Nationwide Children's Hospital - Foundation News Spring 2023

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Nationwide Children’s Hospital



A Letter from the Foundation

Spring is often associated with new beginnings and this issue of the Foundation Newsletter is full of new updates, fresh ideas, and innovative technology.

I am excited to share with you the Honda Center for Gait Analysis and Mobility Enhancement. Using 3D motion capture – the same technology used to make video games and movie special effects – our gait analysis lab helps understand how children with orthopedic and neurological conditions move, how we can better treat them, and how we can reduce an individual’s risk of injury.

May was national Mental Health Awareness Month and On Our Sleeves hosted a sold-out 5k that included 1,000 runners and other participants that raised more than $145,000 for the movement for pediatric mental health. You’ll get more updates on that wonderful event in this issue.

You will also learn about a heartwarming toy drop-off opportunity. Children who are in the hospital are still children. They want to play, to imagine, to have fun. Toys help patients get through the difficult days so this effort will bring a smile to so many children.

We are so grateful for your support and help in giving our patients the most innovative care. Nationwide Children’s is on the cutting edge of care because of your commitment.

Thank you for everything,

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NCH FOUNDATION Newsletter 2023 | 3 Inside? What’s Your generosity helps launch innovative programs and treat children in our community and beyond. Where Are They Now?. ................................... 4 Using Cool Technology To Improve Mobility .... 6 Meeting the Children’s Behavioral Health Crisis Head On 8 Spotlight: Ariana Hoet, PhD, Executive Clinical Director, On Our Sleeves ............................................ 10 Dance Marathon .......................................... 11 Butterfly Guild Play Supports Hospice and Palliative Care 12 Rollover! An IRA to a Charitable Gift Annuity ................................. 13 Opportunities for Grateful Families to Become Involved 14 Summer Toy Drop! Back Cover Runners and walkers of all ages turned out Saturday, May 6 at the On Our Sleeves 5K presented by The Big Lots Foundation to participate in the movement for children’s mental health.

Where Are They Now?

Hudson is a very active 15-year-old. He’s a huge sports fan, especially of Ohio State football and basketball. He also loves horseback riding, having started in the saddle when he was only 4, and he has a wall of ribbons to show for his work! Karate, swimming, snorkeling, miniature golf, biking, and snow tubing are other favorites, as well as just about any video game he’s allowed to play!

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While these activities seem typical for a healthy and active boy, Hudson is anything but typical. At birth, Hudson had a stroke, leaving him with left hemiparesis, weakness of one entire side of the body.

Over time, Hudson progressed well with regular Botox injection treatments. These injections helped to relax the muscles in Hudson’s leg and stretch his heel cord to assist with movement. While the injections were successful for a long time, persistent growth spurts made it necessary to increase the frequency and dosage. As a result, Hudson’s parents started investigating alternatives which included Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) surgery, a more permanent solution. SDR is a complex and invasive surgery that corrects muscle spasticity by disconnecting a portion of the sensory nerve rootlets in the spinal canal that are sending abnormal signals to the muscles. This reduces messages to the muscle and allows for better muscle control.

Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy surgery is offered by only a handful of pediatric hospitals and few surgeons are trained in the technique. Jeffrey Leonard, MD, Chief of Neurosurgery and the Surgical Director of the Neuro-Oncology Program at Nationwide Children’s, has years’ experience with the SDR procedure and leads the SDR Program at Nationwide Children’s. Patients from around the country come to Nationwide Children's for this procedure and stay for two weeks after to begin physical therapy.

Dr. Leonard holds the Robert F. and Edgar T. Wolfe Foundation Endowed Chair in Neurosurgery.

To determine if Hudson was a good candidate and would benefit from SDR, he was evaluated at the Honda Center for Gait Analysis and Mobility Enhancement. The extensive personal mobility assessments made possible at the Gait Lab, coupled with multi-disciplinary evaluations allowed experts to craft a personalized care plan for Hudson, helping his parents with decisions related to Hudson’s treatment.

Hudson had successful SDR surgery in May 2019 – a few days shy of his 11th birthday. Hudson’s mom shared that he continues to thrive and is a “great” brother to his younger sister, Laurel, and passionately “coaches” her at every gymnastic meet during her season. When he isn’t busy running, riding a bike, or playing basketball, Hudson is a straight-A student that loves history and math while excelling in science and technology.

