Tips for Using Facebook especially if you are friends with students 1. Create lists: Friends, Co-workers, Students Click on More on the left side
Then click on Create New List
Then enter the name of the list, choose who you want to be in this list, and then click Create List.
2. Then go to Settings in the top right corner, and go to Privacy Settings
You will need to set the privacy settings for all of these categories Profile, Search, News Feed and Wall, and Applications.
When you click on Profile, you will need to set the privacy for all sections of your profile.
If you choose Customize, you can exclude certain people in lists from seeing your information. That is why making lists is crucial in the beginning and maintaining them throughout your use. When you click on Customize, choose Only Friends and then under Except These People exclude those lists of people who you do not wish to see your information. Then click Okay.
3. Make sure you have set the privacy settings for your News Feed and Wall. Click on News Feed and Wall
You will then see this screen:
4. Don’t’ forget about the Privacy Settings for Facebook Ads.
5. Set the privacy settings for Applications on Facebook. Every single application has settings which can be edited.
For example, if you click on Photos, you can once again Customize which would allow you to exclude Students or any other lists which you may have made. At a minimum, these applications should be set to Only Friends.