NCH Foundation Winter 2024 Newsletter

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Nationwide Children’s Hospital


A Letter from the Foundation Welcome to the latest issue of Nationwide Children’s Hospital Foundation’s newsletter. As one year has come to an end and another begins, we are excited to share the latest news, breakthroughs, and activities at Nationwide Children’s. In this issue, you’ll learn about an exciting gift from the Worthington Companies Foundation to support the most promising scientific inquiries in the Abigail Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Steve Testa President, Nationwide Children’s Hospital Foundation

You will also find information on our Legacy Match program, where you can include Nationwide Children’s in your estate plans and see the impact that your generosity has today on the programs that you are most passionate about. Additionally, we will provide a wrap up of events like Novembeard and look ahead to activities such as the Butterfly Guild’s presentation of Disney's Beauty and the Beast, and much more. Thank you for all your support of our mission.

Steve Testa

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Light Up the Lawn, Light Up a Life..................4 Worthington Companies Foundation Donates $7.5 Million for Pediatric Research.................6 Children Need Hope, and Hope Needs a Champion.................................7 What Does Your Gratitude Look Like?......................................................8 The Impact is Felt.........................................10 BuckeyeThon Dance Marathon ....................11 Leave A Legacy… And We’ll Match It!...........12 On Our Sleeves Marks Five Years..................13 Nationwide Children's Hospital - Toledo........14 Event News............................................ 15-16

Your generosity helps us launch innovative programs and treat children in our community and beyond.

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Light Up the Lawn, Light Up a Life



n November 14, 2023, Nationwide Children’s Hospital kicked off the second Light Up the Lawn, Light Up a Life campaign and introduced eight special Patient Champions. This campaign strives to raise funds for necessary care and research while brightening the lives of patients and families in the central Ohio community. With the 2023 campaign finished, we wanted to give you an opportunity to learn more about each of the patients. Fatima – Fatima has a neurodegenerative disorder known as CLN2 Batten disease. Children diagnosed with Batten disease begin to rapidly lose their ability to walk, talk, and see as early as 3 or 4 years old. When Fatima was just 3 years old, her parents learned about a clinical trial for enzyme replacement therapy in the brain taking place at Nationwide Children’s. They partnered with the Make-a-Wish organization to bring their daughter from Oregon to Ohio to participate.


“It’s a lifelong diagnosis that requires constant day-to-day care,” explains Dr. Kajal Gandhi, endocrinologist at Nationwide Children’s. “We bring families into the hospital to alleviate some of those concerns and empower them to have some of those basic tools that they require when they go home to take care of their child.”


“The goal of this trial is to try to prevent the progression of the disease as we know it,” says Dr. Emily De Los Reyes, director of the Batten Disease Center of Excellence at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and lead specialist of the Pediatric Neurology Neurodevelopmental Clinic. The therapy Fatima is undergoing is prolonging her ability to walk and her ability to communicate and talk to her family. Kai – In 2018, Kai was brought to his local hospital because he was exhibiting what his family later learned were tell-tale signs of type 1 diabetes. Upon diagnosis, Kai was transferred to Nationwide Children's so his care team could teach him and his family what diabetes care entails. Throughout his two-day admission, Kai met with dietitians, social workers, diabetes educators, and the endocrinology team. He and his family learned how to administer insulin, count carbohydrates, navigate 4 | F O U N DAT I O N Newsletter 2024

insurance, manage the diagnosis while traveling, and how to teach others who may be caring for Kai.


Landry – Before birth, Landry was diagnosed with congenital heart block, a rare condition that affects the electrical conduction system of the heart from birth. This meant that her heart was unable to regulate its beating, leading to a slow or irregular heart rate. Landry’s parents came to Nationwide Children's to create a plan to manage her heart condition before and after she was born. At 6 weeks old, and weighing close to five pounds, Landry had her first surgery to place a pacemaker. After time and growth, Landry was able to receive a different style of pacemaker. “This one reads what her heart wants to do and then mimics it,” her mom, Natalie explains. “So, if she is running, her heart rate would speed up and so will the pacemaker. It acts more like a typical heart.” A great fit for Landry, as she has yet to encounter a sport she doesn’t like.