There's More.

If you would like to support and ensure much needed funds are available for innovative research and medical care such as Hudson recieved at Nationwide Children's, visit:

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Using Cool Technology To Improve Mobility

The Honda Center for Gait Analysis and Mobility Enhancement at Nationwide Children’s Hospital helps kids and adults walk and move better. A seemingly simple statement to explain how a team of medical experts uses state of the art computer technology and physical assessment to present patients with in depth information about their movement and offer options for treatment.

Analysis using 3D motion capture—the same technology used to make video games and movie special effects - is used to understand how children with orthopedic and neurological conditions move and how we can better treat them. MoCap, as it is frequently referred to in the movie and video game industry, uses high-speed cameras, special force-sensing plates in the floor, and computers to track the 3D movement of the head, arms, legs, and feet as kids walk, squat, bend, and run.

Patients are referred to the Honda Center for Gait Analysis and Mobility Enhancement to undergo analysis using this technology to understand how they are moving in three dimensions. It is part of a comprehensive evaluation which includes a clinical assessment with a physical therapist, mapping of the pressure under the patient’s foot while they walk, and their dynamic muscle activity. Then a team, comprised of physical therapists, physical medicine and rehabilitation doctors and orthopedic surgeons provide recommendations for treatment to enhance function and mobility. A wide range of clinical service areas might be part of a patient’s individualized care plan and team when developing the best plan for improving a patient’s mobility.

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Many of the patients seen in the Honda Center are patients with neuromuscular conditions such as cerebral palsy or spina bifida as well as patients with foot differences, such as club foot. Made possible through the generous support of Honda, the Honda Center for Gait Analysis is also moving into the area of spine biomechanics by studying the functional movements of patients with scoliosis before and after different treatments such as bracing or surgery. This new area of treatment is an exciting, collaborative research project looking at patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis as well as patients with scoliosis due to different neuromuscular or syndromic conditions.

There's More.

To learn more about the Honda Center for Gait Analysis and Mobility Enhancement and how they provide patients with extensive personal mobility assessments and a comprehensive consultation for possible orthopedic surgery, physical medicine, neurosurgery and physical therapy visit:

“I’m really happy to be here and work with our entire team of physicians and medical providers. With the volume of patients that we see at Nationwide Children’s, I think we can have a great impact on research in pediatric orthopedics.”

Nationwide Children’s was proud to welcome Kirsten Tulchin Francis, PhD, as Director of the Honda Gait and Mobility Analysis Lab in March 2022.

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Meeting the Children’s Behavioral Health Crisis Head On

“Our community work is intentionally designed to support local providers and agencies to address more mental health conditions at less-intensive levels, then refer to us when its necessary. That increases capacity to help children at every level. We believe this comprehensive approach will ultimately reduce Emergency Department use for crisis patients and reduce readmissions to the highest levels of care.”

In 2020, right before the COVID-19 pandemic, we opened the largest free-standing behavioral health center of its kind — cementing our commitment to children’s mental and behavioral health. Since then, the pandemic has exacerbated the ongoing pediatric mental health crisis. But our work did not stop with the opening of a building. To address the rising need, we have developed a community-wide system of care that relies on cooperation, collaboration and innovation of hospital and community partners.

We conceptualize the community-wide system of care as a pyramid — the more intensive the level of care, the higher the level on the pyramid. Nearly all children can benefit from basic prevention programs, while only a relative few will need inpatient services. Each child, however, can receive the level of care they need.

We ensure that the various levels of care are seamlessly integrated to provide comprehensive care to children and their families over the course of their treatment. We also ensure that our care is informed by leading edge research and, in turn, supports ongoing research that will define future innovative treatments.

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“Integration is not just about behavioral health crises. It’s about how we develop relationships early and prevent problems later. We’re full partners in the care of the child — ready to jump in as needed to improve physical and mental health."

Primary care is a front door to the mental health system. It’s the first place most parents go when they have a concern about their child’s behavior and development. That’s why Nationwide Children’s Behavioral Health and Primary Care experts have been working together in integrated practices. Project ECHO is a model that allows primary care providers to present cases to behavioral health experts at Nationwide Children’s via teleconference and receive support in managing common pediatric mental health concerns. In 2021, there were 155 ECHO sessions and 3,563 attendees.

