NCEF Strategic Plan 2015 2020

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NCEF Strategic Plan 2015-2020

Building Education since 1987

Foreword This document outlines a strategy for achieving the mission of the National Council for Exercise and Fitness (NCEF) over the next five years. The NCEF is committed to providing an outstanding educational experience through courses of excellence whilst meeting the practical and professional needs of the fitness professional. This strategy recommends the formation of a strong partnership between the NCEF and all agencies dedicated to educating and training competent and confident exercise and health fitness professionals. The formulation of the strategic plan involved making a careful assessment of the current state of the organisation, anticipating developments over the next five years, agreeing on an NCEF vision and mission, making decisions on where and how we wish to be positioned in the future and identifying the actions that will get us there. The plan was completed through consultation and consensus and with the utmost commitment from all those involved in the organisation, especially the NCEF Board of Trustees, N C E F Management, Tutors, Course Providers and NCEF Administration Team. In today’s highly unpredictable and rapidly changing environment, organisations are required to adapt to change and respond to newly presented opportunities to ensure success. While this strategic plan is intended to form the basis of decision-making within the NCEF over the next five years, it is important at the outset to recognise the importance of flexibility regarding its implementation. The plan will be continually reviewed and reassessed to take account of changing circumstances. We look forward to working with all stakeholders in making the plan a reality.

Ă ine NĂ­ Chonaill

Damien Jackson

Director, NCEF

Director, NCEF

Qualify and Progress with the best

NCEF Strategic Plan 2015-2020

Table of Contents

Introduction..............................................................................................................7 Vision........................................................................................................................9 Mission......................................................................................................................9 Core Values............................................................................................................11 Strategic Goals.......................................................................................................12 Objectives...............................................................................................................14 Acronym ........................................................................................ ........................20 Appendix 1: Pathway to B. SC in Exercise and Health Fitness.........................21


NCEF Strategic Plan 2015-2020

The National Council for Exercise and Fitness (NCEF) provides and facilitates comprehensive education and training for exercise and health fitness professional instructors in Ireland. procedures are closely followed. In addition The NCEF was established in 1987 by the Physical Education Association of Ireland (PEAI) in association with Thomond College of Education. The initiation of the scheme was supported by the then Sports Section, of the Department of Education.

course/modules are audited by aligned to Europe Active (formerly the European Health Fitness Association (EHFA). Europe Active is the approved industry quality assurance body for the European health and fitness sector.

The UL/NCEF Pathway provides an The NCEF is an academic affiliate of the University of Limerick (UL) since June 2006. All NCEF graduates receive statutory awards from UL including Certificate, Higher Certificate, Diploma and Degree Level. The NCEF administration office is located on UL campus within the Physical Education &

opportunity for aspiring exercise & health fitness professionals to follow a flexible learning pathway from year 1 certificate, year 2 higher certificate, year 3 diploma and onwards to year 4 degree accumulating European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) on a stage by stage basis.

Sports Sciences (PESS). NCEF/UL courses/modules are developed, operated and stringently monitored in line with UL’s academic regulations and the exercise & health fitness industry demands.

Years 1-4 on the flexible learning pathway are placed at Level 6-8 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) and Levels 5-7 on the European Qualifications

New policies are developed and

Framework (EQF). (Appendix 1 UL/NCEF

implemented on an ongoing basis

Flexible Learning Pathway).

responding to Industry needs, and specific


NCEF Strategic Plan 2015-2020

The NCEF Flexible learning pathway

Sciences (PESS) degree programmes) and

facilitates education in the area of Health and

Colleges of Further Education based on

Fitness from entry level Certificate Level 6

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

(minor) award, to Bachelor of Science Level 8. Studies can be pursued on a continual basis or on a step in step out option allowing the learner far greater flexibility. NCEF courses/modules on the pathway operate nationwide in industry-based commercial settings and educational establishments. The NCEF is a registered company limited by guarantee. It operates on a break even basis and is guided by a Board of Trustees. Board members include representatives from UL, the PEAI, NCEF, from business, education, professional athletes and the leisure industry.

The Department of Defence have acknowledged the quality of NCEF qualifications by continually placing students on NCEF courses/modules. The NCEF also provides intensive courses/modules to third-level students/graduates in Institutes of Technology, University of Limerick (on the Physical Education and Sport & Exercise


NCEF Strategic Plan 2015-2020


The NCEF will provide and facilitate education and training of outstanding quality in the area of exercise and health fitness. We will provide flexible, progressive adaptable/all-inclusive courses nationwide. These courses are aimed to meet the changing needs of our students graduating into the exercise and health fitness industry. The NCEF will exemplify international excellence and best practice and in addition reflect and formally link to European and global standards.



To provide an outstanding educational experience through courses of excellence whilst meeting the practical and professional needs of the fitness professional.


