SOCIAL BOOKMARKING Step #1: Go to Click on Join Now.
Step #2: Fill out the information to join.
Once your registration has gone through, you will see this screen. Click Add Buttons.
Step #3: I recommend for ease of use adding the bookmarking buttons. Click Run.
Step #4: You can now import your bookmarks
You may be prompted to complete this process. If you are not, look in the upper right corner of the delicious screen after you have logged in.
Click on Settings
Click on Import/Upload Bookmarks
You have already completed Step A. You must browse for the file of bookmarks on your desktop. Set all of the areas where you see red arrows. Browse for the file on your desktop.
You can make them a specific tag here. Public or Private? Popular tags added?
Once you have set all of the information above to your liking, then click Import Now.
You will then see this screen:
Click Your Bookmarks and your bookmarks should appear.