In addition, Nationwide Children’s and its accountable care organization, Partners For Kids®, have developed a program to support community primary care practices that want to integrate behavioral health clinicians within their practice. Since launching in May 2022, 30 practices have explored, prepared for or implemented this program, and 13 practices were active within the program.

Dr. Raglin Bignall, prior to being recently named associate clinical director of On Our Sleeves, played an integral role in working with families at a Nationwide Children’s Primary Care Center, which served a primarily low-income and racially diverse community. She implemented a program to help enhance parenting skills for raising young children and built partnerships with community organizations, primary care offices and neighborhood schools.



Ariana Hoet, PhD, Clinical Director, On Our Sleeves

Those familiar with On Our Sleeves may recognize the always smiling face and ever-changing hair color of Dr. Ariana Hoet.

As executive clinical director, Dr. Hoet leads On Our Sleeves in its mission to break the stigma around children’s mental health and provide inclusive resources to aid all adults caring for children and their mental well-being. She is deeply passionate about making sure everyone has a fair opportunity to be as healthy as possible and that people of all backgrounds are accepted and celebrated. Her personal experience as an immigrant from Maracaibo, Venezuela has helped to fuel that passion.

In addition to working as the On Our Sleeves executive clinical director, Dr. Hoet is a clinical assistant professor of Pediatrics in the Department of Pediatric Psychology and Neuropsychology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and The Ohio State University and works in clinic at the Pediatric Primary Care where she primarily serves Latino and Somali immigrant children.

You can often find Dr. Hoet in the media, discussing children’s mental health and On Our Sleeves resources for working parents, teachers, coaches, and more.



More than 1,000 participants joined us at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium and in their own neighborhoods for the On Our Sleeves 5K presented by The Big Lots Foundation. Thank you to each and every one of the volunteers, the in-person and virtual participants, and sponsors for coming together to grow awareness, break stigmas, and raise funds for children's mental health!



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The Impact Is Felt

We continue to be grateful for our corporate partners and their hard-working associates that provide opportunities for your spare change to have an enormous impact on the patients and families treated at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and our Primary Care Centers.

This spring and summer, while you are traveling and shopping, consider visiting these Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals’ partners to support Nationwide Children’s through their campaigns.

Costco In Store Campaign

May 1 – 31

Walmart/Sam’s Club In Store Campaign

June 12 – July 14

Dance Marathon-Students Dance for Good

June 1 – July 26

DQ Miracle Treat Day

July 27


Otterbein University students held the 9th annual OtterThon Dance Marathon on March 18, raising over $7,000 for the kids at Nation wide Children’s Hospital. Over 125 students united for a common cause as they danced, zumba’d, played games, made crafts, and ate great food over the course of an 8-hour dance marathon at Otterbein University. Students connected with their friends and family to help kids throughout central Ohio and the United States to ensure that every child has access to the best medical care possible. Nationwide Children’s is grateful for their ongoing efforts and commitment to Changing Kids' Health to Change the Future.

Thank you to the students on the executive board, the student body, and faculty that helped drive success, and the families and friends that helped the students along the way!


Thank you to students at Capital University for hosting their annual CapaThon dance marathon program benefitting the patients of Nationwide Children's Hospital. It takes a community to make a difference, and we appreciate your campus’ support by creating a day full of laughter, smiles, and an abundance of FUN to make a difference today for a brighter tomorrow.

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DQ Miracle In Store Balloon Campaign

Butterfly Guild Play Supports Hospice and Palliative Care

In March, The Butterfly Guild of Nationwide Children’s Hospital hosted their 65th annual musical production, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s The Sound of Music. They were thrilled to be back on the Palace Theater stage with an incredibly talented cast, crew, and energetic Guild members to bring this beloved musical to life supporting the Pediatric Hospice and Palliative Care Programs at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Butterfly Guild is excited to announce that, they will be hosting Disney's Beauty and the Beast in 2024!

Interested in becoming a member of Butterfly Guild? Contact

Knockin’ Down the Pins Supports the Kids!