NCEF Strategic Plan 2015-2020

The NCEF has identified three core values that underpin its activities:


Excellence in the provision and facilitation of education and training of exercise and health fitness professionals a) Excellence and relevance b) Quality assurance c) Openness, honesty and accountability d) Sensitive to the needs of individual students and clients e) Efficient and business oriented approach f) Planning for and responding to change g) Continuing professional development through flexible pathway



An inclusive approach to teaching, learning and assessment

a) Provision of a Recognition of Prior Learning Scheme b) Emphasis on an individual learning experience c) Flexible pathway


Enhance and develop professional partnerships

a) Nurturing relationships b) Respectful open and inclusive c) Mutually beneficial

NCEF Strategic Plan 2015-2020

To succeed in its mission, the NCEF has identified five strategic goals to be achieved over the next five years. Each goal is subsequently broken down into objectives.

Facilitate the provision of the high quality, UL accredited NFQ and EQF


approved courses/modules in the areas of exercise and health fitness through industry and education based NCEF Certified Providers.

Provide UL accredited courses/modules of the highest quality, in the


areas of exercise and health fitness through NCEF Education & Training (NET) – the education and training department of the NCEF.

Research, develop and implement further options within the flexible


learning pathway to the B.Sc. in Exercise and Health Fitness and explore other education and training qualification options

Ensure the NCEF operates as a viable, productive and efficient


business entity.

Provide comprehensive lifelong learning opportunities in the area of



exercise and health fitness, both to aspiring students and graduates wishing to keep up to date with industry developments.


NCEF Strategic Plan 2015-2020

Facilitate the provision of the high quality, UL accredited NFQ and EQF


approved courses/modules in the areas of exercise and health fitness through industry and education based NCEF Certified Providers.

Objective 1.1: Monitor and optimise the partnership between the NCEF, UL and Certified Providers. Objective 1.2: Monitor and optimise the placement of NCEF/UL awards on the NFQ and EQF whilst meeting the industry requirements. Objective 1.3: Ensure optimal and efficient coordination of all NCEF/UL course/modules. Objective 1.4: Ensure excellence in tutoring and assessment across all NCEF/UL courses/modules. Objective 1.5: Implement efficient quality assurance and standardisation procedures on all NCEF/UL course/modules. Objective 1.6: Consolidate and broaden the role of the NCEF as the leading facilitator of education and training for exercise and health fitness professionals.


NCEF Strategic Plan 2015-2020

Provide UL accredited courses/modules of the highest quality, in the areas of


exercise and health fitness through NCEF Education & Training (NET) – the education and training department of the NCEF.

Objective 2.1: Ensure optimal and efficient coordination of NCEF/UL courses/modules provided by NET. Objective 2.2: Ensure excellence in tutoring and assessment across all NCEF/UL courses/modules provided by NET. Objective 2.3: Implement efficient quality assurance and standardisation procedures on NCEF/UL courses/modules. Objective 2.4: Implement full and part-time registration of courses as required including years 1-4 of the flexible learning pathway.


NCEF Strategic Plan 2015-2020

Research, develop and implement further options within the flexible learning pathway to B.Sc. in Exercise and Health Fitness and explore other education


and training qualification options

Objective 3.1: Develop and expand the B.Sc. pathway to meet the needs of current trends and research evidence. Objective 3.2: Review and upgrade existing courses/modules within the B.Sc. pathway based on ongoing evaluations and reviews.


NCEF Strategic Plan 2015-2020

Ensure the NCEF operates as a viable, productive and efficient business entity.


Objective 4.1: Ensure that annual incomes meet the realistic expenditure requirements of the business based on an annual budget and two-yearly cash flow projections. Objective 4.2: Estimate realistic student number targets on all courses /modules 2015-2020. Overall projected student numbers 5% increase. HCEHF 15% increase, DEHF 50% increase and B.Sc. 50% increase. Objective 4.3: Ensure that the organisation operates under the guidance of an efficient and productive management and administration team within a safe, supportive and happy work environment. Objective 4.4: Collaborate with relevant national and international bodies in providing professional advice, research and assistance in the promotion of exercise and health when viable and appropriate.


NCEF Strategic Plan 2015-2020

Provide comprehensive lifelong learning opportunities in the area of exercise and


health, both to aspiring students and graduates wishing to keep up to date with industry developments.

Objective 5.1: Provide a flexible learning pathway suitable to the lifestyle needs of prospective students. Objective 5.2: Provide a mechanism through RPL by which individuals with prior learning may be assessed for entry onto, for credit towards and/or for exemption from years, units/modules within the flexible learning pathway. Objective 5.3: Provide advanced training options designed to upgrade the knowledge, skills and competencies of exercise and health fitness professionals as part of their continuing professional development. Objective 5.4: Achieve optimum potential for Fitness Professionals Ireland (FPI), the NCEF Graduate Directory of Exercise & Health Fitness Professionals.


Lifelong Learning

NCEF Strategic Plan 2015-2020



Certificate in Exercise and Health Fitness Diploma in Exercise and Health Fitness European Qualifications Framework European Credit Transfer Systems Fitness Professionals Ireland Higher Certificate in Exercise and Health Fitness National Council for Exercise and Fitness NCEF Education and Training National Framework of Qualifications Physical Education Association of Ireland Physical Education & Sport Sciences Post Leaving Certificate Recognition of Prior Learning Sport and Exercise Sciences University of Limerick

Appendix 1


P1-011 Physical Education & Sport Sciences Building, University of Limerick, Limerick T: 061202829 E:

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