no outcome

Marriage Enrichment Seminar

Role of Religion in Transitional Justice in Sri Lanka

Students Graduate from AGBC

Religious Leaders Join Hands to Defeat Leprosy

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Alliance News January - March 2017. For private circulation only.

Marriage Enrichment Seminar 18 Christian married couples including several pastors and their wives attended a 2 day Marriage Enrichment Seminar. The teachings focused on helping couples to grow in their relationship with Jesus and with each other. The facilitators covered a wide range of topics and aspects of marriage including behavioural tendencies and personality types. Several fun activities were conducted for the couples to engage in together which built a stronger bond between them.

The Alliance Development Trust reconstructed the school hall of the Meegahagoda School in Galle. The renovated hall which was declared open on 1 July 2016, was in a dilapidated state and would leak in the rainy season. “We are happy that we have received your assistance” says Chamath, a student of the school, who with his friends, helped in the construction work. “We were in much discomfort and you have done us a great service.”

The Role of Religion in Transitional Justice in Sri Lanka In January, the NCEASL published a research study titled ‘The Role of Religion in Transitional Justice in Sri Lanka: A Faith Exploration on the Right to Truth, Justice and Human Dignity’. The report draws parallels from the teachings of each religion on empathy towards each other, forgiveness, retribution, interpersonal repentance and humility. The study was shared amongst faith leaders from the main religious sects, members comprising a broad segment of civil society, the NCEASL governing council members and youth representing several districts of the country.

Alliance News January - March 2017. For private circulation only.


Alliance News January - March 2017. For private circulation only.



STORY Taking Awareness to the Families of Disappeared Persons According to official complaints made to government authorities, approximately 65,000 persons have been reported as missing since 1994. A majority of these cases of disappearances are closely linked to the armed conflict which raged in the country for nearly 3 decades. With the hope of redressing this issue and other human rights violations that took place during the war and various other civil unrests, the Government of Sri Lanka has taken steps towards introducing transitional justice. The Office on Missing Persons Bill (OMP) which was introduced in parliament in August 2016, intends to clarify the fate and whereabouts of the persons reported to be missing, create and maintain a data base of missing persons and reach out to the general public through awareness programmes. A majority of the families of missing persons however, do not know about the OMP Bill that was passed. Families living in rural areas especially in the north and east of Sri Lanka, have limited knowledge on how they could access information on the whereabouts of their loved ones who disappeared during this time period. In a bid to create awareness on the OMP Bill the Religious Liberty and Social Justice Commission of the NCEASL conducted an awareness programme on the transitional justice process and the mechanisms it makes available to redress the issue on disappeared persons. This programme which was

“Savithri* who is searching for her daughter Gowri* found

great encouragement in this awareness programme.

Alliance News January - March 2017. For private circulation only.

conducted with the support of the District Secretariat of Vavuniya was held on 23 January, 2017 for 52 participants. Those who attended this seminar were family members of missing persons from the Kilinochchi and Murugandi areas and the development officers of these divisions who were equipped with knowledge on the transitional justice process and the OMP mechanism. The sessions were conducted by leading Human Rights activist, R uki Fernando, who explained the provisions made available to the families of missing persons. He explained the processes of the OMP Bill and how the OMP Bill can help those who are seeking information about their missing loved ones. Fernando also encouraged those gathered to make use of this bill brought about by the good governance regime and he also expressed his hope that this programme will help the participants make an informed decision as to how to approach the Office on Missing Persons. Following Fernando’s session, the participants were divided into groups for an exercise where they discussed what they had learned.


A majority of the participants were aged parents of children who had gone missing. All 52 participants had their own queries and were grateful for the opportunity to speak with the resource person and clarify all their doubts. Savithri* who is searching for her daughter Gowri* found great encouragement in this awareness programme. “Passing through Omanthai (checkpoint) she was taken by the army for inquiries” said Savithri. That day, 20 September 2009, was the last time Savithri saw her daughter. Though she had sought the assistance of different agencies and other commissions, Savithri had not made any progress. The awareness programme on the OMP Bill gave her a new hope. “This institution is not like the previous institutions which hold meetings twice or three times a year with no outcome” said Savithri about the newly formed office. “I have confidence that our children will come back to us.” *Names have been changed to protect their identities.