Rock ‘N Bowl, presented by The Development Board of Nationwide Children’s Hospital, featured three sessions of bowling with over 600 bowlers participating. More than $100,000 was raised to benefit The Center for Family Safety and Healing and Lawyers for Kids. Mark February 24 on your calendars for Rock ‘N Bowl 2024 at The Columbus Square Bowling Palace! Interested in becoming a member of The Development Board? Contact

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Boltz is Nationwide Children's newest facility dog! Boltz is highly trained for specific tasks by certified handlers to provide animal-assisted therapy (AAT) to the children he works with at the Big Lots Behavioral Health Pavilion.

Rollover! An IRA to a Charitable Gift Annuity

Do you own an IRA? Would you like to support the mission of Nationwide Children’s Hospital and also receive fixed income payments for life? Have you been considering a charitable gift annuity but weren’t sure if the timing was right?

It’s an excellent time to consider a charitable gift annuity (CGA) with Nationwide Children’s and the recently enacted Secure Act 2.0 provides a once-in-a-lifetime easy way to do so with a tax-free distribution from your IRA. You may have a new “best friend” after taking advantage of this opportunity.


• Guaranteed lifetime payments

• Attractive payment rates based on your age


• A one-time rollover of $50,000 from your IRA to fund a CGA

• Rollover amount counts toward required minimum distribution

• Supports the mission of Nationwide Children’s

• Turns a taxable lump sum into a stream of smaller sums taxed over many years

If this “new trick” seems right for you, we welcome the opportunity to discuss this strategy, answer your questions, and send you an illustration of your payment rate and potential tax benefits.


Part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, the Secure Act 2.0 also includes the following changes that enhance retirement benefits:

• Increased the age for required minimum distributions from 72 to 73

• Permits additional catch-up contributions for retirement plan participants aged 50 and over

If you have questions or would like more information, contact:


A CGA is a contract between you and Nationwide Children’s. In exchange for your gift, Nationwide Children’s agrees to pay a fixed stream of income for life to you or you and your spouse. Upon your passing, the remaining principal is used to support the hospital’s mission.

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Caldwell Aiello, JD,
Planned Giving, Nationwide Children’s Hospital Foundation
Children’s Dr., Columbus, OH 43205 Tax ID#31-1036370

Opportunities for Grateful Families to Become Involved

We are constantly inspired by the ways the Nationwide Children's Hospital community wants to give back, whether it be by making a gift, hosting an event, volunteering your time, sharing your story. As part of the Nationwide Children's Hospital Family, you know the importance of making a real difference. Start making an impact - connect with us today.


Thank your doctor or nurse by donating in their honor. HonorCaregiver


Show your support by creating a Help Kids Everywhere DIY Event. Host a lemonade stand, a 5k, create your own one-of-a-kind event.


Share your journey with one of our Patient Ambassadors. We're here to listen.


Give the gift of time by volunteering at special events, at the hospital, or as a social advocate.

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NCH FOUNDATION Newsletter 2023 | 15 If you have questions or would like more information, contact: Jillean Bastian Senior Director, Ambassador Program, Nationwide Children's Hospital Foundation 525 E. Mound St., Columbus, Ohio 43215 614.355.5407

Nationwide Children’s Hospital

700 Children’s Drive

Columbus, Ohio 43205-2696


Drop off Date: Saturday, July 29 | 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. | 646 Parsons Avenue 43215

Toys, games, or activity supplies are hugely important to kids and their families while spending time in the hospital. While playing with toys helps chase away boredom – Child Life Specialists also use toys to help patients learn about upcoming procedures, teach self-care, and reduce anxiety.

Supplies of toys get very low this time of year - please help stock the Toy Room

• Board Games [Connect 4, Sorry!, Trouble, Candy Land]

• Super Hero Figurines

• Marvel Movies

shelves with new toys, board games, and art and activity materials in great demand daily! Check out the list below or visit our wish list at

Toys can be dropped off on July 29 –but gifts can be selected every day of the week and delivered directly from our Amazon Wish List!

• Stuffies – Teddy Bears are a favorite!

• Fisher-Price/Little Tykes Little People Play Sets

• Fidget Sensory Toys

• Legos

• Slime Kits

• Match Box Cars

• Toddler Toys [All plastic] –Musical or Light Up Such as Baby Einstein Smart Sounds Symphony or Painter Magic


(614) 355.5428

Kathy Hickman

(614) 355.5424



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