Maggie – In November of 2022, Maggie became very sick with influenza A coupled with pneumonia. Though influenza can be common during the holiday season, Maggie’s case quickly became uncommon as it progressed in severity. Causing significant damage to her lungs, Maggie entered respiratory failure. When it became clear to her doctors that Maggie’s lungs were not going to recover, they reached out to Nationwide Children's, one of the few places in the world that offers lung transplantation to children.

Olivia – Only a few hours after Olivia, “Livi”, made her entrance into the world on June 24, 2018, doctors at her birth hospital were telling her parents that she had several markers for Down syndrome. Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, Livi was sent to Nationwide Children's and began rounds of appointments with many different departments as a part of the standard of care for patients with Down syndrome.

Two months after arriving at Nationwide Children’s, Maggie learned that she would receive new lungs. After successful transplant surgery, Maggie was on the road to recovery. That road was not an easy one. “Maggie was so sick for months waiting for transplant, we knew it was going to take a long time for her to regain strength and nutrition,” recalls Dr. Stephen Kirkby, medical director of the lung transplant program at Nationwide Children's.

Patients with Down syndrome have a higher likelihood of experiencing many health complications, including heart defects, hearing and vision problems, thyroid conditions, gastrointestinal problems, and respiratory issues. Doctors determined that Livi had two congenital heart defects, couldn’t hear properly and would need ear tubes, and would need her adenoids and tonsils removed. Today, Livi is a typical 5-year-old who loves Disney princess movies, dancing, and singing. She especially loves singing and dancing along to her favorite show, Cocomelon.

After a long recovery process taken at Maggie’s pace, she was finally ready go home to her family.

Sean – When Sean began complaining of severe migraines in the spring of 2023, he was brought to Nationwide


Mariah & Milan

Mariah and Milan – Born at just 26 weeks and each weighing under two pounds, Mariah and Milan joined Nationwide Children's population of smallest patients. Both girls developed bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), common among premature babies with underdeveloped lungs who need oxygen therapy, and were placed on CPAP machines, a therapy that carries a lower risk of prolonging BPD. After several months, Milan was thriving and able to go home. Mariah’s release was delayed after she developed feeding aversions. As a result, Mariah received a gastrostomy tube (G-tube). A G-tube goes directly into a patient’s stomach, circumventing Mariah’s esophagus, which alleviated her aversions. Eventually, after 184 days in the hospital, Mariah was ready to join her sister at home.


Children’s to undergo an MRI to explore the source. Results revealed Sean had a brain tumor called a non-germinomatous germ cell tumor (NGGCT) in the pineal region. In need of immediate action, Sean was admitted and underwent emergency surgery to obtain a sample of the tumor and initiate drainage. Several weeks later, Sean began chemotherapy. After two rounds, results showed that rather than the tumor shrinking, as intended, it had grown. Sean needed another surgery to remove part of the tumor and began additional rounds of chemotherapy. After surgery and additional rounds of chemotherapy, MRIs showed the tumor did not come back. Sean has taken this whirlwind of unexpected challenges in stride. He’s fought hard to recover, was able to begin fourth grade with his friends, and is back to playing soccer and football at recess. F O U N DAT I O N Newsletter 2024 | 5

Worthington Companies Foundation Donates $7.5 Million for Pediatric Research


he Worthington Companies Foundation made its first gift ever with a $7.5 million donation to support the most promising research breakthroughs at the Abigail Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

The Worthington Companies Pediatric Research Fund will impact the lives of children far into the future.

The gift to Nationwide Children’s will create the Worthington Companies Pediatric Research Fund, a competitive process where scientific leadership will invest in innovative and transformational technologies. These are the types of breakthroughs that will help children across the globe.