Alliance News January - March 2017. For private circulation only.




Pastors Receive Smartphones for Leprosy Updates

Leaders At Sanctuary Sanctuary House hosted 165 participants attending the AIESEC leadership programme for the third consecutive year. This programme which was organised by the University of Moratuwa was held from 21 to 23 January.

Trainings Completed

Pastoral leaders from each of the 25 districts received smartphones to enable them to upload photos and other information and be connected with the NCEASL with regard to the work done on leprosy through the pastors networks.

In February, the ADT completed capacity building and good governance trainings aimed at strengthening seven Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) in Batticaloa. The final training was conducted for 30 members of CBOs from the Kiran region.

Chairmen of the Pastors’ Fellowships Meet

Theology Book Packs to Students

In January, the Chairmen of the Pastors Fellowships met to discuss their mission objectives for 2017, strategies on overcoming the challenges they are facing and how to maintain the identity of the Church.

The NCEASL distributed a total of 234 theology book packs among bible college graduates and pastors.

Alliance News January - March 2017. For private circulation only.


Students Graduate from AGBC A total of 40 Diploma in Theology students received theological scholarships along with six Bachelor of Theology students who received partial support for studies from the NCEASL. These students graduated from the Assemblies of God Bible College in March.

Religious Leaders Join Hands to Combat Leprosy A National Inter-Faith Conference on Leprosy Control was held at the BMICH, Colombo on 14 March for 120 religious leaders of all faiths and Public Health Inspectors (PHIs). Dr. Sarath Amunugama of the Public Health Services graced the occasion as the chief guest. The religious leaders who attended this conference joined with the PHIs of their district to formulate an action plan to campaign against the spread of leprosy and the stigma against persons affected.

Alliance News January - March 2017. For private circulation only.



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MISSIONS AND EVANGLISM Strategic meeting with 47 Chairmen of Pastors’ Fellowships Marriage enrichment seminar for 18 Christian couples 234 theology book packs distributed to bible college graduates and pastors 46 students granted theological scholarships Livelihood support for 2 pastors Emergency assistance for 3 persons Support towards publishing a book on Nehemiah (Tamil) by Charles Rajkumar

RELIGIOUS LIBERTY COMMISSION Emergency assistance for 4 pastors from Kandy, Meegoda, Puttalam and Meegoda Support for 5 students from Gampaha, Kandy and Batticaloa through the Kids Ed Programme Support for 220 children through Evangel Care Scholarship Programme Distribution of 150 Sinhala and Tamil bibles in the Southern Province Legal aid for 6 pastors in Weeraketiya, Aralaganwila, Madirigiriya, Radawana and Jaffna Awareness programme on the Office of Missing Persons Bill benefiting 52 persons from the Northern Province Dissemination of 3 legal letters Dissemination of 3 incident report releases Advocacy measures and interventions taken concerning Circular 2008 and discriminatory practices concerning Christians Collective dialogue and action taken with some members of the Roman Catholic Church National consultation of faith leaders on transitional justice Launch of 2 research reports ‘Role of Religion and Transitional Justice’ and ‘The Construction of National Identity through Online Discourse in Post-January 2015 Sri Lanka’ Meetings with civil society, the NCEASL members and youth on the ‘Role of Religion and Transitional Justice’ report Coordination of partner visits and raising awareness on the status of the Persecuted Church in Sri Lanka

RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT National Inter-Faith Conference on Leprosy Control for 120 faith leaders A survey and research on Child Culture and Counselling for Children conducted in Colombo Support for the ADT initiated poultry farm in Theravil Leprosy Sundays conducted for 14,729 persons from 23 districts District interfaith meetings with 9 faith leaders and 2 Public Health Inspectors from Kandy and Matara

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