Initial recipients of the Worthington Companies Pediatric Research Fund will be nationally known Nationwide Children’s scientists in disciplines such as tissue engineering, behavioral health, gene therapy, cancer cellular therapy, and more. While The Worthington Companies Foundation, formerly known as The Worthington Industries Foundation, is a new endeavor - this gift combined with 6 | F O U N DAT I O N Newsletter 2024

gifts from The McConnell Foundation represents $17.3 million given collectively to Nationwide Children’s over the last six decades. It is a continuation of a lengthy legacy. John H. McConnell created Worthington Industries in 1955 and began supporting Nationwide Children’s through both personal and company donations. This support benefited cancer research, neonatology, child abuse prevention, and a variety of other initiatives. On December 1, 2023, the firm separated its steel business and the two companies became known as Worthington Enterprises and Worthington Steel. Philanthropic activities will continue through The Worthington Companies Foundation. “The Worthington Companies Pediatric Research Fund will impact the lives of children far into the future,” said Tim Robinson, Chief Executive Officer, Nationwide Children’s. “Worthington Enterprises, Worthington Steel, and the McConnell family have supported Nationwide Children’s for decades, and we are grateful for their continuing commitment to our mission.”

Children Need Hope, and Hope Needs a Champion


ecome a Children’s Champion! The dollars raised by our Children's Champions help fund our amazing mission. Since 2012, the Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus Marathon & 1/2 Marathon has raised $13 million and counting for life-saving research and care.

Did you know that registering to participate in the Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus Marathon & 1/2 Marathon doesn't automatically make you a Children's Champion? You must take an extra step to dedicate your race to make every step more meaningful by committing to fundraise as a Children's Champion. When you raise money for Nationwide Children's, you are helping kids everywhere. Children's Champions:

• Fundraise to help find cures, save lives, and create best outcomes for kids here and around the world. • Earn perks and swag along the way as you reach new fundraising milestones. • No minimum fundraising requirement. Every dollar makes a difference! • Choose the impact you want to make. You can designate the funds you raise to support any program at the hospital.


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Pictured are members of our Grateful Patient Team, left to right: Sarah Washington, Jillean Bastian, Jamie Principe, and Rebecca Hamlin.

What Does Your Gratitude Look Like?


atients, their families, and loved ones often ask how they can thank Nationwide Children’s Hospital caregivers and staff. Our Grateful Patient Program offers individuals many opportunities to express their gratitude for the care they have received.

what are you

Grateful Patient philanthropy benefits the hospital's mission by providing funds for programs and research that they are passionate about. Their heartfelt advocacy and support will impact children and families not just locally, but across the globe.

GRATEFUL for today?

Exceptional care often inspires



Thank your doctor or nurse by donating in their honor.

Show your support by creating a Help Kids Everywhere DIY Event. Host a lemonade stand, a 5k, or create your own one-of-a-kind event.

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SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE Share your journey with one of our Grateful Patient Ambassadors.

meaningful giving. Connect with us today.

If you have questions or would like more information, contact: Jamie Principe VOLUNTEER TO BECOME A PATIENT CHAMPION Give the gift of time by volunteering at special events, at the hospital, or as a social advocate.

Assistant Director, Grateful Patient Program, Nationwide Children's Hospital Foundation 614.355.5442

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The Impact is Felt



hile the final tally is pending – thank you for helping our Children's Miracle Network Hospital (CMNH) partners raise more than $3.5 million to support Nationwide Children’s Hospital in 2023! That is extremely impressive – even more so when you consider that amount is raised primarily with ‘‘spare change.’’

Round up

Coupled with your generosity, we are extremely grateful for our corporate partners and their dedicated associates for making these giving opportunities available. They actively share our mission to help children locally, no matter the family’s ability to pay, and to benefit children around the world with groundbreaking research. Thank you for supporting our partners who support patients and families through their year-round fundraising campaigns.

Store Campaign

Round up

Little Shopper Card

Round up 10 | F O U N DAT I O N Newsletter 2024

BuckeyeThon Dance Marathon BuckeyeThon, the largest student run philanthropy group in the state of Ohio, raises funds for the Hematology, Oncology & Blood and Marrow Transplant Unit at Nationwide Children's Hospital. Student leaders work year-round to support the kids and families being treated at the hospital through their philanthropic activations. Day of Miracles is one of those many activations where students raise as much as possible on one day. On November 13, 2023, BuckeyeThon raised over $278,000! During another activation, Registration Week, BuckeyeThon registered over 2,000 students on campus in hopes of engaging each of them to fundraise and break the $1 million mark during their Dance Marathon on February 10.

Good luck BuckeyeThon! We will be cheering you on to #breaktheceiling!

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Leave A Legacy… And We’ll Match It!


ationwide Children’s Hospital Foundation is the fundraising arm of Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Our job – with your help – is to ensure much needed funds are available for innovative research, emerging trends in pediatric health, and to react to our ever-changing world. Your generosity ensures that we can dream big.

Speaking of dreaming big, if you have considered making a planned gift to Nationwide Children’s, or already have an undisclosed gift in place, now is the time to let us know. We have a unique and impactful opportunity that allows those making a planned gift to be eligible for matching funds. The Legacy Match program is designed to inspire our donors to make estate commitments for the future which are then matched by current gift dollars for vital programs at Nationwide Children’s. In essence, the program gives you a way to leverage your estate gifts by not only providing for future generations of children but also meeting current needs. We invite you to be part of a unique match opportunity with our Legacy Match Program. This program is designed to inspire donors to make planned gift commitments to help future generations of children and meet our current needs. HOW IT WORKS Step 1 Make a qualifying gift* by naming Nationwide Children’s in your will, living trust, as the beneficiary of your retirement plan or insurance policy, or create a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust for the benefit of Nationwide Children’s.

TALK TO US! Leaving a legacy is easier and more accessible than ever. What you may not be able to give today, you may be surprised you can give tomorrow.

Step 2 Fill out the Legacy Match Gift Confirmation form by visiting this link: We will review your form and determine if your gift qualifies for the Legacy Match. Step 3 Once we receive your confirmation form, a current match of 50% of the value of your future gift will be available for you to direct to the hospital program of your choice. The gift will be made to the program in your honor.



Document your planned gift using the Legacy Match Gift Confirmation Form.

Immediate impact to your area of interest at Nationwide Children's Hospital.

50% Matched Funds are directed where you specify.

Future impact with your planned gift.

*Qualifying gifts are determined by type of gift, contingency status, and age of donor(s).

If you have questions or would like more information, contact: 12 | F O U N DAT I O N Newsletter 2024

Lori Caldwell Aiello, JD, CAP® Senior Director, Planned Giving, Nationwide Children’s Hospital Foundation 700 Children’s Dr., Columbus, OH 43205 Tax ID#31-1036370 614.355.5417

On Our Sleeves M A R K S




he On Our Sleeves Movement for Children’s Mental Health, founded and powered by the behavioral health experts at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, not only recently celebrated its 5th birthday, but also obtained its own tax-exempt status as a new national charity. With the growth of the movement and commitment to the mission to create a world where mental health is a part of the upbringing of every child, On Our Sleeves' aspiration to be the leading voice for children’s mental health is only getting stronger. On Our Sleeves is an organization that relies on philanthropy to fuel its work. Now, when you plan to support the mission and efforts to create a world where mental health is integrated into the upbringing of every child, please make your check payable to On Our Sleeves and mail to: On Our Sleeves, P.O. Box 548, Columbus, Ohio 43216-0548. To learn more, visit

If you have questions or would like more information, contact:

Niki Shafer Senior Vice President, Outreach, Nationwide Children’s Hospital Foundation (614) 355.5415

Join the Movement! SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2024 SAVE THE DATE FOR THE 2024 ON OUR SLEEVES 5K hosted by the Columbus Crew with lead support from our founding partners, Big Lots and Nationwide. The On Our Sleeves 5K is a community run and walk to grow awareness, break stigmas, and raise funds for On Our Sleeves, The Movement for Children's Mental Health developed by the experts at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Learn More and Register at :

It’s $1 to register with a commitment to raise a minimum of $50 by May 5, 2024. All participants (virtual or in-person) will receive a medal and a t-shirt. Plus, you are eligible for exclusive VIP incentives and swag as you reach fundraising milestones.


(614) 355-5419

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Nationwide Children’s Hospital - Toledo


ince opening in March 2022, Nationwide Children’s Hospital - Toledo has increased access to high-quality pediatric care in northwest Ohio. New to the region, otolaryngology (ENT) services have helped families receive the care they need close to home. Our new, full-service ENT program – including the only pediatric, fellowship-trained ENT providers in the region – offers everything from tonsillectomy and ear tubes to audiology and cochlear implant services. More information on Nationwide Children’s - Toledo's growing programs and services can be found at

While we’ve just welcomed in a New Year, we want to share images of the amazing Toledo Police Department's SWAT Team and their special 2023 Halloween visit to Nationwide Children’s – Toledo. We love all our first responders!

GET THE LEAD OUT! In October 2023, Angela Mingo, Vice President of Development and Corporate Affairs for Nationwide Children’s, joined Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur to congratulate The Junction Coalition on being named one of 11 organizations in the United States to receive a $600,000 grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to combat lead poisoning in Toledo. The only organization in the State of Ohio to receive the CDC grant, The Junction Coalition strives to provide a viable voice to their neighbors and to cultivate healthy relationships with local, state, and federal government in order to build a better quality of life for the entire community. 14 | F O U N DAT I O N Newsletter 2024



Novembeard 2023 is a wrap! Participants gathered November 30 at North High Brewing in Westerville to celebrate the campaign's success with their annual Shave Off. 46 men raised $45,408.42 this year in support of Hospice and Palliative Care at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.



Butterfly Guild of Nationwide Children’s Hospital is proud to host the Broadway classic, Disney's Beauty and the Beast, at The Palace Theater March 1-3. Proceeds from the production benefit the Hospice and Palliative Care Program at Nationwide Children's. Based on the Academy Award-winning animated feature, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is an international sensation that has been produced in 37 countries worldwide. Come and be enchanted by the stage version which includes all the wonderful songs written by Alan Menken and the late Howard Ashman, with new songs by Mr. Menken and Tim Rice.

Tickets start at $10 with group rates available. Tickets can be purchased at the CAPA Ticket Office located at 39 East State Street, by calling (614) 469-0939, visiting or through

HOSPICE AND PALLIATIVE CARE AT NATIONWIDE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL The Hospice and Palliative Care Program at Nationwide Children's Hospital provides services to children and families, either in the hospital or in their homes, with the goal of helping patients achieve the best possible quality of life. Our Hospice and Palliative team of experts provides families with support, counseling, and world-class care to ensure that a child receives the necessary care and comfort when faced with a life-threatening and/or life-limiting condition. Teams consist of physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, and chaplains to provide both palliative and hospice care depending upon the needs of the patients and families. Learn more about the Hospice and Palliative Care Program by visiting: F O U N DAT I O N Newsletter 2024 | 15


Nationwide Children’s Hospital 700 Children’s Drive Columbus, Ohio 43205-2696


The Development Board of Nationwide Children's Hospital’s annual Rock ‘N Bowl gives participants the opportunity to enjoy a fun day of bowling with family, friends, and colleagues while making a difference in the lives of many. Being held Saturday, February 24 at the Columbus ROCK’NBOWL Square Bowling Palace, proceeds benefit the Lawyers for Kids program and The Center for Family Safety and Healing at Nationwide Children's. Lawyers for Kids is a collaborative approach between lawyers and healthcare providers that brings civil legal aid services into the healthcare setting to address social determinants of health among vulnerable populations. This partnership offers free, confidential legal help to Nationwide Children’s patients and families to improve their health and well-being. The Center for Family Safety and Healing fully addresses all aspects of family violence, including child abuse and neglect, teen dating abuse, domestic violence, and elder abuse, thanks to an impressive combination of public and private resources. Together with you, we are raising awareness and working toward a future free of family violence. Because of you, we can reach out to more families in need, and in the process give more children a reason to believe there is someone out there that cares. Join us in building a better and safer tomorrow for the families of our community by making a gift at: W1144560

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